Diastema, the.

Disclaimer: I do not necessarily condone all of the behaviour described herein. That goes for my behaviour especially.

I do, however, condone the following diaries.

My favorite diaries:

andshewas profile - diary
andrew profile - diary
androydegirl profile - diary
apexsensatin profile - diary
arriyah profile - diary
azazoth profile - diary
badgrammar profile - diary
bayliss profile - diary
binzey profile - diary
blowtorch profile - diary
bn2b profile - diary
captionthis profile - diary
constable profile - diary
dialectical profile - diary
duckfoil profile - diary
eon profile - diary
feetintheair profile - diary
get-a-grip profile - diary
hot-topic profile - diary
jamayia profile - diary
jesuscrust profile - diary
kissacod profile - diary
libbylynn profile - diary
localaura profile - diary
m-1967 profile - diary
modernlove profile - diary
motherlode profile - diary
mornglory profile - diary
oddgoogle profile - diary
onea profile - diary
orewane profile - diary
petite-bijou profile - diary
pharinet profile - diary
purefiction profile - diary
rebecca profile - diary
shlippy profile - diary
silverangelz profile - diary
soch profile - diary
socio-eco profile - diary
mai-liis profile - diary
toejam profile - diary
tones profile - diary
torchy profile - diary
thunderdave profile - diary
turtleguy profile - diary
woweezowee profile - diary
waterstain profile - diary
arquene profile - diary
booknoser profile - diary
hotmonkeysex profile - diary
darklily profile - diary
maidofspades profile - diary
tiendasexo profile - diary
laughercurve profile - diary
krazyfox profile - diary
adwhore profile - diary
bobmcgoogle profile - diary

My favorite music:

The Police
comments: I have a thing for blond guys.
comments: I have a thing for Haligonians.
Aimee Mann
comments: I have a thing for wordsmiths.
Barenaked Ladies
comments: I have a thing for the NDP.
The Sundays
comments: I have a thing for literate schmaltz.

My favorite movies:

Drowning Mona
comments: Well, I've never been to Verplanck, New York, but I kind of like the music.
comments: The best political popcorn you never saw.
That Thing You Do!
comments: Someone has to like it.
The Breakfast Club
comments: I was Ally Sheedy. Which one were you?
The Wrong Guy
comments: Thanks, Melissa.

My favorite authors:

Anton Chekhov
Barbara Kingsolver
Sarah Bunting
comments: www.tomatonation.com
Spider Robinson
Andrew Smales
comments: No, I'm not just doing this to ingratiate myself. I'm also doing this to creep him out.

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last updated: 2004-05-22 14:35:34
this user's total entries: 524
user since: 2001-02-27

AOL IM name: etobicoke0104
ICQ number: pi
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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