messages to uncleal:
(click here to add new message):

from stepfordtart :
Yay! You're back! Glad the move seems to have gone OK for you and dont mind (too much!) that you appear to be gloating! Its pissing down with rain here and has been for about the last...ummm...300 years! s x
from pyroguysr :
I noticed that you were one of Tony's (T85225) friends. Perhaps you read his blogs about his battle with cancer. I'm sad to report that he succumbed and passed away this week at age 49. He was a good online friend of mine and will be sorely missed. I left some details on his D-land diary notes.
from stepfordtart :
Oh! I forgot! Can you let me know what the memory foam bed is like when you finally get a chance. We have a water bed and Im not planning to replace it but Id like to see if memory foam pillows would help my knackered neck. thanks. s x
from stepfordtart :
*scowls* I do it all the fucking time! In fact, my typing is BETTER when Im asleep at my desk. .....Aww, and now I got a whole load of crappy jokes going round my head cos you said Dictaphone. "Excuse me, can I use your Dictaphone?" "No, use your finger like everyone else". *sigh* Im pathetic. s x
from stepfordtart :
Ummmmm. Saddo here. I just went through a bazillion, kafrillion of your entries to find out who that geetar-dude is. Now I know. My eyeballs are melting from all the reading but please PLEASE dont ever, ev-ah take that picture down. Im rather partial to a little rock-god m'self (although mine is a good ten years older!). thank you so much. s x
from hissandtell :
aCtually, actually. Oops. x
from hissandtell :
Um, thanks for your comment (I think...) and for dropping by -- but I atually did update, less than a week ago. (Maybe the link you're using is to one of my old entries?) But anyway, if it's rivetingly way-too-long tales you want, there is a new-ish one there just waiting for you. Love, R xxx
from liquid-mojo :
wtf? this is your blog, you write whattever you feel like writing whenever you want to write it and fuck everyone else.
from uncleal :
I guess I will just have to put my note to you here, since you have seemingly locked me out of your journal. And you think I'm a nutjob. Not to mention, I'm not full of myself, I'm happy. Something you will never be, because you live in a sad, sad, world. But I am curious, which entry did you read?
from idontpretend :
Did I mention you're a delusional nutjob? ;D
from idontpretend :
Wow, I just read one of your recent journals, and you are FULL of yourself. Holy shit. Get a life homey. YOu are not all that. Arrogant little r-tard. People like you need serious help.
from idontpretend :
You're also a delusional nutcase and an armchair psychologist. You don't know me, therefore, when you give me all this 'sage advice', it's completely useless. You're nutty as a loon, and you need some serious psychological help. Your notes are a pathetic plea for attention. You came into my diary, and started posting your nutball remarks. I was polite at first, hoping you would simply go away. But people like you just don't get it. You don't know what you're talking about, period. You're completely out of touch with reality. Since you've never been in love, you really need to shut the fuck up. Because if you'd been there, you'd understand what it is I'm saying in my diary. And if you have been in love, then you have some very serious unresolved issues you need to deal with. So get to dealing with them, and fuck off. :D
from idontpretend :
You're a bitter bitch with a stick up your ass. Go pull it out and get a life. ;D
from idontpretend :
You're ignorant, and full of shit. YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT. I'm not even going to bother replying, because you're completely ignoring most of what I have to say. You ARE cynical, jaded, and rude to the max. My gawd, what the hell is your problem? For your info, I DO have friends you ignorant fuck. Friends that are far more understanding and in touch with reality than you are. You have absolutely no clue what you're talking about.
from idontpretend :
Ok, let me spell it out for you. YOU ARE IGNORANT. I KNOW I have to find happiness in myself, that I need to heal from within, blahblahblah. I'm not asking for help, because I don't need it. What I need is friends. Not assholes telling me to pull my head out of my ass. I know I have issues stemming from the shit she did to me. I'm not ignorant to my own fucking situation. You're an ignorant ASSHOLE for assuming I need your kind of 'help'. My diary isn't a cry for help. I'm not writing my entries, asking for people to give me the answers. My diary is my way of venting all the shit that's going on inside me. It's part of my therapy. IT'S A VERY SMALL WINDOW INTO MY SOUL, INTO WHO I AM, FULLY, AS A PERSON, AND YOU SEEM TO THINK THAT BY READING MY DIARY, YOU KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT ME. THAT IS WHY YOU ARE AN IGNORANT FOOL. So fuck off already. Jesus.
from idontpretend :
lmao, if you knew what you were talking about, I would actually be pissed right now. But in reality, I'm just shaking my head, because you're ignorant. Period. End of story. Keep leaving your ignorant ass notes and comments, they don't prove anything, except that you don't know what you're talking about. And yes, you are jaded and cynical. Look it up. Text book definition.
from idontpretend :
Oh, and my entries are mostly rhetorical. People are free to make comments, but when you cross the line into being an ignorant asshole, then you're gone. Don't like it? Then fuck off.
from idontpretend :
You're confusing 'wisdom' with a jaded and cynical viewpoint. Quit trying to blow smoke up my ass.
from awittykitty :
I think Happy People don't journal because they're off having a full and productive life. But us Unhappy People are more than happy (heh!) to tell the cyber-world what the hell is wrong with everyone and everything. Maybe you should call your website If you ever get famous on that name I expect a small residual, like maybe a cookie or something. :-)
from liquid-mojo :
woah, how long have you been prego? i thought we were practicing safe sex that one night. O.o ;) seriously though, it's tough to lose a friend, especially when there's no solid reason other than you have managed to drift or grow apart and it just isn't the same anymore. After my best friend Ray died (which was tough in of itself) I slowly lost contact with all the friends we were tight with. It's almost if our friendships died with him. It sucks really.
from liquid-mojo :
HAHA! Awesome line. :)
from t85225 :
How about now? ahhh.... no. Hope you kept a backup copy of your template! :P
from liquid-mojo :
I was thinking of building a blood elf paladin or warlock but i'll need the expansion first and a reliable internet connection. =p
from spazs :
Awww, you so sweet. I wanna bite your ass to thank you!
from t85225 :
hey... you still with us?
from haloaskew :
Oh best get your cavities filled! I let one go in the early 90's (both me and my parents were broke) and wound up having TWO ROOT CANALS (5 years apart) on that one tooth. The second root canal was done because I developed a massive infection. I felt like I'd been shot in the face. Worst pain I've ever had. Long story, but I was sick as a DOG for nearly two weeks. I still rue the day I decided to blow off getting that cavity filled. And even with insurance later on, it's costed me 10 times what a filling would've of. Not to mention all the money I spent on crowns! I would go through 100 cavity fillings if I could be spared the pain of that whole root canal experience. And just so you know: the root canals themselves were not nearly as bad as I'd feared. It was that goddamn infection that knocked my ass backwards. So please get to the dentist before it's too late. Do it for me. Do it for yourself. Do it for the children. ;)
from beagle47 :
re: " no parenthesis." thank you. i like your explanation. i wondered (to myself) "could it be that he is suggesting that death is no pause or break or digression" suggesting that "you cannot separate life from death: they are, together, human existence as a whole, thus neither are parenthesis." however, i am no scholar, friend. thanks for the thought(s). poetry and life are mystery, aren't they?
from haloaskew :
Yay! I'm so happy that you gave notice! Good for you! (But how come you gave it six months in advance?)
from liquid-mojo :
I think you may be onto something with the roomate idea. I think it would be good if you kind of knew the person and got along with him or her before you actually become roommates, but given a person of normal emotional stability, I'd say having a new roomate is a great way to build a new friendship. As for me being your roommate, I'm totally looking for a change in venue in terms of living arrangement. I'm kinda stuck in the Chicago area though due to work and school so if you aren't already living around here then you may have to find someone more local. :)
from liquid-mojo :
Sometimes just being there as a friend and offering that shoulder to lean on is enough. You may not be able to solve her problems or snap your fingers and make the pain go away, but having the support of a friend can help in more ways than one could possibly imagine.
from poolagirl :
Beets make you barf? Wow!
from poolagirl :
OMG! You like Mystery Science Theatre too? We need to have our DNA checked for cross matches.
from t85225 :
shoot me an email... addy is t_85225 at yahoo dot com ... I'll fix ya up with a reading list :)
from t85225 :
hehehehehe.... before you jump off the side of the subbie pool and into the deep end... consider exploring being a bottom, rather than a slave. Slaves are, for the most part, born and not 'made'. At times you discover that you've always been one... but more often than not, it's the kink that excites and nothing more. If you would like a list of appropriate reading material, give me a shout :) Oh... and you man CAN learn to be a top!
from t85225 :
Thanks for running your banner, I'm really enjoying reading. Ain't voyeurism grand?
from carmfoley :
serious issue call me before you go to fla....please...ex husband issue
from poolagirl :
Why, thank you for stopping by my diary! AAARGGHHH!
from carmfoley :
where ya movin to? <3
from carmfoley :
I WANT TO SHOOT POOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AND JON WAS OUT TIL 4:30 AM SO HE OWES ME A NIGHT OUT!!!!!!!!!
from liquid-mojo :
I visit diaryland from work from time to time as well, so I know what you mean, it's a very easy way to be unproductive at work. =p Anyway, thanks for stopping by and leaving a note. I'll be sure to check out your diary as well. Interesting commentary about the "attractive ovulating women" article btw. =p
from carmfoley :
congrats on the job...i was thinking about u and that time when u googled yourself so i did it and i found u lol
from uncleal :
I'm just checking to find out how this notes thingy works. thanks

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