messages to vintgequeen:
(click here to add new message):

from vintgequeen :
from budget204 :
Hi, I really like your diary and I want the password!! Yay!!
from dark-kittie :
just dropping by to give you a hug! *hug*
from sweetjane116 :
it's awesome that you like bright eyes. conor is my god. seriously.
from kb8 :
Hi-Will you take my survey?
from bonitababy :
Hey, I've been reading your diary. I sorta know how you feel. I go out with this boy that I love, and I tell him, but the thing is that I don't think he loves me as much as he should, or as much as I love him. Well, before I creep you out( too late right ) I want to tell you to keep up the good work. Oh yeah, check out my diary, and leave me a message or something. thanks. bye
from coeval :
Angelina, hey, so it's been while...Thanks for the messages and sorry it's taken so long to get back with you. Hope things are going good with you. I havn't been on as much lately, and havn't touched my diary for awhile, but I would still like to read yours when I get the chance. I was thinking about one of your entries that I had read while ago. I was meaning to comment on it but never did. It was of a dream you had I think. Anyway it was really good. You should write a novel. hehehe Well, I'm out...take Care!
from sillymarquis :
I loved your diary so much that I'm adding it to my list of favourites. You also have some supremely fabulous taste in movies, too.
from nodoubtgirl7 :
hey~ I have a new diary..pinkygirl727 check it out sometime! ~lex~
from solo-star :
the template? it's in lissy hun
from ballett99 :
hey im new to diaryland and i was wondering how u got the whole layout and drop down menu and it just the html thing??? u can e-mail me @ [email protected] and let me know! thanks
from shawntasy :
Welcome to The Used diaryring. :o)
from deadblckrose :
happy christmas [even though its a day late. but it still counts!] but thanks for the encouragment, I needed it. ♥♥
from hobbitmuser :
merry Christmas! i wish you merriment and much hobbiday cheer, from one lotrsister to another. *God bless us, everyone* ~Taya
from clauren :
HEy. I another great new layout for you. It is fab and great. I was checking in to wish you a Merry Christmas eve as well as a Merry Christmas......
from sillyralph :
hey. thanks for joining the jazz band ring.
from heidiann :
Another yummy design. =)
from a-lost-gurl :
hey hey.. i thought "what the heck" i'll write ya a note too... you were the 1st person to write one in mine and the last.. lol.. thank you for readin my diary.. ha, never thought i'd ever say that one. no one else seems to do so.. i'm not worried about that.. but it's good to see ppl leavin me lil notes **grins** well have a great today
from solo-star :
lol i love snow days. i change my layout way to often, i know. but there's just too many nice things to chose just one!! oh well, at least i'm not going through guys like that! your very very lucky to have will, and he's lucky to have you. my best wishes go out to you guys
from solo-star :
lol thank you hun!
from solo-star :
i love her hair too. i don't think that look would work on me though. my birhtday's tomorow!! rock on me!
from solo-star :
that was a beautiful entry
from deepnside :
still reading?
from apexsensatin :
Thanks for joining the eaten-entry diaryring. You totally rock.
from hobbitmuser :
hehe, you remind me so much of my friend katie.
from clauren :
Hey thanks so much for writing that note. I appreciate it. When I sign up for my guestbook, I sign it up as clauren7532...Crazy..I forgot to leave my guestbook thing. To be honest I check my notes more then anything else....Snow on the 31st? Did you get it? I just love snow...and finally I show my appreicate for that and snowman with a snowman diaryring......I can't wait for it to stick.....Thanks again for my note!!!!!
from solo-star :
thank you very much for the note. it made me feel much better. :)
from a-lost-gurl :
thx for the note.. 1st one i got **grins** keep in touch.. i'll be throwing some more poems up there every now and then.. tell me watchu think
from irishgirl112 :
hello, thanks for the note.....yeah the stars are pretty cool, i stole them from someone else's page ....i tried to copy and paste the html bit you need to put on your page to make them work so you could try them out if you wanted but i'm using a fuckin macintosh and i don't know how to copy and paste with it...stoopid macs
from glitterscars :
Oops, tard me. Sorry hon! xx
from glitterscars :
*confuzzled* What page is the code for the cantdrive ring on hon? xx
from albinoqueen :
hey! Thanks for the note! I never had any until I joined the LotR sisters--and now I have tons! You gals are great! Thanks for the comments about the date--I'm happy too! He's soo sweet(but then, if you've read me, you've heard me gush like a teeny-bopper...) hehe. Ohh I haven't seen Velvet Goldmine yet, but Ewan McGregor is definatly an awsome actor! (and dang fine to boot!) hehe Okay, I"m outta here. *Hugs* *Jamie
from weetzie-bat7 :
thanks for the note. i am still new at this diaryland thing and it's good to know someone is reading. i like your entries...i bet we were really close in another life...perhaps we were both cats, eh? anyhow thanks for the lovin'. it made my day. *weetz
from cat-alogue :
The neck cracking thing is definately not natural! That reminds me of this girl who used to sit in front of me in my Chem class. She used to turn her body half-way around and crack her spine on both sides! Arr! I noticed you added me to your fav lists *grins* but you spelt cat-alogue wrong so it doesn't link back to me. :) Cat.
from dernhelm :
Your guestbook still says I didn't fill out all of the required areas, but I DID! Grrr. Hmph. Anyway, hello! I found you through the LOTR sisters ring, plus you like Moulin Rouge, and Amelie, and Romeo and Juliet (which version?). I always love finding someone who shares some of my interests. I'll be back to read your poetry and other writings.
from deadblckrose :
(p.s. thank you. you make me feel loved.)more love. Erin.
from deadblckrose :
(come on now, you have to admit, their are MUCH better writers than me. i'm just trying to lay all my stuff out for you guys to know. i wish my english teacher would say i could write. he didn't seem to like it... oh well. fuck him.) much love. Erin.
from glitterscars :
Yup, it's in your profile, and now you know it's one of those I daresay it's pretty easy for you to work out which one I am. But shhhh! :)
from glitterscars :
Hi babe, thanks for the reccommendation to favediaries - it made my holiday! One question though - how did you find my secret diary? Or do you even know she is me?
from clauren :
Thank you so much.....I receive in my guestbook that you said that one of my surveys is one of the best........I am so humble and so appreciated. Coming from one of my favs. diarys to read.....It is so nice....Thank you so much.
from coeval :
Angelina, man I was reading your poem Obsessions again. It's so good. I was wondering if I could put that in my diary. It explains alot for me right now...
from alwaysdazed :
I'm fairly new at this whole diary thing. You're the first note I've gotten so far, just wanted to say thanks! You have an awesome diary yourself! Take care! Tanya
from crepeguru :
Hi! Thanks for filling out my survey. Your answers were very thought out and sometimes funny (a good thing).
from sugarkiss :
hey! i thought id leave a note, because you signed my guestbook, i like your diary lotz, im going have msn?
from emokid09 :
i just wanted to say thanks for adding me to your favorite's..refering to stolen-rain that is, but i also write in this diary...i write in this diary more than the other one...take care!
from jenne1017 :
Thanks for listing me as a fav! :o)
from sweetjane116 :
hey! thanks for the tip on changing my template.
from colorkitten :
hey, thanks for the compliments on my page. must admit, that a friend, dust, designed it. there's a link to his page at the bottom of mine. i look forward to reading your diary.
from darcyargue :
welcome to the no doubt cult. :)
from cleopatra19 :
Hey! I tried to sign your guest book but it wouldn't let me! :-( Anyhow thanks for stopping by to read my diary! Also thanks for the compliments about my layout! I've been looking around for some and I really liked that one! I think I'll keep it for a while before I ask someone to design something else for me! Oh yeah and for the record... After work today my friend and I got mobbed by homeless people again today... She gave them 2 dollars but I had nothing this time so I didn't feel so bad about turning them down! Oh yeah and don't feel bad about the driver's test thing.. I failed my learner's once and my regular once before I finally got my license.. The examiner was an @$$ for me too! I think it's always like that! Oh well good luck with it tomorrow and happy reading! ~Liz~
from vintgequeen :
hey again! I was looking at your diary, and it's really good so far! rstemplates is a great place to look for templates. If you want a guestbook, you can go to and follow the directions (it's pretty easy). If you have any specific questions I'm here! *hugs*
from pink-n-punky :
Hiya :o) Thanx for leaving me a note at my diary...if ur still willing to help me with my HTML then i'll gladly take u up on the offer!! I'm getting there, slowly but surely, but it's going to drive me mad!! Oh, btw, as well as us both being Gwenabe's, i also want to be a writer when i'm older, and my boyfriend's also called Will lol!!
from unlucky13 :
thanx for joining my bittersweet diaryring. you rock!
from aviclark :
Thanks for joining the Aragorn diaryring! :)
from rstemplates :
hiya, sorry it took me so long to reply.. been busy as F!@k, so I couldn't but anyways all you have to do is put all your rings on an entry page. Than at the botton under description put "Rings" and under that put "rings" *note*: do not put a capital. If you kept the URLS the same as the design ones this should work. IF all else fails feel free to give me a shout or a temporary pword and I'll do it for you. *hugs* HonestJewel
from glitterscars :
May I have the privalege of leaving you your first note?! Such exceptional taste in men you have my dear. Although I'll have you know Mr Duchovny is in fact mine :p Ten episodes until he returns!!

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