messages to pstrach:
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from aimeesnoise :
I'm LMFAO at bella's lipstick picture. OMG what a fricken mess. You need to get a luggage bag with a LOCK on it for your makeup.. WHat is that? 150$ worth of makeup now? :X
from aimeesnoise :
GREAT job editing your page and stuff!!!! Looks great and the links work!!! hugs
from aimeesnoise :
LMAO. The html was in the wrong place... I moved it. And there was a couple wrong symbols... but it works now :P
from aimeesnoise :
Hey you want some cutesy crap on your page? you know flower...fairy blinkies, things like that??? go to the sites under the pics on my page. If you find something you like in their free linkware stuff... download it here and then I'll stick it on your page for you... where ever you like... Or on your archive page... OH yeah and would you like that David D.. Pic on your archive page or on your current page? Or just as a pic down on your page somewhere but not in the center middle???
from aimeesnoise :
LOL ok I found a pink for you... but it's so light you can barely tell it's pink. And Nutty butt was right, it was too dark text... Hope you like the pinky pink :p
from just-a-nut :
great template! but the text is too dark to read on the dark background. :) very pretty though..great job aimee!
from aimeesnoise :
So what do you think?
from aimeesnoise :
ok I remember now. I was going to tell you to buy a flip latch like I have on my front door. It's easy for you...too high for her...and she won't be able to open it EVEN if she gets on a chair... I can put it on for you if Dougs head is up his ass. Gotta go I'm having somekind of coffee/ muscle relaxant room spinny thing going on. :P
from aimeesnoise :
LMFAO. I forgot what I was going to post. ahahahhahahha
from aimeesnoise :
Frustration lives and breathes in my house... Sometimes it helps me to imagine I'm asleep. Especially since I frequently NOT asleep. LOL I think it must be a Genetic Man thing... Our husbands, I mean. hugs.
from aimeesnoise :
You pushover you. You can adopt one of mine if you want. I'll even send his little ass to live with you a few days a week. LMFAO--- oh that was laughing my fng -ss off. ;X

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