messages to rainbow19:
(click here to add new message):

from dangerspouse :
I'm very curious: as a reiki practitioner, are you going to see if reiki will heal your bladder or will you have it checked by a Western medicine based physician?
from dangerspouse :
Wow, 4 years gone (er...but since time doesn't exist....) Welcome back! Did you ever go back to school? Still cutting hair?
from lgrasmeyer :
I forgot about diaryland until today. Then I logged in and saw that you have not forgotten about diaryland. I am in Barrie this weekend. Let's make plans!
from robiin22 :
hey wanna candy ?? hi im selling candies that is from hell!!! anyway can u be my friend ?? plese :(
from robiin22 :
hey wanna candy ?? hi im selling candies that is from hell!!! anyway can u be my friend ?? plese :(
from starlight42 :
Hey-I liked your latest entry about wanting to be a better person & wanting the world to be a better place. It was written very well.
from emofrizzball :
Awesome.. You know who Moneen is. Rock on.
from lintboy :
hidee hi there crystal poo. hope those red locks are tied to mindful joy. would like to visit barrie soon let everyone know bye for now tommywommy
from johnlight :
hey...nice to read yer shit...appreciate you reading mine...hope to see you when you get back...maybe you will be rid of that boyfriend by then and i show some interest ...have fun...john
from lintboy :
hi crystal hope all is well for you. kinda miss hearing from you. write sometime if you think of it. from tommy
from zerom3ph :
actually, i'm fairly normal in comparison. :]
from zerom3ph :
come to california: it's got wiiiieeeerd people.
from zerom3ph :
you should participate:)
from asseyes :
a joke, thankyou. I appreciate that.
from lgrasmeyer :
hey cheesehead! seen any faeries lately??? i think someone's been eating them all. aw. what am i going to do? wanna find me a shoe? catch ya later friend!
from zerom3ph :
eh. i read this... sometimes. n'stuff. *scuffs feet*
from lgrasmeyer :
Hey CW, I am writing you a note! Did you know that you have three baby toads that are following me around, asking me if you know the man who makes fire blue on gas stoves. It's getting overwhelming...RASHASHA! Cheetah rubber stones! Love Lindsay
from zerom3ph :
damn insurance duck. always eating your gummy bears before you can shred them. aflac!
from queenbee13 :
Well I sort of know them, they're from around the area I live and are local heroes. So everyone pretty much knows them. My sister used to hang with Roger the drummer. He's a weird fella. Well, any shoe, that's cool that you saw them, they kick but live. Keep on rocking. *Vicky*
from queenbee13 :
Wow, you're from Canada and you listen to Closer Than Kin, that's awesome. Their huge down here, how did you hear them? Keep rockin'. *Vicky*
from zerom3ph :
why am i sudden;y reminded of office space? 'i-i-i-i had an office with a window and-and-and i used to w-w-watch the squirrels a-a-and they were very merry...'
from lintboy :
your crazy, crazy. email me sometime. tommy.
from elateddream :
I'm glad your day was good :)
from lintboy :
hey crystal. boo. surprise from tommy
from zerom3ph :
i once met the man who invented litebrite. he was quite the bitter old porch grump. (his idea got stolen before he could patent it)
from kstarr :
becos i live in toronto and therefore approximately 45min away from barrie. HOTDAMN!! xox.
from kstarr :
barrie is approximately 45 minutes outside of toronto.
from zerom3ph :
mmm tasty space mice; they're like snickers bars: soft on the outside, crunchy on the inside. yum. *chomp*
from zerom3ph :
most times, my tummy just rumbles and they go away. the not so smart ones go well with some dark soy sauce.
from lintboy :
hey crystal, of course i remember you. i've never got a note before either. it was kind of a nice surprise. how's barrie? toronto is a cold, cruel place. hope you dig the lint lady. tommy 88-}---
from zerom3ph :
i am the shover robot. (do not trust the pusher robot.)
from queenbee13 :
howdy. I got a message from you & I can't remember if I responded. well hi. It was nice to hear from ya. Keep rockin *Vicky*
from lgrasmeyer :
yo dude! haha i just read your profile for the first time...hahah it made me laugh that you put me in your favourite authours! neato! so yeah, i have to fly some kites at the edge of my soup bowl now. so i'll be seeing you on the other side of the park bench! love lindsay
from jjg :
Hi Crystal, Yeah - I'm from Ottawa too. Hooray. I tried to read some of your older entries but it asked me for a password...have fun in Massachusetts or however it's spelled. - jjg
from gcfan19 :
hey there! Donnie Darko is the best movie!!! and Rainbow is the best color! and 19 is my favorite color! nice diary!!! :)
from queenbee13 :
Howdy, are you from Taunton, cuz you like some very Taunton bands. Thanx for visting my diary. Well see you later.
from adiemonster :
i noticed you left me a note. sorry to get back to you so late on this, i've been out of my mind with a fever. i'm a seventeen year old girl from southern california, usa. also insane. but you probably already knew that.
from bfatt :
That is good, because I was really striving for funny in a weird, serious, scary, funny way. I'm still curious about the boxing. Are you all buff and mean like Michelle Rodriguez in Girlfight? The tattoos have to help intimidate your opponents. What is your record? I love boxing but I'm actually surprised that I'm this interested in hearing about your boxing career. Must be because you're a chick. And I mean chick in a respectful, only slightly sexist way. :)
from bfatt :
It's spelled naive. The easy way to remember is that it is evian backwards. Which is ironic because anyone who pays a two bucks for a bottle of water is naive. Anyhoo. I rarely leave notes for anyone, but you badgered me and I found that endearing. I dig a lot of the bands you listed on your profile, especially The Clash, and I would very much like to hear about training to be a boxer. Now you have to leave me a note.
from rainbow19 :
yellow jello

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