messages to keeds:
(click here to add new message):

from ironbull-3 :
"4. if you're a good girl, i'll let you read some real poetry/writing. if you're a bad girl, i'll let your ass read my hand" Still the best
from unresolved :
you're so strange. i think i wanna make out with you.
from unresolved :
i'm wearing one right now.
from rainforme :
still up to your tricky tricks, i see. just dropping by to say what up, nigga.
from dorkygal :
Just saying hello. Thoroughly enjoying the read.
from slapmeharder :
ahh so far away... yet I see I'm always in your thoughts.... no but really. That was a lovely (I just applied lovely to your words- you must be slipping) entry. xxx
from bi-pet :
no shit - you're good. real good..
from slapmeharder :
i'm rarely on the talk on the line but I'm here... in bits and bobs.... if only I could remember your proper name I'd add you on facebook :) I've got news for you... you'll be all head shaking 'tssk tssking'.... ha.... I'm about to eat kangaroo bolagnaise. However you spell it. News. I'd like news. You're often far from my thoughts but from time to time you pop in with a bangdiddybangbang. xxxx
from slapmeharder :
we will never grow up. fuck there you are!
from unresolved :
i try.
from nochipa :
Color lights?..drugs by any chance?...or this is just insanity?
from producergirl :
do it. do it. yeah. yeah.
from itoldyou :
i like
from dollcommon :
I hope that's not the end
from lovely-freak :
"Sabrina felt emtpy. She hid that in a mason jar. Along with her quiet urges. living things are fragile.. and yet resilient.. this compelled Sabrina to play with that paradox.. gambling with life became cutting the grass.." who's sabrina?
from lovely-freak :
have you eaten the ducks yet?
from paleblue- :
"i would rather spill my life and break into many smaller men"...sometimes that takes more strength than what others call real "strength" even if its not something you can help. i'm glad i finally got through to read. as usual, i found it beautiful. :)
from paleblue- :
:) keeds, you heartbreaker!
from sugar223111 :
this is a friggin awesome journal!!
from paleblue- :
unable to change the verdict...i enjoyed reading that keeds.
from lullaymarie :
/me ties you to a pole and rapes you. Mine.
from lullaymarie :
from eta-c :
thats very sad...i'm sorry to read that.
from velvet-heart :
Dont pass off flattery much do you? heh Obviously not- I just really like the profoundness of your words and how you twist and manipulate the mind to work harder and sink a little deeper within itself. Yea- that's flattery too. I'm good at it- but not good enough at flattering myself. Hmm some strange metaphors can't complete the cycle within as much as it can outwardly.. but all is well.
from velvet-heart :
Your diary rocks my socks off
from shes-broken :
my my, you seem to appeal to anyone. arent you quite the charmer...i believe you are...very very addicting.
from ambrosiah :
Oh my. Great entry. I am completely charmed...(:
from shes-broken :
you've locked me out...[broken hearted] hehe, just kidding..but seriously..give me that password damnit! :D xox <3
from thewaterfall :
that thing you wrote about the shower and the girl was just so fucking sad...
from ambrosiah :
Invisiblly tastefull.
from shes-broken :
finally, another soul who sees the stupid women for the stupid things they are lol. i love you. you are great. xoxox <3
from lady-dra :
i think you broke a record by swearing in your journal more times then i can count :) later
from msparacelsus :
from paleblue- :
whoa, keeds, the second half of that is beautiful, what a great read.
from teenagewolf :
Hi I loved reading your diary, are you some kind of english student. I guess you could call me "the girl that you REALLY REALLY HATE" as Im a ditzy dumb twat. But hearing about my kind of life was really refeshing. I feel quite shallow now, thanks for opening my eyes. Oh and good poem, I like your form and structure. From the lone teenwolf
from lovely-freak :
i never said i wondered why women will never have the same status as men... we are not equal and i never made any suggestion that we were.
from irishblueyes :
hi. just wanted to say i found you through rainforme's favorite diary list. your writing is so beautiful, i can't wait to read more. peace...
from sarathesoya :
your bird entry is the sweetest thing.. i actually cried infront of my computer.. i hate it when animals die and it brings back bad memories that are meant to be forgotten
from lockedintime :
I like the thing about the bird. It made me think.
from lovely-freak :
that was very tragic and sadly beautiful. it reminded me of the bag video in american beauty....
from sadistboo :
The bird is so cute. Thats so sad. E-bob almost died last night,my eyes got a bit 'watery' after reading your entry due to that.Altho it was nice to see you have a soft spot for animals :) I uh...tend to like them better than people. When i'm old i'll be the old lady with a million cats.
from unresolved :
how does keed fall in love?
from sarathesoya :
totally beautiful! you'd make a deaf cow shed tears!
from lovely-freak :
your words are beautiful
from slapmeharder :
i make better shoes ;) We can wear flowers in our hairs and make up songs with lots of la la las and do ditty das da. YEAH!
from whenyouare : I'll be thinking about these metaphors for a long time.
from whenyouare : Could be the best thing as a whole I've ever read of yours. And that was not influenced by the Beatles reference, heh.
from missdementia :
i'm too advanced for this.
from fairydudette :
You have so many adoring fans. How do you deal with the publicity?
from ironbull :
Hmmm. Keeds, you are the fucking man.
from kwesta :
no, why password your diary... The world must hear your curle tounge!!! If not, just hand me the password so I can dool over your words... :P -Third_Shadow
from tease-me :
Too bad about the password. Yours was a daily read. :\
from swirleddream :
haha.. thankyou for telling me. I've really enjoyed reading through your diary, your insane!! :D xx
from whenyouare :
Can't tell you how many times I've quoted that Supernigger quote, "love is a thin line..."
from ambiguass :
from alskdjf :
You have a way with words. And it's a great way..
from industrial :
from rainbow-pebz :
Extroidnary photos. Well done
from whenyouare : I wish I could have this printed two feet wide and hanging on my wall. You're so fucking interesting and so fucking scary.
from dmgirl1 :
just added you. you already know this but i'll remind you, you are a great writer.
from kwesta :
"layouts are like hair, chicks who have been molested by fav. uncles or slapped around by their bfs dye their hair different colors every week... this is a symptom of a problem not a solution to it" deep words man! LOL! That's some good shit! Your coo man... HAHA! I'm gonna add you... Yea! Take carez! -Third_Shadow
from kimberline :
heeeeey! i'm filipino...and if you're insinuating that we all have flat chests, you are mistaken! 36D. you won't see a pic, since your fat girl theory scares me...haha. but, you'll have to take my word on that.
from unresolved :
hey asshole. your writing never fails to blow me away.
from keeds :
i love you.

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