messages to ruvoryn:
(click here to add new message):

from jettemarie :
I've returned to diaryland. I miss you...I'd like to be able to be a voyeur into your life again if you wouldn't mind. *hug*
from daisydee1 :
I'm glad you feel better. You can email me at [email protected]. I'd love to learn more about your path too. :-)
from bolingo :
sorry to hear about p-chan. -dove
from daisydee1 :
thanks for the note! I'll write about my path in the next entry. :-)
from daisydee1 :
I am a buddhist witch. To me, understanding my karma is a poweful reclaiming tool, and not really fatalist. In my path, every interaction I have with the environment is a lesson for my spirit. If I don't learn from the lesson what my spirit is meant to learn, then the lesson repeats (often in a more noticeable fashion). That is "karma," the lesson to be learned. Anodea Judith writes in "Wheels of Life" that karma is "patterns formed through action, or the laws of cause and effect.[It is] common to become trapped in any one of these patterns. This is called being stuck in a chakra. We are caught in a cycle that keeps us at a particular level." Thus, changing karma would mean spiritual cleansing, or addressing what needs to change in your life, to grow. So..what, on a metaphysical level, caused you to relive injuring both of these body parts? What might you be seeking? (hope this isn't too long or too much! Please Tell me if it is!;-)
from daisydee1 :
I just discovered your diary and...I like it. :)
from cdghost :
enjoyed your words and your layout
from frosted-fae :
Hey! I joined the ring some time ago and...ended up here. ^^' Sounds like you had a blast, too bad about the trance. But still! :)
from ministerliss :
happy happy happy birthday, sweetie! i'm glad the day was good, and i hope all is fun at the party too. i love you, and i miss you all tons! *hugs*
from jettemarie :
Happy Birthday, love. I have not been missing from reading about your life, although I have been quiet lately. *hug* Love you.
from enchancea :
LOVE the new layout
from vadergirl :
I know Spanish. If ya want I can try to translate what the blog says concerning the card/deck. :P Ok going back into lurker mode, dive dive dive! =down periscope=
from bolingo :
congrats on getting to the yoga this morning. That is wonderful! Dove
from enchancea :
Great pictures, thank you for sharing
from bolingo :
I think it is a wonderful decision to leave this year in this year and move forward. I think you and your family will benefit... I am proud of you for this. -dove
from bolingo :
About J... It's ok. We all have things that we have to hide for a while before we can deal. It makes it so we can deal. Love you. -dove
from squirrelx :
I was wonderin' ... do you have a d-land webmail account or any e-mail address you've set aside to correspond to folks from d-land? I'd like to send you an Xmas e-card. As ever, Xtine P.S.: the photos in your last entry were excellent!
from squirrelx :
I'm so sorry about Ernie. I'll be addin' him to my prayer list, for whatever that's worth. Meantime, I just wish I could you give a big <hug>. As ever, Xtine
from bolingo :
I am very proud of you for taking ownership of your situation and doing something posative such as your yoga this morning. I am rooting for you. -dove
from bolingo :
Kye... I love the new layout. It was worth the wait. You beloved did a wonderful job, and it only proves that you are still a good match, each with their talents. Love you's, Dove
from enchancea :
I really LOVE this look
from thetimid :
Ironically, while I hate Cleveland itself, that's my favorite song off that particular album. What are the odds? Apparently, quite good.
from enchancea :
I feel the same way, especially about Samhain. Samhain always been huge to me. Even when I was little I looked more forward to Halloween than anything else.
from enchancea :
Thank you for that entry :)
from thetimid :
Hey, guess who has *both* Moulin Rouge soundtracks you can borrow and burn if you like?
from squirrelx :
The way you quoted David meant a lot to me. I don't even have the words to explain how grateful I am or how deeply it touched my heart. What I can articulate is the fact that you're exactly the kind of person he was referrin' to when he was talkin' about the essence of true 'power'. With affection and gratitude, Xtine
from enchancea :
Excuse my dumbness but what exactly do you do for a fast? You dont eat anything right? But what do you drink? Ive been thinking about doing the same thing, my body really needs it
from jettemarie :
Has there ever been a cuter little boy in the history of the universe? I'm thinking not. I'm sorry to hear that you are having problems with your self image, because as I seem to remember from the time you posted pictures of yourself and Sera, Sera is a very lucky woman. You're beautiful! And it's really a waste of a beautiful face for you to not appreciate it. Or at least acknowledge it. *hugs* Love you!
from ministerliss :
kye, love, i've moved my diary off to livejournal, due to some issues with some people who read this one., and search for piratessclare. love you! miss you!
from anodemud :
you masturbated while you were DRIVING?! :howls: goodness, you're crazy! :) glad that things are all looking up for you. and i agree-- sharks over bugs, ANY day of the week!
from enchancea :
Thank you, its good to know I have someone to talk to about this
from jettemarie :
Oh, darling. Don't be scared. A very good friend of my mom's had a similar thing and it turned out to be something very minor (I forget exactly what). I'm sure you will be fine. I love you!
from anodemud :
I'm glad you're feeling better! :hugs: And congrats on post number 199-soon-to-be-200: I'm waiting eagerly for that '200 things about me' entry... :)
from dreamsmasher :
pretend your does work, because eventually you will realize there are people who are alot worse off than you, and you will start to see all the good things much clearer and brighter than the bad. And, you are contributing to society by raising a good-hearted child....not many people have that job and do it well, and you seem to be good at it, just my assumption!!
from jettemarie :
i'm so happy for you! i know that i haven't been commenting lately, but i still read every update. i'm so excited to hear that this is happening for you. *hugs* i love you!
from anodemud :
congratulations on the wonderful new job! :) Roaches are nasty though. Just yesterday when I was eating breakfast I saw one run straight across the wall of the living room, bold as brass! And the part about slowly drifting from a dear friend-- I know that feeling, because I'm going through it right now, and it's more sad than I could ever imagine. :hugs: At least you have your beautiful family to love and support you!
from dreamsmasher :
I was not able to read all of your last post, but I wanted to type up a quick note to say, first, thanks for the sweet way you wrote about how, depite certain elements, your day was still made me rethink how things keep affecting me so dramatically. Second...BENGAL for the roaches. Get to Home Depot works great...go to the park with Dru, put the cats on a leash, I guess...don't have cats and my only dealings with them have been running in fear after two of the ex's tried to smother me in my sleep. Third...I FEEL YOU..I just had a friend break ties with me after a 22 year friendship...and I don't know why. I'm hoping it's for the best, but that's not how I feel right now. Gotta get back to my brides, but I will finish your post soon. Stay cheeery for me...wait till I post the latest disaster!!!!!
from dreamsmasher :
i feel like poking out my eyes most of the time...but it would be bad, very bad, since I am a photographer...thanks so much..I'm glad you are enjoying my diary...I'm starting to read yours, too...son sounds adorable!!!
from anodemud :
Congrats on the new job! :hugs:
from miss-edith :
from jettemarie :
Have you tried =)
from jettemarie :
I don't understand how it feels to feel less human. Is Sera elven, too? *confused* I love you, by the way. *hugs*
from anodemud :
It's always better to be halfway in between rather than being completely immersed in either darkness or light, because then you know exactly where you stand. things seem to be getting better though, so i wouldn't worry so much if i were you. faith manages :)
from anodemud :
i absolutely love your diary. you're a wonderful person and i'm gonna keep reading!
from ministerliss :
Kye, dear heart, I'm SOOOO glad you quit that job. -hugs- I talked to Sera briefly last night, and I told her I'm sending my gypsies to work for you-you could use the extra energy. Love you muchly, miss you TONS... ~Amber~
from miss-edith :
I'm sorry that you are having such a rough time. Big hugs to all of your family, and let me know if you ever need to chat.
from squirrelx :
Who was your favorite Dr. Who? Just curious. Love, Xtine P.S.: mine was Tom Baker.
from squirrelx :
That 12 Step *program* is truly wonderful, isn't it? I've printed copies and stuck 'em all over the house 'cause I want to commmit the whole thing to memory and live my life exactly as Mr. Fierstein advises. Warmest regards, Xtine
from xbegax :
hi! i was just passing through, your diary is cool, layout is great really, by the way what is your elvish name? :)
from jane-does :
Visit me for an old favorite under a new username. Unlocked. :)
from miss-edith :
Hugs and kisses!! God usually talks to me when I'm not actively calling on her. That may be absolutely no help to you, but I thought I'd throw it in.
from miscreant444 :
the library is beautiful, I have some pics of it by thing, the size of the image seems to push your text out of I couldn't really read the entry :( I'll change my resolution tho...:)
from squirrelx :
I was totally taken in by that picture myself. Damn near fell out of my chair when the 'something wrong' became apparent and I couldn't resist postin' the link. Must be my sadistic streak comin' through. As ever, Xtine
from jettemarie :
Yay!! I'm so proud to hear of your no-more-hiding rule. You are a beautiful person, and the employers that you're meant to have will see that and all will be well. I can feel it. *hug*
from miscreant444 :
It'll be ok. I know you know that, but I'm hoping it helps to hear it. Also, sometimes the best way to get used to a new city is to be left alone with it. I'm still coming into town tomorrow (Sunday, the 22nd). Maybe I'll see you. *HUGS*
from ministerliss :
*BIIIG HUGS* Sending happy thoughts your way, babycakes.
from vadergirl :
Ranma ! You like Ranma! I knew there was a reason you were one of my favs!
from jettemarie :
I just wanted to thank you for your e-mail. It was so thoughful and sweet, and was just what I needed. Thank you! *hug*
from ministerliss :
Kye,love, look at it this way. At least the cat isn't making them jump out of the tank anymore! *chuckle* I miss you LOADS!!! ~Amber~
from vadergirl :
I did spell it wrong. Sounds interesting, seems like a lot of faith has to be put into it for it to really work ? Bad luck about the fishies. That reminds me of a friend's psychotic fish who would try and eta his tank-mates. I nicknamed him Dahmer.
from vadergirl :
Excuse me for bugging you but what exactly does 'reikiki" mean ? I probably spelled it wrong. Hope you feel better
from miscreant444 :
you know, I'm always online. Always. Day and night. (call it pathetic, I call it studying ;) ).
from jettemarie :
Oh darling, it's natural to have mixed and confused feelings about Sera's transformation. I have been amazed by your unconditional acceptance and love, but I would be shocked if it wasn't difficult for you at all. After all, when you married her, it just wasn't the life that you expected to have. And while you may love her just as much, and still be attracted to her, it is a gigantic change that is difficult for anyone. Sera is incredibly lucky to have you, and you continually inspire me to believe in the power of love. Just always remember that your feelings are natural, and that somewhere out in California, someone is thinking of you and wishing you happiness and peace. *hug* Love you!
from miscreant444 :
well, thank you :) I don't even think of my pictures as possibly pornagraphic, but I guess they are. Oh well. Damn the man, Save the Empire--or uh, Damn the man, Join the Ring! ;)
from jettemarie :
I was excited to see that you updated! *happy dance* But I'm sorry that you're sick...feel better, sweetie.
from miscreant444 :
there is a target right in the city :), be sure if you hit the Walmart in Forest Park you go and come home in off peak time travel because 290 will make you want to kill people...yes, even though that's not your style. It's just that bad. I know, shut up becky, I guess I just miss it.
from miscreant444 :
good luck today!! *hug*
from miscreant444 :
I can tell you said conversation. I can even tell you how you were a central part of it. I can also tell you I love Sera because she's a good soul and you know I'm not lying, but that I have nothing but respect for you and would never cross that line of respect. I hope that makes you feel somewhat better.
from jettemarie :
Aw, it was so nice to hear from you again! But it's such a tease, I want more! More! Right now! =)
from vitality :
this place is so so so splendid!
from vadergirl :
Chubby chicks get a raw deal when it comes to fashion ! I imagine that the industry would be in dire straits if all the plump girls decided not to buy any name brand clothing. Afterall the average size of American females is DEFINITELY NOT a size 6! +chuckles+
from vadergirl :
I still haven't learned how to use bold and italics. +smirks+
from ministerliss :
-hugs- I love yous!!! Keep your head up, gorgeous, things will work out. I promise. (And I don't promise what can't be delivered.) And Sera still needs to email me!
from vadergirl :
Adorable pictures. Nothing like my own horrific photographic endeavours.
from jettemarie :
Yet another note from me..hehe. I'm so glad you're back! I missed you! The layout is gorgeous, and your entry was worth the wait. You and Sera look so cute together! You are both so beautiful, and Drew is such an adorable little boy! I'm sorry to hear about your dilemma with your family. =( Just remember that as bad as the prospect of them finding out seems, if/when it happens in reality you will be able to handle it, and it won't be as bad as you expected it to bed. Remember, you're strong, and the most important members of your family, your soul mate, Sera, and Drew are going to be there for you no matter what. *hug*
from jettemarie :
I was just wondering if you happened to see Oprah yesterday. It was about husbands who became transgendered. She's doing another show on it made me think of you, so there you are. *hug!*
from jettemarie :
I hope you realize you are only two entries away from your 100th...and you promised a picture of you and Sera! And I've been waiting for it... =)
from minderella :
thanks for the note! i'm flattered.
from miss-edith :
That is such a great story! I have been researching various versions of the garden of eden story for the novel that I am writing, and that story did a great job of synthesizing several things I have been considering. I don't know if you have AIM or anything. I can't use it at work, but would love to discuss this stuff further later on from home if possible. Let me know if you ever want to schedule a chat.
from miscreant444 :
I found Chicago to be the most wonderful open place I've ever lived. I wasn't 5, but I found it so much easier to meet people there. People actually catch your eye and say hi in passing on the street. It's the friendliest city I've known, and it's quite amazing given its size. I wish you all luck there. And just know, there are lots of play oriented groups there.
from jettemarie :
I still read! You couldn't get me to stop if you tried! And I have to say that I wish you (or someone) would start a vegetarian restaurant chain. I'm happy that things went so well with your mother... *hug* I love you!
from ministerliss :
-hugs- Love, I'm so happy you had a good day! You deserved one, it would seem, from what ye olde diary's been spouting...Personally, I dig the tongue ring idea. I'd get one too if I wasn't such a pansy. But I digress-you are lovely, and special, and wonderful, and the world would be much worse off without you in it. Don't worry about what other people think. You be you. Either they appreciate you for YOU, the complete you, or they don't. And if they don't, well, it's their loss, cause they won't get to know one of the best women I've had the pleasure of getting to know. -more hugs- Keep your chin up, sunshine. luvs, ~The Good Amber~
from miss-edith :
You're not broken, you are perfect. You may be a bit bruised or something, but bruises heal, and what can bend very rarely breaks. *hugs*. Every day should be appreciation day for everyone.
from squirrelx :
I totally agree with you regardin' change. It can be scary as hell, but it beats the crap out of stasis. As ever, Xtine P.S.: on the way to the 'she you want to be', please don't forget that the 'she you are now' is pretty wonderful too.
from owcowkee :
Very nice diary you have here! Thanks for adding me to your favorites :)
from katy-bug :
Hey there! Came by to wish you an early Happy Easter. Sweet bunny kisses for you!
from miss-edith :
I'm sorry you are feeling icky. Please accept this *hug*. BTW, I believe in fairies too, so no worries. On the other hand, I have a new mac and it doesn't suck! It is the sweetest little laptop in the world and I may just elope with it to Vegas so it can meet Elvis.
from skittlez619 :
I saw your awesome banner and then I read your diary and it rocked! :) you can read mine if you like, but I havent been her for even a week, so there is not much to read.. take care
from jettemarie :
Thank you so much for the nice comments about my diary! I love yours as well, and your latest entry about polyamory was no different. I was under the impression that you would have other relationships, and so would Sera. Your desire to have another person in your family is much, much easier to understand. I'm so happy for you that you have a spouse that you are so compatible and in love's really inspirational to read about the way you go through everything with her, and your relationship stays strong. Lovely entry, once again.
from cherrychoco :
Hey I clicked on your banner, thought it was kewl ;)
from kidneygurl :
Your banner rocks!
from jettemarie :
I loved your banner! It was so creative and lovely...I'll definitely give you some banner love and click on it if I ever come across it. Sera did a wonderful job. =)
from vadergirl :
Lovin' the banner. If it was a person I'd kiss it ! Please disregard the prior statement. I'm still a little out of it from work.
from spoomlet :
You're very lucky to have somebody that just wants your happines... that's hard to come by. Money problems suck! But learning to make due indicates a lot of creativity and optimism.
from jettemarie :
*sigh* that was supposed to be "I hope my question doesnt make me appear naive and uneducated" Obviously I wouldn't want to be perceived that way. *blush*
from jettemarie :
I hope my questions make me appear naive or uneducated, although I am. I have read all of your diary entries, and yet was utterly shocked to find out that you are polyamorous. I had no idea! You have always spoken of your love and devotion to Sera, and I never gathered that you were polyamorous. To be honest, the arrangement in general confuses me. I had a casual friend that was polyamorous, but she was more or lessequally committed to all of the people...doesn't the idea of you having another relationship bother your wife? I honestly just do not understand it, and I would really appreciate it if you would leave me a note/guestbook entry or something to give me your thoughts about it. It fascinates me and I would really enjoy hearing your perspective. If you don't have time, I completely understand, though. So that's it. I hope everything calms down soon and you have a peaceful time.
from miss-edith :
Thanks for the birthday wishes!
from jettemarie :
I am so happy to hear that you are feeling content and looking at life with a new perspective. Good people like us deserve moments like that! =)
from katy-bug :
Full of kisses. So sweet. ♥
from miss-edith :
That was such a beautiful entry! I think that anyone, no matter how they feel about US aggression can understand what you mean. I doubt that any rotten fruit will come your way. You really touched me today, and it may sound odd, but for a moment, you filled the hole in my heart left by the death of Mr. Rogers. If Mr. Rogers were here, he would be reminding us, as he always did, that we are special and worthy of love and that even though he doesn't know us, he loves each and every one of us. That is so important to hear, and I thank you for writing such a lovely piece. I love you too!
from katy-bug :
Chicago. I loved that entry. xx
from katy-bug :
Hey sweet thing, thanks for adding me on as a favorite. I'll be sure to check up on you. xx
from lytegod :
Hiya ruvoryn. Thanx for joing misty-path. Hope you find this forum suitable for your needs. looking forward to keeping up with your diary.
from sp0ngebubble :
Well thanx for clearing that up! I appreciate it :)
from sp0ngebubble :
Hi. I'm sorry to hear about your loss as well. I just wanted to write you to let you know that I'm all up in your business hehe :) I'm sorry, but my diary is locked due to nosey people in this house, but feel free to contact me anyway else possible. I have one question though: Are you a lesbian? I'm a bit confused...
from miss-edith :
Hmmmmm. I had trouble finding a good online test. Try But most of the online quizzes are kind of scanty. There are tons of books though.
from miss-edith :
I wish I had something to say that would really truly help. I am so sorry for your loss. You are strong, and you will recover, but in the meantime, I send *hugs* that aren't as good as the real kind, and prayers that are just as good as anyones. I am so sorry for what you go through. Much Love, Miss-Edith
from vadergirl :
How can you say you have lost hope ? It's obvious by the way you speak of your son and your other loved ones that you do have hope.
from ravenwitch :
I'm touched that my words succeeded in reaching a person like you and having a lasting effect. And especially that entry in particular. Those words are my own and I said them only one other time, to a boy I knew. In reply, he said he thought he was in love with me. So I know those words have meaning. I'm so glad you were encouraged to help yourself out.

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