messages to misparking:
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from safire-angel :
Yay! I love that poem!
from sahphire :
Love that quote! How true it really is.
from sahphire :
(Oooh.. OFFLINE DIARYLAND SPAM! Muahahaha)Anyway, I like the mug design. That's all. :D
from sahphire :
Dropping a quick note - Just wanted to say that I absolutely love the new layout!
from candoor :
happy new year :)
from erato :
Happy holidays.
from sahphire :
aww.. nice entry but I must add... hehehe.... that broken trunks may also keep certain people from escaping and going straight to the police. Not that I know anything about that. *bats eyes and smiles innocently* Anyway, just wanted to say hi and let's do lunch. Murphy's is calling me (and I know it's ALWAYS calling you ;-) ) and I won't be able to answer until the new year if I wait till after I leave! Anyway... take care love and I'll be in touch.
from sahphire :
Loved the latest entry. I'm glad to see one of us has begun to conquer the overly harsh inner critics we all have. As for my layout, I'm glad you liked it. I needed a change for to match my recent moodiness. I'm having major existential issues that I had hoped would be resolved by pouring some time into a new layout.... I was wrong. Ah well, tomorrow's another day.
from sahphire :
Love the new poem but, then again, I can't think of a time when I was disappointed or not infatuated (even for a mere moment) with something you created, darling. I do miss you very much, though. My houseguests are leaving tomorrow and I thus will attempt to call you then.
from erato :
Thank you for taking the time to message back: I don't want you to drop anything and it pains me to think you already have. I don't know why you didn't get back to me sooner and yes, there are many things I would like to share with you. However, I get the distinct impression that there is something troubling you, so why don't we start with what you would like to tell me?
from erato :
Darling--as always breath-taking. Email me!
from sahphire :
Awww, sweetie... Stopping is overrated. However would anyone expect us to get anywhere if we always had to stop here, there, and everywhere?! Sorry, again, to hear of your trouble. It seems the car (like any car, I believe) is turning out to be almost more trouble than it's worth. Still, it's not up to me to decide. Good luck with more misadventures, I'll see you in September!
from erato :
There you are, my angel! Your poetry still captures me. Your passing thoughts take my breath! How I miss talking to you about your work, you life, your findings. You are a deep pool of wondrous things--what amazes me most is that I have only touched the surface. To imagine all the other treasures nearly overwhelms me. In a nutshell: e-mail me, wench!
from sahphire :
You have such an excellent knack for ending poems on the sharp tip of a pen-like knife. Ahh, yes, I have been laying low. Too much free-leis like drama floating in the air. That and my dear sweet rabbit is about to embark on his grand adventure to California. However, contrary to popular belief I'm not avoiding you... just the world for a moment. Take care and I'll be in touch. Let's definitely do lunch sometime this week. love you love you love you!
from sahphire :
I'm stricken with a subtle understanding. Love the last few lines and am submerged in those same questions. I must call you once I get over this flu-like sickness that has infected the better half of Honolulu! Take care, dear!
from erato :
Ah, I miss you. Everything is complicated. I want the photos you took! The address to upload them is email me an invitation once you make your album! I miss you, I miss you!
from sleepystorm :
by the way...this line is flawless: "I look for uncomplicated hymns, but love has none." anne sexton has always, always been my favorite writer. x
from sleepystorm :
hi. of course i dont mind. x
from sahphire :
It's amazing how a short anecdote can change every layer of meaning... I loved it the first time I saw it and love it more, and in a different way, now. And I'm glad you enjoyed the new layout, I'm still playing with it quite a bit and no, I didn't think you were stalking me but I was in such a mood I felt bad about failing to entertain guests.
from erato :
Such is life! I think it is the least I deserve! But to keep you posted on events, he goes into surgery today and I will be playing nurse for the next few days to a very, very drugged man. What am I doing? I wonder while he asks, to quote his mother, "what are you doing with that little girl?" What indeed. So fun to play dress up until you have to walk a few miles in those too-big stilettos. I took a bigger bite than I could handle with him. It's going to be one hell of a week. But you know me! Off I go to conquer. Can't be like your wife, but hey, I'm a rockin' mistress. Just don't ask me to keep the house.
from sahphire :
Truer words seem to have never been written.
from erato :
Wow, that is so very true.
from erato :
I miss you, too! I have been such a little shit in disappearing like that. But I have to say that it has enlightened me in a lot of ways. My god, what a downward spiral. I really had to reassess my baggage. Being here, I get all sorts of quiet moments by myself. It's like a retreat. I am doing so much introspecting, I don't even know where to begin telling about it, but I will attempt to be coherent. Look for my email!
from sahphire :
"Now I wish for nothing but silence." Though it was wonderfully amazing, the only coherence I can muster, which is far from doing any bit of justice to it, is.... I loved it.
from erato :
I loved the intro to that.
from erato :
Ah, words. Just in time for "if this was my poem..."
from erato :
I was naughty. I got caught up screaming on my mobile to do anything but run about Waikiki like a headless chicken. I have gossip. We will talk.
from sahphire :
My darling dear, you cease not to amaze me with your literary talent. A true master of the craft, I am never disappointed to watch you weave such complexities with the simplest of tools and look forward to see what next you shall turn out.
from erato :
Ah, you fled today, what a pity. I dreamt that the Deer Killer's best friend and I were at The Loft and that he had asked me to move in with him. The night before, I dreamt the Deer Killer's roommate and I were hiding in a refrigerator smoking. There is something quite logical in this absurdity, I just can't find it. And no. I am not going to the meeting tomorrow. Not after the Sappho thing. Dear god.
from erato :
And with a little fanfare and red carpet ado, Queen Erato of the Diaryland Literature Canon welcomes you to the joyous realm that is this little corner of cyberspace. It's about time, woman! =)

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