messages to webmiss:
(click here to add new message):

from coldandgray :
Hey There! Now that I am trying to get back into the swing of things, i am hitting raod blocks. I can't seem to get into your word press site anymore, what gives? Hope all has been well with you & I look forward to catching up.
from planet-maxx :
Hey Chicka, I'm not giving out passwords. Dland is going to be my personal venting space, so that I can write whatever and not offend anybody. I'm trying to get back to writing for myself I'm also in the process of turning to the dark side. ( WP ).
from planet-maxx :
Nope - the rings were very real. I thought that was it Wednesday evening. But we're still battling on...
from planet-maxx :
Ooooo goodie - a song to write. I do have a wordpress account ( although I don't use it ), but I'm assuming you still have to 'allow' me in.
from planet-maxx :
Hey you, can't seem to get to either of your diaries today, what's all that about ?? I don't think Veronica thinks our problems are serious enough to see a councillor, I think she's still very much in denial. She's trying to get me to understand that there will no more me time if / when a kid arrives, we have to be together all the time to help out, and I'm sorry but I don't understand, because it should be for us to support each other and give the other some me time surely ??. Isn't that how it's supposed to work ?? I despair - I really do LOL...
from fuck-buddy :
oh hey I didn't mean to sound like I was haing a go. I love the fact you found this lurking here, and I do love you helping me explore my life. I think that is the key here though. It really doesn't seem to bother her, and she thinks that our sexual behaviour is completely normal. The problem I find is that I want herr to WANT to have sex, not just have sex because she thinks I need more, ya know ?? It should be a natural thing. If the want isn't there from both sides, then it ain't gonnna work. It's just VERY frustrating sometimes...
from fuck-buddy :
you really think I haven't tried ? Must be me though eh ??
from megsworld2 :
usually, I get cold sores when I'm really stressed out. use to be over assignments, sometimes about my mom, usually it was over a guy. freaky, huh?
from planet-maxx :
Thnx WM. It'll be ok, I just had to step back and slow things down in my head before I really hurt and lost someone I care about very very deeply...
from planet-maxx :
Did someone mention cake ??? MMmmmmm yum yum. Happy Birthday ya young wipper snapper LOL...
from janedoe0 :
Hey WebMiss, seeing as I don't know if tomorrow means today, because I don't get notifications of notes...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIIIIIIIIRTHDAY DEAR WEBMISS, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUUUU! I hope that you have a wonderful day and that the rest of the year and the years to come will hold only beautiful things (Such as men in uniforms...LOL Joking) and all the happiness that you truely deserve! Remember that somewhere in South Africa someone will be thinking of you and sending a thousand cyber hugs your way! And also cyber cake! =)
from janedoe0 :
Oh and I forgot to say that I think a joint party is a good idea! =) lol I'll have a piece of cake for you! ((HUGS))
from janedoe0 :
Heya WM! My birthday is the 12th on this month. In 6 days. =) lol When is your birthday?
from planet-maxx :
you know - if I wasn't so good humoured ( r maybe just plain dumb ), I could get a real complex. I'm obsessive, my life is a great example of what NOT to do, and NOW I'm into cross dressers !!!! What did I ever do to you ?? LMAO...
from janedoe0 :
Yeah, how does one fake Christmas dinner?
from tampaxofdoom :
WoW is a highly addictive computer game...also called world of warcraft.
from planet-maxx :
Hmm - so my blog's become a what Not to do in relationships huh ?? I should be concerned about that shouldn't I ?? LOL, but yes if I didn't think she would throw a hissy fit everytime I wanted to do something without her, I'd tell her a lot more. I wouldn't mind, but the grief isn't like even a week long, it's forever. I still get stuff thrown at me that I did or said 12 - 15 years ago. I'm constantly having to watch what I say or do, so I tend to just end up telling her what she wants to hear. It's a hard habit to break...
from planet-maxx :
You feelin any better yet ?? and how exactly does one fake christmas dinner ??
from planet-maxx :
yeah - me thinks early xmas present is the way its gonna go. V's mum loves me to bits, and she'll be dead upset if I just went out and bought one myself, and knowing her she'll just turn up with one day !! hehehe - can't argue with that can I ??
from dulligirl :
I'm back!
from planet-maxx :
Hey kidda. Ta for the vote of confidence on the pictures, hopefully got some more later from our trip to Bournemouth yesterday. Sadly no word from the Vampster since Friday. She doesn't have her phone in hospital, so all I can do is wait for a mail. I hope she's ok...
from planet-maxx :
Yeah - I'm easily pleased LOL. And I guess all it takes to improve my mood is 5'5" and answers to the name of Vampy ;o)
from planet-maxx :
Ahh - now there's the problem. A Good photographer. Why do you think we took 800 !!! LOL. I read a little of your entry, and it's sound like you had a...aherm...great time... ;o)
from planet-maxx :
Yeah yeah I know - update - I will I promise. The week was good, feels like I've been off work for a month !! Took over 800 photos - so I've got to plough through those and post a few decent ones up. Did I miss any drama ??
from tampaxofdoom :
Yeah I do a monthly exam. They haven't been as bad lately though. So yay!
from janedoe0 :
Hey WebMiss, I have moved my blog to a new home. :) Please email me and I will forward the new addy. I hope your trip is going well! HUGS [email protected]
from planet-maxx :
Am I high maintainence ??? I don't quite know how to take that LOL... I don't think so. I certainly won't self destruct. Well....not through the lack of doing anything. Maybe through the fact that I won't be able to contact my baby, but I'm sure I'll find a way. I'll post some piccies when I get back. It's very tranquill down there, which is just perfec. If it was just me, I could go sit on a bench overlooking the sea with a book, from sun up to sun down everyday. But V gets bored very quickly, so we'll have to find places to go. Also got to find places to eat. Again, I'm not really fussy, but for some strange reason ( Hmmmmm ) we tend to struggle to find decent places to eat down there...
from tampaxofdoom :
it was sort of awkward since I don't really like the guy...he's kind of a dick. The classes reaction was funny though. lol it was like, a collective gasp.
from planet-maxx :
LMAO shoulda video'd it yeah, that would be have been real entertaining I'm sure. I told V I scraped my knuckles playing tennis with Mario. Anyway, take care kid, have a good business trip, and a better "other" trip hehehe
from planet-maxx :
Yeah - I know - as said - it was a little 4am madness eh ?? It wouldn't happen anyway, just wishful thinking I guess. I really am trying to get a handle on my emotions and bag them them up again. They drag me down when they're let out. I need to accept that it doesn't get any better, and just get on with my life. Everyone had to compromise right ?? Everyone has to make sacrifices. Mine has to be giving up on a decent sex life, 'cos it's never gonna happen. Get over it, move on...
from planet-maxx :
*puts on his bestest Scooby voice* - Well Raggy I really laid into Vamps yesterday. So uncalled for. I get very frustrated that she says she wishes I was with her, etc etc, and says she means it, but actually when it comes to the crunch she won't go the next step. See I would, I love her, and I'd want her to see how much I love her - to hold her, look her in the eyes and tell her I love her, but she won't do it, and it sometimes leaves me feeling like what do we really have ?? anything ? nothing ? If it's nothing why does it feel more real to me sometimes than what I have with V ?? I get really screwed up. And so the night before last I lost it a little. Sad thing is, she gets me so completely. So I don't think she was mad at me for saying things, just disappointed in me maybe. That I would question how she feels, that I would think it wasn't as hard for her. It makes me sad, because I don't think she has as long left as the rest of us, and I just want her to be happy. But I guess if just having me around makes her happy, then I should be happy she's happy right ??
from janedoe0 :
Hahahaha - well if I made you pee trying to decpiher what I wrote, then you made me pee seeing what you came up with. LOL You got some of it right I'd say some of it was translated too directly from the words. :) Like baie you said very and it could also mean Lots. So that was Lots of hugs. I'll write what I wrote in my next entry. I had fun. I should do that at least once a week. hahahahahaha!
from janedoe0 :
*waves to vamps and maxx below* Hey WB!!! :)) Thanks for the comment over at my place, I will definately take those suggestions into consideration. HUGSSSSSSSSSSSS
from planet-maxx :
Hell, I met Veronica when you were just 10 !!!!! LMAO - how old does that make ME feel LOL ....
from hadassah :
It's really just in retaliation to someone doing something dumb to me? How are you doing these days?
from hungryvamp :
Hi Webmiss nice to meet you, your welcome to come visit my page anytime
from planet-maxx :
As I'm sure you can tell, I'm a little mixed up and confused right now. Getting out of my relationship with V isn't really something I WANT to do, and it really would be a last resort. But I can't see how I'm gonna get what I want out of our relationship, but it would be unfair of me to go searching somewhere else in order to just "fill the gaps", while I'm still in the relationship. I don't know, I think one of the big problems is that we have very little in common. Certainly doesn't help matters...
from hadassah :
Hi there, fostering is a long process. It was actually my housing that had a problem with the over-crowdedness.Social services had me with five kids plus my three in a 3 bedroom home. It takes some time to get there but in my books it's definately worth it. Foster kids are great.
from planet-maxx :
I had to laugh at your comment about the fag. It's so funny the effect of being in a different country has on the wording of things !! And you know what ?? Apart from maybe one person, for reasons I'm not gonna go into, if I ever got divorced, I'd have to think twice before getting married again. I think you're right in that without the bonds of marriage, there's more reason to keep things alive. You're more likey to be there 'cos you wanna be there, not because you're legally obliged to be....
from janedoe0 :
I had a good giggle at your comment about the tats. What did you get and where?? It did surprise me too to be honest, the whole parents thing. They are so close minded about some stuff, and yet, other things that I thought they would really freak out about is no big deal to them. Like the tattoo. And yes, I still smoke. :) I never quit after that. I know I should. It's just so damn good! LMAO! HUGS, Love reading your diary and thanks for always commenting. :)
from planet-maxx :
ARRRGGG - it's not PINK - it's purple LMAO - and it's only temporary as my other template was driven from one of my web sites that I no longer have - and I can't it back - So I'm in the process of designing myself a new one, but it's not ready yet. As to why I'm still married to V - what can I say - I love her, despite everything, and it's mostly my fault. To keep her happy and stop her having a hissy fit, I've spent the last 10 to 15 years telling her what she wants to hear, and I guess I've kinda created a fake me. There's a combination of things that have made me start to want more out my life ( not least my gorgeous Vamps ), and so I trying desperatley not to surpress the real me. Unfortunately V thinks the fake me is the real me, and that I've now become ( or becoming ) a different person. Marriage to V is being together, you got married because you wanted to spend the rest of your life together no ?? So to choose anything over her is a sign that I don't want to be with her, and therefore I don't love her anymore, and so why did we get married. I'm gonna copyright it as V's logic.... LOL
from tampaxofdoom :
oh, and in regards to Alias, I had an imaginary pet/friend/animal named Icarus...he was a flying squirrel...
from tampaxofdoom :
my boyfriend did get me something good to eat....there's this burger joint up here called "J.B's." They have the best burger north of Denver in Colorado, according to almost every newspaper here. lol. But it really is amazing food.
from planet-maxx :
I'm amazed you find my relationship so facinating LOL. But thank you. Actually, whilst I have my temporary template here, the entries that were still knackered are probably now readable. Anyway, to the question of what is V's answer for the lack of sex ?? There is no answer. There is no answer because it's not something we talk about. "that" time of the month lasts about 2 to 2 1/2 weeks ( mostly just the grouchy moods ), and she blames her hormones alot of the time, but won't go and do anything about it. And while she won't admit it, she's quite a "sicky" person. She spends half her life ill in one form or another. So that doesn't usually leave alot of time for bedroom acrobatics. Plus I'm sure she thinks sex is dirty, and forgive me if I go into too much detail here, but anything other than her on top / me on top, is just seen as unnatural. I was going for a bit of canine action a couple of months ago, and that stopped things quicker than brewers droop....
from planet-maxx :
I'm kinda guessing you have to ok your comments, cos when it didn't appear I tried again, and got told off !! LOL Ta for the note, whilst not particularly interesting, it is a fairly accurate representation of what's going on in my little brain...
from tampaxofdoom :
I like to live on the wild side, what can I say? Anyway, I usually don't get on the highway on a motorcycle. Yesterday was pretty much the only time I'd ever been on a road that went faster than 30 mph on a motorcycle.
from hadassah :
I think I'm just gonna have to declare personal bankruptcy and start over again. It's not that I want to die it's just that I feel so overwhelmed and honestly I would never kill myself. I would never do that to my children. It's just really tough being a single mom and trying to make ends meet. Thanks for caring.
from hadassah :
I know I just see no way out of this mess.
from janedoe0 :
Hi! Yes, we do have Valentines day, the other two you mentioned we don't have. We have a spring day, and a mother and father's day. Also a womens day. And, ummm, I have NO idea where that lines is from, please tell me? I LOVE it!! LOL
from cardiogirl :
Hey Webmiss! I laughed out loud when you wrote "not if I can help it." I swear I left you one of those off line messages at your other site (about my husband's religion), but it looks like you didn't get it. My hubby was actually born and raised Catholic, but in high school and college sampled alot of other Christian religions. By the time we met (he was 30 when we met) he had migrated back to Catholicism. I was 25 when we met and I did consider myself Catholic, but not really a "practicing" Catholic (I never went to mass, but I did believe in God.) Hubby said it was a nice affirmation that I was Catholic as well. However, his dabbling in other religions has helped him better define what "type" of Catholic he is, for lack of a better word. Both of us have questions, etc., regarding some of the "rules" (again for lack of a better word), but overall Catholicism is what fits best for us. As usual, this is a very long answer to your question, which could have simply been answered: yes, my husband is Catholic.
from tampaxofdoom :
ha ha...that's awesome. I tend to have that effect, it seems on people. So many questions. Recently, because I just left for college, people ask me all about my tattoos. Weird...I know.
from dulligirl :
Thanks for your last comment. I often wish that I lived closer to my internet friends. There are so many people that seem to get me in the virtual world rather than in real life. The times that I've met somebody from online in real life, it's always been a cool experience.
from janedoe0 :
Hahaha!! Yeah, if you want to think I made chocolate muffins then I did! lol I don't want to see anythinh in particular, but it'll have to be something scary or with action. J is quite opposed to chick flicks! And yeah, the Zoo!! I'm so excited! I'll take LOTS of pics so I can show you! It is cold here, but the cold front should pass today, and from there on out it should be a little warmer. This winter has been better than last years', although it still is cold! ((hugs))
from dulligirl :
I haven't gotten a chance to talk to my boss yet since she was off on Thursday and I was off Wednesday and Friday. As for Jim, I think I am trying to give myself a little distance but my feelings are still the same.
from janedoe0 :
Oh, you asked if you sounded out the words I would understand you. Um, well, you can but becuase you just don't know how certain things are pronounced it's gonna sound funny. Like, die (the), you will most probably pronounce it as die (to be dead). It's kind hard to explain. You'd sound funny, but I would understand you. Week in english and Week in afrikaans is spelt the same (and means the same), but pronounced differently.
from dulligirl :
Ah. I thought maybe you'd missed something there. I think the thing with him bringing Alli into these invites is mainly because she's been his g/f for 3 years now and that's just what they do. *shrug* And,yes, their relationship isn't great but they haven't broken up yet.
from janedoe0 :
Hi There. Yeah, he has asked me, and and even nagged a few times, but all 'round he's ok with the fact that I'm not ready.
from dulligirl :
I'm trying to think of which email you are talking about. I know I sent one to him late, late Tuesday talking about a few random things. And then when I IM'd him on Friday he told me his email was not delivering everything people were sending him. But we talked about most of what I had emailed him about.
from janedoe0 :
I guess nothing in particular, I enjoy it for the most part, just so draining sometimes. And to be honest I'm scared. I don't really know what I want to do with my life.
from dulligirl :
You know, I honestly don't have any idea what his answer will be. It seems like anytime I get my hopes up to spend time with him, things don't work out. So I am determined but will probably fail anyway, to not expect the best.
from janedoe0 :
Yeah, sort of like Teekee. Almost like Tipi(the indians little houses) Just with a K in the middle :)
from cardiogirl :
Hey woman, I've been meaning to tell you that Liz ( figured out how to direct her Diaryland entries straight to wordpress. So like you were wanting to do, when someone clicks on your red name here at Diaryland in their buddy list, it re-directs straight to wordpress. Maybe she can help you with the technical side of things.
from my5cents :
I came to visit after your comment on YankeeChick....seems we have been having the same problems with I was so sorry to read your current blog. While it is wonderful that you and your older brother have reconnected; it must be difficult because of the reason. I hope it all works out for everyone involved. I hope you will come visit my blog...if will let you. It wouldn't let me put a comment on your blog....LOL
from cardiogirl :
Hey Webmiss, Twice now I've seen your name in red (meaning you have updated) and I come to your site and find the last entry I read. I have noticed when I add an entry SOMETIMES there is a small box under the entry box that asks "Is this going to be the first entry on a new page?" or something like that. If you do NOT click that box your entry will not show. The strange thing is that the box isn't always there. I wonder if that's what is happening on those new entries. Anyway, I am interesting in hearing more about the flirting guy, but I keep seeing that same entry...
from smedindy :
Thanks for the note! I appreciate it!
from yankee-chick :
Thanks for leaving me a note. I went through and read your entries and a I know what you mean about feeling like you're 'snooping' around when you read other diaries. I felt that way too and was kinda hesitant to leave comments because I didn't want to 'intrude', but that's what D~Land is all about. I really like getting comments and it's disappointing when I don't get many.....guess I'm afraid of offending someone and being erased from their Fave List, but we all need someplace where we can speak freely and this is it! (I hope). Some of us keep a certain amount of anonimity just in case, but I wish I didn't have to. Anyway, keep writing! I gotcha' on my list!
from cardiogirl :
Loved the cubicle song!
from cardiogirl :
Amen, sister. I thought I would write each day and sharpen my writing skills. I did write each day for a while . . . then fell off the wagon. As for sharpening my skills, looks like I need more practice. p.s. enjoyed the treadmill dancing!
from cardiogirl :
Aw shucks, Webmiss. Comments like that are just going to encourage me. No, seriously, thank you for your kind comments. I really do enjoy the feedback. Sometimes I think that's the only reason I write anymore... Welcome to Diaryland, I hope you have fun!
from rabbitwister :
Hello again. Yes, the power of "meeting" other diarylanders is that the the anonymous nature of the venue allows people to talk freely about the problems in their lives as well as their dreams for the future. Writing down the challenges of life can be a catharsis. Good luck with your adventures.
from rabbitwister :
Greetings Webmiss. Yes, it is always a gamble when deciding how much of your life to expose to the world. Chances are you will be able to stay as anonymous as you want to be. Welcome to the invisible world of electronic friends.

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