messages to shazzyrocks:
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from nicolerenee :
Thanks for your note, it's so nice to hear I'm not the only one who thinks my girls are cute! ;)
from nicolerenee :
Thanks for the suggestions, Kamden is still in the running, but falling behind. I like unusual names, so unfortunately those names are too, well, common. But, trust me at this point anything as far as a suggestion is wonderful!! xoxo ♥
from sarahbk :
hey u like garth brooks i am a huge fan too i love country music i sing in comps that's so cool... and i miss lots of school because of it ha ah ha my teacher told me to say that well talk to me back again cause i need a friend.... k
from goodsandwich :
Maybe when your daughter says, "Give them gold" she is showing a young understanding of poverty and unfairness? I have a dim memory of such a feeling at a very early age myself - not that people needed riches, but that real extended povery can suck the life out of people. Maybe your kidlet is an empathetic prodigy!
from no-yes-maybe :
I clicked on the banner....awesome banner!
from hisgirl- :
By the way, I want to name my little girl {if I have one} Emily, I really do love that name.
from hisgirl- :
I just figure, why waste time. I don't watch much TV at all, and I have a boyfriend (so that might be why)..I just can't see why some girls go all out with posters/pictures/dolls/ect with a guy they can't have. It just causes things you can't controll, like you said, and then might get out of hand. You know they have a new dieses {sp} for people like that. I'm not saying you have it however.
from hisgirl- :
I don't think he's sexy. Really, I don't understand why people want to have fantize {sp} over tv stars, movie stars, music stars, ect, when they will never have a chance with them. Why would you want to waste your time on such a fake character as well. Thats not really him. He could be totally different in real life.
from chaosdaily :
put a note up on a public bulletin board with pictures of your cats, you never know whos looking for one

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