messages to inconstant:
(click here to add new message):

from distopian :
Hahahaha we were all totally crazy. That was why it was hilarious. I miss you too. Sometimes I sit and wonder how life even got to this point, and I think about how silly we were. It's kind of sad how disconnected from it all we are nowadays because it all seemed SO important to us at the time. I totally stalk your facebook now and then, but you don't use it much anymore. Boo. I hope we can always stay somewhat in touch because like you said... it is part of who we are/were. <3
from distopian :
do you still use this?
from distopian :
OMD SORRY I KEEP MISSING YOU. i swear i'll be online one day. you should get online at a time i'll actually be awake.
from cloud-shove :
And if you know of a nice one, note me.
from cloud-shove :
Sorry about that, I'll go search for a quote.
from cloud-shove :
Prove me wrong?
from distopian :
<33333333333333333333333333 I do heart thee, my Chieesybix. And you better tell me your new secret diary name or else I shall feel very sad :< Nor will I be able to make you an amazingly beautiful layout again. -wheatbixoflightandlife
from brownsukagod :
Don't do anything stupid? Har!~ I love that.
from brownsukagod :
And when I say here what I mean is hear. Sorry about that. But. Yeah. MERRY CHRISTMAS AGAIN!
from brownsukagod :
MERRY CHRISTMAS! (For tomorrow). No doubt I'll here from you after New Years but, in any case, you have an absolutely brilliant holiday of sorts and look after yourself. Til next year then? Mmm. Oh. Send us a txt or something, somewhere along the line (0212100810). I'd ask for yours, but we both know what happened last time.. So yeah. MERRY CHRISTMAS! Jesus turns.. 20XX ?? Yeah. Good morning.
from imeldamarcos :
Thanks for the note. Strangely enough, it was never really my "dream" to come to Japan it just happened. If you really want to, you should try to get over here again. I don't know what your life is like now, but it probably won't get any easier :) I try to keep the journal upbeat, mostly for the sake of my grandparents who read it. If I start to get down, they email and call saying "You can come home any time! Come home Come home!!" Its getting better lately, but its far from easy. Nevertheless, I highyl reccomend it! Ja ne.
from distopian :
Amici is Latin for "friends" :>
from distopian :
thanks leisel :> i've been kinda missing irc as well, but i really don't want to go back because i find it quite pointless now. everyone i like is gone... now its just adam and sea. i mean... lol okay whats the point *snort* so yeah. anyways... i keep missing chris. i haven't talked to him in like 2 weeks and i keep going away right when he's here. boo that :<
from distopian :
lollll nah its okay dunn worry about it :>
from brownsukagod :
Mornin' mornin'. How are we? I can see you on MSN, but it's not working (again..). I'm giving up. Rings? I think I have enough.. for now anywho. Right. I'll email sometime during my exam leave. Good luck. *smiles* ~Luther~
from garrincha :
I totally agree with on on the animals thing. People who torture animals ake me bloody mad. When people are cruel to animals it affects me more than when we hurt each other - gahahg.
from peachpoemgrl :
Tamora Pierce rocks
from distopian :
madness!!! but those have nothing to do with your school?!?!?! weird. <3333
from distopian :
oh! sed nomine tuo da gloriam! haharkdr.. yeah.
from distopian :
non nobis domine non nobis.... i sang a song with those words in 8th grade... except i dont remember any of the OTHER words anymore.
from brownsukagod :
Good morning sunshine. If I could, I'd lend you my PS2 and FFX. Seriously. I'm not playing it as much as I used to.. How's school? I'd tell you to update more, but people in glass houses apparently shouldn't throw stones. My guitar (electric) was stolen and my acoustic broke a string a day ago.. So bad times. I'm not sure what to put here, but it has to be almost as good as you signing your own notes page. *wink* But. Yeah. Good luck for exams and all and be safe etc. *hugs or waves.. take your pick* ~Luther~
from inconstant :
Notespagenotespage. Posting on my OWN notespage makes me cooler than most.
from distopian :
awww ruude!! that would have been FUN.
from saze :
from distopian :
nope..twas worse. i just spent nearly three hours laying on my bed holding the heating pad to my stomach and letting my fan blow on my face. and now it finally stopped killing me after i took two advil and a tylenol (different kinds of aspirins..) and now its even sort of starting to hurt again. --;
from distopian :
heh thanks leisel <3
from openupmymind :
from pumpkinville :
TWIN. I must send you my greetings for I haven't in so long. And you must update your diary. How is life treating you? How did the whole United Nations thing go? I was asked to do that but I avoided it *snort*. Do you have exams soon? HEART YOU INEED
from distopian :
lol leisel, for the images- change the urls to be kay? instead of i mean. the rest of the url should stay the same. it's only cos the thing seems to have stopped redirecting. <3 you
from distopian :
from distopian :
FRIED GOOSE$#%*)&*%$@#(%&@#&)!!!! OH MAN, TWO MORE DAYS@#$*)@&%(@*#$)@&#%(@#*$)@#&%(@#$&*&@#%(&@#*($#)%&#^(*$#%()*$#(%*#$(%#$&@ THOUGH IT'S ACTUALLY JUST ONE MORE#*#$%)#*$^(@$#&@ OH MAN#$*@)#*&$@()#*%&@%#(@#$*@#$@# I WISH@#$*@#$) I HAD#@$*@#)$* THE POWER@#$*)@#$(@#OF TIME@#$*)@#$&*@# SO THAT@#*$)@#*$I COULD#@*$)#*!&%SPEED UP@#$*@#$)*$@#TIME @#$*)@&@#(%24 HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@#*$)@#@# RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK!!!! Oh man Leisel, I am EXCITED yet SCARED yet HAPPY yet FRANTIC yet RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAORRRRRR!!!!!!!!!! oh man. I NEED. SOME. VALIUM. TO CALM. ME.DOWN. MY MOM HAS SOME VALIUM!!!! BUT IT'S EXPIRED. OH NO. i need to calm. down. calm. calm. OMD ONE MORE DAY CHIEESYBIX ONEEEE ONEEE!!! ONE ONE ONE ONE ONE!!!!!!!!!!! YOU BETTER BE ONLINE. WHEN HE IS. SO THAT. I CAN. RANT. ABOUT. IT. SO. BE. ONLINE. ALL DAY. THE DAY. AFTER. TOMORROW. SO YEAH. YOU BETTER BE ONLINE OR I SHALL ROAR! A LOT!!! YOU NEED TO BE OR ELSE I'LL BE A WRECK!!!! I WON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY#$#@)$ OR DO@$)#@($!)!@@$# AND I'LL HAVE ALL THIS PENT UP EXCITEMENT THAT I NEED TO RELEASE@#$*@)#$ ALTHOUGH ONE WOULD ARGUE THAT THAT'S WHAT I'M DOING NOW@#$*)@#*$@(#&@#$ BUT YOU STILL NEED TO BE THERE BECAUSEITISYOURJOBASMYFRIEND@#$*@#)(*&#@(%&@#)!*!@(!$@#)%&@#) oh man i'm nervous.
from distopian :
THREE MORE DAYS*#($)%&(@&(@^%(*&#$(^#&$%#$*^#$$#&%#&@*&@(!@&#$*^()*(!!!!!
from garrincha :
Hey what happened to your LJ? Yeah thanks for making the ... template
from distopian :
leeeeisellll you better be as SMORT as I think you are!!! you better be RIGHT if you do not want me to ROAR at you!!!!!! oh man leisel now you've made me all nervous. i have to wait another FIVE more days?!?! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK!!! *runs around frantically* okay. OKAY okay calming. okay. i can wait. NO I CAN'T!!!!!! omd seriously these past like 3 DAYS have been like HELL for me. so saddening. i'mma go mad@#$*@)(#$&%@ okay OKAY okay. yes. no more ranting about that. i <3 thee sexy chieesybix!!!
from pumpkinville :
TWIN thank you dearly for looking after my kittens. I can now be sure that nothing will harm them. They so send their regards even though Gravel is playing in the kitty litter and Pinger is sleeping in Dad's shirt. BUT YES. Do enjoy the rest of your holidays Twin.
from hogwarts1 :
*bow's like in those Anime cartoons* Domo Arigato! Rocking socks is what I love to do!
from hogwarts1 :
I think I'm turning Wapanese I think I'm turning Wapanese I really think so!(I'm also an 80's freak)
from distopian :
lol thankies :D:D:D i think i look fat and stupid but hey
from inconstant :
WOW GUYS. I'm gonna hold a celebration for your noteness. I'm gonna count them up soon and make a SPECIAL ENTRY. YAY. LOVE YOU ALL MOSTLY.
from garrincha :
Patrick- the nmad scots boy who went out with rose?
from garrincha :
Sounds like fun ^-^. I have working troubles too. And the wax things is really fun, umm like a sensation so unique and waxy?
from distopian :
YAAAAY!!!! that better mean you're online more often O_o both you and kim are like NEVER on and i'm like ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!!! just like that.
from hogwarts1 :
WOW! *Oggles your new computer* How many Pentiums does it have? *giggles*
from pumpkinville :
TWIN I know the flood thing's supposed to be BAD but YAY for the new computer&*(#(&)#*_#
from pumpkinville :
TWIN. How have you been FARED in the weather cos Scott said it POURED down ALL weekend AND THEN I saw the news and it's like FLOODED in the south of the North Island AND I UNDERSTAND about the whole wax thing because that is COOL. I always harrass my Nana's candles when we go there for dinner.
from miseryflower :
Hello darling! I love you! I've been updating lately. My life has been faring somewhat rough.. damn those adolescent years! Hehe. I have a lovely new lover whom I have currently been with for SEVEN MONTHS and COUNTING! YAY FOR ME! I love it I love it I love it. And I got so many chocolates that by the time they're all gone I'll be sick of chocolates. BUT WHO on this god-forsaken earth could ever get sick of chocolates! NOT ME! Hehe. Anyway.. check the diary. I shall indeed be updating on the span of my life. Hehe. LOVE YOU LOT$ FIELDMOUSE!
from garrincha :
I found it, I told you I would.
from pumpkinville :
TWIN. How was school? It's kind of fun the whole FIRST day of school thing but then the novelty wears off. *nods*. THE SEASON FINALE OF QUEER EYE FOR THE STRAIGHT GUY IS ON TONIGHT. HOW could they do this to us? I think they want to torture us. HAPPY big sixth formerness. )#&*@_*@
from distopian :
that's probably because its 6:50am. speaking of which, i should probably go to my bus stop now or else i'll be late. bye leisel
from distopian :
i'm sleepy --;
from pumpkinville :
MMKay, I dunno why that happened but double commeration to you?
from pumpkinville :
TWIN you gave me the inspirtation not to abandon my diary. I MUST commerate you.
from moodswung :
Happy New Year!! Hope it's a good one. Hmm. My hair!! I look like Jack White with a perm!! Whoosh.. Yeah. So Happy New Year. *barks*
from brownsukagod :
Yeah. Sorry. I'm so self-conscious that I thought that you were seriously offended. Mmm. Merry Christmas to you too. I'm drunk, so isn't that lovely? Indeed. Goodnight.
from saze :
it's awful isn't it :P
from maraudergirl :
Oh Goddess I know how you feel! When 'that' heppens. I scream at everyone & boys aren't good enough to eat the dog pee slush from my shoes! I just want to kill things thta are alive & happy. (gosh I sound a lot like father{Voldemort})
from dependant :
Hello! Queer Eye stopped last monday! I flicked it on today and it was gone... gone! The loss I felt was pathetically large! It'll be back later but I want it nowwww! ... I love them.. at least I have Gilmore girls to comfort me.. (saturdays at 7.30 on Ten) Yay you're coming to Australia! It'll be great...uh.. see the bridge and the opera house, they really are beautiful. stuff... damn I wish I knew my own country better...
from maraudergirl :
Oh OH! you got me! I didn't think you watched my diary! Yes change is good. Will change. One thing about thinking your a guy. Ithought only Men got Inconstant. Or is that inconsistant? Anyway Girl Power! & Stuff like that!
from brownsukagod :
No. Wait. Sorry. I figured it out. Still sorry. It's been fixed/removed. Sorry.
from brownsukagod :
Men-oh-pause. Thank you. But.. huh? What was that for? You lost me at the men part..
from dependant :
I too have a morbid facination with gay men. I heart them. I heart them overly... I mean I just look at Kyan and want to be a gay man.. or else wish he were straight... I want his babies. Carson is overly adorable... and Jai... oh.. I LOVE that show! ...nothing further at this present time.. This monday night they're on in Aust. but at the same time will be a South Park spoof of them... oh.. so very torn... Hello.
from pumpkinville :
TWIN. I thought I must alert you about my APPARENT stalker. I'm EXCITED because it's Scott and Scott's lovely. I always thought it'd be you and I doing the stalking but STILL. Have you any more exams lefT? Goodd LUCK dear twin. OH and I must get your number so I can txt you *nods*
from brownsukagod :
HA! Exams = Bitch. Enough said, I think. But I'll continue, for my sake, anyway. Almost cried in my Maths exam. *sniffs* Hope you're faring better than I am. And.. *holds breath* 12:00pm NZ Time: GUY SEBASTIEN. Winner of Australian Idol. *jumps/skips/hops/falls* I've been waiting ALL NIGHT for that. I'm hopeless? Yes. But thanks. You're my distraction from studying. Thank you *bows* AAANNDD.. I'm off. Good luck.
from pumpkinville :
TWIN I must wish you best of luck for your exams()*()&@)@#* Science tomorrow? Well yes, I do hope Man and Crab are with you.
from brownsukagod :
*throws a tantrum* The bloody internet thing just lost my note.. It was long too. But. NO. It's lost now... With no way of getting home. Should get it a cellphone so it can ring for a taxi.. *ponders* But. Bah. To the point. Email me. *blushes* Aww.. come on.. I'm sad or at least will be NOW after saying that.. Yeah.. That is a bit sad.. A bit.. But yeah. Email me so I feel special and sorts. *snorts* Oh. And.. Flag study. Bollocks to the lot of it. I did TWO HOURS [enter echo] of bloody study.. and got... nowhere. Hope you're having better luck.. *mumbles* So, now I'm off. Isn't that fun..
from pumpkinville :
My dear TWIN I hope you're faring well. I think the cats are attacking because your cat is harrassing your mother and my cat spewed in my room and caroline told me that her cat spewed on her brother's BED. Best of luck with exams
from artcrime :
Your poor little FACE! *licks it* Try putting VICKS VAPOR RUB on the spots that really hurt so that the ELEMENTS can't get to them through the vapor rub.
from maraudergirl :
Hi, brownsukagod told me to check you out. here is some peeper-up potion to get you feeling a bit better & so you can start writeing some of that harry slash you talked about. Not that I'm into slash mind but I'm dieing of Non-harrypotter-Diarys here. So, yeah. Get well & if you need any more of that potion E-mail me or leave me a note. Dauther of Riddle Ashlee Jolene Riddle O'Conner
from invisibledon :
Happy Halloween 03
from pumpkinville :
AND AND AND DO get better
from pumpkinville :
MY DEAR TWIN get well SOON)(()#&()#*()*bakes chicken soup* YES, I think your nose needs to stall and STOP producing mucus. HAH, I nearly typed Marcus. There's this guy at school called Marcus. I'M PROBABLY BUYING A CELLPHONE. I have enough money and HMM I want one of those pretty blue Nokia telecom $10 txting ones *nods*
from inconstant :
Signing this PAGE.. 'hint hint' Pretty cool.. to SIGN THIS PAGE.. I mean.. who couldn't.. want.. to.. SIGN THIS PAGE? Cause it's no crime! It's an opportunity.. to.. sign this page. So. SIGN IT.
from pumpkinville :
MMKAY I meant music
from pumpkinville :
CONNECTION TWIN we were learning about the whole angles in circles in maths. *pats* and your maths things should die so that you could sleep *nods*
from kate-nz :
thanks for doing my nz trivia survey!
from pumpkinville :
OKAY TWINN and you chuck rocks, nono hurl BIG rocks at all the BITCHY girls at your school ESPECIALLY the Philly man. That name reminds me of cheese. YES ATTACK THE CHEESE FACTORIES *nods*.
from pumpkinville :
Hey TwinnYYYY Good boy, I'm proud of you for doing your history project *pats*. I want to take history next year but I don't like the teacher but YES. TWINNY
from elan-vital :
Whee@&#*@(#& I heart you
from elan-vital :
HelLOOOOOO I HEART YOU@(*#&(@*#&@*#& IT'S SEA OKAY good night :>
from anhelo :
I love the rain too. It makes me happy. And I like how you made it feminine. We need gender in english. Derm, but I don't think that's what you meant. *sweat drop* teh... But I like how you said that men can have wind. Teh, silly. I like your diary.
from brownsukagod :
Dear... do you check your emails?? I REALLY need to know. Otherwise I'll send a dozen trying to figure out if you do. *ponders* Pathetic, yes? Indeed. But yes. I'm all annoyed at your rain. Ruin my party it did. *sighs* Oh well. If I don't talk to you before the end of the holidays.. hm. I'll... sigh?? Bah. I think I'll have some cheesecake. *waves*
from openupmymind :
You've got a livejournal?! Come visit me my darling, so I can tackle you with comments of doom and commeseration! I must go tackle Rayne sometime soon, I must go eat her shoes. BUT FIRST I MUST PAY MY DUES! I Heart theeeee *schnoogles*
from artcrime :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CHIEET! *hugglesquish* I'd send you a box of Turkish Delights because they're from that one movie that's all weird and stuff, but I don't have your address, they only sell them around Christmas, and they taste weird anyways. But YES, MSN keeps crashing, and it's evil, but hopefully next time you're online it will NOT crash. I heart you oh so very much, Chieet
from openupmymind :
GraR! Hey there cheesey sweetie, how fair's Switzerland and the err... dairy? *nods off to sleep* I'm in WONDERLAND and I'm drooling with these people over D/Hr in my own little world which is decorated with pictures of people doing Tai Chi! *schnoogles* Yeeeeeeah, I'm Young and I'm Hopeless. *dies* So tired, but I must send my regards, so yes *hearts*
from nightingales :
i pranced off to melo too, but i still post in this one too. i post the same thing really. yup. i still heart my layout here so i feel bad abandoning it, but eh. i like melo. it's bloody slow as hell, but i still heart it. yup. anyways, tah.
from brownsukagod :
Aha.. Happy Birthday *nods* Hope the day is delightful and all. Bah. I actually WENT to Armageddon on Sunday. *frowns* Maybe Sat would have been a better day? Sunday was very.. meh-ish. Not bad for $13. But still. The wrestling was a crack up. "Indredible Yam" or something or rather. Still. Much better than Spongebob. Ooo. And I got posters.. Nice ones too. *beams* I finally found a Led Zep one I like. No Deftones which was disappointing. Oh. Hm. The Cosplay thing was amusing. Maybe I'll dress up next year. Never miss a chance to make an ass of myself. Though it did install a new enthusiasm to finish FFX. So I think I best be off. Have a lovely birthday *waves*
from pumpkinville :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TWIN. MMM sweet sixteen. YES I do hope you have the most lovely day.
from pumpkinville :
TWIN those people who don't appreciate your lovely lyrics should be raped by attacking penguins and then locked in shoe boxes for the rest of their LIVES those ungrateful sods.o What is a sod?
from pumpkinville :
HEY twin it's NEARLY your birthday and HMMM I do hope your exams went well. PENGUINS ARE GOING TO ATTACK. Seriously. My maths teacher AND my sciene teacher are penguins in disguise *hides* IS THAT NOT SCARY? I bought a lovely penguin bracelet in the South Island. BUT MMM be PREPARED
from artcrime :
CHIEET%$@# How lovely to SEE you agaIN! It was RAYNEing? Oh how pleasant#@ to sing in the rain after A FAILED MATHS TEST5@#$ Who wants to pass maths anyway? What's it's use? What is it good for? WHAT KIND OF FISH NEEDS TO KNOW MATHS%?@# NONE, I TELL YOU, NONE%$@# But yes, maths are pointless and cheese like that, so don't worry about it, ChieeT%$3 OH OH$# I CUT myself whilst shaving today and it HURT and it BLED and it was UNPLEASANT but it was fun because I could draw stuff on my leg with the blood but then I put a bandaid on it and the fun went away =( CHIEET CHIEET CHIEET GET some GLOVES that will keep your hands warm and make YOUR TYPING even WORSE%@# That would be fun indeed, AND THEN you could fly to SanFRANSISCO and sell bananas in the sun... BANANAS THAT WEAR GLOVES, yes yes, AND AHHH I HAD RICE FOR LUNCH indeed I did? Do you like rice, Chieet? You must have had LOTS of RICe in JAPAN with Asian boys with GOLDEN CHOPSTICKS and TOM FELTON with FISHSTICKS%^@ NO WAIT YOU'D BE A CARNIVOROUS THING and that would be bad and I don't know if I spelt that right because I haven't bothered to look at it twice, and probably half the stuffs here is speltish wrong, BUT WHO CARES, THAT KEEPS IT INTERESTING, I could say something like "carmel is goof" and despite HOW UNINTERESTING that is, it would be interesting BECAUSE IT'S NOT SPELT RIGHT^$%^#@ And I HEART YOU CHIEET, AND KEEP hamming and ADORING and SINGING IN TEH RAYNE$^#@ *hugsquish*
from pumpkinville :
YES hello my dear twin, I do send my greeting. We haven't communicated in so long! It's DISGRACEFUL I know. Good luck for your exams...I have one next week which I should be studying for. MMM yes it's like 12 days to your birthday so isn't that lovely. My maths teacher is a pieces and he always eats fishin abuns so maybe you are what you eat? You have the same birthday as Jamie. BYE my dear, I shall see you again soon.
from openupmymind :
Oh sweetie, I have my theories. I keep getting told to come back and announce them when I get a PHD and some proper experience, but I feel I have to voice them sometimes. If there is love, just know that I do love you, because you'e special and lovely to all, even if they dislike it and throw hissy popcorn fits. I love you more than the stars in the sky, fresh green grass, baby ducklings and yes, *gasp* more than Draco/Hermione shipping! You are my sunshine, my little ray of light and if love exists, then I know that it's because of people like you that it does! And don't tear out your hair! *smacks* Stttoooooop! Join the Swiss debating team, you can yodel and yelp for awhile and we'll climb mountains wearing funny shoes! *nods and schnuggles*
from nightingales :
from brownsukagod :
*ponders about the rain* Hmm... Rains lovely. Yes. But I do love sun shine. But of course... Your template looks good *smiles* Very nice. Oh. *clicks* Good luck on the History exam. Mhmm. The rain is pretty...
from brownsukagod :
Oh well spotted on the personality over looks thing dear. *smiles* Still coming to terms with that myself... Yes well, I never thanked you for making me do the whole diary thingy so thank you *nods*
from artcrime :
CHIEET!#@! You are SAILOR MOON, SAILOR MOON, LEGOLAS, and RINOA all in one person? That's a lot of people to be. $#@ YOU must be FAMOUS AND go to JAPAN and be ALL OF THOSE PEOPLE at ONCE for the viewing joys of all the JAPANESE boys. That SOUNDED the SAME#$@ But yes, I will fix Hotmail whether it likes it or not. I WILL SHOW IT WHO'S QUEEN
from deepxxviolet :
very nice diary, the lay-out is tight
from nightingales :
sounds fun. well, if it makes you feel any better, i'm now 16 and without a boyfriend. anyways... happy birthday in 22 days. i'm not sure if you'll get online and check this thing before then so i'm just saying it now. mmkay bye then.
from openupmymind :
MY MAILBOX MUST BE VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY EVIL! *smacks in continuously* I've not got any email :( This is so sad! All I keep getting is unwanted trash from dopey and mopey places I signed up to at 5am in the morning. NOT FAIR! NOT BLOODY WELL FAIR AT ALL!! *wails* My Leighness, oh how I heart thee and thy toes. Let not my inbox of doom steer you away from my longingness as I shall BEAT THE UNHOLY SHIT OUT OF IT FOR A FEW HOURS in my infinite anger. I do heart you and when I find the problem, I shall kill it and then it shall be dead and even though I shall not be satisified, I shall have some peace of mind. So now I bid thee farewell, as I wander off into my journey of killing things and I wish you good health and much love. *snuggles*
from openupmymind :
oh duck child, how I've missed you so very much! It's so saddening that we no longer prance through the same meadow in our beloved switzerland, with daises in our hair and a herd ducks chasing us! *sobs* my, those were the days. BUT YES! We shall start a dairy in dear Switzerland! YOUR TAI CHI CLASSES SHALL BE WONDERFUL AND MY HP FANFIC CLASSES SHALL BE NOTHING OF THE SORT FOR I SHALL BE PRANCING ON YOUR TOES AT THE TIME. Oh well... I probably shouldn't abuse my caps button, it doesn't like me. It tries to bite me whenever I go to touch it. Do you have any idea how nasty that is?? Anyway, I miss my my beloved. KEEP THE YODELLING ALIVE!
from obliteration :
DEARBELOVEDCHIEERIO! how ART THOU? INDUBIDIBLY INDEEDY. oh how ive missed you *cry* i need your knowledge so everly can't you tell? but yes anyways i<3u and ucompleteme but now i must FLEE, FLEE to my ROOM before the EVIL EMERGES FROM.. the GARAGE!!! FAREWELL CHIEETO!
from pumpkinville :
HI my dearest twin YES I do agree about that unseksea unripe watermelon trevor. MMMM my neighbour at my holiday house is called trevor and he's GAYYYY and I found that FUNNY because you know those ice blocks bid trev. ANYHOW MY HEARTYFUL I send you my greetings
from lost-time :
LEEEEEEEIIIIIIGH! Tai Chi sweetums from the GREAT yodelling SWITZERLAND! YESH THE CHEESE! ~nods~ I have this sore on my temple and it keeps itching and bleeding and now I think it's going to EXPLODE because it HURTS SO DAMNED FUCKING MUCH! ~wails~ My darling, I do mish you, never forget theat sweetums. ~nods~ LMFAO It just took me around a full minute to write ~nods~ properly. CANT TYPE. Not good, fingers don't like the keyboard. BUT ANYWAY darling, I must prance through our garden, the one I wish the build and let all the darlings and small faeries enter. ~cooes~. Ah well, I shall disappear now. ~twirls~
from nightingales :
oh well as for the long emails to wheatbix, wheatbix now has a new email address because she got sick of yahoo. the new email de wheatbix is as follows: [email protected] So yes.
from swirleddream :
Lmao!! I promise if I see Tom Felton, you will be the person I box him up and send him to, (with air holes in the crate of course).
from sporq :
Hello Leighdarling. I'm just sending you a note to say hello and hope you are frolicking well. :)
from lost-time :
YTou are my SUNSHINE, my only SUNSHINE, you make me HAPPY, when skies are GREY. You'll never know DEAR, how much I LOVE you. So please don't take my SUNSHINE away. ~sobs insanely and goes to find something to drink~
from nightingales :
prickly frogs as in... HORNY TOADS? BAAHAHAHAHAHHA *cracks* anyways. OH MY how I do heart thee and I am truly sorry i did not get to say GOODBYE PROPERLY and stuff but who cares about properness, ne? oh frizzle, i must prance dear chieesybix. I HEART THEE VERY MUCH BYEE
from bahmeh :
If dreams were rainbows, and rainbows were wishes, then where's the pot of know what!? YOU CAN BE MY POT OF GOLD! Cuz you're all rich and wonderful and bright and shiny and.... I think you need a tiara. Go get one if you haven't already! BYE BYE PRINCESS!!!! ^^
from saze :
I still think I have nothing similar to that person ... oh well ...
from pumpkinville :
HI TWINNNETTTE I do heart your diary and WOW there's so many MESSAGES here and and MMM I'm on a website and there's a banner notifying TOAST. JOIN the be-nice-to-toast Associtation. MMMM twinny I must be going but HEART you
from roapearl :
Thanks for joining the ring. Eccentricity is wonderful, innit?
from saze :
and now i find you! muahaha!
from artcrime :
AHH, this is quite special I am now making my first NOTE, and it is to YOU, and that is GOOD, because it's to YOU, and all that STUFF. I am enjoying my new DiaryLAND Diary, CHIEE
from mojo1915 :
Hello. Thank you for joining the cereal diaryring! ~Jesse
from nightingales :
hiiiiiiiiiigh my lovely chieesybix. i just wanted to say I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH and STUFF. yes. that's about all. BYE MY LOVELY MAN THING OF A HUSBAND@!#*)@#$&%(@#$!
from fortherecord :
Leighhhhhhh(*&^%$#%^&* Mmgoshpopapepsicola! :D tankoo for the sexiful note I feel HEARTED and stuff and and and ummmmm coffee is odd!! <3
from nonsugarfree :
The dragon story was saaaad *sob* Excellant in its own way. In its lovely own way. Just like you *nods* I cant bitch about you in my diary because you're too lovely?
from miseryflower :
Hey Leigh. Dude.. chica.. your entries are long and bananarific and really hard to follow. My tiny incompetent mind cannot handle such incessant ramblings coming from the turkey-mouse person you are. Hehe.. I LOVES YOU LEIGH-CHIEE! BYEBYE!
from lil-button :
waddleing into the world of lil-button, care to join me? I remember the day IHABBH met the cheese. Oh what a scary day that way. Let's go back there? Turn back the clock my darling? (PLEASE turn back the clock :()
from shisa :
Thanks for listing me ^_^ I'm always glad to meet another Nobuo Uematsu fan.
from nightingales :
high chieesybix@!#*)!@!#$%!! haha, on my cell phone, the name that shows up on the main screen is "wheatbix" *cracks* yes. i didn't want to put elisha cos that's ugly and madi...well my parents would be confused. kiwi is just... i dunno. wheatbix is lovelier. so yes. *heart heart*
from alleytally :
lol well thank you for the note my friend, it made my day, as absinth is a disappoint, it no longer causes halliucations. regardless thanks again, i hope you have a great day.
from cyanide07 :
hi. your entry about japan is NOT the most boring entry in the's so totally interesting. i can really relate to that. everything about japan is just so cool, isn't it? i've never been there before, but my interaction with japanese people has already become a memorable experience. you can talk to me about it, it really is not boring to me=)
from lost-time :
from sporq :
OH MY WANK NOODLE PASTA. I GET THE HAND THING TOO. Usually when I'm on the computer because I sit on my left hand and my right hand is using the all powerful mouse. SO EEEEEEEp. It's okay calm down. Yes ok just thought I would tell you that bit of information. *heart*
from dead-pink :
from dead-pink :
just prancing by to let you know this is my new diary. not sure if you know how to get to the fans page so..yes. *pets chieesybix* farewell.
from kmao :
pfft sorry i havent fixed your template thingy yet. i havent had a lot of time...and also i forgot what you wanted. email me all the stuff? and be sure its the yahoo one cos hotmail's still being a wankie. and yes. i love you my spandex lover.
from kmao :
aww but i wanted to make her a template :( oh well yours are better *snorts* have fun in texas@#$*)!
from sporq :
ACTIONSPANDX. My darling, we must get you a new template. You have such a LOVELY diary, but you need more BEAUTIFULNESS. If you like, maybe I could make you a template if I have time. Ponder on it, but ponder quickly, because I leave in a week back home to Texas. Whee. Tell Elijah to not PEE IN YOUR FOUNTAIN. Yes. The End.
from kmao :
from sporq :
HELLO my little cheese puddle. How are you? I'm fine. I was just prancing through town and I thought I would say hello and I MISS YOU*#(. Happy days!
from goodbrian :
You thought no one was reading your diary,HA! It was entertaining. I feel kind of like a loser at this diary land place and I wanted to know if you would be my special friend that would tell me I'm not a loser when I think I am...Anyways you sound like a cool person. byE!
from lil-button :
ohmfg!CHEESE BOOGER?! WTF! *shifty eyes* Where've you been?! *eats* DAAARLING! I've mished you so! I THOUGHT I DIDN'T EVEN GET A CHANCE TO SAY G'BYE ALL THE TIME BACK THEN! EVERYNIGHT I'VE GONE TO BED WEEPING FROM LACK OF CHEESE BUH BYES AND ALL ALONG YOU WERE HERE?! gHoDs yUo hAd mEh sCaReD! Don't EVER leave me again sweetie, I don't think I'd be able to bear it!
from kmao :
haha ok *raid* anyways...diary templates...i can make you one like mine except with a different moulin rouge or something. my old template was moulin was a seksea template too. but yeah. we shall see. i'm really busy right now so..yeah. byee!@*#$) *prances off*

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