messages to princesssuzy:
(click here to add new message):

from starlight42 :
awww, that sucks! I hope he makes up his mind soon!! men?!
from starlight42 :
just wanted to say hi. I think it sounds like Neal does have a crush on you. I mean, you guys are hanging out a lot and it seems like he's making an effort to do that and to be close to you. Ohhhh, can't wait to see what happens next ;)
from krazieespy :
Hey Girl.. Can you hook me up with a password and a code. So I can read your diary, if you want me too that is... Thanks so much!
from tiger-lil :
Ello. i dont know wot to say really but i added u to my faves...just thought id tell ya! Lil -x-
from hottyprncess :
thanx!i lyke it 2! ~l8ta!~
from soandsotgs :
Hi, i saw this site and thought it was great. being a membe of the AIM-ME diaryring, i thought you might get a kick out of it too... it's great to throw on your profile
from groban83 :
Jrt fan I see I love your layout. I hope all is well with you!
from bitsofmylife :
i stole and adapted your layout! you should check it out; i liked it so much but still had to personalize it somehow. anyway, sorry to stalk your diary, haha.
from liebling :
alright. though i always get a problem with loading your site and can't see the links. but that could be my comp. so, sorry for bothering you.
from liebling :
please get the the calling diaryring code up within 3 days. thanks.
from espanolmatt :
oooh, I admire your layout uberly much! Just saying hi cause you posted in my notes page. =P I might change to an orlando bloom template just cause Im attracted to him and not xtina...though christinas words are so powerful...anywho, see ya later! --Matt
from bitsofmylife :
hey thanks for your note; the layout is definitely a great one to have and i agree that christina's latest album does rock. how much i envy you right now for being in cali... north carolina is grey and dreary! anyway, have a good day and thanks again for the note.
from dont-stop :
Yes, I agree. Feeling good for any amount of time is good.
from sadbastard83 :
while we seem on the opposite sides of the spectrum, you seem like a cool cat... good luck
from rockonbytch :
i'll add you to my faves,b/c you seem pretty cool.thanx for adding me,yo!k.i.t.
from whynstones :
Hey sweetie, I just wanted to welcome you to the Serendipity ring!
from creepatron :
Thanks for joining the tmobile d-land ring! Give those AT&T folks what for!
from starlight42 :
hey- thanks for the note. i thought the lyrics you have at the top are, "gypsey sitting, looking pretty.." or am I getting it mixed up with another song??
from sopraltodear :
Welcome to the diaryaholics ring, please drop me a note either in my notes or my guestbook when you have the link up!
from blood-roses :
thanks for your note. you sound like a pretty spunky gal even if our musical tastes are polar opposites...

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