A Separate Lid Behind Closed Eyes

If this were your life, you'd be home by now.

I decided to use Gemma Hayes lyrics in the profile this time. Enjoy!

My favorite diaries:

thediastema profile - diary
comments: "I let a good thing go."
bluering profile - diary
comments: "Well we never really said goodbye/Kinda left it in the air" (updated 11/20/21)
mrsensitive profile - diary
comments: "And so I thought I better leave this place."
agoatnamedaz profile - diary
comments: "Yeah you make my world all right"
yippy-skippy profile - diary
comments: "We've said so little, I'd go so far as to call you a friend."
firestarfae profile - diary
comments: "I got myself a second chance."
dedemwe profile - diary
comments: "Please don't stray so far from me."
widower profile - diary
comments: "Today I ran for miles, just to see what I was made of."
adilee profile - diary
comments: Got a cross of Jesus around my neck, hoping he'll help me find my way."
petrichor profile - diary
comments: "Today I ran for all that was mine."
pharinet profile - diary
comments: "Today we didn't mind, too busy making the rain shine"
undecidedme profile - diary
comments: "Traded a heart for a bullet and a mind for a gun."
chemstress profile - diary
comments: "We cannot stop the wheel, so let's just enjoy the ride."

My favorite music:

that dog.
comments: "I've never given back to you/all the shame you've put me through."
Rachael Yamagata
comments: "And it'll be just as quiet when you leave."
Rilo Kiley
comments: "You say I choose sadness, that it never once has chosen me...maybe you're right."
KT Tunstall
comments: "You're like a paper airplane that never seems to land."
comments: "One foot in the grave, but I've got two foot on the pavement."

My favorite movies:

The Breakfast Club
comments: You just have to include it, like it or not.
Can't Hardly Wait
comments: I named my cat Brianne. Much better than Samantha.
Pretty In Pink
comments: Because in real life, the geek never gets the girl.
Anywhere But Here
comments: I didn't think I could be a Natalie Portman fan.
Hoop Dreams
comments: You'll probably like it. Sports fan or not.

My favorite authors:

Jason Taylor
comments: I'm kidding, I'm kidding.
Lorrie Moore
comments: The number one reason I'd go to college in Wisconsin.
David Sedaris
comments: Visits twice in the last year. Did I go? No.

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last updated: 2023-04-04 21:52:37
this user's total entries: 1052
user since: 2001-04-05

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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