messages to littlelizzi:
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from summerroll :
I don't think it would be that easy to figure out considering that musclke weighs a lot more than fat. So you could lose a lot of fat and notice that you're skinnier but see no change in the scale because of the small amount of muscle you've gained. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the you'll be keeping up with getting a healthier you despite all the "stuff" that's been going on. And you're right, knowing the science behind things does make a lot of it make sense. As usual, I'll be sending good thoughts your way.
from dieselengine :
That is awesome, that clinic sounds great. I am sure you will do it!! You asked how much does skin weigh? On the average person I think it is 6lbs. But my friend who just had gastric bypass is looking to get her skin removed and she said her skin that is getting removed will be 10-12lbs. Wowsa.
from dieselengine :
OK, so things have been less than stellar lately...but I want you to focus on HOW HARD you worked last month to lose that weight and I know that will help you get back on track. Remember, you gotta put yourself first! It is hard to do, trust me I know. But I also know that you can do it!
from beachbride06 :
I LOVE U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from summerroll :
Maybe you can start using Clyde as your new workout buddy.
from summerroll :
I was worried that this might set you back a bit on your goal, not that you wouldn't be justified to take it easy for a while. But I'm glad that you're going to keep with it, for yourself. Keep up yur chin and the good work.
from ticktrix :
I love your attitude - only positive things can come from it. I'm so proud of you.
from mozangeles :
Liz, do this for yourself and have no revenge, at least in regards to how you look. If you want revenge, hire a hitman! Get hot for yourself! :) xoxo - me
from mozangeles :
Oh God, I do shit like that all the time. And I do cry. Just take it easy, sweetie, hopefully if they DO double click, they will have the tact and decency not to mention it to you. If they do and especially if they are rude about it, fuck them, they are terrible friends. I love you and your beautiful self! xoxo - me
from dieselengine :
Just wipe the site clean. But DO NOT tell them to not double-click on the photos because for sure they would do it!
from summerroll :
Shit. That's a problem. Maybe you can lock the website or remove the photos so that if they do double click, it'll take them to a blank page. Don't freak out! Most likely they won't double click, but just in case.
from summerroll :
Y'all are looking good! You can definitley see some differences. Don't feel too bad about cheating. At least it was good cheating, with the low-fat varieties. And even if you did have choco-pb pretzels or a pig-in-the-blanket, at least you were able to limit yourself, and that's what;s important. Keep up the awesome work!
from dieselengine :
You two are lookin' good! I bet you feel great too! Keep up the good work! By the way, that was so nice of your friends to make all those lowfat foods for you guys, I am glad they are being more supportive.
from ticktrix :
Congrats! I can see a difference!!
from dieselengine :
Nineteen pounds in a month is AWESOME! You deserve a good pat on the back! And your recipes sound really good too. I might make that chicken recipe for Sean sometime. Keep up the good work!
from mozangeles :
i have never heard of a program like that. is it really like a camp that you go to for a period of time? as long as they teach you how to eat and exercise properly for your health so that once you leave the camp you can maintain it, i don't see what could be bad about it. but, you are doing so well on your own, too! don't forget that! xoxo - me
from beachbride06 :
user ID: jennlynn24 password: jennlynn24
from dieselengine :
you are on track and doing good. It is fine to have a little cheat once in awhile, so I am glad you aren't beating yourself up about it. Just get back on that horse! By the way, I think fast food is totally gross too. Once you stop eating it, you realize how gross it really is!
from incog-notion :
great job!
from goingloopy :
Another diet, caffeine free soda that I love is Fresca. It's very citrusy. The office where I'm temping has all sorts of sodas, and I have to force myself to drink water instead...which, if I'm at home, that's all I ever drink! (Except coffee. Details, details.) CONGRATS on hitting the 15 lb. mark. I'll e-mail you later this evening...
from dieselengine :
Yeah! Great job and that is AMAZING how well you did at the restaurant. Great willpower! Did you wear your new earrings?!
from summerroll :
I wouldn't worry too much about the scale. As you said, you can see a difference in your clothes, which means you're doing something right. The reason the scale won't change is because you're packing on the muscle, which weighs a hell of a lot more than fat. So even if you're losing a ton of fat, you won't see the results when you weigh yourself. I say you only go on the scale every other week or once a week, because it's only making you feel worse when you are doing everything that you can and you are doing great! Make sure that you are drinking tons of water throughout the day and during your workout (I think I mentioned this before), especially if you sweat a lot. The tiredness could possibly be slight dehydration. I would also cut out the soda, like someone posted below. Good luck and don't lose hope.
from makinganewme :
Hang in there sweetheart! I think it is part muscle gain and part that your scale is a bitch. You've been working so hard, please don't let this discourage you! Just keep eating right and exercising and there is bound to be weight loss at the other end. Good luck and I'm still cheering you on!!!!
from mozangeles :
Are you drinking a lot of water, Liz? If not, you should be! And no soda!!! Not even diet soda with no calories! Also, I am glad that you upped your calories. I think that this weight loss issue is due to a) you are gaining muscle, which is replacing fat and b) you are overworking your body. Your muscles need to rest in between workouts in order to be at their best the next time you work out. Also, not eating enough calories probably led you to have very little to no energy, which means that you will not work out your hardest/best when you are working out. Remember, food is not the enemy! Food=energy in moderation! Don't give up and do not get frustrated. What is important is that you are getting healthier. xoxo - me
from dieselengine :
I bet in a few days you will see the numbers go down a little. I've always found that after working out and eating right, it takes a few days for your body to re-act. So I bet the next time you weigh in, it will show a difference. Maybe you should get a new scale or get your's calibrated. Also, make sure you are weighing yourself on a flat surface. AT my old place, the floor boards were so uneven, I would weigh 135lbs on one side of the room and 150lbs on the other side! VERY INACCURATE!
from dieselengine :
Raspberry Stoli and club soda is probably less than 100 calories per serving. My friend drinks that all the time. Also, you could drink a gimlet (vodka and lime juice). And if you have one drink, drink a water, then drink another drink...that way you will cut your calories in half too because you are drinking half the amount of drinks!
from mozangeles :
I am proud of you, Liz!! Good for you! And congrats to Jeremy! What a jerk for losing so much already! I hate men!! LOL xoxo - me
from goingloopy :
I have absolutely no problem eating more. None. Whatsoever. Sigh. Try those little bags of microwave popcorn, or some low fat string cheese with some triscuits. Add more cheese to your breakfast sandwich...that is a quick way to add 100 calories. :) Oh, and as for the Paint, open a new image, and then cut & paste the pictures side by side, and save it under a new file I am off to the gym to burn off lunch.
from dieselengine :
First of all, don't expect to lose 11lbs in 13 days because as you stated in the first part of your entry, you are GAINING muscle. Maybe you should start measuring your BMI and your weight instead of just reading what the scale says. As far as beans go, I would back off on them a little bit. They are good for you but too much of anything isn't good. The most important part of diet is vareity. Variety in what you eat, variety in what kinds of exercises you do. I will email you some more suggestions...
from mozangeles :
Liz, you are putting too much pressure on yourself, emotionally and physically! When I came to the part about your knee, I became concerned. You CANNOT work out with a knee that is hurting. YOU CANNOT. Speaking on behalf of my boyfriend (who studied sports medicine, among other things), you are going to really damage your knee if you do not rest properly and let it heal. Not to be rude (and my boyfriend says this to me as well), but being the weight you are, you are already putting a lot of pressure on your knees. You cannot work out with an injured knee unless you really want to risk irrepairable damage. I am worried for you!!! I have to also play devil's advocate with you in regards to the 1,600 calories. A healthy diet consists of 2,000 calories, depending on weight, of course. If you do not eat enough, you are not going to have energy to work-out. This is probably why you are really exhausted a lot of the time. I am becoming very concerned about this because I think you are becoming a bit obsessive and putting too lofty of goals on yourself. If you do not make it to your goal weight by the end of this month, so what. You are getting healthier and that is the most important part. Not the number on the scale. Please think about this. And I hope that you are not offended by any of this. I heart you. xoxo - me
from loopyloser :
Yes, you need to eat more veggies and fruit...that will add calories...maybe add some things like low-fat yogurt, protein shakes or bars, stuff like that. And I would look at a used bookstore or the library for the TBL book, because it's expensive and it really wasn't that helpful to me. Of course, I'm not the cooking type, so you might like it more...
from mozangeles :
Hey there Liz. If you gained weight, then wouldn't you be more than 195 even? If you are 195 even, that is one hell of a weight loss!!! :) xoxo - me
from dieselengine :
I think your email was perfect. Let's see how they react...
from aidawrites :
I've just been catching up on your new journal and I think you are doing a great job so far. You and Jeremy remind me of The Biggest Loser episode which was on last night. It was about couples who wanted to loose weight. Very inspiring. I hope you saw it !
from mozangeles :
I am a little torn on this issue. On one hand, you have every right to be selfish (and you do, you know!) and think about yourself first. But on the other hand, you should be able to go out every once in awhile and be with other people besides work mates or Jeremy. Of course, I know in the long run, you will do this, but I can see how your friends may get their feelings hurt, although they should also be understanding. (Like me when I quit smoking - I had to avoid friends that smoked for awhile, but I could not avoid it always - people are ALWAYS going to be somewhere smoking.) The thing is, at some point, you are going to be in a situation where you are tempted by food, and you are going to have to deal with it when the time comes. You cannot run away from it forever! But I am sure you know that. xoxo - me
from clarity25 :
Just a note to let you know I made it in and to say "hello!", I hope it's okay if I add this journal to my buddylist. I really enjoyed reading your entries so far and look forward to hearing more about your progress! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
from saveahorse :
You are doing so well! I know you can hit your goal weight! I wanted to note that I was flipping channels last night, and the biggest loser was on. I stopped for a moment, thought of you, and then they asked how many noodles are in a serving- you were right 32. Just thought I would let you know~ Stay strong!
from summerroll :
I hope that when you say you only had one glass of water, that that was just during the day, and you did drink plenty of water during and after your workout out. Right? I don't want to sound like a mom, but just stay hydrated. I wouldn't worry too much that you're under 400 or so calories. In terms of food, that's nothing, that's like a chicken sandwhich. As long as you're not hungry (or starving yourself - refusing to eat when you are), you're fine.
from summerroll :
Congrats to both you and Jeremy on the weight loss! Keep it up. Your meals sound fine to me. I don't think you should worry about it too much. As long as you're not hungry, you're getting enough calories and you're on the right track.
from saveahorse :
You are doing so well! Keep up the good work!
from dieselengine :
8.2lbs?!??!?! THAT IS AWESOME! Congrats on dropping those pounds. Keep up the good work!
from goingloopy : You can look up the amount of calories in just about every fast food item ever. Things like chicken soft tacos from the Bell, Wendy's grilled chicken sandwich, and stuff from Subway don't have very many calories, and better yet, you don't have to cook the shit. I'm just saying. :)
from lonelylatina :
maybe you shouldn't spend so much time measuring stuff because you might get frustrated and give up. "Body for Life" book has a lot of good tips on eating. it's helped me a lot. check it out.
from saveahorse :
You are doing great! Have a good weekend!
from summerroll :
Hey, sex burns TONS of calories, so twice in one day should definitely count as a workout day!
from jess1976 :
Your story is exactly like mine... I swear we could be twins. I lost a bunch of weight my junior year and was about 140 and all of sudden I was the hot girl. Since then, I've gained 100+ pounds and am miserable. I hope your journal will help give me some motivation. Good luck to you and Jeremy. I know you can do it!
from chillier :
You are SO BRAVE and I think this diary is totally awesome. There is nothing I dread more than talking about my weight, clothing size, etc, so anyone who has the balls to do it with a goal in mind is a hero. Good luck!
from summerroll :
Looks like you guys are off to a great start. Keep it up!
from goingloopy :
Okay, your weight IS distributed differently. For example, you actually have boobs...I have mere pretensions thereof. ;) If your gym has an Arc Trainer (Cybex) that instead of the burns more calories. For serious. Plus, it makes your legs get all ripped-like. After doing that (plus some lighter weights) for a few months, my legs had that thigh-indentation thing going on, and my butt was distinctly less jiggly. Good for you for going to the gym and for having the courage to post the pictures.
from mozangeles :
I am so proud of you for posting your pictures. You really have a lot of guts to get out there and show yourself to us. I don't think that I would be able to do it, so please, please, do not feel embarassed. I am an awe of you right now. Good luck with the dieting and the exercise. Sounds like you are on the right track. I am starting kickboxing tonight! xoxo - me
from summerroll :
It all sounds great! Don't forget to do at least 5 minutes of abs after your cardio every other day. I know it might sound a bit excessive, but abs and that entire area are the hardest parts to work out and I always see people cheat. Crunches should be done until they burn. I usually do them for an entire song, that way I know I did about 4 minutes. Good luck with the first workout tonight.
from mozangeles :
What is your cardio work-out consist of? And thanks for this entry - I am starting kickboxing this week, so this motivates me. :) xoxo - me
from dieselengine :
It looks like you are on the right track to me. All of your fats are monosaturared (olive oil) and you are getting a good amount of protein and fiber. Good luck!
from mozangeles :
I have to tell you that I was very taken aback and in admiration of how honest you were about your life, your goals, etc. It is really admirable, and you are such an inspiration for me. Good luck, sweetie. xoxo - me
from summerroll :
My Growth spurt over the summer between 6th and 7th grade (I went from 4'6" to about 5'2" and kept growing after that) left me with stretch marks on my knees, shoulders and around my hips.
from makinganewme :
Yay! I am so excited!!
from summerroll :
I'm wishing you luck and I hope I can be of some help with tips and stuff. By the way, I love Kashi Go Lean Crunch Cereal. I eat it every other day with Danon Le Creme Yogurt (I hate milk). And the Go Lean protein bars actually taste good.
from lonelylatina :
12/29/05 - let's do this!
from mozangeles :
Good luck! I will be following you every step of the way. Hopefully, I will lose some with you! I heart you. xoxo - me
from dieselengine :
congrats on getting started...this will be a great journey for you! And also, I can't help but mention I LOVE YOUR TEMPLATE (ha!)

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