messages to sunshine1978:
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from squidgyheads :
Are you sure you got the name of your new diary right on sunshine? My browser can't find it...
from no-yes-maybe :
You have an awesome layout!
from spindle :
there must be a way to do casual sex without that sort of compromise. there must! or, my secret stratagem will work out and it won't be an issue anymore. are you off Tuesday or Wednesday?
from spindle :
and the best thing about Vietnamese coffee is that if conversation hits a lull after those first five-to-fifteen minutes it will quickly recover once the coffee gets into you, and then there is no stopping anything.
from spindle :
oh, Aaron. I'm buying you a lightning rod for christmas.
from spindle :
if that was your mom, then there's no hope for you. at all. not even a tiny, little bit.
from spindle :
you should read <a href="">sooner</a>. I think you would like him.
from spindle :
and for you, my new entry can be called "the impossibility of making up my mind about anything this important." sigh.
from ljungberg8 :
SHOES! woo!
from spindle :
at least yours don't leave the city two weeks after you meet them. perhaps the trick, for you, is in pacing the show-and-tell better. and perhaps I should get a job with an airliner.
from janababe :
I'm sorry to hear abou tyour randfather. I think (maybe) it's harder to lose a family member who wasn't that close because of possible regrets in the future. Let me just tell you that I know in the back of his head, and in those still, quiet hours of the night, he thought about your family and hated himself for being so mean.
from asilentplea :
Hi, thanx for the note :) The way I look at it on good days is that, if we were never hurt, or upset about anything then we wouldnt/couldnt fully appreciate being happy, because it would just be 'normal'. Hmm.. well thats what I *try* to believe anyway.. {gulp} luv and lollypops charlie x
from sweaters :
are you here?
from yoshi-c :
I really like this.
from sweaters :
oh! thank you for the seranade in Tori Amos... and for the note... you should update... your quite good at this online stuff

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