rants of a barista

I'm a 19-year old college student at the University of Northern Colorado. I am a Secondary Theatre Education major and I used to be and hope to become once again a barista at a local Starbucks. Or another coffee house, perhaps.

My favorite diaries:

miss-bethany profile - diary
comments: uh...she added me? o.O
janedoe0 profile - diary
comments: she got added too? and then added me?
poolagirl profile - diary
comments: i had my car broken into too XD
theturtle profile - diary
comments: peculiar..very very peculiar
dinosaurorgy profile - diary
comments: a dinosaur...orgy...*giggles*
annanotbob profile - diary
comments: remember...ANNA not bob...duuuh. gosh.
fifidellabon profile - diary
comments: fifi..del....la...bon?
geoffchaucer profile - diary
comments: fantastic read :)
acornotravez profile - diary
comments: I love it more than a fat kid loves chocolate...more than M.J loves little fat boys.
webmiss profile - diary
comments: I can't think of anything clever, gah.
razor-vixen profile - diary
comments: I can't think of anything witty...
xdoomkittenx profile - diary
junkmel1 profile - diary
comments: I don't know what to say...that would be...clever.
crowhihs profile - diary
comments: Becky....*points*.....
princesscee profile - diary
college-kid profile - diary
comments: we're both in college? and ramen is quite tasty. yes indeedy.
diary--user profile - diary
comments: Interesting read! ^-^
mechelle420 profile - diary
legolass profile - diary
comments: i don't know what it is - but i enjoy reading this blog!
sasha-gibson profile - diary
comments: she added me and I liked what I read...definitly want to know more...

My favorite music:

john mayer
regina spektor
the white stripes

My favorite movies:

bridget jones's diary
devil wears prada
pride and prejudice

My favorite authors:

j.k rowling
cormac mccarthy
jane austen

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last updated: 2008-06-19 09:19:40
this user's total entries: 175
user since: 2007-06-09

AOL IM name: plzfuxmaifayce
ICQ number:
Yahoo Messenger name: rrcostanzo22
MSN Messenger name: [email protected]

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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