messages to vesselland:
(click here to add new message):

from raven72d :
love these... do write more.
from modernpsycho :
where did you go?
from moretoolife :
Tiger Where are you at? No children No beach house and the grass doesn't go all the way to the ocean Marco
from aesthetica87 :
yeah thats me. heh . thanx. xox have a lovely day.
from aesthetica87 :
im not all that sure about what pic your exactly talking about. but it quite possibly might be me. thanks anyway .
from cematinla :
thank you : )
from chaosbean :
i really like the picture on your diary.
from anahcra :
hey thanks for the note! Yeah, you're probably right.. but i'm counting the weeks as they pass by waiting for the end of the 3rd one so that I can start living normally. As if that's all it takes to get settled! hey I'm actually getting better at these headstands.. the only problem is.. what do you do when you think you're going to fall backwards? eee
from warmbit :
hooray for autumn
from warmbit :
hello. i just restarted my diary. no password needed. welcome.
from anahcra :
thank you. i'm starting to read yours as well. my friend nick wanted me to hear "need new body"... maybe he'll make me a copy
from chiv :
Oh, gosh, thank you... unless I'm missing the sarcasm, in which case you're mean. I'd stay longer, but I have to go die of dehydration.
from whystinger :
Hey, rambling is good! we all need to ramble from time to time....
from bluechicken :
hey, this is dina from i got your neato photo-postcard in february and then got buried in schoolwork. i will be taking up pcx next week again so expect something in the mail. meanwhile, saw your entry about anthro- in my anthro class last semester we covered all the topics you mentioned. i did my final paper on tibet and how they have virtually no freedom under chinese rule. cheers!
from happyhigh :
im satisfied, yes.. that is strange tho.. im glad i have ur words to read now.
from happyhigh :
umm.. who are you? and what has changed?
from astera :
i'm sorry it's taken me so long to reply!! i don't so much update at diaryland as sort of do a random haunting every few weeks :)thankyou so much for your kind words, i shall also be stopping by!!
from theearthfish :
You are on my favorite list. I just haven't had time, where are you? Take care
from sleepystorm :
(i still cant stop reading you) x
from jasonishated :
that's cool...hope ya had a kickass birthday. I kinda have a sucks...:-\
from jasonishated :
have a kickass birthday!
from modernpsycho :
happy birthday! i hope there are many more sunny days to come.
from jasonishated :
hey whats up? I added you to my favorites now. I didn't know how, but I figured it out. but yeah, I have to go to school soon...:-\ so I'll talk to ya later
from sleepystorm :
somehow, stumbling across this place you have here, and i cant stop reading. beautiful. x
from adreamofsky :
I just posted pretty much everything that I have to say about the whole affair on my diary. You can contact me if you have any more questions, I guess, but I really don't know what I have to add to what's been said. She lied. A lot. The only person who may know why is...her. And I'm not sure she knows, really.
from influence :
Please see my last few entries for info on what happened to bluering.
from bluephonic :
it really isn't that great a story. =) No, i'll get it to you. Sorry. I have heaps of time also.
from jasonishated :
hey whats up? it's all you been? not too bad here...except for parents reading over my shoulder....gonna go, email me. peace
from monks :
Vesselland, I'm pained to read that you are suffering from a major case of indecision. My advise is to read though some of your old entries. You always seem to land on your feet, make the right choice. Do you not?? I think you will make the right choice again so try not to stress okay. Keep smiling
from kirlianstate :
thank you very much, thank you very much, thank you very much. oh no i am not going to say mr roboto.. that was awfully kind of you say such good things about my diary. you are not so bad yourself. I like your user name. Vessel.. it begins with a V. there are not too many V words out there are there. and now I should shut up before you think I am nuts.. you rock as well, k-state
from bluephonic :
(Not that composing it will take that much time; it's just a matter of getting the motivation. =)
from bluephonic :
Give me some time to compose it; it's kind of long (or else it's short but pointless).
from bluephonic :
Sorry, can't disclose anything in a public medium. =) I could email you if you're really dying to know, though
from theearthfish :
It's not, when are you going to email me? Kermit
from theearthfish :
It's not, when are you going to email me? Kermit
from modernpsycho :
i just wanted to tell you how much i enjoy reading your diary!
from valkang :
HI. Thanks for your nice note. Val
from bluephonic :
Wow, thanks. Though maybe it's not intended to be that impenetrable. =)
from lexly :
I watched the movie also. I want to see Lost in translation. I haven't been reading very much either. I am trying to finish Dune. Have you seen lost in translations?
from lexly :
Thanks for leaving a note. I'm reading Virgin Suicide. I was reading a little bit of Middlesex but didn't have time to dig in. It was a library book...keep in touch.
from go-go-gonin :
me? did the uni thing for 5+1/2 years [and perhaps some more to come yet]. now i'm unemployed and dirt poor in Wellington, New Zealand. planning to travel but that requires money, which requires a job. oh well, these things must be done. good luck in Melbourne.
from theearthfish :
Because I have been busy, I will put you on. Take Care, kermit
from go-go-gonin :
hey, thanks for the note! i came home feeling kinda sad so it was nice to get yr note. so you're in Germany at the moment but going to Melbourne soon, is that right?? [i only read a handful of entries and couldn't quite figure out the full story]. alright, bye now.
from this1rainbow :
No problem...
from tonightsleep :
thank you, i enjoy your writing as well. take care-
from theearthfish :
I want you to email me more often [email protected]
from roboticide :
thanks for the encouraging words but as of now i'm done with this thing. unless life presents me with some new adventures you won't be hearing from me anytime soon.
from theearthfish :
where do you live? Tell me, tell me, tell me
from theearthfish :
I am glad you concure. I would like to talk to you more about life and philosophies and what not. Kermit Thanks for the entry
from jasonishated :
cool. my friend is from cologne(?). what's your email?
from jasonishated :
no I haven't read it. I will look for it next time I go to the library though. where in germany do you live?
from jasonishated :
okay I think I get it now...
from jasonishated :
what was that about evasion? and you're from germany? my friend is here from germany for a year
from stundesign :
no problem.
from laswell :
thank you. for your interest you should check out more of my journal it might help you find some new discoveries and visit new vistas. you will i ensure it let me know what you think. peace
from swimmmer72 :
thanks for the visit and the note! i read a little bit of your life and it sounds interesting. i'll be back. :)
from happyhigh :
hi, i was reading through ur journal.., felt the need to let u know..., u have such long entries.. i dont know how u do it.... keep it up!
from hugzo :
hey there! u left a note in my diary so i wanna say hi :) ur posts are so much longer and better thought out then mine :P everyone complains about mine
from peppermint-t :
hey dude, Just read your last couple of entries. Thought I'd point out a little mistake in your diary. You said "at least you didn't steal glasses from cheezy bars and gloria jeans coffee mugs." I beg to differ.... who stole the frost bars glass????! who??? I wonder.... (ha!)
from broomesunset :
Tiger Princess you are a GODDESS Marco

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