messages to hisglory:
(click here to add new message):

from wifemotherme :
12/11/04 - I hope your doing alright. I miss reading your updates. If your sharing your PW I sure would like to have it. [email protected]
from wifemotherme :
3/15 - How are you? I just wanted to drop you a note to let you know your missed. Please come back soon.
from opalanne :
ummmmmm...would love to read your diary...
from ashes2beauty :
okay, obviously you are not aware of the unspoken, unwritten, but well known rules of rooming with someone.... 1. you don't air their "stuff" on diaryland 2. if you do air their stuff on diaryland, don't refer to them as "your roommate" but "a friend" 3. if you do happen to commit this unpardonable sin, expect swift retribution and mutual airing of YOUR stuff on diaryland...hmmmmmm....the things i could write about you!!! okay, so i am in a forgiving mood....i will let this one slide....this time....for now...until it happens i'm glad you are happy!
from this1 :
hey, wow...thanks for your trust. i will guard it with my life. good to see you on diaryland, i've missed you. would love to see you in reality. <><
from wyndspirit :
Yes, I would like to continue to read your diary. [email protected] Thanks!
from ashes2beauty :
i am glad things are going well for deserve the best. you deserve joy, peace, a life that you love and people who accept you and will love you back....i am glad to see these things are happening for you...anything i can do to help in your pursuit of peace and a better life...let me know! your long lost...workout buddy
from wifemotherme :
Happy New Year sweetie!! I pray this one is blessed beyond measure!
from this1 :
hey! love your new format. thanks for your note...and no, i don't need money from you, only your undying love and loyalty...haha. don't know where i'll be after christmas, but let me know details of your "life changes" coming up and i will help if i can. luv ya.
from wyndspirit :
Wishing you a blessed Christmas in your new home!
from this1 :
you go girl! i'm glad your heart has turned to home. you have much to be thankful for and i am so happy that you are getting some of the "extras" that just make life nicer. i must say after reading your note to me, i never thought of loneliness as a luxury... strange thought. and i don't really have that much freedom right now since i am immobile. but i guess each person has their own cross to bear. would love to see you, just call when you have the time. :D
from this1 :
don't think too much of my psycho-analyzing. i am just using this forum to sort through some junk right now. sure would love to know that you are making it through your own sorting...but i understand totally if that has to be a private thing not open to the world of diaryland readers. missing you.
from ashes2beauty :
heard a rumor that you were back on diaryland....had to see it for myself to believe it!......wish i could say that i too have found my way back to diaryland..but somehow...i am uninspired and don't have what it takes to share the goings on of my life....oh, well....maybe i should say goodbye to diarlyand forever.....goodbye diaryland....we shall meet no more....but hey....glad your'e back!!
from this1 :
Yippee! You're back! And I don't just mean on Diaryland. I've missed you. \O/
from wifemotherme :
10/26 - Welcome back! I am so sorry to hear of all the struggles your going thru right now. Please remimber Gods Grace is made perfect in our weakness, and its times like these that we grow the most. Your in my thoughts and prayers and I am here if you need anyone to talk to. If you have time maybe now would be a good time to start the Purpose Driven Life book - if you havent read it yet
from wifemotherme :
Just a repeat of the same message I left sevral weeks ago: "I hope your doing ok. Its been a very long time since you updated and I was kinda concerned. I sure miss reading you and learning from you. "
from wyndspirit :
Just touching base... Hope everything is OK and you are just having a busy summer! I have been enjoying hearing your story. Take care!
from wifemotherme :
I hope your doing ok. Its been a very long time since you updated and I was kinda concerned. I sure miss reading you and learning from you.
from mikamw710 :
from this1 :
hey, i miss you. glad you are sharing your testimony with all the world. God is so good to reach into our deepest darkness and lift us out of the muck and mire we often find ourselves in. i love you and am thankful for all of the times you have been there for me. i feel rather inadequate right now at being the kind of friend you need because i find myself in a "confinement" period...but the good thing is that it gives me lots of time to pray. so for what it's worth, know i am praying for you. \O/
from mikamw710 :
i read your diary its really cool how you put your testamony on there i really dont have one since i was saved when i was 8 and you really dont do much at age 8 but your story is alot like my aunts i hope you will check out my diary and sign the g book well may god bless you in everything you do
from ashes2beauty :
just wanted to let you know i was thinking about you and love are definitely not alone
from wifemotherme :
I wanted you to know you were on my mind. Update soon and Let me know how you are doing.
from witnessgirl :
Hey! SO GLAD your women's conference went well generally. I have been thinking about you and praying for you. Thank you for your compassionate heart and for the words of wisdom that you share. Blessings on you!
from ashes2beauty :
in reference to the note you left me...i realize that i can't continue to try and build walls around my heart to protect myself forever...i guess i just feel like i finally let someone into my "inner circle" and now it has backfired on me and caused more pain than i knew was possible....but then again...i guess if i would not have made the bad choices that i did...this wouldnt be happening. i know you are right about taking a risk and loving people....i guess i am just very leery about who i do that with...normally, my trust is not easily won....or easily given to is very valuable to me and i don't take it lightly.....i don't know...i guess it is just a touchy subject with me right now in the face of these semi-fresh wounds....and i don't look forward to this ever happening again...on any level....sorry if i am sounding pessimistic...just a little scared of getting hurt again.
from ashes2beauty :
really like your usage of the word "jest" in your last entry...such a great word..and it's mono-syllabic. how does that happen? wow. also..i got a little teary-eyed on that last seriously, how do you know me so well?. i feel like you got me pegged. do i really want that? just kidding. ok, seriously again (can you see i am having issues being serious) really, i am enjoying our time the gym and otherwise...however, i think i am getting the better end of the deal....i may get to train you physically, but the spiritual help that you give me, far outweighs the physical. i think it is cool that you see those things happening in me (although i must say i am struggling at trying to see them myself)...i also think it is cool that you think God has relentlessly pursued me (another great word that speaks volumes to my heart) loves me so much that He is relentless in His pursuit of cool is that! anyway...thanks for tolerating me :) just kidding....ya know i have to run with that one!
from witnessgirl :
Hey! I just ready your latest entry and absolutely loved it! A wedding--wow! That is incredible. Also incredible is the women's conference that you have been asked to lead. It will be awesome, even if it is out of your comfort zone! What growth will take place, what lessons will be learned! How wonderful! Hope you are doing well and enjoying these new opportunities. Blessings and peace! Amy
from witnessgirl :
Hey, hope you are doing well! It was great talking to you online the other day, I absolutely loved it! Looks like I will not be flying into Georgia on my way from Dallas to Boston, and when I stay in Georgia for a night on my way to Florida in just a week and a half I will be in Augusta. Maybe sometime I'll make it to Atlanta! I have read and reread your last entry. Sometimes people have deep struggles that people on the outside are overwhelmed by and don't know what to do to help. Your love and consistency with such people are perhaps the most valuable things during this time. There will be a struggle for a while, but some day a glorious new light will shine forth and everyone who witnesses it will just be in awe of what has taken place! Thank you for your deeply loving and caring heart. It can be hard to have that since there is so much pain in the lives of others around us. But such a heart makes us effective ministers of God's gospel and healing and freedom. Thanks for your thoughts!
from witnessgirl :
I have been meaning to thank you for the prayer you wrote in the note you left me. Thanks so much! I hope you are doing well. I am praying for your sister. I hope you have a fantastic week!
from alabasterbox :
This diary stuff is a good idea, I feel I know you better than ever. Ha Ha, now I have ammunition!!!Ha Ha. Glad you introduced it to me. Seriously. Friends.
from this1 :
don't envy my potpourri... you smell pretty good yourself (and this from someone with anosmia). \0/
from witnessgirl :
Dear Heidi, Thanks for the note! I looked up Jason Upton's cd that you mentioned and I think I will get it. I do not have $ right now (I am another one of those poor college students) but I can exercise some patience for a little while longer. Also I had already downloaded most of the songs on the Rita Springer cd you mentioned and listen to them a lot. Thanks a lot for the suggestions and encouragement. You are right about focusing on what is most important through worship. Thanks for the reminder!
from witnessgirl :
I am absolutely loving hearing about your coffeehouse. WHAT a ministry! I have been to Christian-run coffeehouses before, but not with people who are available to counsel and encourage the people who walk in the door. How amazing! I am praying that the Lord will bless your coffeehouse financially and that God's presence dwells there richly! Thanks for your willingness and obedience! What a blessing!
from wifemotherme :
I sure hope your having fun and staying warm. Thank you so much for the note! Something about knowing you were laughing made me laugh. I needed that. Thank you!!!
from this1 :
howdy hisglory! just wanted you to know i didn't read your entry until after i wrote mine, lol. have a good nite. \o/

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