messages to tattoogranny:
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from arc-angel666 :
Good Evening I was surfing the members area and came across the Tattoo-Granny. I must admit my interest peaked at the thought of a tattoo Granny. After reading your profile I deduced your life may have traveled a bumping road, but you certainly seem set on improving your life. I randomly read a few entries and found them rather funny...I enjoy your style of writing and would like to visit more often unless its required that I get a tattoo first lol. Oh by the way very clever I hit your links to view your photos, the ones you said might be too revealing? And lo and behold...advertisement...very clever indeed LOL.
from absinthesigh :
Happy Birthday!!!! I had a laptop like that, the pad drove me crazy so I went to Circuit City (or some such electronic place) and for under $20.00 bought a little mouse to use with it. with love, ophelia
from kdip :
Moving to your son's place sounds like a terrific idea! I am eager to hear more details on the housing arrangements.
from opalanne :
5/18/04 - 5:45 pm - Good luck on your interview tomorrow - got my fingers crossed for you!
from opalanne :
I'm sorry things have been so rough for you at work. I hope that you will be able to resolve this without giving up your job, but I know I wouldn't be able to work in a situation like that. Good luck - I'll be thinking about you.
from opalanne :
4/29/04- 6:10 am - Glad to see you back! I hope you will renew your membership - I enjoy reading your diary.
from absinthesigh :
I just discovered your diary through the ferret diaryring and wanted to say hello! I am in Portland Oregon, also have ferrets, worship Somerset Maugham AND Razor's Edge (with Bill Murray) is one of my favorite films! with love, ophelia
from kdip :
Good for you! Sounds like you knocked their socks off!! Looks like things are looking up for you---I'm glad.
from opalanne :
1/31/04 - Congratulations on the new job! How exciting! I've got my fingers crossed for you and hope that your first day is a great adventure.
from opalanne :
Doggone it! It's true - ya learn something new every day! ;-)
from opalanne :
I read your updates regularly. Maybe if you just changed the name of your journal from My Bait and Swith Life you wouldn't get the hits from that particular search. ;-) A few years ago I signed up for 6 months of Gold and I only made one entry - talk about a waste! I am determined I will get my money's worth this go around!
from foxynracer :
well i was planning on leaving you a note after i saw your screen name thing but you mite be to old for me, yup um yea, back to my messin life
from kdip :
I enjoy reading your journal. Our lives seem quite different in some ways, yet we are sisters under the skin.
from mslovejoy :
Hey- I'm adding you to our pending list, and just need you to put up our link somewhere (a text link is fine). Thanks!
from opalanne :
I happened upon your diary by reviewing the list generated by searching Colorado. "hmmm - tattoogranny - interesting name - must be over the age of 15 - lets check it out" Interestingly enough, the image your name portrays did not match the images conveyed in your prose. I was not disappointed! You are very articulate and I enjoyed reading some of your entries! I've little time to read today, but I will be back!
from smoke-sky :
You're a pretty cool Tattoogranny! :) However I was a bit disappointed that you haven't put any pics up of your tattoos...they sound pretty neat!
from brewhaha :
Nice to hear from you. You asked if going to school made much of a difference in my life. Absolutely. It changed it's direction completely. It gave me a new focus, something I very much needed. Ultimately it provided finincial security, something I had never had before. Paying for school was a hardship though. At first I just went to night school a couple of classes at a time just to see if I could cut it. But that made me realize It would take forever at that pace. I had my own small business at the time so what I did was keep my good accounts, the moneymakers, let go of the others and was able to go to school full time. That worked for a couple of years, then I had to go the student loan route. I graduated in 1996 and just last year finished paying off my loans. My income has improved dramatically because of my degree making the debt well worth the effort. School is no picnic. It is amazing the amount of information you have to cram in per semester. The feeling of esteem you get for the success of it is a huge boost after the fact. During the process it is exhausting and stressful. As far as the money goes to pay for the school, be sure you check into grants and scholarships. There is lots of money out there for older women returning to school. I would imagine nursing would be a good field for that. Good luck!
from brewhaha :
Go ahead with it. I went to college in my forties. No reason not to, your gonna be 60 anyway, might as well be a nurse. No?

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