messages to hearshotkidd:
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from theidiotking :
Please forgive me if this is creepy. I found your diary through a mutual love of Coheed and Cambria (read: gods), meaning the Coheed fanlist page or whatever the hell it's called. I rarely note but felt compelled to tell you that reading your diary made me happy, of only for the Co&Ca quotes. Again, my apologies if this is strange, it is nearing two in the morning and I'm running on no sleep. ~TheIdiotKing
from jimmysworld :
You scream" die white girls. " but clearnerly. You are as white as the paper. Wait. I thin kathat's irght. I need to drink less High Life.
from hearshotkidd :
:) thanks again.
from emperorincxt :
Hey, Youre welcome for the fave. Although, maybe I should be thanking you? For writing.. I dunno. I like to thank people for having a diary.. for starting it and keeping it up.. Maybe its because Ive come so close to shutting mine down and deleting everything.. Im not sure.. anyhoo.. Im Beth. I live in Stratford, Ontario, Canada. ps. Your layout rocks. I love it.
from jimmysworld :
So is your thing to adress you diary as if it were a person? Just wondering. If I were your teacher I would give you an a+ for style, but mostly because I would want to sleep with you. Good thing I'm not your teacher huh?
from vacantlegend :
Boogie woogie WOoGIe!!!
from jimmysworld :
Oh yeah, I think it's Cali too. They have warm weather year round out there. Think if it was warm here year round we would be outside all the time, and then we would need to look alot better. But the nice thing is your face is clearly attractive which means alot I think.
from jimmysworld :
Me? I live near New york. How about you. Where do they grow the cute girls?
from mistreated :
YEEEAAAAHHHHHH! you sent me a song of yours once. i remember, i do. x
from jimmysworld :
Hey, your cute. Buck up. There are no soon as you accept this you should realize that it's you cuteness, and not true love that will win you the heart of men.

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