messages to nightmare54:
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from readnglst999 :
Where is clarity25? Recent vacation blog - "Eric's" Photobucket account -
from readnglst999 :
Where is clarity25? Recent vacation blog - "Eric's" Photobucket account -
from idiot-milk :
Well, at the moment, the crisis has been averted. See, I work for Girl Scouts, and we have a workshop on Saturday about being a radio DJ. The person who was supposed to set one up flaked, and I was going to have to give the talk. I didn't mind doing it, but my only experience in radio is a one year stint on a college station, eh, 16 years ago. So I was desperately trying to find info for them. But THEN, it turns out that a friend of a friend works at a local station, CD101, and one of the DJs there is going to help out with the workshop! Huzzah! So we're cool for this weekend's workshop, but now I know you're the one to contact if I ever need any radio/DJ info! Thank you!
from heelandlass :
Hi! Just wanted to say thank you very much for taking the time to fill out my survey. I wasn't expecting so many people who don't normally read me to fill it out. This means I have lots of new diaries to read now!
from idiot-milk :
I don't even want to think about a sodomy scenario involving the cats. The only way it would be possible, would be if there were tiny kitty strap-ons since they're all either fixed or the wrong sex to make sodomy a possibility, and the thought of tiny kitty strap-ons just makes me queasy. So, THANKS for that awesome image; my docile kitty all rigged up like a leather daddy with a strap-on and probably one of those leather motorcycle hats, maybe a collar with spikes. *shudder* I'll have nightmares for days.
from girlsbad :
Wow, that note completely changed my life. Thank you so much for opening my eyes. You truly are a life saver.
from lovelydaisy :
sounds like you had a great time :) We are in the throes of packing and cleaning...i would rather be hunting i think :)
from idiot-milk :
Asking if I'm done being crabby is a bit like asking if I'm done breathing. Not until I'm dead, babydoll. Although I'm not as supercrabby as I was the other day. So that's something, I suppose.
from sugar223111 :
I love your entry's there filled with common sense lol. And the Tshirt Idea is genious. The "Smells Like Bullshit" one will sell like hotcakes! You Rock!
from idiot-milk :
I don't have the exact recipe, but when I do, I'll be certain to give it to you. It's just pumpkin filling, cream cheese, powdered sugar and spices, but I have no idea the amounts. I swear to god, it is the BEST. SHIT. EVER. and is keeping me happy enough not to want to kill. Which is saying quite a bit in that I work in a call center and deal with fucking morons who are all greatly in need of killing.
from ubergrrl :
Damn.. good luck with turkey day. Really what I mean is, good luck being around a stressed out girl cooking for 8 people. Tee hee. As far as I'm concerned, I don't have to cook a thing.. just be the center of attention of 40 tater-pickin' bush-lovin' simple folk...make sure you give your girl some nice back massages..
from clarity25 :
Thanks for your note! you had me cracking up and see? I updated..of course, I wasn't exactly "bursting with fruit flavor today". I've been in a bit of a slump lately. ugh. But hey, Congratulations on winning 1,000 dollars!! Wow..lucky dog. Too bad it all goes to the credit cards.:). but hey.. OH and that poster with the boobs had me laughing so hard! sex sells..apparently. lol. Good luck with your work out routine
from webmiztris :
Congratulations! Winning $$$ at a casino is like the best feeling ever...
from cybil-522 :
I see how you are. MY credit card, huh? Well, you got some new clothes this weekend too AND a cool new game! AND a bunch of other little shit you didn't really need. So there!
from webmiztris :
that boob poster is just...weird... Gee, I wonder if it was designed by a guy? lol
from clarity25 :
(sigh)..I guess that's one way of looking at it. But wouldn't you rather have a wishy-washy president than a complete idiot? (haha..the political debate begins..) Hope you're having a great day!
from webmiztris :
thank you, nightmare... ;-)
from clarity25 :
btw..those were really creative ideas too! (damn!)
from clarity25 :
Thanks for your great halloween costume, you inspired my eventual decision. Hope you have a great Halloween and weekend!
from pipersplace :
I'm glad I could be of some help. Stop by anytime.
from clarity25 :
How do you always manage to leave the kindest and most inspiring notes in my notebox? They're always making me smile and put things in perspective. I know what you mean about the sibling angst, I have alot of memories of my own that are similiar. I wasn't a hitter however, I didn't have the guts to fight back. I just cried. So they walked all over me and I was always held responsible for all the crap they pulled. Oh and they LIED to me too..but I love them to pieces. I guess that's just how it is with family.
from clarity25 :
P.S. Oh and tell your girlfriend "Your welcome" and I stand firm on the beautiful part.
from clarity25 :
I loved your entry on your sweetheart's quirks! It was so cute! Oh, I'm the same with the cold thing. I'll complain "geez..It's cold.. isn't it freezing? god, I'm cold.. " and Eric says "You should get a sweater.. Do you want me to get you one?" " that's okay, I'm fine". (5 minutes later) "It's so cold in here, isn't it?". Drives him up the wall. Oh and I always walk on the left side of Eric too, I never really thought of why.. it's the same with sleeping on a certain side of the bed. Just weird little quirks that I didn't even realize. That's funny with the toilet paper though lol!
from cybil-522 :
Hi honey, I just wanted to thank Clarity for her compliment. I don't know about "beautiful", but it did make me smile!
from pipersplace :
Thank you so much for the compliment. It was sweet of you. I'm glad you enjoy it.
from nightmare54 :
LOL I know! I had to tell Steph that I was a pedophile last week cause I saw a girl who was very hot ans scantily clad and when she turned around she was like 14! I was stunned! what the hell happened to the girls? they all look like 12 going on 35!
from clarity25 :
I love the newest batch of pictures. P.S. Donnie is a cutie... Ah! I'm looking at 11 year old boys! I'm like Mrs. Robinson!
from clarity25 :
Hey, I like the pics. Those masks could become a fashion statement, you know..:). Beautiful black and white photographs of the homeless person and the football with the beer glass. Really nice..maybe you should consider getting into photography. P.S. Don't worry, I never thought you were a "creepy weasel" lol!!
from rapunzal :
Hey, so Zach Braff's blog is Sorry it took me so long to respond :-)
from clarity25 :
Have fun in Seattle! I look forward to seeing the pictures:)
from clarity25 :
I'm back and You're last note had me laughing, Thanks:) you always manage to cheer up my day.
from clarity25 :
Thank you so much for your support during my mini-crisis, I was freaking out..alot more than I even portrayed in my entry, your note made me laugh.."are you sure it's yours?" and also put things in perspective. Thanks for your encouragement and being there for me during that time. Your notes really touched me. Btw, I've never been to one of those NASCAR races..The wreckings must have been disturbing to watch. As for Diablo..I haven't played it. But I have quite a big PC and playstation 2 game selection..I secretly love video games..But you might laugh at the games I own, so I'm not going to tell you.:) Hope you're having a great weekend.
from ubergrrl :
Wow, I guess NASCAR is kind of like hockey with cars.. that's cool. I still can't bring myself to watch it. I'm too much of a Euro car snob or something. If it makes you feel better, not only did I stay up til 3am playing WoW last night, I spent a lot of the weekend playing Beyond Good or Evil on the game cube with J last weekend.. another fun adventure game that isn't all shoot 'em up. Being in your 30s is cooler because you can play video games whenever you want, and your mommy can't argue.. furthermore, you can afford the games more easily... muhahahaha thanks for reading. ;) I will see you on Battle net or WoW soon enough...
from clarity25 :
Girlfriend, I mean:).
from clarity25 :
You always leave the most kind and heartfelt messages in my notebox. Thank you, you have this way of getting me all choked up. Happy Anniversary, that was such a sweet story and your wife is beautiful:)
from clarity25 :
"old and feeble" lol!! Hardly:). I really liked your college entry. Thank you so much for the kind, encouraging note you left over at my place. It really touched me.
from clarity25 :
wow..Thank you for the note you left me, I'm seriously flattered and touched by what you wrote. That actually meant alot to me and you went through my whole archive!..thanks for taking the time and caring enough to read about my life, and give feedback! It was a good feeling:). btw, I loved your last entry on looking in the mirror, it was touching and funny at times, just so REAL. Thanks for sharing, I liked the photo too.
from clarity25 :
Thought I'd be the first to leave a note, welcome to Diaryland!. Thank you for adding me to your favorites, I read your entries. Although, I must admit..I'm one of those vegetarian..or rather, pseudo because I eat fish so I'm not big on hunting, but I loved your writings and who you are as a person really comes through! I like you, you have such kind eyes..I'll be back to read more, just wanted to say "hi!"

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