messages to scurvymates:
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from petlovebook :
stefan plays la gitarra. and does SOME (not all) throaty noises.
from petlovebook :
sweet, just keep in mind that we "open", as it were. we'll be on at 8:30.
from pirategirl :
Dude. I freaking look forward to the day so hard that I'll be able to finally cyber sex you guys. I mean, type at you on AIM. Maybe cybersex. Someday. I meant "someday." cybersexcybersexcybersexcybersex
from petlovebook :
as always, i'm enjoying reading you two. my band is playing on friday at the liquid room, if you can, come down. it would be fun, i can make a few pirate jokes between songs. i might even bring a bottle of rum.
from pirategirl :
Dude, tar? I've never had that problem... Then again, I am a tar monster, so tar doesn't stick to me as much as it flows off... Man I smell bad.
from petlovebook :
entertaining and highly humorous. just read today, for the first time, as i was looking for people from the area. i hope to continue reading and laughing... read me or contact me sometime.
from towelphaser :
iT S TIME TO PAAAARTY. love, brendan w.k.
from stormyclaude :
oh my god you guys. Solitare: SO FUNNY. i love when you make lists. both of your entries lately have be super damn funny. bravo.
from indie-snob :
hello there! i just added reviews for two OK Go shows I saw and thought you may be interested. check it out, I have lots of other reviews here too. thanks!
from stormyclaude :
Uh, also? "Thus, the natural joining of wizards and pirates is one of logic and pure erotica"--!!! I don't need the Tape Wizard to pee in my eyes. I just did it myself. -clm

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