messages to magistrate:
(click here to add new message):

from magic-words :
I've had alot of wine too.
from wheeloffish :
As per the orders of Dr. Reb, I was supposed to mail this to you, but I don't have the bloody foggiest idea what your e-mail address might be. So instead I'm leaving it here; you should do a musical project entitled "Mug Sheep" with cover art featuring a close up of a big thick glass stein of foamy amber bock with lots of little buggy-eyed "Wallace & Grommit"-style sheep floating inside. Yes. You should.
from freaky-flute :
My flute is scaring you? I'm sorry!!!! "Bad flute, going around and scaring random people. I told you to just scare those you know!!!" Ok, she should behave now.
from freaky-flute :
Hi!!! I'm bored so I leave you a note!!! Yay!!!!
from avelvetteen :
Scene Creamers are playing tonight. And I have no one to go with. I'm so sad. Pity me.
from avelvetteen :
Scene Creamers are playing tonight. And I have no one to go with. I'm so sad. Pity me.
from invisibledon :
thanks for visiting
from wheeloffish :
I disapprove of the size of your text. I think you'll be taken for granted if you keep the letters at that circus-poster point size, and that would be a thrice-damned shame.
from dorkfysh :
Me like.
from qim :
Magistrate, here I thought you appreciated my masculism work when I was put on your favorite only to find you call it "vomit". Shame on you. You're not the man, but a widdle pussy boy. Now run along and do the feminist's bidding.
from magistrate :
from magistrate :
Please note.

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