this rapunzal's story

I'm 25 and living life with my boyfriend and our two cats. I'm slowly realizing that I'm a grown up and that freaks me out. I actually like my job (minus a few crazies who bother me) and I strive to be creative every day.

My favorite diaries:

katyln profile - diary
comments: my katie girl
trulypoetic profile - diary
comments: she found me first, but her diary is awesome :-)
ubergrrl profile - diary
comments: My non-sexual life partner, at least in the workplace. She keeps me sane!
juddhole profile - diary
comments: I actually got to see a live rendition of "Ring of Fire," by this famous diarylander. And a kilt too.
decemberguy profile - diary
comments: "Look on the bright Bob Ross.."
robotheart profile - diary
comments: "words that sound good together"
jwinokur profile - diary
comments: who doesn't read this diary?
imaphatpig profile - diary
comments: I found her through Ubergrrl. Very fun to read!
freelancerj profile - diary
comments: This girl loves TV as much as I do :-)
dianabee profile - diary
comments: A picture diary is always a good diary.
clarity25 profile - diary
comments: Fantastic writer with great stories
ursamajor profile - diary
comments: Funny witty ex-punk rocker tells the tales of her, her OOMA, and so much more.
violetanne profile - diary
comments: Thoughtful and interesting.
findmeagain profile - diary
nividian profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: David Gray, Jeff Buckley, Pete Yorn, Radiohead, Bright Eyes, Flaming Lips, Fleetwood Mac, Andy Stochansky, Ben Harper, Better Than Ezra, BHTM, Bruce Springsteen, Miracle of 86, The Clash, David Bowie, Pearl Jam, Elton John, Femi Kuti, DJ Logic
Tori Amos
comments: Indigo Girls, Sleater-Kinney, The Slits, Lisa Loeb, Alanis, Billie Holiday, Bitch and Animal, Bjork, The Breeders, Stevie Nicks, Carole King, The Cranberries, The Supremes, Erykah Badu, Fran Lucci, Heather Nova, The Indians, J.Lo, Kate Bush
Damien Rice
comments: A new fave.
Ani DiFranco
comments: Yeah Yeah Yeah
Way Old Faves Include:
comments: Poison, New Kids on the Block, Debbie Gibson, Tiffany, Michael Jackson, Def Leppord, Guns N Roses, and now Depeche Mode

My favorite movies:

Stealing Beauty
comments: A fantasy of mine.
Empire Records
comments: I promise I don't have a Liv Tyler thing, I just love this movie.
Last of the Mohicans
comments: I hate to admit it, but his chivalry is a turn on.
Bridget Jones's Diary
comments: This movie always puts me in a good mood.
Reality Bites
comments: This movie is hilarious, and it reminds me of a great time in my life.

My favorite authors:

Jack Kerouac
comments: Stretches the imagination, takes it for a jog
Ayn Rand
comments: I guess just because I finally finished The Fountainhead. I both hate and love that book. Don't forget, Robbie in "Dirty Dancing," bases his lifestyle by it. Very bad.
Jeanette Winterson
comments: Probably my favorite of all. The.Powerbook is amazing. I could re-read it many times.
Gloria Steinem
comments: She set me straight.
Elizabeth Wurtzel
comments: Sylvia Plath, Anne Sexton and the like. I swear I'm not going to put my head in an oven. I just like their dramatic honesty.

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last updated: 2006-06-28 00:49:54
this user's total entries: 0
user since: 2002-07-21

AOL IM name: ask me
ICQ number:
Yahoo Messenger name: [email protected]
MSN Messenger name: [email protected]

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