messages to parkerlewis:
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from freyalinx :
wow. I cant imagine what that would be like, but it does seem like if nything positive at all could come out of that, it would be a giant reality check, and strengthener. (if that is word) But you made it. As for your dog..that is just cruel.
from freyalinx :
I am so glad to see you write, but I'm sorry for the reasons why. All of that sucks so much, and I am so sorry. I wish there was somethig I could do to help you, or to cheer you up. Life is a bitch, and so are most girls..but everything tends to work out..the harder it is to get, the sweeter it tastes. So keep you chin up kid, and happy belated birthday.
from freyalinx :
My real name is the boy name Austin. But I am sorry you are leaving. I might drop you a line on Aim to make sure you're doing well. My screen name is Caribeanno. Hope things end up well, I know how you feel, I was like 15 when I started my journal.
from freyalinx :
I didn't know you were a Palahniuk fan. I have been looking for "DIary" forever but they don't seem to sell it in Virginia. I blame the red necks for that. But yes, you need to come back and update, I have gotten my act together and have been updating, so you need to also... I hope everything is well with you and yeah that's it for now.
from lovelylibra :
Thanks for the comment about my diary on your profile. It made me laugh out loud. ;)
from strummer- :
I've got to tell you that the books are STILL on hold at the library. I'm 12th in line for Hegemony or Survival. 12th! I think I am going to suck it up and just buy these books in December. I recently saw a short documentary film on Howard Zinn. He has such an incredible story and outlook, but the film wasn�t too impressive. I�m itching to read some of his work. Right now I�m reading Walden Two by Skinner and a shitload of feminist-Marxist-postmodernist articles�so much to read, so little time. I will keep you posted though. I�m sure I�ll have a lot of questions for you! What have you been reading lately?
from strummer- :
Well said!
from freyalinx :
I still read, I don't write as much as I should, but I'm working on that. I hope you don't leave. No matter how stupid these writings seems at times, think they're important.
from strummer- :
Nice to have you back and I hope you stick around. It would be a great loss if you stopped updating. :(
from freyalinx :
hey that sucks what happened with that girl. You seem smart enough not to let it get you to down, but don't lose faith. For all those worthless people, there are those out there that actually think, or care. I hope this note gives some inspiration or something...if you need to talk or whatever IM me..caribeanno
from strummer- :
Congrats on the paper!
from x-jennabelle :
i know how you feel .. i was with this guy for 2 years and we just broke up; sometimes it seems like the nights are the hardest. IM me sometime if you want, i really wanna talk to you. :) Its jennabellerina. Hah, k late.
from freyalinx :
sorry, paranoi has struken me, temporary lock parkerlewis and then bob...because you're cool, and so is bob.
from x-jennabelle :
i love your diary. i read a bunch of your entries and .. its good to see that cool guys still exist.
from strummer- :
OH GOD! Those poor men. That is Hillarious!
from freyalinx :
I love the reluctant dragon, I have gained so much more appreciation for you, that's so haha
from back-drifts :
wonderful diary! wow. I'm from monterey originally, so it was nice to read someone's diary from northern california. :) you've got lovely taste in music too...cheers.
from inchase :
Michael Moore... where? is that santa cruz on your background?
from freyalinx :
I'm so jeliouse you saw hm in're so lucky
from smidgeoftiff :
so i've been checking your page for hourly updates and have read: "Some might call it bad music, I simply call it blasphemy" about a hundred times now. you're done with finals and have absolutely no excuse but to provide me with a distraction from studying. update already!
from lightfallsup :
thanks for joinging the braid ring. god loves broach best.
from strummer- :
I always love reading your diary. Do you write? You should. You have an incredibly strong voice. :)
from freyalinx :
someone stole my hey mercedes, everynight fire works and my the anniversarys, your majesty CD's. I never relized how dependent on this music I am till it was taken away. I have the older anniversary CD, but I miss my Hey Mercedes CD.... I think this whole "emo/idie" trendy thing is kinda funny. People just want to conform and be like everyone else. But the people they want to be are the people the call losers.......people need to lear that you are who you are.....I think you've learned that allredy, I'm still working on it however....I love how hypocritical I am.XD
from strummer- :
Loved your appraisal of the indie/emo fashion craze. Laughed my ass off! Great insight, strong writing. I enjoyed.
from x0lulu0x :
hey. i have just one question. is your name really parker lewis or did you get it from that show 'parker lewis can't lose?' b/c i was absolutely in love with that show.
from freyalinx :
They didnt break up, but the drummer left them, so their just going to taks a break, and try to find another drummer
from nikkixox :
i <3 your diarie!
from freyalinx :
it would be bad timing if they did break up...but everything does seem to point to that unfortinitually....then again maybe I'm just paraniod and they just changed their website?
from freyalinx :
hey, do you think jets to brazil broke up? Evertthing seems to point to that, it pisses me off, not only do they make incredible m8usic, but my email was on their website, which isnt if you find anything out can you tell me please?....thanks
from balletstar :
gosh.. i love your site. :) keep up the good work! hey, if you want.. check out, its the new journal site, and its kinda fun, mines @ "" :) Its reallllllly fun once you get the hang of it, and a LOT more people would read your stuff. Check it out, k? Later friend. ;)
from afaintheart :
Hey man, I like your diary. Especially the background, it looks like where I live [San Pedro], but from your biography I'm guessing that's not where it was taken. I think you should be my new diaryland friend! :B
from spiderfaery :
oi Kiddo! How you been? I miss ya already and you haven't even been gone long. So I bet you've been busy in a huge way, I infact have also been busy in a big way which makes me not a loser with nothing better to do than miss you (a time and a place for everything no?) Anyway I just thought I'd say hi, and send ya all my love and hope for you're new life. Later kiddo, keep in touch. ~Pete~
from balletstar :
Hey! I read your review thing, and I gotta tell ya, I think what they said was a bunch of crap. I like everything about your diary, even the rings. Its really intresting too, so keep writing! :)
from smidgeoftiff :
where-oh-where has parker lewis gone? i miss reading your entries!
from smidgeoftiff :
hey, thanks for your nice note. its nice to know that SOME people actually read my stuff, haha. thanks! keep up your writing!
from emogwen :
its good to know im not the only one who feels the beauty of emo is slipping away at a fast rate. the thing to do now is sit back, wait till the rush of posers tire themselves out in the race to be emo, and then celebrate our music again in peace. rock on.
from emogwen :
isnt emo becoming too trendy now? the same way there are WAY too many pairs of converse on the streets. ( i love emo AND converse, its just why does EVERYONE all of a sudden love them too?) ive been listening to bands like dashboard since they first came together, and they are just an example of how out of the blue emo has just exploded. what happened to the days when I used to feel like i was one of the chosen few who got to appreciate the magic in chris's words? now it seems like im just another girl in a ratio of thousands of girls who feel they connect with him too. oh well. maybe im being overprotective of what i thought was mine, and im too selfish to share with strangers. just wondering what you think, reply in my notes please! nice journal. rock on. =) -gwen
from smidgeoftiff :
hey-i know this is REALLY lame question, and and an even worse place to ask it..but i'm going to the warped tour too (in SF) and have no idea how early to get there. do you have any idea. if you could email me at [email protected], that'd be great. keep writing; you're great!
from indyqueen :
hey there....yeah, dostoevsky does rule. i've only read "the idiot," which is a great novel! i also LOVE maroon5, they're an awesome band! well....chill...cYa
from nextfebruary :
i saw your diary name and all my Parker Lewis Can't Lose memories came rushing back. thanks**
from spiderfaery :
The only thing worth living for is hope, hope is the potential for love, and love is the only selfless act i know. Hope.
from panzer-kitty :
Hey, I found you because you took my survey. I like your diary.. it's an intersting read. ;)
from smidgeoftiff :
hey-i've signed your guestbook before. i wanted to tell you to have fun at the maroon5 show tomorrow! i'm going to be there too! my friend and i are driving down there from northern california. hope you like the show!

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