messages to joleen:
(click here to add new message):

from sixweasels :
It is always good to see I post from you - I often wonder how you are doing! One of the consultants I work with now was the instructor for that class I was taking in Atlanta when we got to meet, and I often think about that week when I'm working with her! Email sometime if you'd like to talk, since I know you aren't really here much anymore - [email protected]. Or, I don't know if you're Facebooking at all, but I'm over there a lot now too. Take care!
from roadiepig :
So...does Veginasse (sp?) taste at all like the real stuff? I have swirtched to the low-calorie Hellman's mayo, and don't miss the extra calorites at all.....As I get older, I have found myself cutting back, meat-wise, and eating more fruit and veggies where possible, but there is no way I could ever give up fish and shellfish (especially fresh caught White Bass or Bluegills).... And yes, do make twice as much next time- that way you can get the bonus of day-old blending of flavors (my "Kimchee salad" tastes much better the longer is ferments in the fridge, for example) Nice to see you are still alive and kickin', too ;-)
from boxx9000 :
No meat, no wheat , no dairy (for me) No meat because I believe all killing is wrong. No dairy and wheat because I have problems with both of them and I feel better when I do NOT eat them. Someone told me vegetarians can eat fish and chicken but that doesn't make any sense to me at all. How long have you been meat free?
from boxx9000 :
I found your diary by accident thru the recent updates. I am also trying to go vegan and for the most part I am succeeding. Sometimes I discover something I ate was NOT vegan, but I'm trying. Did YOu know red vine licorice has WHEAT in it? sheesh.
from roadiepig :
I don't know how often you check your notes out (and I don't have your email anymore- these things happens when your hard drive crashes and you haven't backed up your address properly ;-), but I'm posting this link to a Youtube video I think you'll like anyway... Engineer's guide to cats. Simple, but funny (try to not laugh a their cats "yodeling")
from sixweasels :
It is really, really good to see a post from you. And you're right, everything changes and everything stays the same.
from manchmal :
Aww, I'm really really sorry. I can't imagine anything worse/harder than the death of a pet. The photos you have of her are beautiful, and I hope you are doing okay. It is awful that animals cannot live as long as humans.
from manchmal :
Yes! See, there must be something to your horoscope Ariesness combined with mine, right?? Same car! Same time of year!! I love my little car. It's perfect, perfect, perfect for me. The only problem I have is that when I park it in a big parking lot, people don't see me in the space unless I pull Waaaaay out, because the wee car is too wee! I'm not getting 38 MPG, though. More like 29 or 30. O well. It's a fab car, I think.
from red-jade :
found your diary password protected. if you're giving it out, i'll take it!
from plopphizz :
Any food primary identified by an acronym, like TVP, is probably not a tasty treat. It can be considered edible only to the extent that it won't kill you if chewed and swallowed. All other concepts and sensations normally associated with the culinary experience have completely escaped acronym food. -- Ploppy.
from manchmal :
I'm watching, too. I first watched the E special on all the clothes. I'm a little obsessed with the clothes. :)
from manchmal :
Hey! I cannot access. I wanted to tell you that I hope you go out and party party party and hear some fun music or SOMETHING for stinky new years. You better. Or I'll have to tromp down there and find you and we can eat avacado and thai food. I'm craving both. :)
from manchmal :
Oooh. Does this mean that I get love, too? From Venus? As an Aries? I AM locking up my journal, but didn't mean to do it so soon. Userid will be eye and passwd will be lash. So you know. :p
from plopphizz :
What is the url for the your livejournal?
from plopphizz :
I see. Thanks for the add BTW. I love the Edward Gorey picture on your template. I read a book of interviews with him about a year ago and he is a fascinatingly bizarre person. I also saw the Taoist quote on your profile. Are you a follower of Eastern philosophies, or did you just like the quote? -- Ploppy.
from plopphizz :
What are you waiting for?
from plopphizz :
Congrats, you have been Quoted: Thanks for the great writing. -- Ploppy.
from plopphizz :
Wow, you really nailed the "Gray day" complacency concept with this last entry. I was browsing around at random and hit on your site. Great writing! You articulate the frustrations and fear/anticipation of aging and death so well. -- Ploppy.
from manchmal :
YAY YAY YAY, I miss you, MISS YOUR WRITING, DAMMIT. Im sorry I didnt email for password, but I'm lazy, and I dont have an account at livejournal and MY APOSTROPHE KEY IS BROKEN. Write more here, about the penguins and the sexy man. :) love, love, e.
from psst-tsismis :
she's back! hi, remember old me? i'm actually rarely journalling these days, and if i do, i leave it on for like a week and erase. i don't know why? i guess i don't like leaving a trace anywhere these days. but i'm so delighted you're writing again. could i get a password? -b
from manchmal :
hey, G, J, you! What's the password! I miss you a lot. love, emily
from maddeningly :
i think there's an actual function associated with gold membership allowing you to download all of your diary entries. i know i did it with mine, but i just can't recall what it's called.
from maddeningly :
yeeeeeeeah. i'm feeling tricky. in two places at once! :)
from maddeningly :
yay! :)
from red-jade :
hey, thanks for telling me, I actually adjusted the template a little bit for another reader who said that for her the text was overlapping the graphics and stuff. So I don't know what to do. I need to get a 14-year-old to help me. I completely understand about your sitch - that's why I do all I can to keep my diary from being found by people you know in r/l. What's screwy is when your anonymous readers become people you know in r/l too!
from adelyte :
happy birthday dear gladys... happy birthday to you!
from manchmal :
I added some new pictures to this entry. I am sorry that this man sucks so much, also (yours, I mean). I, too, have almost decided to give up on trusting anyone.
from psst-tsismis :
well hello. i wasn't going to say anything, but i noticed your absence and i thought you just had a new favorite. hmph. bitterness? a bit, yes. gosh, i haven't perused any of my "buddies" in awhile. i'll catch up soon, but for now, stay away from chinese food, i say, have you ever tried dim sum? i like that much much better. and i'm asian, so like, you're supposed to worship my opinion on asian cuisine, right? of course there's the chicken feet factor - which might make you hate me for suggesting such a thing, but they don't usually show that to customers unless you ask for it. i'm glad you're reading me again, although my writing has been sporadic lately. if i piss you off in the future, it's cuz i'm a total bitch ;).
from manchmal :
God DAMN it, I fucking hate car repair men. Or most of them. 99% of them. I hate going in there and AUTOMATICALLY feeling hatred and mistrust, and being argumentative and combative just to make sure they aren't fucking with me. I have been blessed this year with a good friend who fixes cars and if he can't fix it, he can at least talk to the people for me. Still, though, I hate relying on him for that, on ANYONE for that. And when I did the new-house buying inspection thing and the boys were talking house-talk and (remember this from my journal, maybe) I cried and cried after because I understood NONE of it. I am sorry your day was bad. It is tit-numbing cold up here, too, but it should be in january. Still, though: no major snow, no major anything. All minor nonsense. SFran was okay, but I really didn't care that much for it. I was chased by a homeless man with mace and they (the homeless people) were so invasive and rude that it made it difficult to forget where you were and just wander. I don't know. I hope you are okay. love, love.
from adelyte :
8) It's so nice to see you having such a wonderful day. Hope you have many more of those this year. Cheers!
from sixweasels :
God, what a horrible day - and I thought mine was bad. I hope this person doesn't contact you again.
from adelyte :
How fun... who know me and Moby had so much in common! When's the last time you had a vacation? Got out of town? Went someplace warm and reveled in your anonymity? You sound like you could use some R&R... oh if only I could win that damn lottery!
from solrsnoflake :
Corn dogs are the best!
from hamiltonian :
You should print out all your entries and make a book out of them.
from roadiepig :
Yup- that was one of five or so Blue Herons we had the good fortune of watching fly around the no-wake basin we were boating in on Sunday. I just wish I could have gotten a little closer (they spook easily)- the Fuji just couldn't adjust the lighting right. This caused all of the shots I took of them to be either overexposed or blurry. Just to be so close to these beautiful birds is worth the trip ,though ;)
from adelyte :
wow... Monday's entry smacks of the familiar. I know exactly what you mean about feeling like a ghost and about not being able to accept praise. Me... I blame my mother. 8)
from adelyte :
From my vet days: Use the big needle, but when the fluids are finished running, pinch the skin together and hold it for a moment after the needle comes out. This will help to seal the hole and prevent leaks. If it starts leaking again, give it another pinch and hold for a bit longer. Hang in there. 8)
from adelyte :
amen sister... I refuse to be terrorized by our own damn government.
from adelyte :
from saara687 :
I just joined your activist ring & decided to peak in on your diary. I really like how it looks, and all of the links. It sucks that you felt so bad in your last entry. :( I hope that you do decide to keep updating.
from whatawoman :
It's been several days...I hope everything is okay, with you and with Gladys.
from blueasatick :
i'm still here, so don't feel so all alone, okay? sorry i don't comment more; i frequently want to comment, but don't want to overdo it, ya know?
from roadiepig :
I'm still the same me, haven't changed (except for not finding as much time for this whole D-land thing anymore), and you should know from reading my boring entries that nobody would go to the effort to write about a life this simple and uneventful unless they were actually living it ;)....p.s.- sorry to read about Gladys...hope she is getting better after the vet's attention....
from whatawoman :
Hi, I'm out here in the audience waving! I always mean to drop you a note, and especially since Gladys is feeling poorly. I'm sorry she's not doing well. I hope you can get through this as peacefully as possible. You know, I would miss you if you stopped writing. I suspect I'd always think of you and wonder what you're up to now. And yeah, I know we don't really *know* each other, but you're a real person to me, despite the anonymity of this online world. And I never write anything in my diary that isn't true, and (unfortunately, sometimes I think!) it's a pretty accurate reflection of who and what I am. Yes, I really am that boring! Guess I'm just trying to say that at least for me, your life is interesting, your feelings matter, and I like having a connection, however small it may be.
from manchmal :
Hey, I promise I'm the same fucked up Emily as I told you i was :)
from omorfia :
i just want to let you know i'm thinking of you and gladys .. i'm hoping she'll be all good. xx
from adelyte :
howdy... I'll keep a good thought for you and your kitty. Meanwhile... yeah, isolation isn't always the best balm for a weary soul. I sometimes have to drag myself out of the house, just so I don't stay home and mope. Going to the barn is nice... it's social and I can work or play and talk to the horses instead of the people if I like. You need a barn--metaphorically speaking, I guess.
from psst-tsismis :
oh no, did you not get my email to you on diaryland? your password is opensesame. the lock might be on for a bit, because i think the awful has happened, someone who i don't want reading my mind has found my site and has perused through half of the year's entries already, so i'll let that blow over and when i feel less exposed, i'll open it up again. but you are so very welcome to come in and peruse my mind. "opensesame" - you're on the guest list (wink).
from dont-stop :
You're just having an "off" period. The passion is still inside you and it will blossom once again.
from psst-tsismis :
we are such psychic d-landers today jo-(can i call you jo). "talking timbuktu" - i've been meaning to get that damn song (that i first heard in "unfaithful") - like real bad, like it will cure all problems in my world bad. thank you for feeling the psychic vibes and bringing that to my attention. enjoy. DANCE! blues it up.
from psst-tsismis :
Regarding your response to "hope" - well stated dahling. Happy birthday.
from roadiepig :
I have those "Password protected, and the password I saved from the past won't work" blues....
from adelyte :
Watching the evening news is (for me) an exercise in futility and makes me want to drown myself in a vat of whipped cream. Then I think better of it and just get mad, which isn't good for my tender little psyche these days... so I have a cigarette and vow never to watch the news again... and calculate in my head how I might be able to fake my own death and flee to a friendlier nation... if such a place even exists.
from sixweasels :
I don't watch Survivor, but I know about Richard and how he likes to wander around naked, using his willy as psychological warfare, and he cracks me up. From what little I know I like the guy, and it makes me sad that they'll block out his fuzzed-over willy now. Really, it all sucks. Hope your weekend goes well so far - I'm in cozy hibernation mode for this one and not out being my usual drunken self.
from psst-tsismis :
i'm drunk. and inspired. and i just wanted to give you a lil' shout out, a little thanks for existing out there, seriously, i'm being sincere here, regardless of the dahty martinis i've consume with a man who i believe you're perfect for (but that's another drunken written note). you rock girl. you're like someone i can always count on, that uplifts my belief in humanity and just fucking rocking chics every day, when i crawl and surf this wasteland (ahhhh.. you say, she's drunk, how dare she get melodramatic and use the word "wasteland" but it is, if you think about it). there's a lot of crap that exists out here and your site, and your writing (and don't think that your 3! favourite entries come unnoticed down here in the stick) it's refreshing. so much love from the BFC girl! maybe soon, i'll be famous, and some big time publisher will rent me a suit in a hotel that rocks, and i will totally have you as one of my guests, with your cats and all... i really will, cuz it gets sorta lonely down here, and i love reading you, along with kundera, and woolfe, and lahiri and faulkner all the know. okay i'm drunk, have a nice day at work, keep on, keeping on womaaan.
from adelyte :
nice entry on marriage. sparked a really great discussion tonight. Thanks for the encouraging woids, by the way. Happy Love Day to you and your cats.
from adelyte :
*smile* 8) *wave*
from adelyte :
Some people can't handle a true self. Don't ever change your writing to suit your readers... it makes your diary theirs, when it really should always and forever be yours. That's more of a statement to myself than advice... but yeah I know what you mean about the not eating thing. It comes with the territory. Sometimes your mind tries to tell your body what to do, when really the body's ancient wisdom is meant to overrule the head. Food is a pleasure, and one of the most essential necessities in which we are meant to find comfort. Sometimes life just whacks that right out of balance. Your strength of character will see you through. 8)
from adelyte :
Just wanted to say hi and wish you a pleasant weekend. Hooray for nappage. 8)
from so-charming :
I was so hugely bummed out about Rupert getting voted off... he MADE this season in my opinion. The only reason I'm even still going to watch at all is that I want to see Jon and Burton and that sniveling whiny little christian twat of a backstabbing bitch get some kind of comeuppance. Wouldn't it be cool, though, if they brought Rupert back the same way they did the other 'outcasts?'
from psst-tsismis :
i don't DO guestbooks. i "they" wanna talk to me, they'll find a way - my theory. plus this note shit is a bit more private, no? yeah, i'm workshopping the story, so i'll email it over when it's done. and 2000 + words a day - that's incredible...
from psst-tsismis :
yeah, i need to get me some ero-TEEK-a for the winter months. hey, just read your novel in november plans...brave woman, go forward, conquer! you know, i wrote a story with your diary in mind (the ebay account regarding the battle for the kitty pjs), took that entry and made a love story out of it actually... i'll forward you a finished draft in a couple weeks, if you want. gotta give credit where credit is due, you know... - B
from cdghost :
enjoyed reading some of your entries..take care
from adelyte :
ya know... the online thing really does feel lonely sometimes, and i bet a lot of us feel like we're writing in a vacuum. truth is... we aren't. you'd quite likely be surprised at how you touch people's lives from across miles of optic fibers. Do what makes you feel good... i tape leaves in my office, too. 8)
from manchmal :
I went round and round and round with a headline, and I realized that I had begun to get TOO literal with an interpretation. I mean...trees don't really have sperm and, if they did, the sperm would be pollen or something, rather than that pod, which seem to be more like a fetus, you know? So I decided: the green one is green because IT'S going to win, and fertilize, and whatever. Ha ha funnyness. So, the headline? Treeproduction
from adelyte :
*wave* adelyte was here, and she enjoyed reading your page of thoughts. i rather enjoy the public isolation of this forum. it's an interesting society, these communities of constant monologues.
from psst-tsismis :
hey girl i never check my g-book but had a weird inclination to check it today and low and behold a constructive criticism i'm glad you like reading my schtuff and it's nice that you think i'm nuts been wanting to shed the old skin and get a new one for awhile but i'm just a creature of habit and not very computer savvy so yeah, imma try out this new template i like this one of a warhol painting of venus but i can't seem to host the images so ... this will do for now 'preciate the nudge for change and oh yeah, you're journal is mind-boggling and ummm, i think YOU'RE CRAZY *wink*
from so-charming :
Fucking Sign My Guestbook piece of crap! I tried to sign early this morning and got an error, checked back a few times to make sure my message didn't mysteriously appear somehow (as has happened in the past) and finally decided to sign again. And then BOTH fucking messages appeared! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!
from manchmal :
I love the audios!! Post them here, too! You should be a radio announcer.
from manchmal :
The good thing about working with (even ostensibly) smart people is that they AT LEAST tend to respect your agency in the workplace. I mean, like, the fact that you are a decision-making agent in the world, and you're allowed to say "no, fuck that" if you want to. Are there any universities near you that are hiring?
from iluvjessee :
Hey! Just took your Tattoos survey!! It was fun. My AIM name is Boinkiesbabe8474 if ya wanna chat! God bless you!
from so-charming :
I just re-read that bitch's entry about you. The first time I read it it just struck me as kind of mean... the utter condescension didn't kick in until the second reading. Ewwwwwww! What a twat.
from marisha79 :
I saw Monday's episode of Letterman, too, and I agree! It was very funny but super-edgy for a national network. I'm sure Letterman was watching from the hospital and wincing at every joke. Dave Chappelle rules. Good for them for using their celebrity status to stand up to the war and to government.
from tornlace :
~*just saying hi to a fellow animal ring member*~ :) christian
from oliveyes :
Thanks for the 'angry entry'. It even made me feel better!
from crayzee :
i think bush will only listen if we tear down a few cities.
from qwert :
So do u still think people should be charged in order to protest the government's tyranny?
from starlight42 :
Hey- I recently joined the reality tv diary ring & I see that it says you must have a link or something on your site, which i do now for the time being. but I don't know if i did it right. I tried checking a few other peoples diaries, and I don't see anything like the link that's on mine. any help would be appreciated. thanks!
from omorfia :
i give my kitties the (cooled) boiled water from my kettle .. heh .. even though i am more than happy drinking my tap water, i feel like they need better stuff! :)
from luvdanielle :
Hello, I am very interested in Human Rights I have never walked on Washington but I was recently at the United Nations drafting a Declaration on HUman Rights which is to be presented to the general assembly.
from bytwilight :
You now have a livejournal? What's the username? I will add you to my friends list. I've got one, too. My username is...bytwilight. How original! haha.
from ryvvre :
eh...I was bored...^_^ Toodles--
from sixweasels :
Hey! Thanks for the welcome home! When did you go on diary lockdown? If you're comfortable doing so, please send me a password so I can catch up on your world!
from alicatstrut :
In response to your questions on my survey, there are no right answers posted anywhere. I don't want to imply that there actually ARE right answers. That said, the point was just to see how people interpreted the questions. For my own selfish entertainment. Some people got very flustered over not knowing the right answer. Thanks for taking it. :)
from pgagnon999 :
Responding to your note: " "Mmmmmm. . ." Is what I said when I first tried Captain Crunch with Crunchberries (yes, I remember that far back), what I said on my back in a field of milkweed remembering my first kiss, what I said before and after and inbetween the frist time I made love, what I said when I tried tiramisu for the first time, what I said when I imagined watermellon in summer. I don't know what it means to you, but thank you for reminding me of watermellon.
from scifisteve :
hey i joined your netscape ring, it's a cool ring.
from roadiepig :
Since the g-book way is dead right now, here I am!.......I have found that I miss working on the road most when the weather is like it has been here recently. I do anything I can to be outside, instead of stuck at my desk in the toolroom with no windows. With winter sneaking up on us, you have to find a way to get outside and enjoy this time. Maybe a sick (but not really sick) day is what you need to take in the season change
from lotus29 :
I only really read your profile, but we seem to have some things in common. I love cats too (probably why I have 7 of them), thought Amelie was the best movie (possibly ever!) and I am also waiting for Dave Eggers's follow-up. I'll have to read more of your entries sometime. Just wanted to say "hi."
from strangerlucy :
thanks, Joleen- Now that I've caught up on your journal, I am relieved to learn that I'm not the only person who goes to the pet store to talk to birds; I'd buy one, but my remaining cat would eat it promptly. I started my journal a week after putting my older cat to sleep- that event brought up a lot of free floating garbage in me that I blurt out in an occasional entry. I can only deal with writing them out one at a time, and burying them in between ordinary mundane posts. Again, I'm glad you don't mind my reading your diary-
from strangerlucy :
Hi, I read your journal because I think it's interesting and I have left a guestbook entry once or twice; you don't know me, so I assume that's why you never responded in mine. I'll stop reading yours if it makes you uncomfortable- no problem. I don't know much about online diary protocol since this is my first, and I hope I didn't offend you by reading yours. As for myself, I don't have a counter and whether 5 people or 500 are reading it doesn't interest me. I'm sure that if I had a counter, I would become compulsive about who might be reading- or who isn't-and I would become distracted by that information so I just don't add the counter.
from cool3cat3 :
Hi! you are lust like me! I am new here, but at least i've found somone like me!I love cats, kittens dogs, puppies, etc..... i love to read and write and find out peoples thoughts and feelings because what people feel is very important to me& because i'm extremely sensative.well, feel free to e-mail me [email protected] I'd love to hear from you
from rotsh :
awesome, thanks for signing my guestbook! The activist ring's an awesome idea :)
from golfwidow :
I tried to sign your guestbook, but something's wrong with it. Anyway ... You MET TONY BOURDAIN?!?!? I can't find the entry! Where is it? Please please please tell me! Please?
from zerom3ph :
hint on the icq issue- one of u might have an older version of icq, i had sumthin similar until i updated a week ago from 99b (yeah, i revel in sloth)
from wantcarvel :
Hi Joleen- Francie thanks you for the birthday wishes. Yes, the chicken bone thing is very bizarre. She chews the darn thing until it is completely pulverized. The marrow is supposed to be good for her. The wonder is how the beak that crushes bones is the same beak that holds my fingers so tenderly. Aren't animals amazing? I hope you're having a wonderful week- maybe the storms will cool things off a bit. Take good care! $: )
from lilnik :
haha.. That's an interesting question for Moby to answer. :) Creative
from littlewhip :
I like lizards. I have this particular lust for KromeLizard who is not actually a lizard but is very close. Does this qualify for entry into the ring?
from wantcarvel :
heh heh...I won't read Moby's journal until you listen to Sloan! No really, what's the URL? My favorite part is Corey Feldman and the phone. Woohoo! You have a phone hang up, too? (Somebody stop me!). Yeah, I used to get physically sick before school all of the time and I ended up working in one. But it all makes sense. After all, we're here trying to make our spirits stronger. You have a dreamy weekend, girl!
from wantcarvel :
Have you seen the video for We're all Made of Stars? It's so great. It looks like it was done by whoever did Black Hole Sun and there are all of these fun guest spots in it. I don't want to tell you who in case you haven't seen it yet cos half of the fun is being surprised and in trying to guess.
from wantcarvel :
Thanks for the get well wishes. Okay- I remember how I found your diary. I was going through the list of people who like Harold and Maude. I saw your name and it made me think of the Sloan song "Friendship," the only Sloan song that mentions a girl's name- Joleen. So I thought I'd read your diary and I'm glad I did. You have the most honest blog around (like you mentioned today). I know I censor my stuff cos my husband reads my journal every day and I don't want him to freak ; ) Anyway back to Sloan- I don't know if they play your style of music but if you'd like to hear a sample, has some great tunes you can download. All four guys write and perform their own songs resulting "something for everyone." East Coast Canadian pop/rock is excellent. Jay's "Dreaming of You" and "Who You Talking To?" are a good start. And yeah, I wouldn't turn down a marriage proposal from any of them (if I wasn't already married). When you see Chris (the guy with the dark blond hair and glasses) in person and he looks right into your eyes, aaiiiiyeeee!!!! I didn't even like him and I almost fainted.
from jezebel33 :
hey jo-jo... i'm a budding kingsolver fan (only read a couple so far), but i'm damn impressed by her!
from softasylum :
Joleen's diary rocks my socks.
from broken-glass :
I don't think that was a stupid quote at all!!
from central-red :
now THAT is an awesome profile comment. thank you. and my bday is april 6th. is that yours?
from central-red :
hi there. thanks for listing my diary. BUT! i do so list the dates AND the times in my entries. i am kinda neurotic about it. so what the hey are you talking about, sister?
from peth :
Welcome to the Harold and Maude ring. I loved Amelie, too. You know, if you have more than five favorite films/authors/bands, you can always list the overflow in the comments boxes. Everybody's doing it.
from rainstripe :
Just found your diary! I have a white/silver chin hair! Go figure. Out of nowhere it sprang. Oh, do you really like Bobby Flay? mentioned watching the Food Nation marathon. I can't get behind him. But I do so love Tony Bourdain.
from ferchrissake :
Hey, I love Thai, Chinese, Korean and Italian food too. And maybe all food in general. Thanks for the note. Hmm, I need coffee now.
from tenrec :
hey, I've been to the Gilroy garlic festival, too! I liked everything but the garlic ice cream... there is such a thing as too much of a good thing :)
from lilspacey :
I like the fact that you like Amelie and that you can get inside my head.I too like to observe little details.What is inside my heart and mind?Let me give you a hint. I belive That compassion can.................and That maybe some people have complicated answers to simple problems.Please oh please let me know What is inside my mind?
from dharmaqueen :
ok i got my first weird guestbook shit in my ariadnesgirl guestbook. check it out if you have a do i even respond to that?!
from idiosingcat :
thanks bunches. an unfortunate turn of events preempted my viewing of amelie, but maybe tonight. i can't wait! i'm a happy banana.
from nmallory :
from mornin-glory :
hey thatnks for the heads up I would have been lost if I came here and had no way to read you. I think I know what you mean about money. I was told by the old fortune teller that I would never be rivch but I would always be comfortable. What she did say was that I would always have to work and take care of evweryone. I think I will never be able to relax and just take care of me. Liz
from influence :
me again...i just recalled our email conversation...can you tell i don't do well on mondays?
from influence :
i figured you'd give it to me if you wanted me to have it...
from influence :
sorry, i didn't save your email address, never noted the exact address of your guestbook, and well, after the message you left in cat's book, i didn't want to assume to much.
from hoebag9 :
As deeply rooted as I was in believing that you couldn't make me love your diary any more than I already did, you had to go and prove me wrong! Lately, Joleen, your diary has expressed all that I've been feeling about this whole disaster. I love your banners, I've been reading all the sites they link to, and I love it. All. Thanks for sharing these organizations and their websites with the rest of us!
from genem :
um. should i be vain and assume that last diary entry was about me? i didn't mean to leave a message where you couldn't respond or have the post sound so confrontational...i just usually don't email someone right off, seems intrusive...anyway, sorry to offend.
from rockstarkat :
Joleen, I ADMIRE you for standing up for what you believe in, staying informed on what matters to you, and making your voice heard. Flash a peace sign to someone in DC for me, too. :)
from genem :
so what have you learned? what are we about to do? maybe i'm just another man starting a war, but the way i see it, we have to stop at least those who attacked us or close all borders and turn the country into a prison to prevent things like this from happening again...what other options do we have? i guess we could stop supporting israel, but with the jewish population in america what it is, i don't see that happening.
from mornin-glory :
hey Joleen I guess i am now one of those that read your most intimate thoughts. Sorry but you are interesting i just can't help myself. I can understand your indecision about the new job. I would feel the same way, I am on the way to retirement and make way to much money for the job I do. Thats why retirement doesn't really appeal to me right now. I am only 50 so I think I have some good years left in me. Still to work in a place where I wopuld not have to dress up everyday has a certain appeal.
from roadiepig :
Hey there!If you haven't checked your guestbook,please read what I posted there last night,after you left your message on my guestbook......I hope bombing doesn't begin,because it doesn't work....I would much rather see arrests and trials of the ringleaders......not likely to happen, though.....Also,I am not a 'My country,right or wrong' person,either.I respect our people,not our government...I just hope that this is the end to the current attacks on our civilians
from heavenlyging :
One reader with a request is a reader with a request. And you make a good point. So...I've put the previous and next on the bottom of the box. Thanks for the suggestion.
from brandyalex :
Why Hello. Been reading your stuff & I really enjoy it. I thought you might be interested in this organization I'm starting out, The Cult of the Inner Bitch. Check it out ( & let me know your honest opinion. That's open to any fans of your diary too, of course. Flaunt it! ~ Cult Goddess ([email protected])
from diaryreviews :
hey, are you sure you wouldn't want to join the review-90 ring instead, since you did score over 90? i've accepted you for the review-80 ring though- welcome! :-)
from melisander :
Hi Joleen! I'm an activist, protested at the SOA! I just joined your diaryring! I like your style!
from jolynne :
You seem a lot like me. i find your diary quite interesting. i too, always have some fear im going to get cancer. i dont know why.
from marty68 :
your prose is really good. tons of imagery. your life is more vivid to me right now than mine. keep writing. -m.
from hoebag9 :
Hey, quit that. You know I can't take compliments well! So you didn't dress down for casual day. That just means you're a rebel. I really hope you can get out of that job and into one you enjoy. To hell with what that woman said. You're entitled to your opinions and she shouldn't be catty. Anyway, still loving your work, so keep it up. :)
from provisional :
Thanks for the advice. I still haven't made any kind move, though. I just, I dunno, don't feel like it's worth the stress. I mean, normally I'm a pretty relaxed guy. When I get around women, I tense up. I get nervous. Like, nervous to the point where I start stuttering and can't speak clearly. Unless I'm a little tipsy or in a large group of people, it's hard for me to approach someone one on one. Especially a girl, and even more, an extremly attractive girl. I do appreciate your words, though. It always feels good to know that somone believes in you. :)
from rockstarkat :
DAMN DAMN DAMN!! We both watched the stingray Iron Chef, but I watched almost all of it except the very end when they declare the winner! Do you happen to know who won? I hate it when I do that. Is that gross or what? I even wrote about it in my entry. Funny. Another similarity - going through the channels, I happen across "I Walk The Line". Never seen it, but I do know the Johnny Cash song, so I walked around the house singing it. Funny! You poor thing - had no idea the cramps are so bad. I have sympathy for you - I get the same way. A wholistic shop in Minneapolis sells these great little under-the-tongue pills that zap those cramps right away. When I find them again, I'll be sure to send you some. Later! (Oh, by the way, don't you love my emotional attachment? I've invested electrons in you!)
from rockstarkat :
Oh Joleen...your entry about Raymond made me happy and sad all at the same time. It's so hard to lose a kitty, or any pet for that matter. But the thought of our friends in the Summerland makes me happy - knowing they are healthy, playful and will never hurt and suffer again. :) Great writing as always...wish I could say the same for me...

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