messages to krebstarkid:
(click here to add new message):

from dark-doll :
March12th. *sigh* aw Chilhood. It changed you for the rest of your life eh? I enjoyed reading your writting hun. Take care ~Clau
from plastictape :
yes. god is in chemicals.
from david-d :
I miss you. ;.;
from elliorange :
♥ I like reading you.
from thespark :
I run a diaryring/community. I'd like for you to join the ring. E-mail me if you're interested: [email protected].
from minstrelite :
Thank you.
from caralynne :
get well soon!
from gumphood :
time out good sir. Which playstation are they making handheld. The old one, or the PS2. Do tell.
from gumphood :
I wish I could marry my PS2. If only if it were portable. Or poatable. No no...I wouldn't want to drink it.
from altbaby27 :
I wish I could marry my GBA SP too, because I love my Molly.
from velvet-heart : and goatse. Muahahahaahaa!!! You're a fuckin riot!!!
from david-d :
from bafleyanne :
that governor/president banner is the best! :)
from golfwidow :
I like your governor/president banner. Rock.
from seanandjacob :
"and it hurts like hell." That was my favorite part of the diary I just read. Thanks for the memories - Sean
from opalreviews :
Your review is now done! Thanks for being so patient!
from neangel :
ahh it's not that difficult & i could always lend a hand. there are soo many beautiful black & white erotica grrl pics out there! hahaha but I understand why you're attached to this one ;-)
from neangel :
yup i do know! lol it's fun designing your own page... haha maybe someday you'll create on even cuter!
from neangel :
welcome to diaryland... a little late but I just found your banner. love the template bi the way.. ;-)
from guderian :
Aloha krebstarkid, I love your diary and that last entry, you are most excellent person! And sincerely mean that! Bless You, Ciao Bambina, Guderian
from nagvioli :
love the banner! i weeped when bush went into office too!
from ophelialetgo :
There's no way not to be. I saw her cd and instantly thought that she was hott. And then I flipped it over and discovered she sings about David Duchovny. And then I played it and discovered she's a great singer. And then I paid attention to the content......... What's not to love???? BS Fans--UNITE!
from david-d :
ahh kreb, you know that i'm here for ya, it really made me sad to read your diary, about... her. I feel really sorry.

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