messages to wellnessplan:
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from joiedv :
That's okay... Yvonne/ Yoga. I may unlock it anyway before too long :)
from blogofitness :
Hi Yvonne I entered a password for you, so you should get an email with it. If not, let me know and I will give it to you again. I hadn't intended to share with anyone, but I owe you one after the xmas card fiasco! And I know your heart is in the right place, no matter what your hubby may say!
from opalanne :
I just left a message for you under your comments - but didn't see it - does your comments page work? I hate to repeat the whole thing here - basically, I was wondering if you are using Sportbrain? Maybe you've mentioned it before, but I just logged on to this tonight. I just bought mine recently, and absolutely love it. Let me know if that is what you are using and if you signed up for the Gold membership on their site...
from tuff517 :
Hello! We're tracking them on this website: I just redid my plan and it bumped me up to 1990 calories per day because of my walking 5 days a week! Yikes!
from tuff517 :
Thanks!! That link for healthy body calculations (as well as all other ones) did have some interesting info. My body shape has transformed from a pear to an apple! The recommended weight for me is always around 120, but I'd be anorexic! My best weight is between 135 and 145, 150 max. Then again, I do have a LARGE frame. Somebody must've yelled out "Supersize it!" when I was being made.
from dixdawn :
Yay! I'm glad the article was helpful. As different as everyone is, sometimes we have the same pitfalls.
from cinnamon1j :
Where is everyone going to post their comments? Here, or in the comments section?
from cinnamon1j :
I posted a comment in your comments section. Hey I am really impressed with your background and knowledge. Also your struggles with your diseases. Stay strong. And thanks for the invite to your plan, I intend to follow along. When I recover from my illness, I will start the exercises you posted.
from cinnamon1j :
I am going to write to you in your comments section, but I don't know where exactly you would like us to write you??
from journey76 :
yvonne, this is going to be my wellness diary. i joined the ring under this name as well. i didn't want to cause any confusion. ~ cindy (usmcsis)

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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