messages to jaws5:
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from ladycady :
You write beautifully. I just had to tell you.
from lotusboy :
your new password is that name we both know from that movie starring tom hanks about that freaky stuff next door in the basement and that guy who didn't really go missing. (happy fourth) (and please delete this note after reading, thank you)
from hider :
you were right about someone hacking into my account i can't even access it anymore i contacted the service people thingy you can link to at the bottom of emails you get from myspace thanks for letting me no and if it fucked up your account to i'm really sorry if it didnt could you do me the huge favore of messaging the people on my friends list ( dont worry i dont have many) and telling them not to open that bulletin just in case? thanks a ton
from hider :
i didnt want to say anything, but two pictures gave me that thought. you two looked comfortable/natural on each other.
from hider :
i can't see it i guess its still angry with me, i did see really intreresting pictures elsewhere today though.
from hider :
i guess its time to move on to shotguns, although i wouldnt mind a basic pair of scissors
from hider :
i've been thinking a great deal how easy it is to set people on fire maybe we should take up a new hobby?
from hider :
lets hope for happy endings
from hider :
i got rid of my myspace account and got badgered into getting a new one, every time i try to add you back it tells me no cause i dont know your last name or social security number or something
from hider :
gone to heaven and come back, i hope you wrote down the dirrections
from hider :
i think so i hope to start writing here again
from hider :
hello lady
from hider :
i dont know where i went but while i was there you made me smile... i'm happy to be reading your words again
from unwittingly :
Where are youuuuuu??
from unwittingly :
I'm unlocked. FYI.
from hider :
im a horrible person neglecting my diary but things have been bad and i have been down (medicated and everything) but i will be back when inspiration decides i deserve a visit
from unwittingly :
I stopped updating this journal sometime in May of 04. I started to delve into things that were a little too personal so I had to lock it. I hope you aren't offended or anything.
from hider :
i recently lost the home i was literally born in. i know the feeling of homelessness
from hider :
i think the world fell down last night
from hider :
the right to kill any and everyone who has ever crossed them?.. i always thought i was the onlyone or rather one of the rare few
from hider :
there were to be 20 boxes. i'll have to call u.p.s about that their subconscious deliveries are always out of sorts.....cnj... i have no thoughts on that one
from hider :
you should run for office i'll vote for anyone if the only bastards they want to nuke are of the roach variety
from bleditdry :
I am back..sort of... I'm not quite as poetic as I used to be. it's tragic. <3 Ash
from hider :
me and conor haven't been seeing eye to eye as of late, as for switching to girls there just as much heart ach with an extra scoop of repulsive behavior thrown in there
from hider :
you get elliot smith lyrics stuck in my head, thanks.
from hider :
hey i just noticed you have me listed as a favorite thanks, now i feel like i have to put some efort into my writing keep the quality up (blatent lie i don't put effort into anything)
from bleditdry :
it's possible, I suppose... or it could just be that Boy George is kind of hot. lol.
from amalthea23 :
yes it is, thanks for asking :)
from bleditdry :
holy crap! David Bowie AND Prince? (me too, me too!). All we need is to add in a little Boy George and we'd have a regular androgenous threesome! (I'm totally kidding)
from amalthea23 :
this is a rad diary...

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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