messages to island-:
(click here to add new message):

from heyjude85 :
hey, congrats :). I was just signing in to make sure my diary didn't disappear haha.
from estratto :
Hello darling. I don't feel so bad now, I just updated for the first time since July too! How are you doing? When is your wedding going to be? Sorry I'm never on AIM anymore, it got deleted and I've just been too lazy to reinstall it. Email me sometime and tell me what you've been up to.
from smashthegas :
Engaged? Wow. Congrats dude. Hope you and M are rockin happy together. Smash\m/
from estratto :
Update! :)
from estratto :
Hey I lost your email address, but if you'll leave it for me somewhere (I'll delete it asap) I'll send you my pictures from Florida.
from jesbohn :
I live in LA. You overpaid.
from smashthegas :
Dude, Holland or LA sound rockin. I dont mind. Ill carry your bags and be your serverdude if you can put up with a 6'7" longhair being your bartender :-) I can cook too, I was a chef for three years so if you get hungry it might pay to have me on your staff. Be cool bro, hope you and your babe have the most rockin time... and get some pictures, okay? \m/
from smashthegas :
Hey dude, can i come?
from chsturtle :
Hi, I like the way you are thinking. It's nice to be ok with things, even when things aren't perfect. Afterall, not to sound corny, but life is what you make of it :)
from badassrocker :
Good luck with your exams, dude. Keep rockin' too. \m/
from manzypanzy87 :
Hey thanks for the note. Its tough, and I think it's that much worse because it was so unexpected, but I'm sure within a few weeks everything will be back to normal.
from lovely-lass6 :
Why thank you. I didn't think anyone actually read the stuff I wrote. My dress is maroon. I hope it goes well too. Thank alot. :)
from smashthegas :
Hey Im pleased for you dude. But update more ofte, ya hear? Heh. Smash \m/
from smashthegas :
Hey come on, dude! Do I have to prompt you all the time to write an entry? Hehe hope you're rockin and cool, bro. Smash \m/
from smashthegas :
Hey dude I know I just emailed ya, but I gotta say I like your style. Keep cool and you are in my thoughts bro. You and your babe, M. Smash \m/
from soxconfused :
from soxconfused :
Us girls realize that guys are present-challenged, and we understand. Hey, as long as you remember to get us *something* then you're good in our books. So stop fretting ;)
from soxconfused :
Us girls realize that guys are present-challenged, and we understand. Hey, as long as you remember to get us *something* then you're good in our books. So stop fretting ;)
from soxconfused :
Hey darlin, sorry I had to get off the computer. You can also IM me at glaube19 if I'm ever on. If not email me at [email protected]. Hope to hear from you soon!
from smashthegas :
Hey bud, just dropping a note to let you know I think your diary is cool. I like your honesty. Cool to see an Irish dude's diary, I'm just across the ditch in Liverpool, hehe. But hey, I promise not to steal your car. Keep rockin'! I'll be back to read the rest of your archives later. I'm off to the pub. Be cool, bro. smash.
from yellow-ninja :
Hello. I happened to click on your banner today and found that it was your birthday. I thought it would be only polite after trepassing on your space to say Happy Birthday and many returns. ;) I hope your b-day was great.
from soxconfused :
I better get to see the pics!
from soxconfused :
Before I forget AGAIN: sorry I haven't talked to you since The Big Weekend. I've been studying like crazy. Well anyway CONGRATS I'm really happy for you. I'll try to be online around 1:30pm my time if you wanna talk. See ya.
from lovely-lass6 :
Awww, I'm happy for you. :)
from lovely-lass6 :
Just thought I'd let you know I am no longer using ladybloom6 as my diary and that it has been moved to this here one. See ya.
from liono :
hey there island. I was wondering if you have gotten everything figured out with wizards and such about Gen-Con Indy. My friend, Adam and I are attending and we are looking into housing for that weekend and were wondering if you have yours figured out yet. Send me an e-mail or something. Its been a long time since we've talked. Miss you & <3!
from ladybloom6 :
*hug* There you go. It's virtual but heartfelt none the less. Peace.
from liono :
I'm sorry to hear... well read that your mother got hurt. Wish her well for me and I would like to thank you and your family again and again for allowing me to stay with you. It was extremly memorable. And you did get a one up on Fiona :-D Take care of yourself and your mother as well. I don't believe that I will stay with you before I fly out of ireland for there is one other that will be on the same flight as me so we will stay the night in cork. Good luck on exams and say hello to everyone for me as well :) <3 Liono
from estratto :
I just felt like leaving you a note since I am not at home and can't get on AIM. I have more messes that I need to get out of, guess I should go write about them. But anyway, hi :)
from manzypanzy87 :
I don't have messenger anymore because my dad won't let me and we've gone through 3 computers in the past year. If I ever get my own, I will be back on messenger, but that's very unlikely. You can always email me and tell me how you are doing. same name but You can try hotmail, but I don't know if it will go through. I block everything! :)
from estratto :
I was waiting around to see if I could catch you online but..I am sorry about the breakup. They always suck. I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but since you don't ever see her you probably won't talk again, but you might. Heck it took me 10 months to be actual friends with Shane (though that's another story...) Well, you know my email if you wanna talk, I'd like to know what's going on.
from ladybloom6 :
That's ok. You just talked about your girlfriend all the time like she was the most important thing and now you aren't together. That must really suck. I honestly hope things get better for you. Good luck!
from ladybloom6 :
I'm sorry dude. Hope things get better.
from matchbox19 :
hey thomas, just a quick note to say hi and hope all is good for you. you're a great person and i wish i could be there more often for you. love from sarah :o)
from mbs83 :
aw. That's no good. I hope you work something out. You should come and stay with us in August, and we could drive down to Chicago. Oh wait, you have never met us, well you would have met Jake by then...that would be pretty cool. It sounds like you are having a rough time. I hope things work out. I am having a super rough time this semester as well. Take care, you will make it!
from cutie1083 :
I'm not mad at you.
from cutie1083 :
from ladybloom6 :
Well I'm suprised rather.
from ladybloom6 :
No that's fine. I suprised people actually read it.
from ladybloom6 :
Sure. So does that mean you actually read my diary?
from estratto :
i was hoping to talk to you, but happy birthday!
from mbs83 :
So you have a girlfriend? And it seems all is going well. :) That is nice to hear! Take care.
from cutie1083 :
*sigh* Boy, I'm seriously going to have to smack the low self-esteem out of you when we meet. Okay, maybe I'm being harsh. I'm sleepy and not thinking properly. Whatever. You're not unattractive or fat or whatever. So stop it :P
from matchbox19 :
that is so sweet. i'm so happy for you :o)
from cutie1083 :
I'm emailing you about that bleh entry
from toxicdrops :
from mbs83 :
No one can be perfect. But all you can do is try to be the best person that you can be.
from spunkygirl57 :
Hi, I really enjoy reading your diary. I don't know how I found it, but I'm glad I did. I'm from the states so I've learned some interesting things from your diary. Thank you.
from cutie1083 :
from cutie1083 :
Thanks for the note...I love you too.
from matchbox19 :
greenland?! mad!!!! have an ace time thomas :o)
from elliorange :
from heyjude85 :
lol because you don't take my advice!!! that's why you!! lol **Hugs** I'll be back after Friday, then we can chat about it.
from cutie1083 :
I was gonna say something cool, but...I can't remember what it was now.
from leadme :
Yo! About your friend saying you should drink and whatever, that stinks. Fight the temptations if they come, although I know you'll do fine. You even said you didn't want to drink anyways. Have fun at the party tonight! -Jennifer
from cutie1083 :
from matchbox19 :
in regards to the post you made called 'venting' - it was like i was reading something i'd written myself. except i've never actually gone out with anyone. i've been rejected every time. it sucks in a massively huge way, eh.
from heyjude85 :
awww **hugs** lol I'm sooooooo your friend ;) you know that.
from leadme :
hey ! I used the survey that you've got on your site .. hope ya don't mind :)
from cutie1083 :
I'm glad there's someone out there who understands me...thanks for the note:)
from heyjude85 :
**hugs** ;) thanks.
from escaped-mind :
when my brother's upset, I go in his room and sit there and watch tv with him, talking about random things, until he finally tells me what's going on. But heartbreak is a VERY hard thing (ugh, i've had my share of it already). I STILL don't want to talk about it, a month later. I just leave it as "we're not together" and that's that. But it's not like I'm going to tell my family I got drunk and..yeah, you know the story.
from leadme :
Hey , about your sister. That's harsh! I got dumped two months ago by a guy that I was going out with for 10 months. IT sucks, and at the time I didn't want to talk to anyone about it either. It was nice knowing that there were people around though that cared, so keep just letting her know that you're there for her. Not to the point that it gets overly annoying .. just so she knows. Goodluck
from cutie1083 :
I'm always being told that I act "old" even though I'm only twenty. My dad left when I was nine and I had no choice but to grow up quickly. Most of the time people don't understand that...anyway, I hope you feel better.
from heyjude85 :
:( love, I'm sorry! I definitely know what you mean, so if you need to talk, you can always text me and I'll come running! lol. Just send an email to: [email protected] . See you later!
from heyjude85 :
50-60%?! Why do they make exams so hard over there that everyone's happy to get half of it right?! For pete's sake if I got a 50 on my exams I'd roll over and die! I've never gotten anything below 85% on an exam, EVER! However, if you must be crazy and use retarded grading :) lol ;) then congrats on feeling good about the exam.
from toxicdrops :
Thank you Thomas ::hug and a kiss::
from matchbox19 :
good luck for the rest of them mate. if you're anything like me in exams, you'll need it :oP i get brain freeze in them - it just stops working. even the easiest ones seem harder. i'm sure you'll be fine though. if you're confident about that first one, the rest will be sweet. *thumbs up* :o)
from heyjude85 :
lol I hate the kill bill movies :-| but I do like hugs. *hug* :)
from matchbox19 :
hugs are the greatest. there isn't anything much better than a hig. hug, even :oP
from heyjude85 :
lol I hate girls like the first girl. You probably shouldn't go for girls who are so incredibly caught up in themselves. Jo sounds pretty nice, though, good catch :-D.
from heyjude85 :
I can't, the layout has to be changed :-\ sorry.
from toxicdrops :
congrats on placing secound Thomas!
from mbs83 :
I stole the survey thing on your most recent post! I hope that's okay. :) Hope all is going well for you.
from cutie1083 :
They don't sell Oreos in Ireland?!?! Wow.
from cutie1083 :
You are such a sweetheart
from heyjude85 :
ugh, I hate it when boys have ulterior motives. If you wanted to touch her arm, you should have just touched her arm, not pretended to feel her jacket!! Girls see right through that!
from heyjude85 :
WOOOOOOOOOO Thomas got a kiss :-D lol. I told you things only get better.
from heyjude85 :
**hugs** :-D yay!! I hope you have a million good days like that.
from heyjude85 :
hey love! :-D glad you're back. If I see you on messenger, I'll send you an IM, but you haven't been showing up on my messenger lately. You left an IM the other day and it said you weren't online the whole time... so I couldn't IM you back. Anyhow, let me know how the IM thing works lol.
from ktdream :
Wow thank you for adding me to your favorites!
from matchbox19 :
:o( i didn't get any valentines either. same as you, 20 years in a row.
from ktdream :
You're very welcome
from ktdream :
That was a really nice entry about the beauty and greatness of friendship. Need to appreciate them more and everything. Love your username by the way.
from blurtzdaduck :
just randomly going through my friends list in diaryland to let everyone know that my new diary is: Make a not of that somewhere.....well... I kinda already did... hehe
from heyjude85 :
:( **hugs** it can only get better!
from cutie1083 :
Thanks for the note:)
from heyjude85 :
LOL too bad Stephen probably won't get any pay raise for it :-P
from cutie1083 :
Thank you so much for your note...I really needed some niceness:) And I changed my template to solve the kitty-rash designs problem.
from ladysy1ver :
My mother also says that when I was my sisters age (also 15), I was as bad as she is now and that she's just 'going through a phase'. Apparently it's her age. Teenager-dom gives her the freedom to get away with murder just because she is changing. *Shrugs* What can I say? I can't give you advice, I struggle to ignore my own sister. But I sympathise... if that's any help.
from heyjude85 :
You know what? My sister does the SAME stuff. Since she has a heart problem she gets away with EVERYTHING, and I really do mean everything. It sucks that 10 years from now they'll probably be stuck flipping burgers at burger king because no one handed them a white colar job.
from heyjude85 :
Hey love! :( miss talking to you.
from escaped-mind :
About what to say if you quit and find another job. Tell them it was for personal reasons. If they ask what personal reasons, they come off as unsensitive and rude to invade your personal privacy.
from hippie4peace :
I hope you feel better and I hope you did well on your exam. Have an awesome day.
from heyjude85 :
:( **hugs** I'm sorry that things are horrible, but there are people who love you, I promise. Gah :( I'm sorry, I _was_ in fact away from the keyboard and I should have told you before I left. **hugs** Things will get better, I promise
from matchbox19 :
aww that's sweet, thankyou. you seem really nice too :)
from hippie4peace :
Do you attend UCC? I was just wondering because I went to your "surf" page and I think that the campus is breath taking. Have a wonderful day!
from ladysy1ver :
A belated happy birthday to you!! Yay, you're an adult now... I'm still stuck in teen-hell years, but not for long... *Grins and hugs*
from heyjude85 :
aawwwww :-D **hugs**
from mbs83 :
I should make a "Why I am proud of me page" It is a good idea.
from hippie4peace :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have an awesome day. You deserve it.
from matchbox19 :
happy birthday!! have a grouse day!! hey, you're not the only one who's never been kissed - i haven't either. and i'm almost 20. but it does feel like you're the only one, doesn't it?
from matchbox19 :
hi to you too!! and thankyou for giving me some coins, that was really nice of you! now, where could you be.... ;o)
from mbs83 :
I haven't spoken with you in quite awhile. I hope that everything is going well with you. Things with me are going well. Jake and I are still having some troubles but we are managing. Everything will be fine. Take care!
from heyjude85 :
:( awwww sweetheart **hugs** I think I'll email you
from heyjude85 :
:) I've missed you... we're never online together anymore lol.
from kjstar :
hi, i was looking for people from cork.. i can't believe i found some! nice to meet you, my name is jen. i'm not actually irish, but i've lived on and off in cork and my sister lives there now.. sullivan's quay, the lucky buore! hope you had a nice halloween.. ever go to freakscene?
from turelie :
Oh my god, don't talk about homework, I'm in an exam year, and they seem to think the best way to make us happy is to give us ALL our homework early so we can get it done *sigh*
from ladysy1ver :
Mwahahahaha! Ahem. I'm so proud of you. Your first kill. My work here is done. (PS.. Paul has an inkling it's you.. he passed by the table in the common room and heard something .. I've convinced him of the existence of another Lynch in the game but be careful.. he's suspicious.)
from hippie4peace :
Your diary is interesting. I rather enjoy reading it. Vampires are awesome too. Hope all goes well at your job. :)
from hippie4peace :
Is Ireland nice? I've always thought of it as beautiful. Umm....well I hope that you have an awesome day.
from matchbox19 : go there and sign up - it's like a city, you move around, bite humans (hehe), and collect money. you can buy stuff at shops and pubs, i'm still figuring out that bit. no graphics unfortunately, but you get hooked very easily!! it's fun though!! cheers :o)
from heyjude85 :
**loves Thomas** ;). You'll be okay I promise.
from heyjude85 :
Hey! Good luck with the girls, love! You'll do fine, I promise. Remember my "daftness" and laugh ;).
from matchbox19 :
hehe, don't worry about the rugby thingy, i'm not a fan! *cowers*
from matchbox19 :
your diary is cool - mind if i add you to my mates list?
from heyjude85 :
**tackles** **squeezes** :) hey Thomas, just wanted to let you know that you need to update more often so nosey people like me can stalk you! ;) talk to you later. Oh, and stop closing the shades on the window at night, it makes my job harder :(.
from escaped-mind :
hey. Just a note on the pda you were talking about. How disgusting. That should not make you jealous, that should make you want to vomit! But I'm sorry you're having girl problems (or lack-there-of) lately. I know that as sweet as you are you'll find someone perfect for you. Girls don't see what they're missing :) Take care.
from turelie :
Thanks for linking! (Go mile math agat ;o)) I linked you too!
from heyjude85 :
**Hugs** I hope your night got better, love. Just think about all the great memories you have in your heart and the bad ones won't seem so bad after all. :)
from heyjude85 :
Having been in a long distance relationship for quite a while, I would say you have to try if you feel that strongly about her. It may hurt in the end, but at least you know. If you don't try you could go on forever thinking "What if I had asked Mary out." So I say at least try. If you're hurt, then you're hurt, it's worth knowing what would happen.
from escaped-mind :
Jeeze dude, did you write that paragraph about relationships or did I? :D You nailed it right on the head. Hmm dont know why I'm writing this. Oh well. Anyway, hi again! Try to update more if you can!
from ladysy1ver :
I would like to leave some really good advice here for you but I don't think I can. All I can do is relate my own experience - I am very happy in a very serious relationship right now, one that may be 'the One'. And it came to me when I wasn't looking for somebody and didn't want to get attached at all. I guess then that my advice would be to stop looking so hard - just be yourself and seek friendship. Anything more then friendship will follow if it is meant to. Peace.
from heyjude85 :
Hey thomas my love!! **giggles** I just made like... maybe 4 guys jealous of you. That'll make your day I'm sure! LOL Missed you a lot today, I hope I talk to you tomorrow!
from ladysy1ver :
Heya - just wishing you good luck, I'm glad the interview went well and I hope you get the job. Lord knows you deserve to find one at this stage and jobs that pay as well as that are so hard to come by. Keep us informed! I hope it's good news.
from ladysy1ver :
Hey - don't let others pressure you into drinking when you don't want to. If you don't like the taste and don't like the effect, then don't do it - screw anybody else if they can't respect your ability to make your own decision in this matter. I used to drink a lot, now I drink hardly anything - I'm quite sorry I used to drink so much before and wish I'd had your strength to resist the pressure. As for dancing, I wouldn't worry about it, from what I can see in clubs there aren't many Irishmen who can dance that well! As for conversation.. speak your mind, talk as much or as little as you want.. let people accept you for who you are and if they don't like that, then you don't need them. Peace.
from mojo1915 :
Greetings friend! I hope you have an awesome day. -Jesse :D
from ladysy1ver :
I am sorry that things didn't work out with Lorna - but I'm glad that you can have the respect for her actions that you need to have. It's often difficult to be so open in letting somebody down like that, and she is a brave and nice enough person to do that. I hope you two can still remain friends - and that you find somebody else soon! You deserve it.
from escaped-mind :
breathe. it will be okay, I promise ;) If you get too stressed out you can't handle it, do this exercise: close your eyes and feel the weight of your body on the bottom of the chair. take a slow deep breath and feel the texture of the back of the chair (w/o using your hands). do this with your feet also. it works rather well for me. and please don't beat your head on the wall..that's my job! :)
from angryquail :
I'm really enjoying your diary as of late, keep it up! Enjoy your summer.
from zeromin :
Hi! thanks for writing back. Sorry, im sorta knew at this site, so im just getting around to reading other peoples diaries. I don't think you'll care but I don't know my father, which isn't as bad as losing your father, but I just thought I'd share that with you. Yeah, I know im wierd but have a nice day anyway!!;)
from zeromin :
Hi! I just read some of your entries and your profile I have to say that's some really cool stuff. But I feel like Im invading a bit of your privacy. Have a good day;)
from heyjude85 :
Hey, I saw that you said you were sad today :(. Think of a rhino sitting on the entire Man U team :) funny huh? **giggles** And if you like Man U... lol... well I can't help you, but I'm sure there's a 12 step group for that.
from heyjude85 :
Hey, :) I stumbled upon your diary and thought you might like to know that I was here!
from ieatcheerios :
Thank you very much :o) I gave you a *plug* on my entry cause it was very sweet of you to say that
from mbs83 :
Well good luck with your project! I hope that you are able to get it all done. Even without your partner. I hope it isn't too difficult for you. As for hearing Hero on the radio. I am sorry. First break ups are hard. I know that from experience. Even months and months after they happen they still come back and bring forth emotions. That happened to me for about 7 months after I broke up with my first boyfriend. But the only way to move on, is to meet more people and take more chances in life. I took a few more chances and then I met Jake. So it is possible. And I wish you luck with everything. Life is what you make of it. So why not make the best of it. :)
from mbs83 :
It's good that you remind yourself that friends are important! Because they are! And sometime they are the most precious things that you have to hold on to. I am happy for you that you have found your friends. Keep continuing to be happy! It's awesome
from mbs83 :
yeeek! It's been a long time since you have updated. OH well. Just droppin a not to say hi. You must be keeping busy. Talk to you later. :)
from mbs83 :
Thanks for dropping the note. You care a lot about liono don't you? It's good to know someone else out there does. Even if it is across the world. It seems all the people that care about him are at a distance. Me here, you in Ireland, and his brother in California. But things are going for us again. And we will cherish each minute together. Thanks for caring. It means a lot to me, and I am sure more to him.
from mbs83 :
Hey, it's me. I just wanted to say, liono showed me your entry from 03/01/03 The one about how to find your talents. That exercise. Did you get that from someone? Or was that your idea. It is a good idea reguardless. Did you show it to liono? I think it would be a good thing for him to do. Well take care. Keep in touch.
from mbs83 :
Hey I really like the entry that you wrote on the third of January. I think it says a lot. Every one does have skills and talents. But they have to be recognized by the self. And then one can become one with themselves and see who they really are. I think this is something that Liono has not discovered yet. And needs to. I think it took a lot of strength for you to realise what you have realised. Good for you. :)
from mbs83 :
Wow. Things don't seem to be going to well with you island. I am totally sorry. I am kinda in a rut right now to with liono. We are having some serious problems. Well, it's kinda him. He needs to get a grasp on life. Or I fear he will fall flat on his face. And it is going to scar him for life. But I hope that things work out for you and that things get better. Take care island.
from recover-me :
i'm so sorry. I know that it sucks. I hope you can at least still be friends with Mary.
from recover-me :
I hope everything works out for you and Mary. You seem so nice and you deserve it. good luck.

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