messages to utter-bunkum:
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from akbeki :
Sorry it has taken me a while to get back to you. Yeah, I have the new JF album. :) It is, in a word, brilliant. John is so diverse. Shadows has slightly rock style songs in 'Second Walk' and then completely mellow, with the instrumental '23 go into end'. Highlights for me though are Cut-out, In Relief and Time Goes Back. You should definately get it soon, if you can. Though Niandra is still my favourite. But then, that album is up there with Grace and BloodSugarSexMagik as one of my all time favourites. :)
from akbeki :
John Frusciante is brilliant. Thank you for responding. I thought my last post may have weirded you out a little.
from akbeki :
Sorry if this is really weird, but I found your diary from a search I did on John Frusciante. So, i have been wandering round, and I just have to say this, you have brilliant taste in music. John Frusciante, Jeff Buckley and the Clash. Perfect. Sorry if this is a bit bizarre. beki
from valkyrie1223 :
Hey I was browsing and happen to come across your diary and me being the boring girl with no life deicided to read it. I know what you mean when you get caught up in bitching about guy's etc. That seems to be all my diary consists of and the high school drama that doesn't actually deserve the title "drama" lol but i guess i'm your average teenager that thinks their world is the center of the universe. I hope you hear back from Craig even if you get a nasty letter back its gotta suck not knowing. Well i'll let you get back to your life and i'll quit bugging you. Nickki Ps. I hope uglyslobgirl has an unfortunate accident down the stairs lol jk

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