messages to tigrefatalis:
(click here to add new message):

from thejanet :
Today I was not wanting to work, so I was Googling myself, and your blog (then called something like Jennifer's Life) showed up, the entry of 4-30-2000 (so long ago!) which was your posting of a story of mine "I've Got a Plan." Several things I wanted to tell you about this. First, whoever forwarded it to you left off the bit about copyrighted and do not forward, etc. etc. yada yada. Not to worry about now, eight years later, it just still amazes me how widely this little story spread minus the copyright information. At this point I'm just happy when I come across a forward that had my name included, a lot didn't even include that. The other thing is just a point of curiosity, little Lisa in the story is now working as a staff attorney with Legal Aid, once a do-gooder always a do-gooder, I guess. And while she didn't like the story as an undergrad, in law school she used it as an example in some intellectual property paper, and told me it was a pretty good story. Anyway, that's all. My name appears in your blog and eight years later I notice and comment on it. That's the internet.
from tigrefatalis :
Hey all. Thanks so much for your words. I do so love the attention. *grins*
from graywhisper :
I miss you.
from stuberosum :
17 Feb 07 Dont know you at all but good for you :) Hope all goes well.
from calynda :
11-18-06 .. it's nice to hear from you again and to get an update with how you've been doing
from zappagrrl :
Okay...I didn't really read much of your diary but while scanning it I saw that you used the phrase "parental unit" and I just had to commend you because I think it is vastly under-used. My best friend and I have been referring to our parental units as "the female parental unit" or "the male parental unit" for quite some time now, and I'm always glad to find someone who shares our love of intentionally complicated monikers. So cheers to you!
from f-i-n :
hugs and kisses!
from for-you-only :
Hey, I had added you to the list to write on the story- and it's your turn now... Read what is written so far - and then add 10 to 30 sentences and e-mail me ([email protected]) you're part. Thanks.
from for-you-only :
Well, to join, first join the diaryring called "circle." I'll put you on the list to add to the story right away. When it's your turn I'll explain in detail what you are to do. To get the newsletter, please note pink-circle with your e-mail address. Thank you for your time, interest and efforts, and I hope to be conversing with you more in the future. ~Pink
from pink-circle :
{Circle Invite} On behalf of the circle, I invite you to join our writer's group. I have noticed your shown interest in poetry/writing. If you are interested, please note back. :) ~Circle Counsil
from calynda :
I think the Foreward works very well. . . . good to see you're still writing . . . not that I'd think you would stop or anything . . . . ~Rose
from nmnohr :
I found your diary through UB's profile. Your open letter to your dad really struck a cord with me. I have my own issues with my father which I've written about someplace throughout my diary, and I sat with tears streaming down my face as I read your letter. It was touching, and it was just what I needed to help resolve some of my own feelings. I'm so glad I found it, and even happier that you wrote it. Thanks.
from calynda :
*smiles* . . . . I just thought I'd let you know that my stuff's not locked up anymore . . . hasn't been for quite a few months actually, but I've been slow at posting and such. I'm getting much better about it though . . . . Fun fun.
from gwenllian :
Thanks for the Mother's Day wishes!
from proofrok :
Re: your question about Bocelli in my comments; well, my opinion of the visually challenged tenor is kinder than it used to be, because he's improved. At first I was mystified by his popularity. As tenors go he's a rather weak Pavarotti imitator vocally-but lately he's sounded more himself and not like an echo. I resent the publicity machine around him because there is a subtle bias in it; part of the appeal (I'll be blunt,) is that he's blind. That bugs me on two fronts; a. it shouldn't matter and b. there are much more supernaturally talented visually challenged people out there-George Shearing, Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, Dianne Schuur...I've refused to buy Bocelli cds of him singing operatic rep. because I think he's taking money and jobs from guys (and I'm not even talking about myself, I'm a completely different type of tenor and wouldn't sing the same stuff,) who are better singers, better looking, and more gifted interpreters of the art. A young tenor I met at a collegiate competition, Gregory Turay, won the Metropolitan Opera Nat'l Competition a few years back. He's handsome, engaging, the voice is brilliant and beautiful-and he has a career, but who is to say he couldn't outshine Bocelli in most operalovers minds? That said, there are also "classical-sounding" singers like Josh Groban, a baritone, singing right now, whom I'd love to hear move into opera and classical music-Josh's voice is truly beautiful and expressive. Please don't ask me about Charlotte Church, though, or my next response might be longer. Egads.
from invisibledon :
oddsandends is the one you missed i don't have it linked on the page with all the survey's great answers too by the way - you are one of the very few to have done most of my surveys
from invisibledon :
Thanks for playing in the neighborhood, there are actually 6 surveys I'll check to see which one you missed
from souls-reach :
Greeting Kitten. Tis been long I know, but there hath been alot that hath happened since last we spoke. I wilst be on Yahoo Messenger daily from 2:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Mon-Fri. I can ne'er travel to the Realm at home for the situation I am in. Twill be good to speak to thee again Kitten.
from patw-21 :
i have survived, i will read your back up entries. thanks fo rthe note. I appriciate it. Have a good day, ;-). So, yeah I dyed my hair blue. I'm all like yeah. So it was good. I did want to sit and make fun of people today, but it's kinda hard with blue hair. *sigh* ;-)
from themaster :
Hi...i really enjoy reading your diary entries!I'm a writer also and have had some things published...I'm trying to get more readers to my diary...and haven't upgraded to gold but hey! great diary!!really...keep on speaking your mind...and don't forget the little people! Hilly
from hizee :
I truely appriciate your latest entries on religion. I firmly believe that each person should form their own belief systems no matter what they are and no one should judge or try to impose their beliefs on others. Thank you for your unique and individual statements. It is a pleasure to read your entries.
from chauffi :
Thanks for the note. I appreciate people that don't knock my inability to spell, which I think is big contributor to my "style".
from trinity63 :
Hi you:) You wrote:"Contrary to common belief, folks, parents will always be just a little more partial to the children of their blood than those who aren't. Maybe not enough to notice... but it's there. " Blood doesn't have a thing to do with it:) At least is doesn't to me:) Love, Trin
from mel839 :
yo! i'm back
from illusioni :
Hey...I've just been going through your entries, and I really like them! Congratulations on your 500th entry =)
from res6564 :
I goofed my link in debate it again. Could you fix it? Duh me. One of these days I'll figure HTML out.
from thebot :
Thank you very much for your note. I was really flattered in that "She doesn't know that in real life I'm a complete social reject, does she?" kinda way. Reading through your notes here, I wonder what these messages about debating are all about. I think I will head off and check into it. Bye...
from res6564 :
hey, do me a favor, edit my last in debate-it so my link works, I mis-spelled diaryland. Thanks, Rick
from broken-glass :
I just wanted to say that even though we often disagree, I do enjoy debating with you because you're able to disagree without becoming emeshed in the personal side of things. Thank you for your level head!
from hellmutt :
It's "blonde" for a female, and "blond" for a male. :)
from ranul :
smooch! :)
from mel839 :
from witchgirl :
Your writing is wonderful, and I'm glad to see you happier in recent entries. Dev (Lee) turned me onto your diary, thanks for being a good friend to the hubby. =)
from anti-barbie :
Well, as a child of a very messy divorce I have to say it all depends on the situation. Part of the stipulations of the divorce agreement are that neither parent are allowed to speak negatively about the other. However, sometimes the kids need to know. My step-dad was an alcoholic. My mom was honest with us about his failings so we could understand his failings and ultimately why he died. So, in my opinion the answer is entirely situational.
from tigrefatalis :
Ahhh, my dear one... How could you do anything to offend me? I was actually speaking of the more juvinile individuals. My friend didn't enter Chat until long after you left.
from mrincoherent :
ooh, i was scared i'd done something to offend until i read a bit farther down. i didn't say that word, i promise. but i know who did. most of us regs left the room it was that bad in there. i'm sorry that happened to your friend. :/ it's been an especially rowdy bunch in chat lately. i suppose the kids are getting the last bang out of summer. *shrugs* blecch. please extend my apologies to your friend. *hugs*
from johnpowers :
hey tiger, hows it going?
from invisibledon :
Thanks for visiting my page -- invisibledon
from crynn :
Hey, I noticed my name on your links (at the top of the page)! That is so cool. I was very surprised. You are a big huge star on diaryland. I am a whiney little pipsqueak. But thank you so much. I enjoy your diaries, thank you so much for your honest insights! Crynn
from tigrefatalis :
Welcome to one and all...

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