messages to kimuchi:
(click here to add new message):

from goodsandwich :
Hey you -- it's been too long since I came around but if you're still diaryin' I'd love a password. Smiles & hugs to you.
from unsweptroom :
are you still out there, my friend?
from typelove :
hi! i saw you filled out a survey for people involved in online relationships, and i was wondering if you want to join my support group, typelove. if you are interested, just go to the page and click join and fill out the form, and send it to me in an email or note. take care and good luck with your relationship! <3
from chuffnutt :
I found this website and gave you a hug:
from unsweptroom :
wishing you a happy and peaceful new year.
from no-yes-maybe :
I just wanted to tell you that you don't need a gold membership if you wanna check your stats for free get sitemeter. You can click on mine in my diary and the link is there. I don't know it off hand, but that's the one I use now, cause I don't wanna pay anymore to get gold. Just a thought. :) Great diary, I love reading it.
from pilarbuena :
I'm just making it pretty.... i wanted to lock it up so no-one could see my html not-quite-finished crap. when do you find out if you made a baby???? i hope you feel better from your surgery, too. gosh, so many things going on in your life!
from jujub27 :
from hedge- :
i thoroughly understand having to convince people that hideous kinky is, indeed, not a porno.
from chuffnutt :
I like No.29. I have that to wrestle with also.
from unsweptroom :
sending you all my good thoughts.
from goodsandwich :
Thanks for adding me - I'll be checking you out!
from anikk :
hei, I just found your journal tonight and I found what you were saying about Alberta surprising... I guess as an American, I always thought things were way better up North as far as politics were concerned. I remember Ronnie winning the U.S. presidential elections back when I was in kindergarten and coming home to hear my dad telling the family that we were going to Canada (we didn't)... So, Canada has always existed as a sort of magical, liberal Northern place... and reading what you wrote about Alberta made me a little sad.
from melieann :
i just happened across your diary and read and read. all a baby needs i love, regardless if there is one parent or two (regardless of the sex of the parent). as a mother of two, i can tell you that you sound like you two would make wonderful parents!
from unsweptroom :
i'm sending you all my good wishes.
from unsweptroom :
it's definitely not wrong! enjoy the class :)
from unsweptroom :
it's not just you. it's the fourth straight day of clouds here. when the sun finally returns, i will celebrate lightness and warmth, the feeling of the rays dancing on the back of my neck as i walk home, that incredible yellow glow.
from unsweptroom :
thank you for all your support, kind friend.
from audrelorde :
my new home:
from audrelorde :
my diary is going to be moving to a new home on diaryland in the next week or so. i don't want to lose connection with you so i promise to keep you updated.
from cdghost :
thanks for sharing your thoughts, ideas, experiences..cheers
from leanrinc :
from audrelorde :
i'm really enjoying reading your diary. it's nice to read something that speaks to me viscerally.
from crepeguru :
You don't have many entries but I like your writing. It's intelligent, not-too-self-absorbed, and makes a lot of good points. I particularly like the one about the Archbishop of Canterbury.

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