messages to moonfaeryy:
(click here to add new message):

from addict-in-me :
Hey !! Sorry to hear about your aunt, but I'm glad to hear your dad is home. Keep your head high, and stay positive : )
from addict-in-me :
Well I once dated a girl from Midlan but she was all that and a bag of chips lol I used to live in flint but My family moved when some kid got wated by a shotgun in school. What a waste he was 13 years old : /
from addict-in-me :
lol It's all good, see you can have a similar wardrobe if you move down here : p
from addict-in-me :
I moved to Phoenix because at the time it had a eccodomy and it's warm lol I now wear shorts, t-shirts, and hoodies years round, unless I am visiting Michigan lol
from addict-in-me :
Hey I just started reading you diary, I am from Traverse City Michigan what part you in? Man I am in Phoenix now lol it's 70 out every day : P Sorry to hear about your dad our prayers will be with him. And take care of your self also, get some sleep AYE !!
from starkitten01 :
Yeah, it's all been done in the past, with her and with his mother. This guy knows all the tricks in the book; he's charming when he *needs* to be. Also, there is no legal way for these social services to physically remove a person from the home, and even if there were, he would return there once they were gone. He will not leave with any sort of verbal attempts from anyone, not even the person who owns the home. It's a lost cause to bring in "authority" figures anymore b/c it's all been done and it's all been in vain. Sad, isn't it?
from x-centricity :
Miss you too!
from kathrineb :
Hi, you make it sound easy, i'll persevere, it's not that important to have a different template, as long as it does its job, and anyway i'll have limited graphics anyway as i'm not buying i'm going for the free offer, i hope we can keep in touch, take it easy, love and light kath
from kathrineb :
I've tried to add you as a favourite but i'm unable to do it as i don't know what i'm doing to do it, i did give it a go with no luck, and i thought i new a bit about computers lol, hopefully this will link to my profie cheers kath
from smashthegas :
Hey dear can you email the un/pw again? Soz I reformatted again and forgot to save it LOL Smashxxx
from sugar-pain :
Hee hee! That's awesome! You know, we've probably seen each other there. Do you ever go for the parade at the end of the Bavarian Festival?
from cocoabean :
thanks for adding me! I look forward to reading more of you!!
from extremelyshy :
I play horde on Kil'Jaeden! My two 70's are Kaimen and Pok�boi
from x-centricity :
AWWW!!!! Kittens are so wonderful. I wish I could have another one, but Zoe is 8 going on 9 and not a very friendly kitty. She wants to be the ONLY ONE!!!
from ochweidnit :
Hiya ... yeah, I'm so sorry I hadn't got around to it earlier, forgive me? :D Somebody area51lol
from starkitten01 :
I really hope you find your cat and that she's Ok! Sorry to hear about the annoying happenings with your computer/music at work as well, people can be downright rude :-( Especially when they're able to "get away" with doing something on the sly... It's sad. Sounds like other wise, though, you're doing quite well there and I'm happy for you!
from reynedecoupe :
"Married to a fine writer"? Hmph! *pouts*
from smashthegas :
Aww fook babe that would have been great but a certain other d*lander here in the UK is gettin married May 31st and I'm going to that! Fook. I'm sure you can guess who she is but if I don't wanna say for privacy reasons. Email me at and Ill tell ya! Sorry :-(
from stepfordtart :
thanks for the link. I did me some googling and found a couple of recipes which all involved crushed candies. They sound really nice but your candies are so different to ours its hard to see what might be a comparable product. Am I right in thinking they are a Christmassy thing? Several recipes mentioned crushed candy canes - if thats right I think I know what kind of candy they mean and can get something similar. If I make them, I'll let you know how they turn out - Smash lives only an overnight mail away from me so I'll send him some too if I do make them! thanks again. s x
from wilberteets :
Thanks for the add! :-)
from stepfordtart :
Hey! Thanks for adding me! I've name-checked you today (and will add you shortly!) s x
from dandydandy :
You rock! And yeah, we are definitely getting together sometime in May, June, July or August! hahahah
from essaywriter :
thanks for the add! enjoy...
from nakedbarista :
I try to imitate their natural habitat as much as possible. It's the only way they'll reproduce. : )
from dandydandy :
Yeah, I have a feeling we could probably pull an all nighter with all the fodder flying around in my head alone! :) And hey, maybe one of us will get lucky and find one of those twin bubbles. Ha.
from nadina9509 :
wow love your template (i hope thats spelled right)
from smedindy :
Hey you! I'm going to be in Toledo for a conference in a couple of weeks. If you get the urge to come down, I'll be there. Don't worry, I AM a gentleman. Heh...
from nilliem :
Hey girl...a) I'm alive...and b) where the heck is your archive button??!?!!???
from yelayna :
Hiya, just wanted to say thank you for the notes you left me, they made me smile when I was feeling glum � it meant a lot. *hugs*
from x-plicity :
Thank you so much for your *hugs* and your thoughts. Love you!
from x-plicity :
Happy V-day! *heart* X
from x-plicity :
Love ya!! *hugs* X
from yeahimadork :
The fudge is so easy! One bag of milk chocolate chips, one of white chocolate chips (or whatever other kind you'd like), 1/2 tsp of vanilla, a can of sweetened condensed milk, and a couple of chopped up Skor bars (or whatever kind of toffee you want to use). Put the chips in a pot, with the milk and vanilla. In about five minutes, the chips will be melted. Right at the end, add the candy (if you put the candy in too soon, it could melt). Stir it a couple of times to mix it really well. Put it in a dish and let it cool in the fridge. It's easy and good!
from smedindy :
Thanks! Thanks!
from smedindy :
My rubber is falling off!! SPIT TAKE!! I gotta clean the monitor.
from gumphood :
thats so mean! I love it.
from sexyatheist :
seriously, that was the BEST commercial ever. i couldn't believe how awesome it was. what an amazing game. i can't wait to see more of those.
from workcrush :
Oh no, I was just giving her a hard time about it, I'm pretty much "out" now. Heck, I even have a link to my blue diary up on the pink one. I've just been keeping the illusion of anomynity because it amuses me. As long as my former fiance doesn't find this diary I'm fine.
from heelandlass :
Erm. No. I didn't remove the first lot. I've done it now, so let's see what happens. Thanks for helping! Thanks for even giving a rats ass! xxx
from heelandlass :
Thank you!! I had a sneaky suspicion that was going to happen, so any help is GREATLY appreciated. Unfortunately, I've added the blurb you suggested and removed the one that I'd pasted in and now my comments don't seem to work...any tips?! Sorry to be so completely dizzy!!
from unfukd :
Okay, you're added!
from hissandtell :
Hi doll - just catching up on all your recent entries I've missed. Thanks so much for keeping in touch. Much love, R xxx
from texansrule :
how do i upload pics onto my journal page?
from sexyatheist :
yeah, but at least you have a team. in L.A we've got nothin'. but yeah, it should be an awesome day and i am very excited.
from sexyatheist :
i am always a fan of someone rooting for the colts. it shows obvious intelligence. although who's your home team?
from texansrule :
your posts are always so good. i like when you talk about Baby Girl. Did you get those candles from Bath and Body? i was so bad i went back and got the Plum and Pumpkin one.
from gumphood :
I am glad that you liked my football entry! I assumed not many would, but I got alot of comments over it.
from gumphood :
I see xqueze me is pimping out my code. Why note come to the source! hahaha
from xquzme :
This is what Gump left me -- you have to type all this out to get a link to show up: <a href=""> Gumphood is a hottie </a> (the "Gumphood is a hottie" will be the word or words which take you to the link). Good luck!
from dietingjenn :
congrats to you too!!!
from niceguymike :
Hey, thanks for adding me as a favorite! Enjoyed your "five things" (I just did those myself), and I totally agree with you on the baggy pants thing; I just don't get it. It doesn't look attractive or comfortable. However, having a Dad over 70, I wish he were using some of those things for his sex life! Unfortunately, a lot of the medication he takes removes this pleasure for him. Maybe that's the answer to why older guys take it; their medications are getting in the way of having a normal life.
from reynedecoupe :
Oh I would love to meet up! Who knows? I guess I will be travelling a bit, as I will have family there... exciting!
from caribbe-jen :
Hey there chicky! I don't know why my update didn't show up on your list. Maybe I have to play around with it a little bit more. Miss you too ~ when are you coming out for a visit???
from reynedecoupe :
Thank you so much sweetie. I know I came across as a bit harsh, I am usually a very patient sort who'll put up with a helluva lot, but MAN, some of the reactions! You'd think that ppl would just be happy we are happy! It is ppl like yourself, however, that let me keep faith in things. To be believed in means the world, so thankyouthankyouthankyou. (again) *mwah*
from caribbe-jen :
H-E-L-L-O!! It's the "other" one from MA. That cousin of yours has been asking me for weeks if I've gotten around to checking this out, and I finally am since I had the day off. I might even start writing... but don't hold your breath!
from hissandtell :
Mmmmm ... cold margarita mix. My favourite! I recommend you curl up with a pitcher of midnight margaritas (add a few splashes of blue curacao, if you don't already) and the DVD of "Practical Magic", darling, and make the world go away for awhile. I'm looking forward to the kitties' photograph. Love, R xxx
from hissandtell :
Hi - your diary is so interesting; I'm really enjoying it. Thanks so much for reading me, and for drawing my attention to you. You know, the parking-lot man of your dreams sounds suspiciously like ALL the men who try to pick me up these days. Who knew that growing older would result in such tragic circumstances, where deeply unattractive men with pony tails think I'm fair game? And I'm still laughing over the image of you plopping your big arse on the ground - I can relate totally. Your Boo-babies sound adorable and I wish you could post photographs. I'll be back soon to check on their growth and development... Love, R xxx
from xquzme :
Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel! A new friend! Hi! Thanks for adding me to your favorites -- now I'm off to giggle and snort at your entries.
from gumphood :
from gumphood :
I'm with loopy. You rock.
from goingloopy :
Thanks for adding me to your favorites :)
from warcrygirl :
Ah, I see someone else had the cat that liked to "nurse" earlobes! Thanks for linking to me! If you want a free comments page go to, they're good and you can customize it to match the colors to your diary.

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