messages to mouseysocks:
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from eatmorepizza :
Thanks mousey. It's strange, it's a definitely feeling of being alone, but at the same time, it's almost a feeling you WANT to linger in for a bit. I'm sure I'll sleep it off.
from atoyo34 :
so im in class right now and board so i spent like alf an hour trying to find you and now i have hello how are you?
from lapisllong :
OK, THERE WE GO! sorry (capslock) let me know if anything else looks funky! : )
from lapisllong :
done and done! it is a temp fix so you kinda have to use the two arrows as it is late and i will make a new template Sunday that has no scrollbox.
from chickpea981 :
Wonderful suggestion, however I already do that. If you look at my "house" album you'll see my bedroom and my desk have my photos enlarged into 8x10s and I actually do decorate with them! I just stare off at them when I go to bed or when I wake or when I feel miserable and I am instantly whisked away to that exact moment at the beach or in the botanical garden.
from aidesigner82 :
This song reminds me of you....."La Cienega Just Smiled" by Ryan Adams....NOT Bryan Adams, that Canadian putz...... "Ah the it comes again" It's on with the jeans, the jacket and the shirt How'd I end up feeling so bad For such a pretty girl And I hold you close in the back of my mind Feels so good but damn it makes me hurt And I'm too scared to know how I feel about you now La Cienega just smiles..."see ya around" And I hold you close in the back of my mind And raise my glass 'cause either way I'm dead Neither of you really help me to sleep anymore One breaks my body and the other breaks my soul La Cienega just smiles as it waves goodbye "Ah the it comes again" It's off with the jeans, the jacket and the shirt How'd I end up feeling so bad For such a pretty girl And I hold you close in the back of my mind Feels so good but damn it makes me hurt And I'm too scared to know how I feel about you now How I feel about you now La Cienega just smiles and says, "I'll see you around" Love Always, Jeremy (the original)
from chickpea981 :
Sorry I didn't get around to you when I was in Chicago, but from what I'm reading it doesn't seem liek we could have met up. I'm really sorry to hear about your friend. It's always tragic to lose someone so young. He was the same age as my brother. What you wrote - the letter- is very touching and conveys more emotion than you know. Thank you for sharing.
from chickpea981 :
Hey girlie, I deleted your note so other people wouldn't see your phone number. If I get the chance to break away from my guest and another friend of mine, I will definitely give you a call. I have a limited amount of time there, but will do my best!
from mouseysocks :
[email protected]
from aidesigner82 :
Hey Jo, thinking of you up here in Wis-CON-sin. Take a look at my latest journal entry. Sweet dreams songbird.
from aidesigner82 :
Drift away O restless feelings You have no place here in my heart I want something pure and simple Something I can build just to tear apart There's no time for second guessing No room for letting go Maybe someday we can understand What we already know She says what's on her mind But can't say what's in her heart Divided thoughts within one soul Run away while you still can Before the questions swallow you whole If you can find piece of mind In getting a second chance An extra turn, a refill on life Another shot at one last dance If the opportunity lay at your feet What do you do or where do you go? Having the knowledge you now possess What will you do with what you know?
from supernysh :
Jo!!! It is me, Nisha. I read your poems, and all I can say is WOW. They were real deep, I got emotional readin them. Hows life goin? Shitty for me as of now. Well, drop me a line, I'll try to call you sumtime this week. *kisses*
from iamanemokid :
i got your message, but i didn't have a number to call you back at. drop me an email... [email protected]
from iamanemokid :
after so long, you still write here. it's good. looks like you're doing well too. i'm still around here somewhere, floating in space in a tiny globe. drop me a line sometime.

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