messages to lovretrace:
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from agoatnamedaz :
Hey Jen! Nice to see you're still kicking around here 20+ years on. It's March 30/23, feelin' cute, might unlock. I hope life is treating you well these days. Life is being weird to me as is tradition. I wouldn't have it any other way. Take care, and be sure to drop by and say hi in another 20 years!
from agoatnamedaz :
I was feeling nostalgic, so I came back to see if anyone is still updating on here. Jen, I wish I could go back in time and give you a big hug. Sorry to read about all of the crap you were going through, and I really hope things have gotten infinitely better since then. You deserve awesomeness at all times. xoxo
from agoatnamedaz :
New York, Boston, LA, and now Atlanta?! Jesus, girl. Pick a general region at least. ;) I'm so happy to hear from you. If you have a chance you should send me an email and let me know what's been going on. I miss reading your journal. Here's hoping Atlanta isn't as stuck up as LA. See you, Jen.
from agoatnamedaz :
Yeah, the note below appeared in your guestbook. It just decided to pop up now. Days later. Stupid Andrew and his stupid malfunctioning sites. Anyways, you'd better update, because I won't stop harrassing your notes and guestbook until you do. ;p
from agoatnamedaz :
Hey Jen. Your guestbook is not cooperating with me, so I copied and pasted the message in here. It better not end up showing up a million times in your guestbook. If it does, please accept my computer-illiterate apology. Anyways, here it is: Sorry to hear that you're feeling bummed out. But you're getting out of that house! Yay! I'm sure that once you're all settled your mood will perk right up. And you might be right about all of those people just using you. I've learned that most people are bastards. It's just something I've grown to accept. You'll learn to sniff out the good ones. Good luck with everything!
from onlyhope :
Did you hear about the new pirate movie!?
from agoatnamedaz :
Opening a toaster is almost as fun as opening boxes and boxes of facecloths and shaving cream. Guess what I got for Xmas. :) I wish I knew how to politely tell a guy to screw off, but sometimes directness to the point of rudeness is all that will work. Good luck with him. If he's anything like the guy I had to deal with, you'll need it.
from comagene :
"our lame jobs wouldn't be so bad if the general population wasn't so stupid." a fine quote indeed. when i think about it. YES it's true!
from agoatnamedaz :
:) I love the quote you chose for me.
from agoatnamedaz :
I've been complained about to a manager for something idiotic, too. Customers are such assholes. Just be thankful you haven't been whacked over the head with a roll of wrapping paper. It's very degrading.

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