messages to shortgirljen:
(click here to add new message):

from trapidi :
if u wanna know my password for my lock diary, I need your e-mail.
from nihilistbear :
Jen! I just stopped by to say I've moved to live journal. Too many RL poeple know about this diary. My user name is nihilistbear, and if you can live with a lot of buffy stuff, I do write about my life in there. You can still comment, just leave an anonymous note, and add your name at the end! Alice
from dylanwashere :
Cool on being married and the interior designer stuff. You seem to know how to make a diary interesting, too.
from dylanwashere :
Hi, just a random note. Interesting diary you have. Please forgive me but I thought there was a bannana in her hand (the pic).
from trapidi :
I was wondering what was going on... like the new template!
from trapidi :
♥ing your diary and butt warmers! ;)
from drea22 :
I just found your diary, and read your entry about going to the Packer game. As a Green Bay native, I'd just like to say I'm glad you had a good time in Wisconsin. That was an awsome game.
from nihilistbear :
Merry Christmas, Jen! Have a GREAT Day! Alice
from alonenafraid : Can you please read this petition and sign it to try and help make the last few months of this woman's life, a little less painful. Also if you don't mind, can you put a link to the petition in your next journal entry, if you sign it that is. Thanks bunches. ~Danielle
from nihilistbear :
WHEEE! Thank you for joining Legendary! It's people like you that made me create the ring! I'm glad you're back after the long break! Alice
from raresilk :
This is really Leslie Irene; I am logged in under my review site's name. I saw your banner, and I must tell you that I am so impressed with your site! Beautiful! I wish I was taller as well- not a sky-scraper, but a bit taller. xoxoxox, Leslie Irene
from morbidium :
Thanks for leaving me a note, I look forward to reading more of your entries and talking to you more, hope you're having a good weekend.:) I need to remember that this thing HAS notes.:)
from nihilistbear :
Okay it's all unlocked and fixed up now! Thanks for being patient!
from nihilistbear :
Hey there... I locked my diary for a short time so I can do some major maintenance... it'll be open again in the next couple of hours... sorry!
from twily :
Hello! Unfortunately, given the fact that Alice found you first, I too work over at Opal. I just wanted to drop in and say that I absolutely adore your diary too. I was going to offer to take over and review you in case Alice didn't have time, but then I saw your notes page and promptly stopped. However, I'll still say that I did write up a glowing review. ::shrug:: If you'd still like to read it, just for another opinion or something, I could email it to you or something. Great diary though!!! ~Ash
from misstress :
Thanks for the note! Don't fret if your life is boring. Mine has far too much drama.
from nihilistbear :
hey there, I signed your guestbook... your diary is really and truly awesome. I laughed so hard I thought I'd choke. If you want a review, go to Opal Reviews ( and ask for me, Alice
from intheory27 :
Welcome to the English Majors' d*ring. :)

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