messages to sbellem:
(click here to add new message):

from readnglst999 :
Where is clarity25? Recent vacation blog - "Eric's" Photobucket account -
from coldandgray :
1. GREAT NEWS! 2. Good for you, it is best, good luck with the rest of it. 3. WOOOT WOOT!
from xxholding-on :
hi i saw you were online and i really wanted the vote from diaryland towards a contest i joined. It's a coach marketing contest and i need as many votes as i can get, please help!
from xxholding-on :
hi i saw you were online and i really wanted the vote from diaryland towards a contest i joined. It's a coach marketing contest and i need as many votes as i can get, please help!
from coldandgray :
The no-contact is best, no more facebook friends. It will hurt bad for one solid year & then suddenly less & less. It is not fair, it sucks, it hurts. So many memories - just dump them all out of your head and bury them in the dirt for awhile.
from coldandgray :
I know it aches I know it aches I know it aches I know it aches. Yes, Fuck you, F! Sorry, sweets. It has to hurt right now, those are the rules. But someday it will not hurt any longer.
from coldandgray :
Your last few entries were like a rip-tide. I like the entry from yesterday the best.
from robotheart :
can you pw me at beckstar atsign distantbeat dot com
from coldandgray :
It is not too late, I promise. I am so sorry for the emotional debt and all that time and your doggies, but you are free from THAT. You deserve so much better and you will have it.
from coldandgray :
from boombasticat :
Knock, knock.
from coldandgray :
hey, are you all done here? Your buddy light was lit, but I could not get in. Glad I get to see you around the net.
from coldandgray :
OK, WHAT? Are you trying to adopt? My coworker decided to adopt and yes, 5 weeks after making the decision, he had a new baby girl! Sorry you were so scared about F. The surgery will help make it better for him. Good luck with everything.
from boombasticat :
Oh, no, I don't have any useful advice or anything. I wish I did. I've interviewed three or four times, and even made it to the on-campus stage a few times, but no luck. I know what you mean about the very small number of appropriate openings.
from boombasticat :
What department is he trying to get a job in? I'm an English guy, so I have a little experience with trying to land those interviews.
from coldandgray :
I was going to send you a more personal myspace message, but I could not find the message link on your killer Donnie Darko template. Anyway, I always say "never kill yourself over a boy", now I will add: "...or money". Yeah, being in debt sucks and is scary, but school debts are supposed to loom large forever. He is 38, but that is young, yet. The school system will turn around someday and that debt will be paid down a lot quicker than you think. In the meantime, he has to find something else, anything else. That is just the way of the game. His degree will help him find a good paying job, because a lot of places just look for a degree, not really what it is in. I know he wants something in his field, but he has to wait a bit. Does he look everywhere in the world for a job or just in your state, because it seems that would make a difference & you can move. I don't have a degree & wish I KNEW what I wanted to do, but i don't care much, so i work anywhere & it is fine. I get fulfillment working against cancer and he may find something he at least LIKES. Anyway, not all options are closed. you both are still young yet, it ain't over. So if anything, just hang in there and focus on the big picture. I will share baby name a bit later.
from coldandgray :
Oh, was he born Fionn? Remind me to tell you why it appears I named my son after your husband.
from danimal42 :
yo, gotsa password?
from boombasticat :
Hello. You got a password?
from coldandgray :
I bought some. Tee hee.
from coldandgray :
You sold me, girlfriend. This might be just the thing to spice up my marriage.
from coldandgray :
I found a brilliant new blog (new to me): It is amazing because it is written by an 8 year old, but you would never know it (he started it when he was SIX!!) Not really one to add to your roster, but still pretty neat!~
from chaosdaily :
thanks for adding me. any chance of getting the password? drkchoclover @ thanks
from coldandgray :
I hope that you always feel like you can come here and talk about your life and know you will have a sympathetic ear. That is what a locked diary is for. It is hard and it has gone on too long. I would hope that F would be more open to getting help. I am not a drug pusher, but meds can do wonders & may help him to feel normal again. Just remember, this is a small moment in your life that WILL pass and it WILL get better. I am sorry about your mystery illness, too. We take our health for granted, but to not even know what it is can be torture. Hang in, sweets.
from coldandgray :
Odd symptoms you have. How do you feel now?
from coldandgray :
I second that.
from coldandgray :
Sorry for your worries. We are so deep in debt, it is sick. Now we are on just one income until we can figure out daycare. I thought just this morning that we are so close to homelessness if one little thing goes wrong. haha. I guess we really cannot worry about such things we have no control over.
from amazinfuckup :
Thank you, that made me smile :)
from coldandgray :
Please hang in there. I know it looks bleak, but it will work out, I promise. I had a premie baby, my grandpa died and my cat is terminally ill all in a short period, but the sun came out today. I know that sounds too simple, but you are loved and cared for, so that will help in small doses.
from coldandgray :
sorry for the difficult times, life is so HARD! It will get better, though. IT HAS TO.
from formerlymr :
Hey girl. I've been MIA. I got a new computer and don't have any passwords (or ids). Please leave me a note with it. I'd love to catch up with you!!
from coldandgray :
from coldandgray :
menstruating is very pertinent.
from coldandgray :
oh christ! why don't they tell you already!? Fingers crossed for your layoff, that would be heavenly. You should ask to be laid off, if they don't do it automatically (I would do it myself, but I am a slave to the medical plan).
from coldandgray :
ARG! His illness is so frustrating. You are a great help and comfort to him.
from coldandgray :
Dang, that is so hard! You are really looking at this intelligently, but that is a strong addiction. I hope you find the help you need to get this in check; please don't feel like you have to do this alone.
from coldandgray :
chronic illness is so extremely difficult for the person and the caregiver. You are housewife and nurse and that is ridiculously hard to handle on top of a regular full time job. He needs to step up and get on a regimen of healthy eating he can take on the road or find some way to help. It is not his fault he is sick, but that is a lot to put on you.
from coldandgray :
I hope you get laid off with a killer severance and juicy unemployment benefits!
from tofalldivine :
Good 'ol Tom Waits. I think I may have been listening to that song and not noticed. Oh man.
from coldandgray :
WAA~ I am sorry ! I wish I could help.
from robotheart :
sigh. thats one condition i know a bit about (the b, not the c). i wish i had some advice for you...except that its all about feeling out of control and wanting to get some control. i feel better when i take a walk after eating like that, instead of chumming it up, anyways. much luck to you in finding peace with your e.d.
from jumblygiant :
for a billion years now, i have been without your password. can you email it to [email protected]??? have a wonderful day doll!
from coldandgray :
This is why we do not live in our hometowns anymore...
from robotheart :
haha it sounds like you left for a good reason.
from coldandgray :
It is so hard, SB, but you are doing great.
from less-than3 :
how tempted am i to give you a call? i am down with the V. but i am also shy/socially phobic, not to mention i've been sick for 4 weeks now. :(
from coldandgray :
This seems like a positive entry, how goodly. I went to Italian in SPD, is that bad?
from amazinfuckup :
You really think so? I have been totally unimpressed with it lately. Thank you all the same, it's always nice to hear that someone likes it. :) <3
from coldandgray :
from less-than3 :
from coldandgray :
Finn=nerd. Love it! Wishing you tons of luck on your 2007 PG goal!
from robotheart :
are you pregnant? or planning to be? in any case, way to go in finding out about your ED...i wish you the best in recovery.
from amazinfuckup :
You really think so? Thank you so much. :)
from mozangeles :
I need your log-in info!!! [email protected]. Why did you lock up, missy? xoxo - me
from robotheart :
i do love your layout. did you make it? and i hope you find whatever help you're looking for. as someone who has some deep seated deal w/ food, i understand...well, i think i understand. at least i know what its like to be food/weight obsessed...good luck.
from coldandgray :
I feel the same about watching sports AND about how much Bubblemint rules! Wow.
from coldandgray :
from coldandgray :
hey SB, sorry you got the blues. I squandered my potential, too, but I just don't care!
from sosuga :
hey lady, please send me the goods! sosuga at
from coldandgray :
send it, ma'am. colleenfalling at gmail dot com
from robotheart :
pw me at beckstar atsign distantbeat dot com...
from coldandgray :
snap back, lady, snap back. LOM is a slow death (I am a fellow sufferer)
from coldandgray :
The vintage entries are fun and a great insight, as are ALL of your entries. I have a link to my MYSPACE page on my dland site, link me, friend!
from tofalldivine :
I like your entries(even if you think they are the same old same old). Also the vintage ones were a great idea. At least I quite enjoyed them.
from sosuga :
from coldandgray :
I am excited for you, 15 pounds is A LOT!!!
from coldandgray :
I am thinking of you, SB.
from clarity25 :
It's always interesting looking back at our old entries and seeing how we've changed...the person we used to be..the situations in our life. Thanks for sharing that:).
from coldandgray :
CONGRATS ON THE 10 LBS! WOO! Howie is a germaphobe, so I don't know how good he would be in the sack.
from coldandgray :
I feel ya. I do not want to see a buffalo get slaughtered, though.
from coldandgray :
I totally cried, which surprised me. He was so excited about EVERYTHING, you had to like him. I just read a blog that trashed him, blah.
from coldandgray :
good luck with project baby. I have been trying, but nothing yet. maybe I should try reading one of those magazines.
from coldandgray :
We are laying people off this week and it sucks. I have become hard at this point & know it is just business.
from coldandgray :
Awww. I hear ya. As to your second to last post, I just found my ex-husband on myspace. Thing is, he was missing for YEARS! Gotta love it.
from pynt :
Hi, My name is tamara and I'm working with the popular Duluth weblog Perfect Duluth Day ( to put together a comprehensive list of blogs in the Duluth area. Are you in or near the Duluth area? Do you know any blogs that are? Any help you could give us would be appreciated. You can contact me at pyntathotmaildotcom or on here. Thanks, tamara
from amazinfuckup :
Yes! That means we're best friends. Forever.
from clarity25 :
I hear you on the inner bitch part. Sometimes I embrace it, other times I feel guilty for even having it. alas. I also found my ex on MYSPACE.. it's strange to see how people change.
from coldandgray :
yea for 2.2 & yea for sweet boys
from amazinfuckup :
People will never wake up. It sounds so depressing, but theye're happier this way. They don't like thinking about scary things like "war" and "death". Best to leave those for the movies. o.o
from coldandgray :
Donkey laugh! Hey, I liked your post today. It was pretty. Yes, I am reading between the lines & I feel ya, but still very nicely written.
from coldandgray :
Good luck!
from coldandgray :
My aunt lost 22 on Jennie Craig
from coldandgray :
Crazy BJ story. I was just thinking today that I would not get re-married either.
from coldandgray :
That is sweet and interesting. Chad U. got lucky! Sad you had to throw those other journals away.
from less-than3 :
heh. i'm a loud music listener/singer too. :)
from coldandgray :
That puppy incident is bone-chilling. I like this: "Something might happen today that is really wonderful, I might even cause it."
from coldandgray :
aw. good.
from less-than3 :
i'm thinking about you. <3 i wonder about your "addiction" - i'm curious. i wonder if it is similar to mine. which comes and goes in my life. all or nothing, shall i say? as with my moods, everything in my life is extreme. feast or famine, so to speak. anyway, i am thinking of you, and wishing you well. xox
from readthisline :
I really like your diary.. keep up the posting.
from coldandgray :
It's hard, baby, keep fighting.
from coldandgray :
from coldandgray :
I do like that feeling a crush can give deep down in the pit of your stomach.
from coldandgray :
from coldandgray :
I'm sorry, I hope it gets better, it seems like it will. Maybe you need to get away on your own for a mini-vacation, clear your head.
from less-than3 :
hahah. ah, corporate life. gotta love it. like at my old job, when they kept hiring more recruiters and sales people (20+), but STILL were scrambling for places to put people, and STILL weren't hiring more admin help. 2 admins for 20+ people in a staffing firm? are you KIDDING ME??? i feel your pain, honey.
from less-than3 :
*hug* i'm sorry. stupid boys. :(
from coldandgray :
I go through cycles where he drives me crazy & I start thinking that maybe I should make other plans & then a week will go by and he can do no wrong. Hang on a bit & hopefully it will pass soon.
from coldandgray :
oh, poor puppy! ugh! My marriage is a lot like that, too. I think a lot of marriages are. Boys like their video games and periods of non-communication.
from coldandgray :
Sorry about the non-raise. Your plan sounds good to start looking for soemthing else soon. It is cold & rainy here.
from coldandgray :
U R fine. At least I hope. (everything OK, S?)
from clarity25 :
The blond looks great! It's not TOO blond (like my current platinum) It has a natural look to it and really suits you. I know what you mean about looking in the mirror and not recognizing yourself. That's how I felt when I dyed my hair bright red. It was like a stranger peered back at me in the reflection! I hope you're having a good week:)
from less-than3 :
i like the blonde. it's purty. :)
from coldandgray :
so pretty!
from coldandgray :
Good for Mexico.
from coldandgray :
Congrats on the promotion! I liked that movie, too.
from robotheart :
ooh i saw that movie! real good. :) hope your pup feels better.
from less-than3 :
ugh, i feel sick too. get well soon! and congrats on the eventual promotion! WOO HOOO!!!
from coldandgray :
Tap water should still be OK to drink. I am doing a pandemic post later this week, stay tuned!
from coldandgray :
good luck
from coldandgray :
Yea for getting some. Hope things de-stress soon.
from less-than3 :
from less-than3 :
that is so not cool. guys are supposed to be thinking about sex something like every 23 seconds or something like that, aren't they? um, what gives?? do i need to go kick his ass???
from less-than3 :
i think your random rambling is absolutely beautiful. you've inspired me to ramble.
from coldandgray :
I liked that post. I totally know what you mean & could use a little romance myself. I miss that nervousness of kissing someone for the first time.
from less-than3 :
sounds like you should go home and take the rest of the day off! i insist! :)
from coldandgray :
bacon douche. erg.
from less-than3 :
whoa! hello there! it has been a while since you updated...
from coldandgray :
THANKS! I hope your pits get better, that does sound miserable...
from coldandgray :
You have been tagged!
from coldandgray :
super cute! I guess I should have known to look there.
from jumblygiant :
except for the bra and the gushing of blood from body cavities...sounds like a decent day. xoxo.
from coldandgray :
i wanna see yer hair
from mozangeles :
What is going on? Tell me! xoxo - me
from clarity25 :
I enjoyed reading your day at work recap hour by hour. I felt stressed for you! What a day:), thanks for your feedback on Motherhood! I really truly appreciated that!
from coldandgray :
...if I wasn't tired BEFORE...
from coldandgray :
I think I just caught exhaustion from you.
from robotheart :
why do you not update?
from clarity25 :
Thanks for your get well wishes:). I'm doing a lot better. I know what you mean about Tom Petty and I love him too. I haven't slept with anyone that looked even remotely like David Bowie either! A pity...;)
from clarity25 :
Sorry you were discovered and had to switch ship. I hate when things like that happen. That was one of the reasons my diary was discovered by so many friends and I had to lock up shop. I would use Clarity25 for other sites and then they would google the name + discover my journal. I enjoyed reading through your archives though. Thanks for answering my survey too! I hope you're having a good week!

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