messages to milomilo2:
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from dangerspouse :
Well well well. Welcome back - congrats on doing the Iron Man! It would have taken 2 years for me to recover enough to post another entry, too :)
from readnglst999 :
Where is clarity25? Recent vacation blog - "Eric's" Photobucket account -
from rainforme :
thanks for the note... yes, appalling wages and yet, yes, i am lucky to even have a job that still adds to my resume. good luck with your training, impressive!
from gothamite :
Hey, Milo. Glad to see you're still reading. I'm done with diaryland, though, so come check out the continuance at: <a href=""></a>
from rainforme :
hey there, thanks for the note!
from gothamite :
Hey, man. Good to hear from you. Thanks for dropping me a note; I was beginning to wonder if anyone tuned in anymore.
from clarity25 :
Oh my gosh, You have so many exciting things ahead of you! I'm wishing you the best in everything. I can't wait to hear how everything goes. I hope you're having a good week so far. Keep up updated!
from clarity25 :
I'm so glad the interview went well! that's awesome. I have my fingers crossed for you!
from clarity25 :
I had that happen to me last night. (well.. sort of) A beetle flew into my sweater and climbed INTO my bra. I started screaming. I pulled off my top, yanked off my bra. (ripping the back plastic clasps) and started flailing around. Eric watched this all in amusement. I haven't woken up Euphoric in a while however. Good luck with your upcoming interview.
from clarity25 :
A free concert is always a plus. It sounds like that was a fun night! I want to thank you for reaching out and opening up about your own experiences. It helps me feel less alone. I know I'll get back on my feet. It just takes time I guess. I hope you have a good weekend. Thank you for being a friend. I mean that.
from milomilo2 :
from claritynew :
Moving in with someone is a big step and it's natural for you to weigh the pros and cons. You have to look at all sides and be sure that it's what you want to do. If it's right, you'll know it in your heart and things will fall into place just the way it's supposed to:)
from daringtobe :
hey I don't deny looking a porn occasionally - I just didn't do it at work. that's the irony of it all!
from clarity25 :
Yeah, any town without a sushi restaurant would NOT be the town for me either. I know what you mean about getting a feel for a place and just knowing that even though the job opportunity might be good, it's simply NOT the place for you. Environment really does play a key part in our happiness. Thanks for your caring notes lately. You have a point to about Soprano girl. I might be giving her too much credit. No one can be THAT influential, there are always other factors involved that I have to take into account. It's just so easy to get caught up in the "blame game". *sigh*
from clarity25 :
I'm glad you had a great weekend and the marathon went well. I hope this weekend is equally as great. Just sending you some greetings from Germany and good wishes:)
from daringtobe :
how come is it everytime you talk I like you better and better. you should be a lawyer.
from banefulvenus :
love your template
from daringtobe :
and yes that was a system error that caused that comment to appear 3 times. I have ocd but not that bad!
from daringtobe :
thank you. not having much luck on the affair...but I keep plugging away. nice diary too...I hope your spaghetti sauce comes in.
from daringtobe :
thank you. not having much luck on the affair...but I keep plugging away. nice diary too...I hope your spaghetti sauce comes in.
from daringtobe :
thank you. not having much luck on the affair...but I keep plugging away. nice diary too...I hope your sphagetti sauce comes in.
from clarity25 :
"...we all know �married/committed� people don�t socialize with single people..." Hey, now wait a minute. That's not true at all. Sometimes Single people intentionally separate themselves from their married friends! It goes both ways:). By the way, thanks for sharing some of your thoughts regarding everything. I think you're right on target. I hope you have a good weekend.
from artofliving : i've missed these entries of yours, love.
from claritynew :
P.S. I'm sure your hair looks fine. hahahaha.. *coughs* really. I kid. Eric shaves his head when he's going through a major transitional period. I wouldn't be surprised if the razor comes out soon in light of everything.:)
from claritynew :
Thanks for your notes lately:). It's helping me keep things in the right perspective. As for her living in the house, she moved out after she cheated on my brother the first time. She just visits now for stretches at a time, then goes back to her dorm room at college. There is NO WAY she'd be still living there under the circumstances. My family wouldn't tolerate THAT much abuse, but enough is already enough. I hope you're doing well, and having a good day.
from claritynew :
It's very hard when you're confronted with the dreaded "Where is this relationship heading exactly?" talk. It's confusing and you're put on the spot. You go from enjoying the moment and your time having to look into the future and predict how you will feel 5, 10, 30, 50 months from now. Who can say this for sure? Even when you are married, you can not honestly predict this. With me and Eric we didn't have this talk, we just went with the flow and enjoyed our time together. One day we both just knew and it happened completely naturally. If we had that kind of talk. Perhaps I would have scared him away before he was ready to commit and we would not be together today. Just some random thoughts to ponder. Happy New years, and thanks for being a friend.
from clarity25 :
That's a cute little drawing. Thanks for moving into my neighborhood, nice house you have there.:)
from clarity25 :
Look at you, the "Master of Haiku". *standing ovation* hehe. I just wanted to thank you so much for your last notes, they were truly more helpful than you might realize and very much appreciated. Oh and I think I have a diary for you. I'll share the link soon, you'll LOVE this one.
from claritynew :
I liked your recent entry, and thanks for the "credit" *smiles*, you know I tagged you, but you don't have to make an appearance. It's getting pretty chaotic in my diary. haha..Soon there are going to be riots and anarchy. That's what happens when you leave your diary in the hands of so many people. The subject gets dropped and everyone goes all over the place. :)It's fun though.
from evababy777 :
i love wheat bread! bread is actually my favorite food (and not white, i hate white bread)! :)
from rainforme :
well thank you. i hope your head feels better. :)
from claritynew :
But wait, you didn't provide a link. I'd like to read my replacement. C''s only fair. LOL. But really, I'm curious! Thanks for being there, through thick and're one of the diarists that have stayed along for my journey the longest. you know just about everything and you've been through all my drama's..whether it was fear for my bestfriend, worrying about my father, pregnancy scares, jealousy, changing my haircolor to bright red, having a "quarter-life crisis"..etc. I just wanted to thank you for being a friend. But this isn't a goodbye because I'M NOT LEAVING YET!
from claritynew :
Thank you for your note! This recent entry had me cracking up! You're already searching for a replacement..and we didn't even break up yet?? What's up with that? I'm still here! Geez..
from claritynew :
We "don't like" a lot of the same things. Oh and I love the first line of your original list. "Fuzzy faced puppies and playful dogs" hehe, that was so cute:)
from claritynew :
Thank you for your feedback and advice! I'm glad you started writing again.
from clarity25 :
Thank you so much for your last note and for your E-mail. that helped more than you know.
from claritynew :
Boy can I relate to what you just said, I feel the same way. I was reading through some older entries and I'm in exactly the same place that I was last year! It was disheartening! The only difference was that the writing was better and I was more inspired. It was new and I had so many things to write about, so much to share.. But now it's just day-logging for the most part. Something about the magic is gone, I was thinking of also taking a hiatus and just working on some of the issues in my life alone, getting things into shape, painting more, studying German again, maybe doing yoga..something towards changing or improving my life. Because I feel..stagnant. At any rate, I'll miss your writing, hope you're not gone for too long. (no pressure in that statement, just letting you know I appreciate your writing) Take care, Good luck.
from clarity25 :
I liked your list of desired characteristics in a woman, it was actually very interesting. Also I understand why you would have a stronger bond with your dog than the person you're dating in the beginning stages of a relationship. because it's true, you never know where it's going. That doesn't sound bad at all..but of course, hopefully that will change as the relationship strengthens (LOL). I wanted to thank you for your last few notes, they meant alot to me. I don't leave notes very often, because I know your stance on online journals.:), but thank you so much for reaching out!
from rainforme :
thanks! i got the job too!!!! eeeee!!
from gothamite :
Thanks for the note. I'm still a little incredulous that something went my way.
from gothamite :
It's fine. I don't have any problem with what you wrote ... but if you really want me to nix it, I will. Just say so ... again.
from gothamite :
i understand where you're coming from. technically, i should have people in the flesh who give a shit, who would spare me from hollering into the black depths of cyberspace where no one can hear you scream ... they can only read it. thanks for your note, though. I definitely appreciate it. I do mostly what you do: read people yet not comment ... because I don't often know what to say or feel I have anything particularly valid to share. Though, I suppose since I like the occasional encouragement, I should take it as a lesson and offer it up to those whose writing I enjoy.
from rainforme :
haha, i liked your interview entry. you poor thing. director of a resort in montana eh? i have hotel experience, need some people? ;)
from gothamite :
My name's Steve, and the manager of Subway near where I work is also named Steve, and when he first came in, we'd be like "Hey, Steve" "Hey, Steve." "How's it going, Steve?" "Good, Steve." etc. Then we decided it was like Spies Like Us and now we just call each other "Doctor". It's funny you mentioned that in your post. I dig.
from clarity25 :
Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers.
from rainforme :
hahah!! you know what i meant. and i'm actually on 6 right now... seven is supposed to be the one i end up with... so, one more to go.
from rainforme :
good luck with the yahoo personals thing... that's where most of my misters came from. errr.. so yeah. cute pic.
from claritynew :
First of all, I just wanted to say that I'm really glad you decided to continue writing and came back to D-land. I always look forward to your updates. And this entry I need to comment on, because I was just thinking about this a few hours ago. How I'm jammed inbetween Gen x and Gen Y, but I don't fit in. I always called it being an "Inbetweener", or the "grunge generation", etc. But now there's a name for it. "Twixter" haha. I have to look up that article!
from rainforme :
request granted. i meant the hair on my head by the way, ha! i have too much pride to ever go home early, HELL NO. and there is the duty to my kids... not to mention i would never waste the money on changing my plane ticket.
from rainforme :
thanks my dear, back in action i take it?

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