messages to mybeginning:
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from girl101 :
also. lots of ♥, and i hope things are okgood. when i read your current entry, it makes me think of driving home --- empty coffee houses filled with the memories he&i have made. movies. music. less stress and more laughter. --- it.s just more difficult to write i guess, after all this. wonderful. goodluck in everythingeverything, <3// katie.
from girl101 :
&............................... &&& sarah from random breakdown -- oldschool aol zines! crimety. small world.
from eversorad :
"im so glad you are happy. because you deserve to be. and i truly believe you finally have everything that youve been dreaming of/working toward all your life. and even the stuff you dont have, you are really close to. and thats really inspiring to me. always has been. i promise i wont let you down," said the protege to her teacher. <3kim
from nsidoutboy :
I love you!! I hope you have a happy day at school....
from eversorad :
you are someday going to be the face that people see when they are 30 and thinking "who really had an impact on who i am?" and people=everyone you know now and everyone you will know + all the kids you will teach as a teacher. of course you are excited for school! you actually learn things. and you actually pass them on in who you are. i love you sar. and you should too. and so should everyone else. :) kim.
from nakedembrace :
inhale inhale inhale. soap and food. you're great. x. ox. nadia
from unamerican :
they did away with the chuck e cheese's here.
from voltageshock :
happy birthday :)
from tooinclined :
from eversorad :
hi. i like your red and white page. a whole lot. and i love you very very much. im currently in the process of making cool things for your birthday. so that you can smile while you turn 20. :) i love you. <3kimmie
from nsidoutboy :
only you are allowed to lick my eyeball ! Now thats love....
from punkskaemo :
hey sarah, kims sleeping so i'm writing everyone a note :) it was nice hanging out on the weekend and ive been meaning to thank you for the layout you did on kims diary coz without i wouldnt be able to make mine or hers so thanks again :) cya soon james.
from tooinclined :
oh yeaaaah, thanks for that!
from tooinclined :
you actually got me into the reunion show and ednas goldfish, from raving about it in your diary. theyre really good!!!
from supervention :
i don't get anymore diary entrys : (
from nsidoutboy :
You make me smile =) !!!! You make me happy. Love, Your #1 Jerkface
from mybeginning :
sometimes things have to be taken at face value instead of overanalyzed (like almost everything is on diaryland)... it says "this is me" because i didn't want to just put some random picture and leave no explanation. and that's that.
from supervention :
i love you
from narcoticgerl :
i hate to be cynical... but your entry with the photo and caption "this is me"... is really dishearting... the fact that you think you are your stomach... i dunno.. just something to think about maybe
from supervention :
dear sarah, your boobs look big in that picture. : ) . xo shelley
from bloodredsun :
hi. i'm working my way down the stephen chbosky list, and found you. and i think this is a fucking great diary. i've read all your 11 entries, and they're wonderfully written. i'll be back sometime soon.
from nsidoutboy :
I love you !! Thanks for making me smile tonight.....
from discursive :
no more marriage? boo.
from girl101 :
am i allowed to be reading this? {i don't want to be intruding.} also, i love your words and hope you are well & warm. xo.
from supervention :
sarah. i love you so much. we found out new thingsxcore. haha. <3 xo shelley

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