messages to m2win:
(click here to add new message):

from greenmind :
I just read your newest entry that touched me. Sometimes I feel I'm a pile of air and looking back all those years (soon 18 years) makes me wonder where my life has gone.John Lennon once said:"Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans."Oh, soo true.Take care and remember that there's always someone to watch the same moon.^__^
from ladypheebs :
:P You've Been Licked! courtesy of your neighborhood pheebs.
from greenmind :
You lil' hobbit! You lucky one! You're almost relative of Johnny Depp ((friend's friend's, well, it's almost the same *grins*))! ~Shaltra
from guysinmakeup :
Hi, I've become incredibly paranoid and have locked my diary, probably only for a couple days. I don't know if you still read it, but if you would like to check in for any reason, the username is 'darling' and the password is 'disarm'. Thanks :) xox
from ladypheebs :
hello lovely. will you make it? :-)
from ladypheebs :
hello lovely. will you make it? :-)
from easyreviews :
Hi! I just started a new review page and need new people to review. Interested? sign up on my page...
from ladypheebs :
i wish you belated luck on your chem quiz. (alliteration, hehe) I complete the torture nearly two year ago, and even bear the mark of A. But ask me for help... I'm hardly sure how i managed such brands, as i remember sleeping quite alot... ;D
from ladypheebs :
MEENA! It's been far too long, luv. I dropped by to tell you to have a happy day! I miss you. -pheebs
from rosem :
interesting diary. its all so simple and refreshing. great job. added you to favorites. later. -rose
from expiriments :
Thanks, Arie (points to below Kawaiisa) is the one that design etided it! She did an amazing job...
from kawaiisa :
"Happiness" The reason you feel more comfortable around those that you don't know is because you don't have to prove to them (or to those online) who you are. You don't need to be accepted, or live up to thier expectations because there are none. *hugs* i hope you find what your looking for dear. Just remember to be true to yourself. ~Arie Tarou
from dombilly :
it is isnt it?!! I LOVE HAVING ME TEETH BACK!!
from dombilly :
yay! *hugs* a fellow Sister! thanks so much! (the gbooks are being stupid so I leave you this rite now) i looooove Evanescense too! they rule! so do you hugs and kisses, Carolyn
from ivyvalentine :
WHEE! Thanks again for the compliment you left in my notes sis! Not quite true, but thank you nonetheless, your writing skills are..well, astronomically lovley.......and also...your just great period, thanks again, you made me smile, which is hard to do at the moment!
from nisha026 :
Wow, wow, wow ... ::is speechless:: You're description of yourself (the Ringbearer) was so ... so ... wow. I loved it! (and that's a good thing) ::hugs:: take care!
from mewlips :
Ey! happy birthday!! Hope you have an awesome day, with lots of fun presents. *gives one* ..isn't it cool that your twin has the exact same birthday as you?? One of the reasons twins rock. Heh. *hugs* happee birthday to yoouuu ;)
from beagle47 :
seems to me like you've got a lot of good friends based on those yearbook entries. don't forsake the trees for the forest! ;-) peace.
from mewlips :
Ooh, new template! love the Aragorn/�owyn theme ;)
from mewlips :
Hey! of course you can have the new addy, here ya go.. Have a nice day, then! Oh, btw you play the piano? thats cool.. I play the flute :) *hugs*
from elvenstar979 :
i don't know if you check these but owell. i've missed your updates! hehe i tried to leave you a message on your gbook but it sent before i typed the message :( now it won't let me send another. just wanted to say hi :)
from mnemesene :
Thanks for the note! i know this is a bit late, I've been busy. It isn't my twin sister applying for the ring, but my little sister. sadly, my twin is more into horses than LOTR... hehe well, anyway ''TwinPower''! love ya! marie
from beagle47 :
i was the same way, really, honor classes and everything. and, if i could go back and talk to myself then i would say "admit who you're not. be braver. there are hundreds of others out there like you and when you do you'll feel better and someone else shy and scared like you will feel better too and in a few years that person will say when you did that it really changed my life for the better." don't worry, it's going to be fine, really. peace. (and good luck, hope you get a B anyway, even if it doesn't really matter).
from beagle47 :
thank you for your visit, and your nice note. i believe that what you read is about you. oh, and you know what? i was terrible in math, almost failed trigonometry and i remember the instructor saying "you'll need math one day" and how depressed i was...i really was sad about it. you know what? i'm doing just fine with my C in trig and looking back on it i 1) never find a need for more than simple math 2) can't figure out why i was so sad about something that seems so stupid now and 3) laugh about the whole thing. so, don't worry about it. do your best and that's enough (but, do your best because that matters more than the grade). peace.
from elwen :
Si, gracias por El Traje de Juanito el Dos. Juanito el Uno yo perdi, entonces, yo "made" un Juanito Dos. ^ - ^ and then I found the first Juanito. :D
from ciaramyst :
For some reason, and I have no idea why, I could not get your diary to load up. I think the problem is on my end.
from elwen :
*groans* the dilemma the dilemma!!!! because I personally like the new one lots(*squees* he looks adorable! notice the word usage- i do not use CUTE i do not use HOT, i think he's adorable like a little baby you want to hug and say "awww" i do NOT have a crush on him) anyway...i like the new one, but the old one goes with the layout you have- you know the backgrounds gray and black your layout's gray and black? so i really don't know.....ugh...but i really like the new picture!
from hobbitmuser :
merry Christmas! i wish you merriment and much hobbiday cheer, from one lotrsister to another. *God bless us, everyone* ~Taya
from elwen :
good luck good luck good luck good luck good luck good luck !
from elwen :
I love Red Hot Chili Peppers!!!
from afrai :
Story? You mean the muses story? Er, it's very inside jokey, I'm afraid, and for maximum effect, familiarity with all the characters is needed. *thwaps self* sorry 'bout that. I'll try to make it more accessible, but I probably won't succed. :) 6 more days indeed!
from elwen :
okay, well that was idiotic since I just READ your profile where it says Indian! What part are you from? This is so cool- fellow indian!!!
from elwen :
are you indian? as in, asian-indian from India? Because Meena sounds like an Indian name, and you like Indian food(your bio in lotrsisters) so...??? Because I am- from South India. My parents immigrated to america, and I am a Bostonian(^-^) by birth.
from elwen :
thanx for the welcome! it's a really cool ring, i feel like I've been a sister forever!
from goth-angel :
Okay, your guestbook didn't seem to be working, sooo... I sure know that I would have been terrified at the sight of those spiders! But, most likely, I would have been behind the whole Chamber of Secrets thing. Since Tom is my one and only...
from ravenheart :
Thank you for joining my Frodo ring, you are welcome!
from fruitbowl :
Heya! I'm a Star Wars fan, too!! Yoda is da man :) -Nicole
from fruitbowl :
I opened my buddy list thingi today to see whol had updated their diaries and it said that you added me to your favourites and I was like, "Coolness!" And I added you to my faves too, you seem like an interesting person :) -Nicole
from nisha026 :
Hiya meena. i don't know how you will get this but I thought I would try it out. Well cya later. I will update in my diary (i think.)

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