messages to stupidshit:
(click here to add new message):

from jaysthoughts :
this is diaryland. passwording is kind of a joke.
from moonshine76 :
I do. :) Now, update!
from gomeny :
I want to own everyone.
from moonshine76 :
Happy very belated birthday. :)
from sea-change- :
It was near Montezuma, I think, in Costa Rica. It was exquisite! Everybody should try!
from moonshine76 :
Hi, Greg, I signed up with, and got an account then signed up for their audio blogging service. They give you a number to call and you punch in your pin that you picked out, and you record your entry. :) S'fun.
from moonshine76 :
Because it is my favourite :)
from moonshine76 :
Hahaha! Yeah, it'd have to be a carrot cake though. Someone would be peeling aloooot of carrots for that.
from hollyt :
Hey I think that was pretty cool. I think the e-mail was to the point, polite and should read well for her. If I got something like that I would thank you for the curteous honesty and would find it necessary to reply in the same earnest fashion. Good man, Greg.
from kitty-kaboom :
I'm glad that you told her how you feel! honesty rules!
from kitty-kaboom :
I only make $7.50 but I've been working 12 hour days, so I have a lot of overtime... almost all of that money had to go to getting my car fixed... $800.... ouch.
from neewin :
I swear I will try to. Once I find something to take a picture of. :)
from kitty-kaboom :
On your quiz madness I got "Fuck yeah" and "Fuck yeah.. Can I get your number?" but what does it all mean?!?! DID I WIN?
from kitty-kaboom :
Hey. I love you. ♥
from neewin :
Hahaha! :P Okay, I really have no idea why Canadian Thanksgiving is in October but I'll agree with that slow americans comment. :)
from neewin :
I know! I'll try to from now on, promise. Except that pretty soon though, I won't have enough space to upload more. =/ And happy thanksgiving. But we had ours last month.
from moonshine76 :
I checked it out. Aww, I can't view the video dealy thingy because my laptop is too *old*. =/ Have lots of fun though. :)
from moonshine76 :
Unfortunately, no :( By the time I ran into her, I wasn't very mad anymore. I think I let people get away with too much. Hope your doing well.
from moonshine76 :
Final fantasy 3. The one with the little mog in it. Was it called a mog? I think so.
from hollyt :
I know you are so looking forward to hanging out with me.
from moonshine76 :
You don't know who he is? He's a singer. He's great. And he's old, which I guess can be great too. Hehe. He was part of the Velvet Underground.
from kitty-kaboom :
send the CD! DO IT NOW!!!!! pictures!
from gomeny :
homo pod people in da hizz house
from lulu-burden :
Hey! Did you go see my diary? I have added some more... Tell me what you think!
from gomeny :
from moonshine76 :
Ah :) It's a long story, but we basically just lost touch after awhile. So, are you updating on a regular basis now?
from moonshine76 :
Write about where you see yourself in 15 years.
from kitty-kaboom :
hahaha! YAY SID!!!! he is waaaay evil. and thats why I love him!
from kitty-kaboom :
it's kind of a sad update.... but YAY update! Republicans make me angry and sad. I LAVA YOU! ♥ Kitty!
from kitty-kaboom :
no letter yet, I like to make my envelopes really pretty! So it might take a little bit longer.... I go WAY overboard with envelope decoration... heehee
from kitty-kaboom :
♥ you want more pictures of the puppy?? I'll post more, NOW THAT I HAVE A SWEET ASS WORKING CAMERA! This one ulra rad guy that I know on diaryland sent it to me.... yeah, he rocks!!!!!!! ♥
from kitty-kaboom :
I haven't gotten the camera yet, but I got your letter yesterday! I'm sending you one back soon.
from kitty-kaboom :
Garden State is the best movie! I loved it way too much! But I would have loved it more if my best friend and her new boyfriend WEREN'T there. They talked through the whole thing.... I wanted to slap them.... I was all like "I've been wanting to see this FUCKING movie for over 7months now. Could you kindly SHUTTHEFUCKUP!"...... anyways, thanks for updating. I've missed you oh so much! ♥ KITTY
from red-wine :
Favorite? Wow, um... well, I guess either 'Show" (love the life stuff) or 'Staring at the Sea'. Of course the new 4-disk set (Join the Dots) is great too.
from amalthea23 :
who are you? are you the one that feels you ought know?
from gomeny :
soap opera

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