messages to sadiebee:
(click here to add new message):

from epursimuove :
thanks, beebeebuns! do it--keep them in line for us.
from epursimuove :
I'm coming, beebeebuns! Wait for me!!!
from mermaid482 :
Hi Sars, I miss you. I'm under house arrest. No phone, no going out, til I finish my work. Please send food or drink. I'll try and call you as soon as my jailers leave. Mayhaps you can sneak me a burrito. Love you, ~~N. Beaner
from dub-me-sybil :
About that piece of cement in your mouth: I suggest hydrochloric acid. Wait, no! That's a bad idea. Anyway, love ya dude & I'm sorry if I seem so antisocial lately...I'll get better soon. Promise :)
from dub-me-sybil :
About appreciating new batteries: W-O-R-D.
from fetishfire :
lovin the layout. =)
from conclusions :
Excellent latest entry.

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