messages to knifer:
(click here to add new message):

from tobiascobain :
very lovely...made me smile. ill have to read up more later. thank you for gracing my diarys presence.
from chiv :
So I notice you changed your password again (because obviously I couldn't have forgotten and lost it, don't be stupid! [hides ale and drunkeness]) and I was thinking that maybe you should give it to me. So to speak. I am a bad diary fan type linker buddy person [looks ashamed]
from utter-views :
Hey - your review is up at
from chiv :
Hello hello. How're you to-night? Me? Oh, I'm terribly bored. It's reached the stage at which my friend and I pretend the American way is right, and talk about how fuckin hardcore we are for having been born during the Falklands war, and chant "UK! UK! UK!", and ruin it by drinking ale older than the US. Sooo..erm..(scratches head). I like Yeah. uhm. (goes away)
from chiv :
ooh, pretty.
from leuf :
*poke* Have you gotten mail from me? I wrote to both addresses
from leuf :
Christ woman, apparently both your mail and your guestbook are screwed up. Get another mail account and write me. -Kevin

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