messages to sugamaniak:
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from whystinger : |
As someone who is re-entering the dating scene, I too wonder where to look... |
from jimbostaxi : |
Death is making its rounds. Nice diary :0) |
from whystinger : |
Just stumbled on your diary. Interesting take on a few things. It is rare for a person to reject bullshit so openly. I think it is our society, all the politically correctness shit. I have had to learn tolerance and over the years it appears that I accept bullshit, but if it is from a potential friend, I accept it and just cut that person loose. I should call some folks on their shit. As for the fiancée, you may be over them, completely over them and have wanted the break up (I don't know your situation) or even asked for the break up and still there are wounds we don't realize. We dislike anyone they are with. Perhaps this is misplaced anger we harbor for them. I would have to say your feelings are normal, especially if we once loved them. I wanted and asked for my divorce and I still have those feelings towards my ex-wife. |
from dangerspouse : |
Vive la difference! were arguing there IS no difference, right? Whew. Took me a second to catch on, but I got it now. It's a guy thing :) |
from jimbostaxi : |
80 percent correct? I need the numbers for the lottery I'll cut you in :9) |
from dangerspouse : |
Any guy that rejects a beef jerky bouquet doesn't have a penis. Or a girlfriend for very long. Go have a good drink, and as the saying goes: the best way to get over someone is to get under someone new. |
from jimbostaxi : |
5 year olds in bars? Do they need help getting on the stools?do they offer to buy you a Shirley Temple? J/k :0) dropped in checked out a few of your posts. |
from dizzigemini : |
Please, DELETE all notes & msgs i have posted. I need this info off the web. Thankyou. After reading this, delete, please.Thank You for helping me. |
from mmmfactor : |
Hi! In regards to your post on 12-18-09, I'm actually ill with envy. I'm in love the euphoria you've discovered. Im glad its all unfolded for you. |
from dizzigemini : |
hey im adding you to my fav's. just wanted to comfort you and admit, i too am a jerk to men and i get overwhelemed by sweetness too much too soon, and i go into asshole mode and be a brat, im 32 ya think id learn to start trusting men, yet ive had wayyy too many whom poked ay my heart and laughed at my feelings, so when the real TRUE sweet guy persues me, it freaks me out, im not use to be treated so nicely. Yet thats NORMAL. Im realizing the past men were abusive and the sweet guys are there to fix and offer confidence within me to allow my walls down and be the lovable woamn i am,...deep inside. Im not saying you and i are anything alike, yet some entries caught my eye, and you may wanna ferret around in my older archive, it goes back to 2002. Im still tweeking that, just chaned template lastnight so, all in due time. |
from mmmfactor : |
Hi, I've been reading your stuff for a good year now and I can't believe how much we are a like. If this is any consolation, I'm reading about a gazillion self-help books on embracinf the "unknown" and living happy without certainty (because they say there's such a thing). I can't find any one thing that's worth it enough for me, yet It's all still in my life. I complain... but never rid myself of the baggage. Cheers to us. I'm positive that you'll find all the happiness you desire, your freedom will come for you.. we just got to trust ourselves for once...and get the fk out of our own lives. |
from warpednormal : |
Happy Birthday. You're pretty much awesome as heck =) |
from svenhard : |
your guestbook ain't working..anyway you sound hot, wish i was in a position to oblige. we're probably not even in the same country, i've got some way hot mates but they're all in the UK too |
from crackheadred : |
hahaha!!thanks for that note u left...that gives me an idea for a new i jes gotta make it all come together... :) |
from ovenking : |
this is a bit premature, but seeing as how boytoy will probably occupy your time this entire weekend and you'll never want to spend any time with me ever again, HAPPY BOITDAY! |
from ovenking : |
you no average. you too cute to be average. you supah average! =P ah, you know i lurve you, silly goil. |
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