messages to heylee:
(click here to add new message):

from jaykay617 :
Thank you so much for the comment! So sorry to hear about the loss of your grandfather - I can only imagine how difficult it must have been for you and your family. *hugs* Anyways, I loved the pictures you posted - Wyatt is getting so big and he is such a cutie!! :)
from marlen816 :
Wow! He is getting so big - love the new pics. Sorry you have been sick. Praying for y'all to get better. You look 15 =)and look like you are in prefect shape to play soccer or whatever you want to play! Happy New Year!!
from lifeasme66 :
Oh my gosh, already a year old?? Where does the time go?! **HUGS!!**
from jaykay617 :
Happy belated birthday to your little guy!! Can't believe he is a year old already! LOVED the pictures you posted!!! :)
from cera-jeanne :
isn't it crazy how fast they change? all of a sudden i'm like, hey, where did my baby go? :) he's adorable. xo
from lifeasme66 :
Hello my dear, thanks for checking up! I did lock, security breach, but I'm hoping my old readers would still want to read. Send me your email addy and I'll give you the info. Hope all is well! **HUGS!!**
from lifeasme66 :
Oh my goodness, what a darling! He's an absolute doll, my dear =D **HUGS!!**
from cera-jeanne :
what a cutie! and such cute teeth! :) Claire still has no teeth. ha ha. And no hair either. Crazy how fast they change, isn't it?
from jaykay617 :
Aw, he is getting so big!! I loved the picture of him and Brian! Can't believe he's 9 months old already! :)
from marlen816 :
Oh my goodness! That boy of yours is so stinking cute! Happy Easter!
from jaykay617 :
Looks like he is all set for Easter!! :)
from marlen816 :
Love the pic with the hat!!
from jaykay617 :
Awww..he is so adorable! I can't imagine him being a handful! :D I loved his little shoes that have wheels on them to look like cars! :) I wish I had some advice to offer!
from cera-jeanne :
what a little cutie. Can't believe how big he's getting...Time goes by so fast with little ones. :)
from jaykay617 :
He is getting sooo big! I loved the shirt he was wearing in the first picture ("tax deduction")!! :D He is so adorable!
from marlen816 :
I LOVE the picture of him with Elmo!!
from cera-jeanne :
he is so cute. :) Claire is the same way, only sleeps for 2 hours or so at night before needing a tiring!! but worth it. they say one day they eventually sleep through the night...I try to tell myself that every night. :) enjoy your little boy, he is so sweet.
from lifeasme66 :
Cute pictures, girlie! And I have to agree, he does look a lot like you =) **HUGS!!**
from marlen816 :
What an absolute cutie! Lee, he looks just like you!!
from jaykay617 :
LOVE the pictures! He is so adorable! The pictures of the 3 of you were sooooo nice - you all look so happy! Thank you for posting them! :)
from cera-jeanne :
he is so adorable! isn't Christmas so much more fun with a little one? :)
from jaykay617 :
Awwwwwww...he is getting big! Such a cutie!! :)
from cera-jeanne :
2 months already! He is adorable!
from jaykay617 :
Oh my goodness! I LOVE the new pics!! He is sooooo adorable (even though he wasn't thrilled with the Halloween costumes)!! You and Brian look incredibly happy and I'm glad things are well! *HUGS*
from cera-jeanne :
He is adorable! And I'm sure you are a wonderful Mommy! :) You'll sort it all out as you go - at least I'm hoping that's how it will work out for me! :) Congrats again, he's perfect.
from marlen816 :
Wyatt is gorgeous! Congrats! And don't are a great mom!
from jaykay617 :
I LOVE the pics!! Wyatt is such a CUTIE!! And I'm glad things went well with the birth and you ended up with a beautiful healthy baby boy!! Congrats again!! ((((HUGS))))
from lifeasme66 :
Oh my gosh!!!! Congrats!!! **HUGS!!**
from makinganewme :
I miss you. Do you have a myspace? Email me sometime! [email protected]
from marlen816 :
Love the birthdate! Congrats! What a cutie!
from cera-jeanne :
oh he's beautiful!! Congratulations! :) I am so happy for you guys.
from makinganewme :
What a neat birthdate!!! He's precious!!!!! Congrats!!!
from jess1976 :
Congratulations! He's a real cutie pie!
from lifeasme66 :
Awww! What a gorgeous baby boy! Congrats, my dear =D **HUGS!!**
from jaykay617 :
Yay!!!! Congrats on your BEAUTIFUL baby boy!!!!!!
from cera-jeanne :
Oh it's hard to wait, isn't it? But you are so close now. I'm glad Brian is being such a big help-it makes such a huge difference. I can't wait to see pictures of the nursery and I will keep my fingers crossed that your little one decides to come out soon. :)
from jaykay617 :
When I saw you updated, I was hoping it would be that the baby was here! :D Lol, turns out he's running a little late!! But he will be here before you know it! Hang in there!!!!
from cera-jeanne :
Best of luck to you and Brian! I can't wait for you to meet your son...It's so exciting that it will be so soon. Take care.
from jaykay617 :
Good luck with the birth!! Hopefully the next time you update, it will be with good news!! *BIG HUGS*
from jaykay617 :
Thanks soo much for the comment! Hope everything is going good for you!! *hugs*
from jaykay617 :
Wow! You don't have much longer left at all!! I hope everything goes smoothly for you!!! *hugs*
from marlen816 :
Love the belly pics! Praying for you to have a safe quick delivery and a healthy baby boy in the end! ((Hugs)) I will be praying for Brian, too. The fires make me so sad. I can't believe it is time for the baby to be here already!
from cera-jeanne :
awwww, that must be so hard not having Brian there for you. I have the same thing from my belly button ring. :)
from cera-jeanne :
Congrats on the house! That's exciting. I got lectured by the nurse about not gaining enough weight but when I spoke to my doctor about it he said weight is the last thing he looks at in a pregnancy. As long as the baby and the mom are healthy and happy, he says who cares? :)
from marlen816 :
Congrats on the house!
from lifeasme66 :
Glad you are doing well, my dear! And congrats on the house... and the baby boy! I don't think you mentioned before that it's a boy?? **HUGS!!**
from jaykay617 :
Good luck with your tests at the doctors! *crosses fingers AND toes*! :)
from cera-jeanne :
congrats on having a boy! that's so exciting. :) And good luck on finding a house, I know it can be tough in a competive market...
from jaykay617 :
Good luck with trying to buy a house! The belly picture was pretty cool - I am very excited for you!!! And I hope your tests turn out to be okay! *hugs* Congrats again!!
from jaykay617 :
WOW! I just got caught up on reading some past entries and saw that you are pregnant! CONGRATS!!! *hugs* And congrats on having a boy! Yay!!!!!
from marlen816 :
Yea for boys!!
from cera-jeanne :
Yay, a boy! That's so cool. :) I'm glad you have been feeling well and things are going good. What are you taking for your head cold? I have one too and am scared to take anything just in case...Hope you have a good trip!
from jess1976 :
Congrats on the boy! It's so much fun to be a parent and boys are great! I have so many cute firefighter outfits for him. Your pregnancy sounds alot like mine - mine was pretty easy too. Enjoy it, it goes by fast and then life will never be the same :)
from lifeasme66 :
Aww, a boy! Congrats!! **HUGS!!**
from cera-jeanne :
Wow. You have a lot going on right now. I'm very sorry about your grandma. That is very sad. And it is also sad about the negative reaction you got about your baby. You two are happy and in love and will be terrific parents. I'm very excited for you both. It must be tough being apart from Brian at this time. Keep your chin up. :)
from lifeasme66 :
I'm glad you posted. I've been thinking of you and how you're doing what with the pregnancy and all. I'm sorry the reaction from Brian's side was less than stellar... but really, you guys are married, you're not teenagers, and I know you'll make excellent parents for that little baby =) **HUGS!!**
from makinganewme :
OMG!!! yayy!!!!!! lots of big hugs and congrats to you and Brian!!!!
from whiskeygirl9 :
Congratulations!! That is wonderful news!!
from cera-jeanne :
WOW!! yay! Congrats! :)
from classygirl83 :
Congratulations!!!!!! I hope that you and Brian are doing really good!!! How are you feeling? How's everything else?
from lifeasme66 :
OMG, congrats!!!!!! **HUGS!!**
from jess1976 :
Congratulations!!!! Wishing you a very healthy and happy 9 months. Enjoy the ride - it's definitely an adventure. I'm 31 weeks right now and am starting to get pretty uncomfortable. But I guess that comes with the territory :)
from jess1976 :
Congratulations!!!! Wishing you a very healthy and happy 9 months. Enjoy the ride - it's definitely an adventure. I'm 31 weeks right now and am starting to get pretty uncomfortable. But I guess that comes with the territory :)
from marlen816 :
CONGRATULATIONS!! I am very excited for you and Brian. You are going to be a fabulous mom!
from jaykay617 :
Sounds like you had an awesome time on your anniversary - the picture of where you stayed at looked gorgeous!!!
from jess1976 :
Dan works in the same field as your hubby and let me tell you, he does alot of "relaxing" at work too. They play alot of playstation 2 on the big screen tv while they're relaxing on the lazyboys. why can't my job be as cool as that?! In the end, though, I could never do what he does... my stomach couldn't handle it.
from lifeasme66 :
Gah, don't even get me started with hackers! I'll put identity thieves right up there too. **HUGS!!**
from lifeasme66 :
Fun bday! Thanks for the comment you left today, much appreciated. I hate feeling like I'm such the bad guy when it comes to my boy. But what am I supposed to do? Stand back and let things happen badly when I know they could be fixed beforehand? *sigh* I've always liked the relationship you and Brian have, and it totally helps me to know that even you guys do the tough love. =) **HUGS!!**
from lifeasme66 :
Yay! Happy birthday to Brian =) **HUGS!!**
from lifeasme66 :
Good to see you posting! Oh, and don't ask me for gift ideas... I totally suck when it comes to figuring out gifts =/ **HUGS!!**
from cera-jeanne :
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and all those wonderful things. I'm glad you are doing well. And about not being sure where you're headed school-wise - well, life is one of those mysteries that only few seem to be able to figure out. :) You'll end up right where you should. Good luck.
from jaykay617 :
Good to hear from you again!! Sounds like you've been keeping busy! Take care!
from classygirl83 :
Hey~ I haven't heard from ya in a long time. I hope that you're doing good, and had a great Christmas, and have a Happy New Years!! I miss reading you!! I'm glad that you left me a note, cause I've missed ya. I think I'm gonna start up writting in my diary again. I think it will be good for me!! We shall see what happens. Do you have myspace? Aight, sorry for the world's longest e-mail. I hope you and Brian are doing well!!
from lifeasme66 :
Ooooh! Love the pics, hon. Absolutely beautiful! **HUGS!!**
from adoggy07 :
awwww.. how cute!! I just saw your wedding pictures. you look gorgeous!! glad to see all is well. keep us updated! =)
from lifeasme66 :
Yay for pictures!! Looked like a total blast, hon! =) **HUGS!!**
from jaykay617 :
I LOVE the honeymoon pics!! Looks like you lovebirds had a wonderful time!!!
from adoggy07 :
would like a key to your diary! =) email: [email protected]
from jaykay617 :
It's nice to see you've updated - glad to hear that things are going well!!
from lifeasme66 :
I've missed you, hon! Glad to hear you're doing well in your married life. Can't wait for those honeymoon pics =) **HUGS!!**
from whiskeygirl9 :
Wow! Congratulations! I love the bridemaids dresses, the color and everything. Your flowers were beautiful and the setting was perfect. I'm looking forward to more pictures!!
from jess1976 :
Congratulations! You looked so beautiful. What a beautiful day you had. Glad to hear everything went well. Only 115 more days until my big day :)
from lifeasme66 :
OMG beautiful pics!!! Congrats!!! And yes, I've missed you too =) **HUGS!!**
from cera-jeanne :
Yay! You got married! You looked gorgeous and I loved everything about your wedding pics. I am so happy for you two! Congrats!
from jaykay617 :
Oh wow...those pictures gave me goosebumps (seriously)!! It looks like you had an amazing day and I am sooooo psyched for mine now (11 days)!! Best wishes to both of you again - you make such a beautiful couple and those pictures were just wonderful - thanks for posting those!! And thanks for the little message in your entry - that meant so much!!
from lifeasme66 :
Oh wow!!! Is it really that close??? How crazy! Here's hoping everything goes well and that you have the most amazing pictures to show us after =D **HUGS!!**
from jaykay617 :
AAAHHHHH...I'M SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! I've been meaning to leave you a message lately because I noticed your wedding is quickly approaching! Good luck with everything and I hope you have a wonderful day!!!!! I can't wait to hear how it all went and of course pictures are totally necessary!!!! :-)
from cera-jeanne :
Wow, 6 Days. I hope you get everything done and that you have a terrific day. Don't worry, even if something doesn't turn out exactly how you expected, you will still be marrying the man of your dreams, and that is the only thing that matters. :)
from whiskeygirl9 :
I knew your wedding was getting close. I bet your head is about to explode! Congrats to you and Brian and just remember to have fun!
from marlen816 :
Wow! I can't believe your wedding is in 6 days! Enjoy the day. I am sure it will be wonderful =)
from cera-jeanne :
Hi! I know you are probably super psycho busy getting ready for your wedding. I just wanted to say hi and hope that all is going well. You must be so excited!! :)
from lifeasme66 :
Aww nothing but all smiles about this post, hon. And I think it's ironic! Both you and Cera posting lovingly about your boys... Makes me want to follow suit ;) **HUGS!!**
from marlen816 :
Good to hear from you! it to be in love =)
from cera-jeanne :
Your entry gave me goosebumps. I'm so happy for you two. And you're right that through all the stress of planning a wedding and work etc, the main point of this is that you will be married...And that's the best part of all. :)
from jaykay617 :
awwwww...that entry was toooooo sweet!! Isn't it nice to just connect with somebody like that?? Anyhow, I'm glad you're relaxing a little about wedding planning - wish I could say the same!! Have a great day!
from whiskeygirl9 :
What a wonderful, heartwarming and inspiring entry. I recently saw a shooting star, made a wish and it came true. They are so rare, that no matter how old you are, you still have to make a wish. I wish you continued happiness.
from classygirl83 :
AWWWWWWWWE, those pics are adorible!!!!!!!!! ya'll are sooo cute I love it. I hope that yall are doing good. Update more!!!!!!!
from jaykay617 :
Yeah, it's quite stressful as it gets closer to June!! Like you said, I hope we'll both be ready to party on both our days!! Thanks for the note and I hope you're having a good day!
from lifeasme66 :
You're getting married!!! Loved the pictures =) **HUGS!!**
from jaykay617 :
aaawwww...I just love those pictures (especially save-the-date)!! I know what you mean - it's so hard to believe how quickly the big day is approaching - I'm only 3 weeks behind you and I'm already spazzing!!
from marlen816 :
Love the pictures! You two are sooo cute!
from cera-jeanne :
Your save the date pic is soo cute! I'm excited for you that your big day is coming so fast. Enjoy it, it will be over before you know it!
from lifeasme66 :
Glad to see you are back and doing well!! **HUGS!!**
from marlen816 :
Glad you updated girl!
from jaykay617 :
I was starting to worry about you!! I'm soooo happy to see you're still hanging in there!!!
from makinganewme :
Are you okay? I just noticed its been a while since you've posted, and it's not like you. Hope everything is fine!!
from jaykay617 :
So glad to hear from you! I was starting to wonder where you have been!! Well, take care!
from makinganewme :
How CUTE! I loved your costume, you definetly gave her a run for her money :) Mr. Bumblebee....hahaaaaaa. Too funny. Have a great day!
from aliboomboom :
What was in the snake sandwich? And you look so cute!! Your hair is so long and you are so thin! I'm jealous!! I'm glad that you had a good time. I took two years off of dressing up, I'm going to be back with a vengence next year!!
from lifeasme66 :
Ooohhh!! Cool costumes!! And you were right abou that bumblebee ;) **HUGS!!**
from jaykay617 :
I loved the pictures!! Looks like you all had a great time!!
from aliboomboom :
Congrats to Brian. I can't wait to see the pictures!!
from dieselengine :
yay, brian is officially a paramedic! So now you gotta find another reason for him to practice mouth to mouth with you...
from jaykay617 :
Happy Halloween! Congrats to Brian for becoming a paramedic; my dad's a paramedic and I think he really likes what he does. And good job on getting the dress and veil!! I have yet to get the veil, as well as do all the other stuff that needs to be done...but, I'll get to it eventually!! Well, take care!!
from lifeasme66 :
Wow, congrats to Brian!! And yes, can't wait to see your Halloween pics =) **HUGS!!**
from makinganewme :
I'm jealous of your apartment complex! I want my neighbors to be all cool and want to hang out. We just got new ones, and they suck. They make more noise than I have ever heard in my life. It's a young couple with a baby, and the other day she was mad at him or something, because she locked him out. He banged and banged and banged....then he started throwing rocks at the window while calling her over and over. (I like to watch from the window!) Anyway, point being....LUCKY YOU!!!
from dieselengine :
so what is this crappy news...?
from clarity25 :
I just caught up with your entries since my hiatus, I loved loved the pics with the IV.. I was cracking up and the baby is sooo adorable! awww:)
from evildilara :
Last year Sean and I went as Lenny Kravitz and Cindy Blackman (his former drummer, the girl with the afro) and it was really fun and the costumes were comfy. Sean wore a pair of my tight jeans and a shirt from the thirft store and a dred lock wig. We even bought him a fake nose ring. I wore the afro wig, a tank top and tight jeans and carried drumsticks. And we both had awesome sunglasses too. It was like $30 for everything for both of us!
from makinganewme :
Hahahah, thats what all of our friends want Michael and I to be. They say I would look just like beth with bleach blonde hair. I'm not excited that they think my breasts are as big as hers are (because they are BIG BIG) but whatever---it's a cute idea. Ya'll should do it!!!
from jaykay617 :
Gotta love pictures - thanks for posting those!!! I really liked the ones of your nephew - he's adorable!!!!
from marlen816 :
I love pictures! The guy in the helmet is hilarious!
from lifeasme66 :
As always, love the pictures!!! **HUGS!!**
from aliboomboom :
Cute pictures!! I love your nephew!! It makes me want to go out and hug a baby!! I mean a tiny little baby like that, not my big baby. Anyways I missed you, we haven't talked in ever.
from jaykay617 :
Thanks so much for the encouraging note! I certainly hope you're feeling better!! Oh, and I can only imagine Brian with your nephew - I bet that was cute!!!
from makinganewme :
Sounds like a fun weekend! I think Cali and Texas are the places to be, weather wise. How does anyone up north get a tan?? They don't have enough months of summer!!
from aliboomboom :
Brandon used to say if he was really hungover, he'd start a IV on himself to make him less dehydrated. I was like "You are never doing that to me." I probably would of let him though, I mean let's be honest.
from clarity25 :
I loved the pictures of your little nephew. That's so exciting, congratulations on being an Aunt! I wonder what that's like, it's something I have yet to experience. P.S. OMG, that IV story had me cracking up. That is exactly the kind of craziness my friends would end up doing!
from krisicat :
Your nephew is absolutely beautiful! Congratulations on being an auntie!
from jaykay617 :
VERY CUTE baby pics!!!! Aaawww...he is too adorable!! Thanks for posting those!
from lifeasme66 :
AWWWW!!!!!!! And good luck, Brian! **HUGS!!**
from marlen816 :
Your nephew is very cute! Praying for Brian and his test. Let me know how it goes.....
from classygirl83 :
He's adorible!! Thanks for the note. I'm deffinatly drinking alot more, now. I went to the doctor, and she said I had Broncitis, so I don't know. I hope that you have a good week, and that Brian does good one his test!! Don't you love being an aunt?
from aliboomboom :
Oh, Lee. He is so cute!! I'm getting baby fever. I wish I was married so I could have Baby #2 or I wish my sister were so she could have a baby. Keenan is gorgeous!! Oh and Griffin totally had those pajamas a year ago whne he was just a baby!!
from lifeasme66 :
Yay congrats!!!!! =D **HUGS!!**
from krisicat :
I'm sorry that you are so stressed out and tired right now. I know exactly what you mean about feeling like your life is at a standstill. I have to fight off that feeling all day long. Sometimes I get depressed thinking about how old I am and how little I've done, but when you try to talk about it with other people, they just laugh at you and tell you how young you are. It's ironic that we feel that way though, because it seems like both you and I actually have so much going on in our lives at the moment that nothing is standing still! Maybe the real problem is that we don't feel like we are moving in the right direction. Who knows?
from jaykay617 :
CONGRATS on the birth of your nephew!!
from makinganewme :
Congrats! You know when I was 16, I was in the delivery room with my aunt (we're like sisters) and my baby cousin came out with the worst conehead. It was seriously bad. It freaked me out too. I thought...I held your legs up for like 6 hours for you to shove a cone headed baby out?? Not Cool!! But, it does go away and life is all happy and glitter again. Hope you get much deserved rest!!
from aliboomboom :
Congratulations, Auntie Lee Ann. I can't wait to see photos!!
from jaykay617 :
Oh wow...I didn't realize it was time for your sister to be having her baby!!! I can't wait to hear about it! Oh, and Ebay does have really nice stuff for great prices!!
from clarity25 :
Thanks for your last kind note and reassurance that I would make a good mom:). That made me smile. Hope you had a great weekend!
from classygirl83 :
Thank you for your note. I really appericiated you compassion. It was really rough. It doesn't seem like itwould be ya know? Oral surgry, b ut my tounge swoll, and I had to be intibated again at the last minute as I was waking up, I don't know. It was really hard on me. I 'm not just saying that either. I have a ton more notes to get to, but I don't feel like doing it. So thanks! for the niceness I'm gonna go laydown.
from clarity25 :
Glad to hear you had a fun weekend:) P.S. Thank you for your beautiful note!
from makinganewme :
Yay! dance a dance for me next weekend, too!
from classygirl83 :
Hey~ Thanks for the note. congratulating me. I am excited to have a neice!! She's really pretty, and I love her. I have only seen her twice though, so I'm sure I'll fall more in love when I see her alot more. She's sooo tiny! and she's georgous! When is your sister due? She's having a boy right? Tha'ts awsome. Its alot of excitement being an aunt!
from jaykay617 :
That whole thing at your favorite pub sounds like fun - I think the picture says it all!! I know how you feel about getting behind with reading for classes - hang in there!
from claritynew :
Well, we're both struggling with the bills, so I could relate to the beginning of your entry. That must be so exciting about your sister being almost ready. I can't imagine what it will be like when my sister is pregnant and in the final months!..
from makinganewme :
Yay for song lists!! The song sounds sweet, what a nice gesture!
from aliboomboom :
Do not get a dog. It's a huge pain in the ass!
from clarity25 :
Thanks for your last note:), I hope you get to go to some pubs this weekend and unwind. Have a great Labor day!
from aliboomboom :
I think it's adorable that you are such a procrastinator. I really didn't mean it in a bad way!!
from makinganewme :
Those hulk hands are FUN...but I have to say I liked Elf Leann the best :)
from lifeasme66 :
LOL I love pictures... and your witty captions too =) **HUGS!!**
from aliboomboom :
Thanks, it helped a lot!! I can't wait for Laguna next week. I love that Talan tells LC that Stephen went out with Kristin for Valentine's Day too. LC needs to just end the obsession seriously.
from jaykay617 :
So glad to hear about the dress shopping!! I think the colors you chose are going to turn out BEAUTIFUL!!!
from clarity25 :
Sappy isn't bad, That means you're happy and that's always good!:), Hope you have a blast at the concert and it's great that Brian is coming back. Have a great weekend.
from lifeasme66 :
Hehe, I love the sap... enjoy the sap! =) **HUGS!!**
from aliboomboom :
I have that jacket from Old Navy in a light khaki color. It's so cute. You'll love it!
from jaykay617 :
I'm SO glad to hear that things went well with the parents meeting one another!!!
from marlen816 :
Glad the evening went well and everyone had a good time.
from aliboomboom :
I'm so glad that it went well. Yay!!
from aliboomboom :
How did the family meeting go? Oh and the group was Wild Orchid, I rememeber it too. I might even have had the cd!!
from lifeasme66 :
Aww... how about a happy thought to relax you? Weekend's almost here! **HUGS!!**
from evildilara :
I hear you on the bills...jeez. I sat down and paid bills for like an hour and a half last night. When I was done I thought my paper shredder was going to explode.
from clarity25 :
I'm sorry to hear about brian's loss. It's sad how death hits you like a ton of bricks and it makes you re-evaluate everything for a while. Also in regards to your mention of bad-luck coming in strings. I know what you mean..and you mentioned a friend losing his wedding band at the beach. That happened to Eric too.. only ONE day after we were married. We were at the beach together, his ring slipped off in the water and was washed away. He dug around in the sand on the shore while the water lapped over him for nearly an hour frantically searching for it..but it was gone. Great start, right? lol
from aliboomboom :
I think it's really lame that Talan left high school as well. I think it's got to be true though. I saw a graduation list from their high school and he wasn't on it. I don't think Jason was either. I think Jason is the hottest one. Talan has a really cool last name like Torretti or something. They all have good last names. Kristin Cavalari, Stephen Coletti, Taylor Cole, Dieter Schmitz, etc. I think LC's last name sucks though. I can't remember what it is. Oh Lauren Conrad, kind of blah. Let me know what you think about this week's episode.
from marlen816 :
I like to play the same game at H0me D3pot =)
from whiskeygirl9 :
This will be the second time I have seen them within a year. Blake Shelton is opening for them. I'll try to get some good pics and post them.
from makinganewme :
The ONLY comfort in something like that happening is what lesson gets learned from it. It made you stop and think. I'm so sorry for Brian's loss. He's lucky to have the best fiancee in the world!!
from krisicat :
I'm sorry to hear about the death of Brian's friend. There is nothing like death to put things in perspective. I know exactly what you mean about the little complaints you have not really mattering in the big picture of things. But that's all part of life, and the most important thing is, you have to really LIVE. There's nothing like the death of someone you know to teach you that lesson quick. I'm sorry that you two have to go through this, and I hope things get better for you. Have fun camping with your family.
from jaykay617 :
I'm SO sorry to hear about the death of Brian's friend. It is very scary when somebody young, close to your age just suddenly dies. It's just so tragic and it does indeed make you realize how short life is and how quickly something can happen. I hope the both of you hang in there and I hope Brian is doing okay. Take care.
from marlen816 :
Hugs to you and Brian. Have a fantabulous time at the beach!
from aliboomboom :
It's always terrible when young people did. B had a fellow firefighter die in 2002, he was young as well. Younger than me and B. Anyways it's been three years and he still had a terrible day that day. I've never lost anyone but my grandfather and it seems that losing him was bearable because I know he had a long life. It's so terrible when people don't get the chance to grow old.
from jaykay617 :
Thanks for the note - I hope all goes well with the dress tomorrow also; I'm sure you'll get to that point before you know it! Anyhow, I got a giggle out of your current entry (about riding on the train and whatnot)...funny stuff! Well, have a great day!
from jaykay617 :
Thanks for the congrats! Also, I'm glad somebody relates to the whole aggravation with wedding dress shopping. I'm happy to report, however (as long as I don't jinx myself), that my mom has agreed to buying the dress when we go on Thursday. I am falling in love with the dress the more I think about it and if she gives the okay, I have her talked into going ahead and purchasing it so we don't lose out on the dress (it's a discontinued style, so it may be our only chance). Anyhow, sorry for going on-and-on but I was just anxious to share! I hope you're having a great day!
from aliboomboom :
You are definately a wedding slacker!! And yay for enchilada leftovers. I love leftovers. The food is just as good and requires little to no work. What could be better?
from classygirl83 :
thanks for the note:) I'm all better now!
from clarity25 :
I would have loved to see the Violent Femmes. I was in love with that band in highschool! Well, it's good to know I'm not the only "girl" out there:). Looking forward to your pics!
from makinganewme :
You are right. Breakfast burritos are the all time BEST cure for hangovers. We live 2 minutes from a yummy burrito place so hangovers are no problemo!
from aliboomboom :
I can't believe you guys have been together this long and your parents have never met! I think the most awkward part will be the fact that his parents don't get along and have hostility towards one another. Oh well, at least it'll all be over before your big day!!
from makinganewme :
Oh you totally read my mind. Michael just got his debit card after I got one and he is SO bad about keeping reciepts or remembering amounts. I don't care if the paper gets in my hand- but I do want to know the amount so that we don't go over. I mean- how hard is that? Boys!!!
from makinganewme :
Good luck with the big dinner!
from lifeasme66 :
Ah, I totally have a "car blanket"! I keep it in my trunk and really, it's a must-have for trips to the beach or to the park to picnic. Everyone must have a car blanket =) **HUGS!!**
from makinganewme :
I wanted pink so bad! But Michael was convinced if we had pink it would make him look girly. Blue is pretty too. Oh it is so hard to decide, really. Maybe you could have a rainbow wedding-- each bridesmaid in a different color...or...not. LOL.
from evildilara :
kudos for you for being able to rationalize the car blanket thing. I will start doing that with purchases. "These will be my CAR SHOES. In case I am stuck in my car and need more shoes. This will be my CAR RING. In case I am in the car and don't have a ring on my finger that is overpriced and gaudy." I could go on and on. Car outfits, car hats. Ahhh, you have enlightened me beyond imagination.
from makinganewme :
PS- You need instant messenger of some kind so that we can chat the day away together.
from makinganewme :
I constantly buy crap I don't need- and then I lull over it and some of it I take back and some I keep. I got a blanket almost exactly like that for Christmas and trust me! It will come in handy for wintertime. Aww, and it's so soft. Okay, Im becoming a weirdo. What was the dress color going to be? What are you changing it to?
from clarity25 :
Any entry entitled "Sushi" immediately gets my full attention and causes me to lean in closer to the screen. Man, I'm such an addict. Glad to see you're embracing Sushi, it's great, isn't it? California Rolls are a great starting place. Philadelphia rolls are the next step..then the addiction begins. You have been warned:)
from jaykay617 :
Yeah, that song definitely hits home!! I heard it this morning in the car and for some reason, the lyrics just really struck me. I mean, I've heard that song a million times before, but I really listened to it this morning! Oh, and thanks for the note from earlier today (about me not feeling emotionally well). I am most definitely feeling better now! Thanks again!
from jaykay617 :
Thanks SOO much for the lovely note!! It certainly sounds like you had a fun and lively weekend! And I totally know what you mean about college stuff...the parking and all the other chaos. Yeah, it's not fun. But, at least you had tons of other stuff to do over the weekend!
from makinganewme :
$55?!?!?!?! Well, we'll see then. LOL. Michael is a meat and potato kind of guy and I'm afraid a few little rolls probably wouldn't make him very happy- and I know that $55 wouldn't make him happy. But, too, it might depend on location. I know the wages and stuff are a lot higher there, than they are here. So is cost of living. So- who knows.
from makinganewme :
Ahhhh!! I want to try sushi, too! The only problem is we don't have anywhere here that serves it. BUT, Vacation is in 3 weeks and I AM DETERMINED to find somewhere to try it at. Is it just okay, or is it tasty? Expensive? Maybe I need to do some sushi research online so I don't make a fool of myself?
from clarity25 :
I'm glad to hear that everything is okay with you and Brian. Eric and I have had moments like the one you described, but everything has a way of falling into place at the end. As for your hair, I'm the same way lately. I just tie it back into a lazy ponytale because I just don't have the time or desire to get all made up for work anymore. I used to have a whole routine with my hair, but that stopped. In the big scheme of things, it's not so important:). Eric is happy about that! haha..he was so tired of waiting for me while I was messing around in the bathroom for an hour!
from makinganewme :
Eww- I don't like fish either. ♥
from jaykay617 :
I'm SO glad to hear that things are going much better with you and Brian - that's great!! It's good to hear that you've almost decided on a dress...I need to get myself to that point! I hope you share pictures of whatever you decide on. Well, have a great day!
from krisicat :
I'm sorry to hear that you are not having a good day. I know it must be so difficult to be stuck at work when you really want to be at home trying to fix things with Brian. But keep your chin up...just a few crappy hours and then you will be able to go home and make up with Brian. Everything will be fine!
from aliboomboom :
Oh no, I hope you guys kiss and make up really soon!!
from jaykay617 :
I really hope things get better for you. Hang in there...I'm sure everything will be okay.
from makinganewme :
Jess is right. Things will be okay. I hope that tonight the two of you can sit down and talk it out calmly, say you're both sorry, and move on. Arguements are never fun, but often times they get a lot settled and worked out. Hoping your day goes better ♥
from jess1976 :
Don't fret... we all go through times like this with our significant others. Dan and I were scratching and clawing at each other all day yesterday - it's just the stress of all the things in life on top of having to plan a wedding. I hope you guys are able to hug and kiss and makeup later tonight!
from clarity25 :
I hope your wedding dress purchase went well! That's really exciting, I'll never forget getting my wedding gown. I kept trying it on a few days before the wedding and looking at it the full-length mirror with this bubble of complete anticipation and bliss in my stomach.
from makinganewme :
Ugh- MEN! Michael is the same way (about the shorts) He has about 10 pairs of the SAME khaki shorts (if he were here right now he'd interrupt and say some are lighter, and some are darker) but who careSs! They are the same thing!! I guess we have to remember for guys its all about comfort- not style.
from classygirl83 :
Thank you for the note. I love the lay out too! It's very pretty to me!
from classygirl83 :
Thank you for all of your sweet notes. I feel better right now. So, maybe it was just a bug or something. I don't really know. I liked your pictures!! They were cute! You are really pretty, and brian is cute............So, basically.....Yall are a cute couple. I hope that you have a great day!
from makinganewme :
I love all the pictures!! Keep them coming. I haven't been to Vegas, yet. Boo. Hopefully soon. I know exactly what you mean about salesman. The same thing happens here: One time one medicine salesman was here talking to me, and another came in. They were cordial but you could tell they totally wanted to wrestle on the floor- hilarious! Hang in there!
from lifeasme66 :
Fun pics!! I haven't been to Vegas since Melissa's bachelorette party. Always a good time =) **HUGS!!**
from evildilara :
I didn't notice it in other pics but Brian looks a lot like my friend Jeremy.
from aliboomboom :
Are you close to Vegas?
from aliboomboom :
I don't know when I am going to be able to afford to move out. That's the sad part. I just can't stand people messing with my stuff. It drives me insane. What makes my stuff up for grabs anyways? I mean seriously. Thank God the Victoria's Secret stuff was on clearance but still that's $20 of underwear I'll never get. It makes me crazy.
from evildilara :
Gordon Bierch! I go there all the time. There is one here in Columbus about a mile away from where I work! But I do agree, their summer ale is tasty.
from evildilara :
What is the place in SD you and Brian went to? I am going there in a few weeks, I could use some suggestions!!!
from aliboomboom :
Oh and I do remember those Quints dolls. I used to make them be my Barbie's babies. They still have them at Toys R US except now they are weird. As for David's Bridal, it's horrible, I agree. I am glad that you had success elsewhere!
from aliboomboom :
I hate David's Bridal, it's a nightmare. Leigh got her bridesmaid dresses there and they can't order long dresses so my dress was too short and I looked like a joke. It was ridiculous. Of course it was a size four, I should have been happy about that!! But I wasn't. I hated the whole damn thing. And now forever more, I will look like the girl with a dress that is too short in her wedding pictures. Thankfully Jolene is having her bridesmaid dresses made so mine should be long enough this time!
from clarity25 :
Good luck with the wedding dress/Bridesmaid dress shopping. A lot of people take photos in the dressing room of bridal stores. Well..I know I did, and it wasn't a problem. Cool metal bamboo plant btw:). P.S. yeah, working with a stub is annoying..the worst part is trying to sharpen it with a tiny little exacto blade. Because obviously if I stuck it in a sharpener I would lose it. :). Have a good weekend
from makinganewme :
That is the cutest plant, EVER. And one that I could actually keep alive. YOu could make a killing selling those. LOL.
from lifeasme66 :
Oh, I know all about the joys of good-smelling shampoo/conditioner! I do the ole hair-flip-sniff too, hopefully while nobody's watching ;) If you've ever tried the Victor!a's Secret line, it is the BEST! **HUGS!!**
from aliboomboom :
I really shouldn't be friends with Danielle anymore. She's incredibly selfish. I often wonder if she had something to do with the demise of my relationship with Brandon. I have to admit, I think she did. I mean she emailed him after my birthday party and after I told her we weren't talking anymore. And then she told me not to IM him and when I did, he told me she emailed him and she never told me. That's just too fucking shady. Of course he shouldn't have listened to her so I can't be mad at her iwthout being mad at him and truth be told I'm mad at both of them. I mean why do they have to forward things to each other? It's not like they are friends. And why does he no longer forward thinsg to me? It's like I have some kind of disease and he'll get it if he so much as talks to me. Ugh. As for the Real World, I love it. I love Melinda and Danny and that was hilarious when Lacey was talking to Johanna and was like I have no idea who told him. Yeah right. You totally did. And Ingrid sucks. She doesn't even live with us, she just thinks that since I do she can ruffle through my things anytime. I want the fucking sunglasses back and I want them NOW.
from jaykay617 :
Good luck with the dress hunt! My best friend and I are going out this Friday also; I have to find another dress, so that's on our agenda, as well as her giving opinions on the bridesmaids dresses. So, best of luck to you!
from evildilara :
I think the bamboo plant is dead. Throw it out and get a venus fly trap. They are much cooler.
from aliboomboom :
He asked you if you needed help because you are cute. It's good to be a cute girl for reasons just like that if for nothing else. I can't wait to hear about the dresses. I hope you find the perfect ones.
from krisicat :
I'm sorry to hear that your sister had a scare with the pregnancy. I hope she is ok! And I'm also sorry to hear about your fight with Brian, but that's amazing that you were able to handle the argument with so much composure, especially since it didn't even make sense to you why you were arguing. I have been in a situation like that, and let me tell you, I could never have handled that like you did. I'm glad it's all good now though.
from lifeasme66 :
Yeah, something like that. He is jealous basically. I wrote about it again just now =X. I mean, I understand he is hurt and that he feels I have chosen Ryan over him, but it's really not like that. I never liked him. If you want to read his entry, I can email the link to you... just don't leave him a comment =P **HUGS!!**
from lifeasme66 :
Girl, tell me about it! Men and women will never completely understand each other. That's why it's so important to be able to talk and communicate... but a lot of men don't/can't do that. So, it will just remain a mystery! And yes, I'm SOOO excited for Thursday that I can't even contain myself! I'd be writing about it more, but that one DLandFriend of mine... well, he hates Ryan so... (dunno if you read that entry) **HUGS!!**
from lifeasme66 :
I like the way you handle an argument. That's cool that you don't fly off the handle or get mad too and just add to the anger. No wonder you're such a cool girlfriend!! **HUGS!!**
from jennibeth :
I keep meaning to ask you for the lock code because I miss reading your entries. If that's cool can you please e-mail it to me at [email protected]. :)
from jaykay617 :
Thanks SO much for the note you left about the situation with my mom. I'm hoping we'll get closer when I move out; I've always heard that happens - something about "distance makes the heart grow fonder". Like I said, she can be my best friend sometimes (we have similar interests), but other times...we just don't see eye-to-eye and I don't understand why that is. I'm just hoping things get a little better because I have about 11 months left before I can move out. Thanks again for the note though! Have a good day!
from aliboomboom :
Could Brian have gone with you to see your ex? I guess I wouldn't love the idea if I was Brian either. Oh well maybe you can get a new myspace sometime in the future. I wouldn't want my ex to find me either. I kind of made sure that they didn't have a myspace before I signed up or at least I tried to. I will take plenty of pictures and be sure to post after the party. I hope it goes well.
from aliboomboom :
I'm sad that you aren't on myspace anymore. I mean what's the harm of talking to your ex? Maybe I'm being selfish because I want you on there. But anyways. I'll take lots of pictures and post them for your viewing pleasure, I promise. Next year I am having a small family birthday party, that's a promise!!
from lifeasme66 :
Thanks for the note =). Yes, I'm excited too... you can tell, I'm trying not to drive myself crazy thinking about our impending visit! I like having your support and added excitement, makes it fun, thanks! **HUGS!!**
from lifeasme66 :
Hmm... that's too bad you have to get rid of your myspace, I didn't even know you were on! But I guess I agree, there is no need to upset Brian over such things and really... myspace is such a meat market, no place for devoted fiances!! **HUGS!!**
from makinganewme :
I think you made the right decision. Getting in touch with someone from the past is nothing compared to upsetting someone who is in your present and will be in your future. I'm sure Brian could understand but at the same time it can be nerve wracking. You are going to be such a wonderful wife!!! And, have I told you lately what a great person you are? Your notes really brighten my day! Thank you!!!
from evildilara :
I had an old flame get in touch with me via friendster and it was kind of weird but also kind of flattering. Things with us just didn't work out...but it is nice to be back in touch with him.
from makinganewme :
Sounds like a great weekend! Dress shopping will be so fun. Thats when it will became a real feeling for me-- like wow this is actually happening. Yay. Thanks for all of your support -- you don't know how much it means!!
from clarity25 :
Hey, Thanks for your last note and also thanks for re-sending the password! Your fourth of July weekend sounded like so much fun! (I know what you mean about the guys in your group trying to "protect" you and watch over you.. Eric's friends do the same thing when he's out of town, it always cracks me up. I'm not 10!:) take care!
from lifeasme66 :
Dress shopping, how fun! Be sure to take your camera, I wanna see!! **HUGS!!**
from evildilara :
The iced tea was easy because I used Caramel iced tea bags. HA! They had them at Marc's and they had like 10 different varieties; mango, apricot, raspberry, caramel, etc. The maker is Bently or Bentley. You might be able to find them online if there isn't a Marc's in your area.
from classygirl83 :
Thanks for your congrats note! I'm nervous/scared/ and excited all at once:) I hope that you have a great weekend!
from cera-jeanne :
Hey...I have been reading your diary for a while now...I went to check on you and you have a password. I'd love to keep reading. Leave me a note with the password if it's ok... If not, good luck with all your wedding plans. I have been married now for almost 10 months and it is a dream come true. All the best.
from aliboomboom :
You crack me up wtih the wedding planning!!
from makinganewme :
I was looking at your ticker- 10 months, 3 weeks. EEEE!! Time flies by so fast- I only gave myself 10 months to plan ours-newsflash- not nearly enough!! hehehe. You'll have so much fun!!
from aliboomboom :
I know. What are we going to do for the whole month before Laguna Beach starts? I am so bummed.
from clarity25 :
Hi! Thanks so much for your last note.. I was wondering if you can re-send me your password. (God, I'm so annoying..I know..sorry:) I'm just having some problems with my E-mail right now. I lost a large amount of letters somehow that I've received in the past 2 weeks. So if you sent it, I have lost it.:(. Have a good weekend
from aliboomboom :
See I don't like the odds when it comes to the lottery but this house seems like it's almost mine. $100 is a lot but it all goes to charity and it would solve so many problems for me if I could just win. I don't know. It's probably stupid to try but still.
from aliboomboom :
There is this raffle here and you pay $100 and if you win, you get a $300,000 house. It's beautiful and it's in a good school zone. It's 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms and a two car garage with a bonus room. It's got a fully furnished master suite. Anyways I am so tempted to buy a raffle ticket but ultimately I would just be wasting $100, right?
from aliboomboom :
I'm sure you'll catch it sometime this week. It's really good!!
from aliboomboom :
Me too!! I was on that damn page for an hour!! I cannot wait. It's like my favorite show EVER!! It looks like it'll be good this year!!
from lifeasme66 :
I absolutely LOVED this entry! You guys are so cute, I wish I could have half of what you have someday =) Happy anniversary to you both! **HUGS!!**
from jaykay617 :
That was such a nice entry about you and Brian. Happy anniversary, you two!!
from classygirl83 :
Yall are seriously sooo cute! I loved that entry. You know how some people, you just wish that you knew more? Well, I wish that I knew you more. Cause you seem like a sweet heart, and you are cute. ........I'm getting off topic. Anyways..... Happy Anniversery!!! Oh, and I think that it's awsome that you got to go to Kenny Chesny!
from marlen816 :
How cute! Happy Anniversary =)
from aliboomboom :
Aren't you guys the cutest things ever? My chicken breast was lonely last night...Aw, how cute is he? I'm so glad that you found one another!!
from makinganewme :
YOU MADE ME CRY!! Awwww, you know, in a good way though! I'll hug Michael a little tighter tonight and kiss him a little longer. Happy Anniversary!!!
from aliboomboom :
I am thrilled. I absolutely adore Laguna Beach. I can't wait to see what they are doing this year. I'll miss Lo and LC though, they were my favorite last year!!I'm going to see if has any new stuff for them.
from aliboomboom :
Are you kidding me? I missed the clip of Laguna Beach. I love that show. When does it come on? I'm dying. What goes on the first episode? I can't wait!!
from aliboomboom :
I understand, I want a big wedding as well. Vegas sure sounds like the easy way out though, doesn't it?
from makinganewme :
I love Kenny!!! I'm so jealous!!!
from aliboomboom :
You should just run to Vegas and get married then you won't have to worry about any of the planning crap.
from jaykay617 :
Thanks for the really nice note you left for me!! Hope you're having a good day!
from lifeasme66 :
Oh no kidding! What is WITH all these earthquakes? Kinda scary!! **HUGS!!**
from jaykay617 :
The entry about your dad was SO sweet!! Thanks for sharing that with us!
from aliboomboom :
I wouldn't renew if I were you. I'd just move it to photobucket. That's what I am doing. I am just going to have to leave the archives up and apologize for htem. I'm too lazy to go delete all the entries with pictures. Gold is not worth it, I don't tink.
from krisicat :
I had a snoopy fishing pole too! That's crazy! Thanks for the note you left me earlier today. I hope you have a nice weekend.
from evildilara :
that is a sweet entry for your dad
from makinganewme :
Awww, you should totally hand write or print that into a card. I'm sure he'd love to know that the things he did, didn't go un-noticed!!!
from aliboomboom :
I am totally going to have to make an entry for my daddy now. AWWWW....
from aliboomboom :
I totally got on the treadmill right at 9 so I could run and watch Chaotic and low and behold the damn show comes on at 8. I was so mad. So now I have to wait till next week and catch it on MTV. I saw the very end where K FED does that tribute to Britney and he tears up and says the most stupid things. He is so lame, I think I hate him. And what does that mean in regards to your apartment? You don't have to move out or anything, do you?
from clarity25 :
Hi, thanks for your notes. I was wondering if you could share your password with me..I noticed you locked up. I was hoping perhaps you would unlock in a few days..I miss reading! If you feel comfortable sharing, my E-mail is [email protected]
from jess1976 :
Is Brian going to be a paramedic or a doctor? My fiance Dan is a paramedic and firefighter, it's definitely a rough job especially since he's a paramedic for the City of Detroit, aka the Murder capital of the world. But, there are some definite perks to his job too!
from aliboomboom :
You are so cute!!
from lifeasme66 :
I get hungry too in the mornings now, looking for a snack to tide me over until lunch time. I think granola bars are doing the trick, but I have to find the fruity ones. Those chocolate or peanut butter ones are too sweet! **HUGS!!**
from aliboomboom :
I think Travis said "Hey Beautiful" to the little girl after she stood there and waited for him to come in. I think she craves attention. Shana didn't even get up for Christmas, did you see that episode? What the fuck is wrong with her? I mean you can't be that tired. ANd then on last night's show she was like I Need a break from the kids, can you need a break from people that you are NEVER with? WEird. I wish they showed more Tom. How stupid is it for him to live far away from them? I mean I know that they are already famous but don't they still have band practice? Tom is so hot. And no I didn't see the Chaotic episode yet.I was going to watch it on MTV but with the Movie Awards being on tonight I don't know when they plan on showing the rerun. I wonder if BRit and K Fed will be there. I'd like to see her because she's bound to be getting big. I love the Movie Awards. I can't wait to see Ryan and RAchel win for best kiss. THat really is the best kiss, every kiss in the Notebook should have been nominated. And yeah I'm sure they will have a second season. I reallyh wish Britnye was more tasteful and what not. I mean she's just such trash these days. She said that her new house is going to be like a theme park when she's done, oh that'll look great you stupid piece of trash. No wonder Justin moved on, of course Cameran Diaz isn't much better. I think Justin should be with an Olsen, that would be cute. Or wait no it wouldn't, I don' know who he should be with. I am just glad Ryan Gosling doesn't date any of those skanks.
from aliboomboom :
I think that Travis and Shana are adorable. I Just don't get why they have kids if they are never going to be around them. And I feel like they both neglect the little girl. She's Oscar de la Hoya's daughter, did you know that? Apparantly Shana was engaged to him. I wonder why she never does anything. And then Travis was like I made sure to schedule our trip so that it wouldn't interfer with your auditions. What the hell? I have only ever seen her go to one and she didn't want to go to that one. I remember that there used to be a playboy bunny who had a little girl but still lived in the Playboy Mansion, I wonder if it was Shana. I can see her living there and not being with her daughter. Plus their house, are they ever going to finish it? And why did Shana wear your cover up the whole time? Does she not have a good body? She never does anything, you'd think she could get to the gym. And I think they must have incredible sex, they act like they do. It's a good show. I think that was the season finale last night, was it? I know that they go to the MTV awards tonight and she's pregnant pregnant. I think she's do in the fall. I'll definately watch season 2. And have you ever noticed that Travis hangs out with Mark from Blink but not Tom. Tom is the hot one, I want to see more Tom. I mean all we saw of him this season was a five second clip from the wedding and when they were at TRL. Are they not all friends? And why do I really care? I mean seriously? I hear that next week is Kevin and Britney's wedding on chaotic. I can't wait for that. It seems like they just started datin on the show, I guess they kind of did.
from aliboomboom :
Okay first of all I love Meet the Barkers. I think they are hilarious but I don't think that Shana ever does anything. I mean she never takes care of the kids or gets out of bed and why do they keep having kids if they aren't going to spend any time with them? I thought it was hilarious though when she found out she was pregnant and said "At least I'm married this time." That was so funny. It just bothers me that she and travis are always gone and those poor kids are home alone. That sucks. And his pants drive me crazy as well. As for the rat, ew. Rats are nasty. Keep the door shut.
from jess1976 :
My mom made me eat so many pb & j sandwhiches when I was little, that I haven't had one in over 10 years. Weird huh!
from aliboomboom :
Well you have plenty of time to lose whatever weight you want to do. Start it now though, you don't want the big day to sneak up on you!!
from aliboomboom :
So did you switch the big day? to when? And you don't need to lose weight, you are tiny. I sometimes have cravings for pb and j as well. I think I ate that every day the whole time I was in school.
from aliboomboom :
Can I have the password please?
from jaykay617 :
Hi. It's too bad the code didn't work for you. I'm sure it is creepy - I'd be freakin' out too! I'll be emailing you shortly (from [email protected]) about gaining access to your diary.
from classygirl83 :
can I please have the password? [email protected] thanks!
from jaykay617 :
Hi there. First off, I'm not sure what the pain could be (and I'm going to be a nurse...heh); anyhow, if by chance you decide to lock up, PLEASE let me know! I've enjoyed reading your diary so far! But, there is a solution to the google problem WITHOUT locking your diary; I tried this with my diary a few months ago and I haven't had a search hit since. There's a special code you can use to stop search engines from picking up your diary. On diaryland, go to help section and faqs; then go to misc. stuff; and at the very bottom is information on how to stop your diary from being found in search engines. Regardless of what you decide to do (either lock up or try the code), good luck!
from lifeasme66 :
Hmm... if it is a dull ache, it is probably a kidney infection. You need to go to a doctor and get yourself some antibiotics! Kidney stones are typically sharper pains... you'd be doubled over in agony. 'Course then, I'm not a doctor, but that's what they teach us pharmacists. Either way, see a doc ;) **HUGS!!**
from jaykay617 :
Thanks for the message! I'm glad you know what it's like to deal with a dad going through midlife crisis!! As for the panic attack, it was a little scary, but I'm doing much better now. I think I get those every-so-often (I get too worked up far too easily), but I get over it and move on. Thanks again!
from clarity25 :
Thank you for your compliment on my painting:). Oh and congratulations on your sister finding out it's going to be a little boy! how cool! P.S. By the way, Eric gets antsy like that too. He gets a sudden idea that we HAVE to go out..RIGHT NOW, and then he's dragging me out the door and I don't know where on earth he's going to take me. He just wants to go out.
from jaykay617 :
Congrats on finding out what your sister is having; my sister is bound to have several kids, so I'm sure I'll experience having a nephew someday!! Sounds like you had a busy and chaotic weekend - hope you're not too exhausted from it all! Well, take care!
from lifeasme66 :
Maybe it's cuz I've always wanted a sister, but I notice all those cute baby girl clothes. They don't have much for baby boys, no... but there's some good stuff if you know where to look =) **HUGS!!**
from jaykay617 :
You're very welcome for posting some pictures! I'm usually rather nervous about doing that, but oh well - I was brave!
from clarity25 :
That's exciting news about your sister discovering the sex of her baby, I would be feeling the same way if my sister was expecting! I have no neices or nephews. I would be flipping out and would shower the baby with every gift on the planet. I look forward to that day, My mother always jokes about how my youngest sister (she's 10) will probably end up providing her with her first grandchild because I'm really (to quote my mother) "dragging ass". but I'm just not ready yet. P.S. My hair is cur-aight too. I should try curling it for a change instead of straightening it..It might be a nice change. Oh and also, I wanted to thank you sincerely for your last note and your encouraging words. thank you.
from jaykay617 :
Thankfully, I think everything is going to work out with booking the lodge; I called today and the guy wrote down my info. So, I'm majorly relieved! I read your entry and saw that you're going to become an aunt - I can relate to the excitement of that as well considering my niece is due this summer and I'll become an aunt for the first time!! It's VERY exciting and of course I bought so much stuff for her already! Well, take care!
from lifeasme66 :
If you want to do something different with your hair, might I suggest a "wave." It's sorta like a perm, but with very loose curls. After having my hair straight for almost 15 years, I wanted something different too... and I love this! I might curl it again after this one wears off. Oh, and thanks for the comment. As of one hour ago, that chapter has closed... I'll post about it tonight. **HUGS!!**
from jaykay617 :
Yeah, there were about 10 places I've called and about two of them are not booked; the 1 place however isn't taking bookings for next year until January, which I can't wait until then! As for dresses, I found one at the end of last year; it was at a store that was going out of business, so they had to sell everything. I found a beautiful dress that was originally priced for $770 and I got it for $100. So, it's hanging in my mom's closet so that Mike doesn't see it!! I am figuring out what to do with it 'cause it's a tad bit small and I'm hoping to work my way into it!! But, whatever! Well, have a good day!
from makinganewme :
Well, normally I do red too. This last time my mom had this adorable shade of pink so I tried that. It chipped at the pool :( I'm thinking of going to get that neon pink color everyone is wearing. THAT makes your feet look tan. It's an idea!!
from makinganewme :
I had forgotten about Chaotic too, except I don't get UPN so instead I'll be watching the season finale of One Tree Hill. Yipee, at least I won't be out spending money. I'm doing my toes tonight, too. What color will yours be?
from aliboomboom :
I almost forgot about Chaotic!! Thanks for reminding me. As for Brian dancing, hilarious. And thanks for the compliments regarding Griffin. I am posting his professional pictures tonight or at least I'm hoping to.
from jaykay617 :
Thanks for the note! I decided I'm probably not going to get around to fixing all those past entries! Oh well! As for the wedding planning, it's far more difficult than I realized to find a reception site. I've called so many places and only two of them are possible options (all the others are already booked for 6/10/06). I couldn't believe it! I'm hoping to book something by the end of this month - the sooner I do that, the more I'll relax! So far, I already have the church, photographer, and cake services taken care of. I was on a roll until recently with this stupid reception site mess! Well, sorry for the rambling. Have a great day!
from makinganewme :
Oh good, I thought it was just me, too. I would get almost there to post a comment (like previewing it) and then it would say "You have to be a member to do that, or please log in if you already have a myspace account" EERRGGGG. Annoying, huh? Some computer whiz needs to get ahold of diaryland and myspace and give them the low-down on how to run the sites. Sheesh.
from makinganewme :
My computer is going crazy today- or myspace is screwed up. I've tried commenting back to you like 3 times. I tried to instant message you on myspace too but it said it was unavailable. Then everytime I went to post a comment it kept telling me to log in. I logged in like 6 times. Arrhhhjjjjsfgjldkgjkldf. Anyways, hi back at ya!!!
from makinganewme :
Aww, I love pictures. What is it with guys who are drunk thinking everyone wants to tag their girlfriend? I hate that. Russian? That's funny. All you need is a furry hat and coat!
from aliboomboom :
Cute pictures!
from makinganewme :
Heh, people are just weird. Who would search for that? Freaks.
from jaykay617 :
Thanks for the note about my template - I'm glad you liked it! That's too funny, and of course strange, about that search hit for your diary!! Oh my! Well, have a great day!
from clarity25 :
I loved that picture you posted! He's so cute! Oh and I know what you mean about the joys of getting a new monitor. Actually I got a new one in the office too. When you spend so much of your life at's always nice to get new gadgets that makes like just a LITTLE bit easier! Have a good weekend!
from elle-78 :
I haven't left a note for a while because I have been too busy to even get on diaryland for a while...anyway...I love your photo request idea and I think I will steal your idea. Post a picture of something wedding related and something that reminds you of how you and Brian met.
from jess1976 :
That quote was from the movie Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead... great '80's movie!
from makinganewme :
I'm the same way. If I didn't have Michael or Carmen to make me go, I wouldn't go AT ALL. I never just wake up and go "hey I feel like walking" Never ever. And I made Michael promise that no matter how mad or upset I get at him (because I will) he has to bug me until I go. At least 3 times a week. Thats a happy medium without making myself miserable, right??
from aliboomboom :
I thought that Sarah looked great except for the hair. She was so nervous and yes it was far too long. I wish he had been mor romantic or more fluid. his speech was just off. But he was crying and I think he was being honest. I really hope they last.
from marlen816 :
Happy Belated Birthday!
from jess1976 :
Happy late birthday! Sorry I missed it!! Sounds like it was fun.
from jennibeth :
I was just looking back through a lot of your old posts, and saw the picture of you and Brian. You are way too cute for your own good! :) You will definitely have to post pictures of your wedding!
from aliboomboom :
I do not know what Britney sees in Kevin. Gross. He's not cute at all and he's totally dragged her down. He's going to be her Bobby Brown, Bobby ruined Whitney's career and Kevin will do the same for for Brit. The show is going to be hilarious. I cannot wait.
from aliboomboom :
Oh the Britney show will be a trainwreck, terrible but we'll all have to watch. Taylor and I were talking the other day and we realized that neither of us have ever heard Kevin talk. I wonder if he tries to be all gangster. What do you thikn?
from lifeasme66 :
I often wonder how guys can stand girls like that. Seriously! Must be the sex... hehe **HUGS!!**
from clarity25 :
The business card he was offering seemed fishy and his eagerness to collect yours. It's a natural response and chances are you weren't far off base with the way you felt. You can't really trust everyone, I'm learning this slowly myself. I had an experience where I met an older man at a restaurant when I was with my friend. He offered me a summer job, I was so trusting and naive. I took the job and he ended up trying to..Well it was just bad. I learned from THAT experience.
from evildilara :
Almost the exact same thing happened to me and Sean about a year ago. Read about it here
from clarity25 :
Hey, thanks for your last note. I loved the pics you posted! The picture of something that made you laugh had me laughing too! Oh and I think the most interesting picture was your medicine cabinet. It's so much CLEANER than mine! But we have alot of the same stuff:). Oh and I hear you on the nodding off in class bit.. I did that alot. ugh, I hated being exhausted in the most inconvenient times. Oh and good luck with finding the perfect mother's day gift for your Mom. That's always hard!
from lifeasme66 :
I think this year we're just getting an unusually high amount of rain. Isn't it like the second rainiest season on record? I'm gonna say that chances are next year won't be like this. Keep my fingers crossed! **HUGS!!**
from aliboomboom :
Outdoor weddings and rain are terrible. However I hear it's a good sign if it rains on your wedding day. Who knows? Oh and I know hats are the in thing at the Derby, I just don't feel pretty when I put one on and that makes me very angry. It'll be fun either way and I'll try to post pictures ASAP!!
from marlen816 :
Glad to hear about your grandma. Thanks for posting those pics. It was a fun entry =)
from classygirl83 :
I added you to Myspace:)
from classygirl83 :
Thank you for all of the Birthday wishes. I have been terrible with noteing you. I'm sorry about that. Thank you for the suggestions on books. I am gonna go to the libabry sometime soon when it isn't raining, and I will try to get some books that you suggested. Oh, I saw your myspace thing through Tosha's page. I will add you if you want me too. THanks again for the birthday wishes:) Have a great day:)
from lifeasme66 :
Yay pics! Fun! **HUGS!!**
from evildilara :
I like your wallet. Where did you get it?!
from evildilara :
I will assign the pics to you that people have assigned to me: a photo of your toaster, your favorite pair of shoes and your front door!
from lifeasme66 :
Hi hon, thank you for the nice comment. Yeah, it really does suck. I'm feeling better about things today, but things are always better when I'm busy with work. I'll survive, I always do... **HUGS!!**
from marlen816 :
Nice pic of your brothers. =) Thanks for posting it!
from clarity25 :
Thank you for adding me to your favorites and for your note! I started reading through your archives and I really like your diary, Also That's a beautiful pic of you. I saw you were asking for picture requests. I'm a new reader, but mind if I throw in a request? 1. Your favorite shoes. (don't ask me why I always find that interesting!) 2. Something you carry with you always 3. And something that makes you laugh everytime you see it. I'll be back to read more, just wanted to say "hi!", hope you have a good weekend!
from makinganewme :
I was all waiting for you to update and then I realized, she doesnt work Fridays, does she? Boo hoo.
from marlen816 :
I want to see a picture of your work desk or your work area, one of your siblings, your favorite pair of shoes and your medicine cabinet - no organizing it first, either!
from lifeasme66 :
Yay pics!!! I still think you and Brian are the cutest =) So lucky you both are! **HUGS!!**
from jaykay617 :
Oh, I love the pictures!! But, I don't have any requests!!
from makinganewme :
I just requested you as a friend. A few people from diaryland are on there, such as Aliboomboom, and soverycherry. You can ask them to be friends off of my profile, if you want!!
from makinganewme :
Oh and also. Do you have AIM? Yahoo messenger? Myspace?
from makinganewme :
I didn't see this entry, yesterday or I would've left picture ideas sooner--sorry!! Okay I'd like to see #1)What (if anything) is hanging from your rearview mirror #2) Your most prized possession and #3) something that you own that reminds you of the good ol days. (hahaahha am I from Texas, or what?)
from krisicat :
By the way, I forgot to mention that you crack me up. When I was reading the letter to your bruise, I started laughing out loud at work and people were staring at me. :-)
from lifeasme66 :
Ooh, a task at hand! Oh, and I totally hear you about walking to your car in the dark. I get totally freaked out doing that, it's like I just can't deal or something. Ok, three things. How about this, I'll give you a description, you take the picture of something that matches the description, and then post the pic along with an explanation of why you chose it. Hehe, fun for both of us =) 1) Something or someone that makes you really happy, 2) Something or someone that makes you really sad, 3) Somewhere you like to go (this one, you'll have an excuse to go there cuz you have to take the picture ;)) I'll be waiting so see those shots! **HUGS!!**
from krisicat :
I would like to see a picture of your roomate. It would be interesting to see what she looks like since you've written so much about her.
from adoggy07 :
WOW! Congrats on the wedding! I'm always amazed when I hear people getting married for some reason. Your roomie sounds like fun! (JK!!!) =)
from evildilara :
Thanks for the note and thanks for adding me as a buddy. I will give you a read by the end of the week! I will add you once I read you because I like to leave a comment on each diary. Thanks!
from lifeasme66 :
Isn't it crazy how quickly your siblings grow up? My middle brother just got his drivers permit and is studying for SATs... and I can still remember when he drooled on my friend's foot when she was over to do a school project with me in 7th grade. Crazy! **HUGS!!**
from aliboomboom :
I think taht the whole INferno was unfair because it looked a lot easier for somenoe short like Veronica as opposed to someone who was vertically blessed like Jody. I used to love Veronica but now I don't like her. I still think she's gorgeous. CT looks alright but the thing that gets me is that he is so bad, I Love it. And Landon doesnt' have a neck but good God the body.
from aliboomboom :
I am keeping my fingers crossed that the hot water will indeed be back on when you get home. I would have forgone the shower if it were cold water. Yuck. As for Veronica and RAchel, maybe Veronica does it for attention? I think that there is definately something going on with them but I'm pretty sure that Veronica is not strictly gay. I mean why would anyone be gay with guys like that walking around? A whore, maybe? A lesbian, no!
from princesstosh :
"I was up and out of the house by 9am to go on the shopping spr-uh, I mean therapy outing." Hahahahahah that totally cracked me up. Shopping for girls is like tinkering with tools for guys--we gotta do it time to time to feel alive ;) Hope the waters nice and warm when you get home!
from lifeasme66 :
Geezus girl, that was the car from hell! Now I feel a little better about my first car... eek! **HUGS!!**
from princesstosh :
hehehehe I loved your Jetta story. I think we've all had one bad car. I've had my fair share of them, that's for sure. But hopefully this one's a winner and I'll know better about car buying next time. Anyways, have a good weekend--it sounds like you'll be busy!
from princesstosh :
Hey girl. All my thoughts and prayers go out to you, your family and your grandma. I know how tough those situations are. It sounds like you're trying to keep a positive attitude and that's great!! Hugs from Texas!!
from marlen816 :
Praying for your grandma and your family. ((Hugs))
from lifeasme66 :
Aww... I'm so sorry about your grandma. I hope things improve with her situation. And yeah, I hear your frustration with those calls. Dealing with the public over the phone can be irksome like that cuz it's as if they feel they can say anything they want to you, even if it's totally unprofessional. That's why I don't work in retail anymore =) **HUGS!!**
from aliboomboom :
yes, being an adult is not all it's cracked up to be. I definately took summer vacation and spring break for granted when I was younger. OH well. The Bachelor is alright. I just think that the idea in general is starting to get a little boring.
from aliboomboom :
I need a vacation as well!! Two or three weeks should do the trick!! My sister just invited me to Charleston for a long weekend though, that could be cool. As for the Bachelor, I saw her butt hanging out too. What the hell was she thinking?
from classygirl83 :
THanks for the note regrading the roommate situation....... I don't know it's weird........ I get along with my roomie, I Mean we are both really sweet to each other, and stuff. I'm sure that she doesn't even know that she gets on my nerves at tiems. Its just that , we see things soo differently. It's like I feel like her veiws and opionions are the wya that it is, and I'm like a horrible person, for seeing things differently. Like yesterday.........I said that I wanted a dog, but she's like 'Lane, I don't want a dog in the appartment' It's just that she disagrees with all of my opions, and sutff, but we're friends, it just gets on my nerves at times ya know? It's like we don't see eye to ey e ever. I guess we haven't been living together that long,s o maybe we will get better with time? I dunno? I'm sooo sorry about your grandma. She will definatly be in my thoughts and prayers, and Where is Brian's school? Where does he stay during the week? Ok........... this is the LONGEST NOTE ever. I'm sorry........ Have a great week
from lifeasme66 :
Oh my gosh, you LIVE in Cbad???? LOL no wonder! Haha, well, I'll be down there the whole week if you want to meet up... let me know =) That is so crazy!
from lifeasme66 :
Cool! Thanks for the note with all the good tips! I'll definitely have to suggest those places... hey, do you live near Cbad? For some reason, I always assumed you lived in LA... hmmm! **HUGS!!**
from lifeasme66 :
Hey girl! That wedding entry is FINALLY back up: Use the usual username and pass to get in =). Also, do you happen to know of a good place to do lunch in Cbad? I'm thinking casual and relatively quiet so that certain people can talk and hit it off ;) Thanks! **HUGS!!**
from krisicat :
Those pictures of you and Brian are so cute! Have a fun weekend.
from lifeasme66 :
Hey girl, I think I will take you up on your offer! What's cool to see in Cbad? OOh, and there is a downtown?? Where?! I will gladly take any info you can provide cuz as much as I'd like to spend time with SDChris to explore the place, I also want to plan for the possibility that it might be just me and Bres trying to find food most times. Thanks!! =) **HUGS!!**
from jaykay617 :
Hi. Thanks for checking my diary out. That's cool that you're getting married next year also!! Congrats, by the way! Oh, and I certainly don't mind at all if you continue reading - I'm surprised that more than just my fiance and good friend read my diary!! I'll be sure to add you as well - I looked over a few entries a while ago and enjoyed it! Thanks again! And don't be a stranger with leaving notes and giving feedback - I live off that stuff!
from lifeasme66 :
Cold yes... seems like a perpetual thing in offices all across Cali. I am always freezing too and wear a big ski parka in my cube. Bres and I have a newspaper article taped to the divider between our cubicles that talks about how the cold lowers workplace productivity. I think that worked for a few weeks, cuz it got warmer in here... but lately, the AC is back up. Anyway, I'm rambling! And thanks for your comment... hee! **HUGS!!**
from elle-78 :
I am ALWAYS cold...I always have my space heater going...and this office is frozen. You know what is super funny though...we are California girls, living in sunny, warm California and we are the biggest whimps when it comes to being cold!!!!
from princesstosh :
I have done that SO MANY TIMES. Where's this or that? And I look in every place, except right in front of my face. Don't feel alone!! The weekend sounds fun. Oh and I was going to comment on the wedding dresses the other day. Lighter is better. I was exhausted carrying mine around everywhere! Of course, frills and all of that is heavy, so you might not have a choice. Good luck!!!
from princesstosh :
All the old stuff is coming back. I am personally offended that they brought back Care bears and Stawberry Shortcake. Those belong to our generation, thankyouverymuch!!
from classygirl83 :
I love the pictures:) You're really pretty, and I love the sunsets:) Thanks for the good luck!
from princesstosh :
Beau-ti-ful pictures!!
from elle-78 :
You are super cute...keep the pictures coming...I love pictures. You and Brian are an adorable couple.
from aliboomboom :
AW!! I am so glad that you are a Gold member now!! I LOVE PICTURES!! And you are just as cute as I thought you would be!!
from lifeasme66 :
Hehe, HB is the best! Unfortunately, I don't usually go unless it's the weekend cuz, even though it's close, I need a nice long reason to go. Unless, of course, I had company ;) **HUGS!!**
from princesstosh :
I do that all the time--go to a store and spend an ungodly amount on things I dont need. oh well, it's fun ;) have a good weekend with Brian!!!
from aliboomboom :
Brandon wanted me to come up there last night but it's an hour away and it was late so I didn't go although it was very tempting. He's leaving tomorrow to go home and he wants to get together when his roomate is working. He's an EMT so he works nights three times a week. And I thikn that we have definate plans to go out next weekend. I'm goingto suggest we stay in though so we can spend quality time together.
from aliboomboom :
I saw the pictures of the reception site but I didn't see any of you guys. I love pictures. I tried gold for three months and was hooked. I never thought I'd pay for an online diary but I do. As for Danielle, yes she was at my party and she was smitten with him but his eyes were only on me and we were holding hands and kissing and having a great time together. If I left the table, he'd watch me go and so on and so forth. It just really bothers me that she didn't tell me and she knew how upset I was over him. I'm glad he told me and I'm glad he's not upset with me.
from aliboomboom :
That's the thing about this Danielle thing, she's never done anything like this...that I know of. I would have never known about this time if it weren't for Brandon. And yesterday she totally told me not to IM him. She was like sign off before he IMs you. Why would she care that much? And then I called her and asked her about it and she was like well what did he tell you? I just feel like she had some kind of alternative motive, ya know? And if I ever get engaged, I'll be the worst. I'll have the wedding march as my ring tone and all that cheesy stuff that I'm sure you don't do!! I can't wait to see pictures!! Post some soon!! Even if it means getting a gold membership. Or do like Kristy and go to and upload some and then link them. I love visuals!
from aliboomboom :
I can't believe you haven't gone dress shopping yet. I would have done that the second the ring was on my finger!! I don't know what to do about the Danielle/Brandon situation. I guess he gets points for telling me, right?
from lifeasme66 :
It's usually 2 or 3 days after that you feel the pain after working out... at least, that's what I've experienced. I read somewhere that it's because it takes that long for the lactic acid to leach out of your muscles... or something. I dunno if the page I sent you the link to is working yet, grrr! I emailed Andrew, so I'm hoping it's up soon, if not now. **HUGS!!**
from elle-78 :
I don't know how I missed it the first time...but I just saw the pictures you posted of you and Brian after getting engaged...totally cute!!! Now I have a face to put to the entries. Also...I like the place you are looking at for your wedding...very pretty.
from marlen816 :
The pics of the place y'all may have your ceremony and reception are beautiful. I had an outdoor wedding and just loved it. Do what you want for your wedding. Soon enough you'll have to be all grown up and buying a house - be a princess for a day and enjoy!
from lifeasme66 :
You can definitely do a small wedding and still have beautiful memories! My friend Melissa did hers super small, but it was so perfectly her. I took tons of pictures in an entry that's hidden now. Email me and I'll send you the link if you want to see =) **HUGS!!**
from classygirl83 :
Okay, I must've not seen it or something, but I just looked at your pictures, and You're really really pretty and Brian is attractive as well. ( I would say hott, but I don't wanna make you mad) I bet yall are really excited about your wedding. I would go all out. You only get married once. I hope that you're doing good:) Have a great week
from lifeasme66 :
Yay pictures! You guys are too cute =D **HUGS!!**
from princesstosh :
Aww you are just adorable!!!
from marlen816 :
Cool pictures. You are such a cute couple!
from classygirl83 :
thanks for the huggs:) I hope that you have a great weekend.
from aliboomboom :
My sister and I have our moments as well. We were getting along for a good while but then I made the fatal error of deleting a picture off the digital camera and saying "We both look really fat in that picture." I wasn't thinking. We are essentially the same exact size. I'm a little wider and she's a little thicker if you know what I mean. I probably look better because I'm taller but I used to be a 4 and she used to be a 14 so it's better than it was. We are both about a 8 or 10 now, sometimes 6s. Anyways she freaked out and told me that she would never tell me I looked fat. I didn't think it was a big deal. She always says if I looked fat would you really tell me and I say yes because I would. I don't know. That is just one example of how we fight over really stuipd stuff. Brothers are a lot easier, at least I think so.
from aliboomboom :
Sisters are hard. I know that from first hand experience. I always wanted an older brother. I hope that I have more boys!! I love baby boys!! I want a girl at the end but it looks like I won't get married so I guess I'll never have anymore! Shucks!! You'll be fine at the house! Why do you have to stay there? Are their pets?
from aliboomboom :
I don't know what happened with Brandon. I'm not worrying about it anymore and I doubt he will so maybe we just wno't talk. It's just all so very odd to me. I don't know how someone can do a 180 like that. It's not in me to treat people like this. I would usually just let him have his time to figure things out but I'm sick of worrying about it. Thanks for rooting for us. I was too. I don't think it would bother me as much if I understood it but I don't. As for your family, four kids is great. I always wish that my parents had had one more. Who do you have to watch? Just your little brother?
from lifeasme66 :
No apologies for not being chipper, I do it all the time ;) Wow, I was looking at the ticker tape at the bottom of your entries... only 12 months left! Crazy! **HUGS!!**
from aliboomboom :
My best friend is getting married next January, I have to lose weight and be buff just for that!! I can't imagine the pressure of being the bride!!I am sure you will look great! You have to post pictures sometime soon! I'm dying to see what you and Brian look like. As for your brothers and sister,s how many do you have?
from aliboomboom :
Thanks, I would say I hope so too but I think I've lost hope on this one. The thing is I thought that I knew him after talking to him since September. I don't know what I could have done to make him act this way. And why am I stuck missing him when he hasn't talked to me in a long time and it doesn't seem to affetc him at all. I really wanted things to be okay when I got home but apparantly they aren't. Maybe I hsould have called him, I don't know. I usually call him when I get home from out of town. I just don't want to play the desparate card, you know?
from aliboomboom :
I have a scar on my side from getting my kidney removed, that's my big scar. The rest are just knicks from shaving and falling or what not. As for Brandon, I don't know. Things are pretty much nonexistent these days. I talked to him Wednesday and then I was gone till yesterday. He didn't call me last night, I didn't call him. I just can't deal with him anymore. I don't know what happened. We were so crazy about each other and now he's pulling this shit. I'm just over it. I tell him my concerns and he doesn't listen. It's stupid. I refuse to chase after him so I guess we are done. Done before we even started, great.
from aliboomboom :
Thanks for the compliments regarding Griffin. I thought that picture was adorable as well. I hope that your Easter weekend was fabulous. Mine was!!
from aliboomboom :
I don't even worry about it in the way like I'm constantly thinking about him dying. I just think it's in the back of my mind, subconsciously. I never freak out about someone not calling me but I was in tears over him these past three days. I don't know. I didn't think he was dead. I didn't sit there making up things in my mind. I just felt like I would never talk to him again. Maybe I should explain to him that it might have something to do with his job. I would never want him to change jobs though. He has a passion for his job that few have. I'm sure Brian is the same way.
from aliboomboom :
Happy Birthday, Brian!! Hope you guys have fun tonight.
from aliboomboom :
I know I shouldn't over react when I don't hear from Brandon but it's hard. I think part of it has to do with his job. I constantly worry that he's not going to come home at night. And if I don't hear from him then how do I know he did? Don't get me wrong, I am more than okay with him being a firefighter. I think it's a very admireable job. I think he's a hero in every since of the word. I just think that in the back of my mind, somewhere repressed, I am constantly worrying about him. I'll get used to it. And I intend to spend a lot of time with him. Nothing should hold us back now .
from aliboomboom :
Thanks for the note. You have a good weekend too. Are you and Brian doing anything special for Easter? Going to your parents or anything? As for Brandon, I don't know if he's smitten or not. I just tell what I do know. I hope he is though.
from aliboomboom :
I don't even know what to say aobut the Brandon thing. I'm so hurt. I guess I'm just an eternal optimist and romantic so I am destined to have this happen. And I'm glad that you think Tiffany is a loon as well. I can't wait to find someone else to watch him. Please keep us in your prayers. I hate leaving him. I don't feel like anyone would do as well as I would, ya know?
from princesstosh :
It sounds wonderful. Hopefully you can come up with some extra bodies to fill the room, lol! Everyone jokes about Vegas. Couples who are already married talk about Vegas even more because once you get into all the planning and details you are about ready to throw your hands up and say "Lets go to Vegas!!" But, theres nothing more special than the memories of your wedding. I hope that things work out at that spot if it's one both of you love. Good luck!!
from princesstosh :
The wedding place sounds great!! Have you actually sat down and made a guestlist? Michael and I decided when we got engaged we wanted 100-150. Welllll, then when we sat down and started writing names and thinking it grew to where we had about 250 at our wedding. It gets big, fast. Does that place put a penalty if there is less than 150? Or, is that how much food they have to make, or what?
from elle-78 :
My vote is a no for C. This is my always want to pick people in your wedding that will be in your life in the future...instead of those in the past that are slowly buy surely becoming less and less of a part of it. As you know (since you read my diary)...I was married before and I had a few people in my wedding because I felt obligated to do so...whether because they were friends from long ago...or I was in their wedding...and even in one case I where one of the girls, ironically enough, used to like they guy I was marrying. There were 7 bridesmaids...and this time around I am opting for a smaller group and only 2 of them were in both weddings. I picked people this time that are most likely going to be part of my life for a long time!
from elle-78 :
Seriously...I still feel anxious about that dream! I so think that CA is the best place to live...I wouldn't want to live any where else. You are in the San Diego area, right? I liked hearing about your past relationships today...very interesting. Sounds like Brian is that best. Is C going to be in your wedding?? Also...I copied your ticker idea on the bottom of my diary...hope that is ok!!
from aliboomboom :
I know what you mean. I haven't tried on the one I got at Target yet. I think a lot of their suits are made for pre teens. I'm really into white swimsuits and bandeau tops. I didn't buy any new ones last year becasue I was pregnant but I bought a few really nice ones the year before that so I hope I can get back into those. I doubt it though. One of them was really skimpy and my ass will not have that anymore. Target has some cute cover ups though and little skirts to wear over your swimsuit. I bought a white terry cloth cover up dress. I need to try it on and make sure it looks cute. I hope I get to meet Brandon soon too. I hope it goes as well as it should!! I think he's worth the wait though. I could be wrong but oh well it's not like I'm missing out by not going out iwth Jeff or John.
from aliboomboom :
I see. I don't really know which one Brandon is. I know he does some shifts on the ambulance and that he has a lot of certification. I didn't know what Brian's ultimate goal was though. It sounds like he's a hard worker. That's a great quality.
from aliboomboom :
I know you've told me before but what is Brian's ultimate dream? What does he want to be?
from aliboomboom :
Oh St Patrick's Day is definately a holiday as is Fat Tuesday. Party it up, it'll be a lot of fun!
from aliboomboom :
You'll get the wedding stuff done. Don't worry about it. And I think a St Patricks' Day party sounds fabulous. Is that his birthday? I am the day right before that. You have to love a Pisces.
from lifeasme66 :
Wow, didn't know about the RockBottom special! I'll have to look into that, and hopefully get a few gals to hang with me there... hehe! **HUGS!!**
from elle-78 :
Hi, First...thanks for your well wishes for Matt...he seems to be getting better every day. Second...wasn't Eternal Sunshine a great movie?? I LOVED it!!!! Third...I LOVE TARGET!!!! Fourth...I'm kind of jealous that you are playing soccer. How long did you play before? And how long has it been since you played? What organization are you playing with?? I played in high school...and I totally miss it...but we are talking 10 years since I played it last...and I am so out of shape. But it sounds so fun :(
from aliboomboom :
You are right. Everyone is being so much more rational than I am. I should jsut go and see what happens. I haven't talked to him today though so it may not be happening even if I decide I want it to. It snowed this morning so he might be going to the slopes tonight, I don't know. The thing is I want to meet him. I want to know what he smells like and what he looks like when he laughs. I want to know what color his eyes are when you look into them as opposed to only knowing that they are some shade of brown. I want to know what kind of clothes he wears and what his facial expressions look like. I want to really hear his laugh and see his smile and feel his touch. There are so many things that I want to know that I will only learn by being with him. But I'm so scared that something will go terribly wrong. And then I've lost him. I've lost the one person that gave me hope. I don't know. I'm making too big a deal out of it. I'm just scared to death that thsi could change my lief and I don't know if I want my life to cahnge. Wish me luck. Cross your fingers for me.
from aliboomboom :
Thank you for the compliments on Griffin. I know I should go out with Brandon, I'm just a nervous wreck. What if he doesn't like mE? I'll be so sad.
from lifeasme66 :
Dunno if you've checked it out, but the San Antonio winery in East LA is kinda nice... except that it's in East LA. Good luck finding a place! **HUGS!!**
from aliboomboom :
Well you've got a year, you'll be fine. Planning weddings is so exciting though. It's truly a passion for me. I don't know how I'll ever be happy just planning one. Oh well. I think once you really start getting into it, you'll enjoy it!! Good luck!
from classygirl83 :
Thanks for saying that you hoped my stomach felt better. It is starting to feel a little better. I hope that you have a great weekend.
from aliboomboom :
Oh. So he's not Austrailian? I have a thing for Austrailian men is why I asked. I love Ian Thorpe and Heath Ledger. Gorgeous. And Lee you've got to get started on this wedding stuff. You've only got a year to go!! Planning a wedding takes a lot of time!
from aliboomboom :
Yeah I never really pictured her as pretty. Glad I was right. And I'm glad for your sake that Luke is gone. Australians are usually hot though, is he?
from aliboomboom :
Is your roomate pretty? I always imagined her to be fat and awkward.
from princesstosh :
((HUGS)) People our age (and even guys much older thn our age) do not understand the concept of respect. It's just not respectful to have sex in your apartment, and its not respectful to let the girl who did it spill gatorade everywhere and not apologize nor come in at that hour slamming doors. One day they will grow up but until then I say have sex on one of his shirts and then spill kool-aid on it. Haha, only kidding. Karma is a bitch---it will take care of everything for you :) I need a new job too, you're not in that boat alone!
from lifeasme66 :
Crazy days, hon. Thanks for the note... and I was worried about you and all this rain. Yeah, I get some of it too in the OC, but not nearly as bad as what's hitting LA and the valley. Good to know you are ok! **HUGS!!**
from marlen816 :
((Hugs)) for you and your job stress!
from princesstosh :
Yay for a girls night out for you. Maybe it will help relieve some of the job stress. Have a good time!!!
from krisicat :
I did the same thing! I bawled all night practically. Did you ever watch A Walk to Remember? I did the same thing with that movie. My sister and I saw it in the theater and at one point we were crying so hard that we started laughing hysterically. I still cry every time I see it.
from krisicat :
Thanks for your note! I hope you have a great Valentine's Day too. Have you seen The Notebook yet? It is the perfect Valentine's Day movie!
from elle-78 :
Hi Heylee, Yeah...what are those searches all about?? The pig penis hurt one kind of freaked me out! Who looks that up? And what did I right to lead someone there?
from aliboomboom :
Valentine's Day isn't that bad. So many people spend their time being bitter about it. What's the point in that? As for Brandon, I really do think he's genuine. I mean I believe him when he tells me something and that scares me, it's been a while since I trusted someone. And yeah it's stupid because we aren't in a physical relationship and you can tell a lot more about a person when you are in front of them but from what I can tell, I'm happy with him. I hope that I get to meet him soon as well. Oh and the Notebook is only the best movie EVER. I love the scene where they are dancing and she says "You are a terrible singer but I love this song." It gives me chills just thinking aobut it. And then of course the part where she asks why he hasn't written and he says "It wasn't over, it's still not over" and kisses her. Awesome. Definately the best love story in a very very long time.
from aliboomboom :
Happy Valentine's Day!! Hope you and Brian enjoy it!!
from just-deal :
hey! I was gonna invite you to a group I started online and if you are interested email me since your email isn't on your site, [email protected]
from lifeasme66 :
Haha, your little note made me laugh... I'll take off the double comment, I usually do. And I'm happy about your little surprise visit from Brian, those are always good! =) **HUGS!!**
from aliboomboom :
What happened on Real World last night? Are Vonda and Landon still hot and heavy? As for not wanting to get up this morning, I'm right there with you. I could have easily slept a few more hours.
from marlen816 :
I'll be praying for your job situation! ((Hugs))
from classygirl83 :
Hey girlie~~~ I'm sorry about your job . I t does sound very sketchy. I'm sorry. I hope that it all works out in the end. You're a very sweet girl!:) Who deserves nothing but the best!!!
from whiskeygirl9 :
Thanks for the congrats about my new man. Isn't love wonderful! Don't I sound corny? I hope your job transition goes smoothly despite your concerns. Nothing is worse that stress at work. Sounds like you need to treat yourself to a massage!
from lifeasme66 :
Thanks for the sweet comment you left =). Sorry about your work situation, yes corporate America sucks! And I hear you about the office politics, it's almost as bad as junior high, when everyone thought you skipped gym class cuz you pretended to be sick. **HUGS!!**
from marlen816 :
My DH likes fish tacos, too!
from aliboomboom :
I imagine that his schedule does suck. Brandon is so busy, we haven't even been able to go out yet. I guess it's all worth it in the end.
from lifeasme66 :
*sigh* I guess moms sometimes really have no idea how they come across! Sorry about your house crasher! **HUGS!!**
from princesstosh :
Can I get your email address?
from lifeasme66 :
HAHAA! Girl, you tagged me... so I guess I have no choice but to answer, huh? ;) Stay tuned! **HUGS!!**
from krisicat :
I read your profile and we have so much in common. I LOVE Anne of Green Gables, The Trouble with Angels, and I love to read Diana Gabaldon and Sara Donati.
from lifeasme66 :
Girl, you reminded me of a super-cheap chapstick I bought a while back. I thought I'd scored a great deal, until I actually tried the damn thing. It smelled great, but if you actually got any of it in your mouth, it tasted really bitter. It was disgusting! I mean, who doesn't get chapstick in their mouth? So anyway, yeah... not always a good thing if it's on sale =) **HUGS!!**
from elle-78 :
Birds aren't as bad as you think...I have an adorable bird...there is no reason to fear!! Give birds a chance...if not your brother's...maybe someone else's. Simon Birdie is sweet! Oh...and on that hand shaking thing...WHAT IS THAT ALL ABOUT!? I hate when they shake hands like is gross and I am not sure why, but I HATE it!!!!!!!!!
from lifeasme66 :
That is such a crazy story! The only bachelorette party I've been to was in Vegas (it's in my diary somewhere) and it was the most fun EVER! Maybe you could have yours there? Still plenty of drinking and partying, but no guns! **HUGS!!**
from classygirl83 :
Thanks! I will:) Have a great day today:)
from lifeasme66 :
Gah, moving heavy furniture is the worst... I feel your pain, girl. And don't be too hard on yourself. Yes, Brian's schedule makes it hard for both of you, you have a right to be upset. Although, yeah, it does suck to take it out on him. Tell yourself it's a temporary situation though, and maybe busy yourself with other things to pass the time? Hehe, since we're both in socali, maybe we should hang out, eh? **HUGS!!**
from aliboomboom :
I don't know. Sometimes I don't think anyone could be as busy as he says he is. Like right now he's on AIM and he's not IMing me. He'll call me but the last three times we've talked on AIM, it's been due to me. I just don't know if he's interested or not. Of course I told him that I was going to lunch with Mac today, that might have been weird. I don't know. As for Mac, what am I going to do with him now? I don't like him at all. And I hang out at his bar all the time with John whom I do like. I don't know I've gotten myself into a messy situation but at the same time I have to put up with Holly Ho Ho being around so serves him right, right? The only one that I would even contemplate being with is Brandon and it seems like he has no clue what he wants. I mean can't we meet in person already?
from lifeasme66 :
Hehehe, you guys are too cute! Hope you had a very enjoyable lunch! **HUGS!!**
from aliboomboom :
How sweet of him to bring you lunch!! Good boyfriend, good. Thanks for the advice. I am really interested in Brandon. I just want it to move along already. The longer we go without going out, the more nervous I get. What if he's not attractive? What if we don't have anything to say? What if he hates me? Yada Yada Yada. But the date with Mac was easy and I was nervous about that. I guess I should have made Mac sound more attractive but I'm just not attracted to him. And I hate making others feel bad. Not that John would care. OR would he?
from princesstosh :
Thanks girl for the relaxing vibes and hugs. I really needed them!
from aliboomboom :
Did you watch that Super Sweet Sixteen last night? Those girls were so spoiled!! And can you tell me what band was playing? They kept talking about it but I never got the name of the group!! Oh and have you watched the previews for the next season of Laguna Beach? You can on It's going to be great. TAlan is the man next year. Kristen is in love with him and there is a new girl that is gorgeous and Kristen hates her and Lauren leaves San FRancisco. It's going to be GREAT!!
from elle-78 :
I WANT to be on an indoor soccer team...I would love to be in the shape I was when I played soccer...but I am FAR, FAR from that now. So sad. Maybe if I rode my bike to the beach to watch Matt surf I wouldn't have such a problem.
from aliboomboom :
Oh I'm super stoked about the Newlyweds and I hate to admit it but I'm kind of amped for THe Ashlee Simpson show too. Does that make me a total loser?
from classygirl83 :
Thanks for the hug:) I needed it yesterday. I hope that you're haveinga great day today!
from aliboomboom :
I was playing a drinking game in high school and there was some nickname rule and mine was alialiboomboom. That didn't fit so I went with aliboomboom. It's one of those things that you wish would never stick but it somehow does not that people go around calling me alialiboomboom but every now and again I'll hear it!!
from lifeasme66 :
Hmm... I dunno how I ever came up with this name. "Lifeasme" was the first diary I tried to start here on D-Land, and that was in 1997 or 1998... When I came back years later to do it again, I decided to go with the same name, but tacked on my favorite number 6. So I guess that's how it came about! **HUGS!!**
from elle-78 :
You have a lot of time before the wedding...I only have 9 I have to order my dress don't feel bad that you haven't started tackling everything yet!
from aliboomboom :
Don't get too hard on yourself about the wedding, you have a long time!! It'll all get done!! As for scabies, how gross is that? I couldn't help but think I had tiny bugs walking all over me when I was watching that show!!
from classygirl83 :
Thanks for the note! When is your wedding date? I hope that yuo have a better day! Don't be sad. I'm sorry that you miss Brian that sucks. I hope that you at least get to talk to him tonight:) Cheer up:)
from princesstosh :
What did they do that for?
from lifeasme66 :
Girl, I totally think it's the weather cuz I feel like blah too. I miss my boy, I hate the rain, and work is annoying. I feel ya. Oh, and about the cops on the Bachelorette preview, I think that French guy went and got his ass in trouble... I think that's what that is all about. Eh, I don't think I like him much anyway. Maybe it's cultural, but he seems so snobby! Just my two cents... **HUGS!!**
from princesstosh :
Glad to hear from you--- I was worried that the floods had gotcha!!!
from aliboomboom :
Thanks for the info on the Altima. I think it's almost a sure thing that I'll get it. I just love them and I'm glad to hear that they handle well!!
from aliboomboom :
I love the Victoria's Secret semi annual clearance sale. I bought all my stuff on the internet, that way you know hwat you are getting and you can make sure they have underwear and bras. As for cleaning, I wish I was like you. I hate to clean.
from lifeasme66 :
Hehe, I hope you picked up some good stuff at that sale! I love that store... and when they have that huge sale, I love it even more! =D **HUGS!!**
from classygirl83 :
Hey thanks for the note. I agree that I should work at Mcdonald's, but I don't really know if thats the job that's gonna make me happy. I'm actually kinda getting to the point where I'm getting tired of everyone telling me their opions on what I should do. Everyone's is different. I'm getting things Like "2 month's is a really long time to be with out a job, and you should alreayd have one by now" To " I don't think that you need a job right now. Why don't you just get your life together" I'm just starting t o question if I should listen to everyone else or should I do what I think will make me the most happiest? You know? I don't really know what to do or what to think right now. I'm at the point though where I think that I'm just gonna do what I thinki s right. I hope that you didn't take that wrong, cause I love to get notes from you. You're a really sweet girl and I really lik e you. I think taht wedding CD's are great. I went to a wedding that had them , and I loved it!! I hope that you have a great day today!
from aliboomboom :
That's a great idea about the cds, I would love to get that at a wedding. You can get everyone picture frames too and attach a note saying that you'll send a wedding picture when you get them in. A lot of people are doing that, it just depends on how close you will be to everyone there. It can be done in a super elegant and cheap manner too. Magnets with your wedding date and names are always good. Give people something that they might use, some wedding favors suck.
from lifeasme66 :
Girl, tell me about the crazy Socali drivers in the rain! Sheesh!! **HUGS!!**
from princesstosh :
Sometimes staying in together on New years eve is more fun than braving the I'm glad yall got a little R&R time together. A winery sounds really elegant, yay! Are they expensive?
from lifeasme66 :
LOVED the rest of your story, as much as the first part! I totally feel ya, girl. My brothers and I get the double standard thing all the time... and my mom even admits that she treats the eldest brother differently because he's a boy and I'm a girl. WTF??? As if I can help that! The whole thing is just so crazy. So things are ok though, more or less with your parents? I mean, you are sorta at peace with the way things are? I think that is the point I need to get to. I hate that we have such tension, because I do love them... but maybe I just need to not care so much about what they think, because they probably will never change... **HUGS!!**
from lifeasme66 :
Wow.... Your mom does sound a lot like mine, crazy! I loved reading about your childhood (teenaged years), and I'm looking forward to reading more in your next entry. That is, if you feel like finishing your story =) It's nice to know I'm not the only one who was double-standarded by a controlling mother! Now, if I could just move the heck out!! **HUGS!!**
from classygirl83 :
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!! I'm really hopeing that you have a great one, and thanks for the note on how to link! I will learn how to do it soon! I hope that you havea great holiday!
from aliboomboom :
MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Enjoy the holidays with your fiance!! I hope that you are surrounded by loved ones and full of joy this holiday season!!
from lifeasme66 :
Hooray for Brian! You have a right to be proud, that's great news! **HUGS!!**
from princesstosh :
I just saw your wedding ticker. Wow 15 months, 2 weeks. You gave yourself just the right amound of engagement time, if you ask me. We did 10 months...we needed more time for sure. Book your spots, now. And, get everything in writing. Our reception place switched owners before we had our reception and they wanted us to clean up afterwards, but we had it in our contract that they would so we got what we wanted. I was not picking the hundreds of beer bottles LOL. Hmm, lets see. Also, think of decoration ideas. I dont know if you live in a small city, or a big one but renting centerpeices is a really good idea. We made ours and everyone took them home but renting them is just as good investment. We didnt have chair covers but if you want to go with more low scale place (that sounds bad huh? LOL it doesnt sound it like I mean it to) they really dress up a room. Ok, thats all the wedding talk for now. I wish I could go back and do mine over again---I envy you!! Oh, and about when you said its just one year out of your life yall will be so busy you are totally right. Look at the big picture and always stay positive!! Good luck!!!
from aliboomboom :
Brandon didn't seem that shy. I don't know though. Maybe he's being hesitant? Maybe he's a player? I don't know. I called him last. I emailed him last. I'm done. He can make the next move if there is a move to be made, ya know? Oh and I'm glad you like the dress, I just hope it looks okay on.
from princesstosh :
There was no real world last night :( It resumes next week, I think. So, all you missed was well...nothing exciting. Yay for being done with exams!!!
from elle-78 :
YEAH!!! You are finished with school...oh Christmas isn't as enjoyable now that I am out of school...because when you are IN school and you finish the holiday seems that much more free and wonderful. Yeah...I think those seals are just South of Big Sur...I think I was asleep as we went through Big Sur because Matt was like, "Wake up...Big Sur" and I was like, "Oh yeah"...and went right to sleep...shortly after we arrived at the Seals.
from classygirl83 :
Good luck on your finals! I'm sure that the both of you will do great on 'em!
from lifeasme66 :
Good luck to you and Brian on your finals! I'm sure you'll both kick ass =) **HUGS!!**
from aliboomboom :
That makes sense. I just didn't realize that there was a difference. The Firefighter's Ball sounds like fun. Of course dress uniforms do nothing for me so hopefully they don't wear those. Do firefighters even have them? I don't know. As for the stories, I have only talked to Brandon once and he's told me at least ten stories. It's such a rewarding career choice though.
from aliboomboom :
What's the difference in a medic and EMT? I thought it was the same thing. Is the Firefighter's Ball fun? Brandon went last weekend.
from aliboomboom :
I know that your fiance is in EMT school but is he also a firefighter? I didn't read that. Brandon is an EMT and a firefighter too. I think it takes a special person to do those things. and I love, love, love that song too!!
from aliboomboom :
When are your finals over? As for wedding planning, expect to do all the work. In my experience men don't do much in that area!!
from princesstosh :
GOOD LUCK!!! I know that's all so so stressful. By the way, I am stealing the cookie ideas...hehehe, sorry! I havent been in the Christmas mood yet, fully and Christmas cookies are sure to snap me out of that, right???
from classygirl83 :
HEy~ That si a very good idea about applying to the school district. I think that you have to have your AA down here to do most of the jobs. I don't know for sure though. I'm gonna ask my dad tongiht. I hope that your day is better today than it was yesterday.
from elle-78 :
I am sorry that things at work are going that way for you...I had a similar experience several years back and I bawled for 3 days straight. I hope things work out for you...I am sure they will, it just sucks having to work it all out in the meantime (especially when you are trying to plan your wedding)...anyways...the bright side of it all is that you have someone to feed you ice cream and spoon with you...what is better than that? Nothing...
from princesstosh :
Ah the joys of apartment living. The other day, our sink kept clogging up and I was getting pissed because I wasnt pouring anything down it that would make it clog. We had to call the maintence man twice before it got fixed. Turns out the people above us on the other side were pouring the juice out of homeade soup into the sink and it had grease in it (that's what kept stopping it up) But we couldnt use the sink or dishwasher for 2 days (during Thanksgiving!!!) So, I feel your pain. Sorry. Hope you feel better, too. Dayquil always works for me- you might try it.
from classygirl83 :
That totally sucks that you had to take a cold shower. When I used towork, I always came home and took a shower after work. I'd be mad if there wasn't any hot water! I'm sorry. I hope that you feel better! Tomorow you get to see Brian! Yay!
from lifeasme66 :
Gah, tell me about this weather!!! I swear, we live in Socali because it's not supposed to be this cold!! **HUGS!!**
from sweet-jenn :
Hey there, I'm sick too, I also sound like a mannish girl. Very blah. Hope you feel better soon. P.S. key lime is the magic medicine for everyting!
from princesstosh :
Ick! I'm sick too! Want to whine and complain together? ;) Hope you feel better soon.
from classygirl83 :
I hope that you feel better soon! It sucks to be sick.
from elle-78 :
Seriously...I am going to miss my diary SOOO much...I am hoping I'll get to the hotel and they will have internet hookup...then I can get an entry in...but I just wanted to give fair warning. Have a great THANKSGIVING!!!
from elle-78 :
Hi!!! I can 100% relate to you being afraid at your parents!! I have a similar babysitting story that I had heard as a kid that completely haunted me. It is the one where she keeps getting prank calls and then she calls the operator to trace the calls and the operator says, "The calls are coming from inside the house...get out"...and she gets the kids and gets out just in time for the police to get there and arrest the guy. Years later she is still haunted by the trauma of it all...but she has kids of her own and her husband finally talks her into leaving them with a babysitter...and they go to dinner. While they are at the restaurant the waiter says there is a call for her and she gets on the phone and it is the same guy saying that he is going to kill her and her kids. They rush home and the kids are fine and she sends the babysitter home...but she has a hard time sleeping that night and keeps getting up to check on her kids...the last time they are fine and she goes back and gets into bed...but she notices that her husband isn't breathing like he normally does...and she looks and it isn't her is the guy and she runs to the closet to get the gun...and her murdered husband comes tumbling out. Isn't that kept me from babysitting on more than one occasion. Maybe I shouldn't have shared that...considering you have to be at your parents again.
from lifeasme66 :
Gah, I know exactly what you mean about being scared. I'm a big fat chicken when it comes to that sort of thing, so I'm right there with ya, girl! And yes, I know it doesn't help that I still remember some of the scary stories and movies that petrified me as a child. **HUGS!!**
from lifeasme66 :
Thanks for your comment, Lee! Yeah, geez, our parents must've gone to the same school for parenting. It's just so much harder, I think, cuz I did live out of the house for 9 years. I've had to move back in recently cuz I have no money thanks to school loans. I've tasted freedom, and now there's no going back!! Thanks for making me feel not so alone, even if it is because you share my misery! **HUGS!!**
from classygirl83 :
Hey, yeah it is really nice to see old friends. I like love it so much. It reminds you that your not a total loser and you know alot of people hehe. I hope that you have a great week this week! Have a great thanksgiveing!
from keilakeren :
I'm originally from San Diego, lived there all my life, until I met my hubby online and one day moved to the bay area. But I'm a southern CA girl at heart. 8o)
from keilakeren :
I haylee, no I don�t mind at all. I recently deleted my 300 + entries from this journal however I�m rebuilding it completely. Thanks for the compliment. I see you live in CA? What part? I live in Northern CA �Bay Area�. Kat. 8o)
from classygirl83 :
That is true, I called them and they said that they are still interveiwing, and they'd call me. I doubt that they will though. I'm not upset though, it wasn't my "ideal" job anyways! Have a great weekend!
from lifeasme66 :
Hmm... the pass should still be the same, it's working for me... hmm! I sent you an email with the info again, just in case. Make sure the spelling is accurate and that it's all lowercase! **HUGS!!**
from classygirl83 :
Thanks for the luck! I think it might of worked. I'm hopeing at least:)
from princesstosh :
Hey there! I linked to you thru classygirl (gotta love Lane!) I was reading your proposal story and its almost exactly like mine. When my husband proposed he was shaking and crying and nervous---but it was sooo incredibly cute. Weddings, are---wonderful but also stressful. Everytime you want to throw the towell in and elope, just think of how cute he was proposing and how cute he'll be being just as nervous and clammy on your wedding day. Its totally worth it. Congratulations!!!! I'm going to add you as a fave, and keep reading if that is alright. Take care!!
from lifeasme66 :
Good deal on the template! Now all you need is a membership so that you can have comments and you'll be all set! **HUGS!!**
from marlen816 :
Nice new template. I really like it. And I decorated with silk flowers for my wedding and then used real ones for the bouqets and stuff - daisies and roses. Very pretty, if I do say so myself =)
from lifeasme66 :
That is too sweet! Soo happy for you! **HUGS!!**
from marlen816 :
Congrats Lee! How exciting!!
from classygirl83 :
Amazing! Simply Amazing! I love to hear about how the guy proposes to the girl! I just think that it's soo sweet and special. I hope that my man makes it romantic for me someday:)
from classygirl83 :
from elle-78 :
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so happy for you...can't wait to read the details!
from lifeasme66 :
No WAY!!!!! Congratulations, hon!!! **HUGE HUGS!!**

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