messages to jaric:
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from tithonus :
You do have one diehard reader. ;) I'll take a listen... still planning to come back to Korea when I've finished my PhD...
from stilserching :
hello from bulgaria. I happend to check my guestbook after not updating my diary in 58 days (cause the little thing in the parentheses tells me so...I update a different journal of my adventures in bulgaria so my parents can read it..) and noticed your entry on my guestbook. I understand what you meant of things looking the same, though it's not the same here (as I'm in a very small town at the moment). I agree with the water statement. Distillers all the way...
from tithonus :
Hi Jaric, um. Hey. Listen, I know this is a big ask from a total stranger, but I have come to Korea looking for work and I'm feeling a bit lost among all the strange and conflicting advice I've been getting from various different sources, especially all of the negativity about Korea which seems to come from a lot of westerners... since you're here and you seem to have your shit together, I wonder if you could share some of your wisdom with me? Any advice at all would be appreciated. Cheers, mate.
from ophelias-cpr :
Hi Jaric, I don't know how out of date your notes are but believe you have had a birthday- so Cheers Mate! Since my first note I haven't been in contact but I do follow your diary and as a once upon a time teacher can offer up the following unacceptable excuses for you: From Students: The batteries in my magic wand ran out; My brother was using the pencil; a wombat ate my homework; and it wasn't plagiarism, it was postmodern free-form research methods. Even more useful are the ones for teachers: Psychologically, it's important that I am late so you feel more strongly about wanting me to arrive on time. I'd love to help you, but I'm, actually quite spectacularly self centred; I needed the drugs more than you needed your CD collection; and I must have blacked out. Either that or my skivvy was stuck on my head. So here's Cheers to Jaric whom I do not know but would like to. Take care from Ophelia (Kate xxx)
from lolotte :
Well, happy birthday all the same. :) I enjoy reading your diary very much - keep up the good work! I've stopped updating my Diaryland diary - I've got a blog someplace else, leave me a note if you're interested.
from stilserching :
Thanks for the explanation of your trip to Japan and how afterwards, Korea felt like home. I'm going to Bulgaria the 6th of Aug. for 27 months and in freak out mode. Calmed me a bit to imagine myself calling it home...
from raziela :
Ack, another message, sorry. *lol!* You have Legacy of Kain: Soul reaver? I'm a true LoK fan myself, I collect the games. ^_^ Anyway, I won't bother you with more notes. I promise. >_> Have a nice day! =)
from raziela :
Hello again! Oh, so far, all your entries have been excellent, don't worry. ^_~ *chuckles* That April Fools entry is something I can relate to, indeed. Have a nice day! //Greetings from Raziela, somewhere in Sweden
from big-ideas :
not to be a bitch or anything but i recently saw your banner and you spelled edgar allan poe wrong. it seems someone who likes him (or quotes him) should at least know how to spell his name correctly.
from ophelias-cpr :
Saw your banner, you must be pretty tired of that opening line, but if you are literate and up for a chat- my notes are more amusing than my diary (less like work) Cheers from ACT Australia, Kate xxx
from raziela :
Hi there! I stumbled upon your diary after seeing a banner. The banner catched my eye, and after reading your entries, I think that your writing style is fascinating. I hope that you don't mind that I've added you to my fave list. Looking forward to read more excellent entries. Keep up the good work! //Raziela
from tia-marie :
I hope you like Korea! I was stationed at Osan for a while I don't know I haven't read much..I don't know if you're there on your own free will but definatelly if you find a place called "Bada Bing!" check it out!

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