messages to wicked-idea:
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from sarafem :
hey, just wanted to let you know that i am no longer at sarafem but i've got new digs at
from heidiann :
I keep forgetting to leave this note. So um...does the friends only thing on LJ mean you have to be an LJ user to read also? Crap! I certainly hope not. I think you're so incredible and I look forward to all your updates.
from jo10303 :
were you the one that did that pikmin fanfic called the past diary contact the future? if so please email me @ [email protected]. thanks. ^_^
from heidiann :
Have you gone away forever and ever and ever!? =(
from pandionna :
Happy New Year! How are you? I hope all is well.
from sarafem :
I'm temporarily locked. Username sara password ranger.
from pandionna :
Just stopping by on 11/5 to see how you are. Hope everything is okay!
from pandionna :
There's nothing like a visit from a partner in crime.
from pandionna :
YAY! Congratulations! I am so happy for you. This must be a load off of your mind.
from pandionna :
All that you're going through, with school and interviews and jobs and satisfaction, is everything my huz has been confronting for a good year now. It's not easy. Hugs.
from ravengreen :
Smirnoff Black is really good mixed with peach schnapps. ..incase you�re interested.
from heidiann :
I fucking love your most recent entry. There aren't even words to express how much so.
from ravengreen :
Six Feet Under seems to get nothing but better over time. I've been watching it since the beginning and it never ceases to amazing with with its storylines and charactor developement. Every episode seems better than the one before it. I watched almost all of the 3rd season in about a week. hope you enjoy.
from wrthlss :
I love that some people make themselves over to go out. I could never manage it. I always look the same no matter what I do to myself.
from wrthlss :
I was in Japan, Dec 01. The girls there wore these giant socks or leg warmers all wrinkled and pushed down. Quite odd.
from owldiplomat :
I too have spent hundreds of dollars on Everquest. Now I don't even play anymore and no I won't no not ever again. Yes, I'm waiting for EQ2 to come out. Gahhh! Let me know if SWG is worth it. I'm tempted. Oh so tempted.
from wrthlss :
Funny. I just went to the movies and had a choice of The Hulk or Finding Nemo. I went to the little fishy movie. It was lovely, funny and very touching. I loved it.
from dont-stop :
More than likely, to make herself feel good.
from wrthlss :
And how many men have missed meeting the love of their lives because they didn't want to be seen with a fat girl. And fat nowadays is defined as anyone above a size 4.
from peteypuke :
You can come stay with me and play all my video games but it will cost you ... either one Atari Lynx or the CD add-on for the Atari Jaguar. See? Im not that cool. I still don't even have a Turbo Xpress with a t.v. tuner !!!!
from lolasavage :
Hey there. I wrote you a note forever ago and I have finally added you as a favorite. Still great taste and I love your set up. Tata.
from wrthlss :
Sorry about your graduate school letdown. When things go bad, I always say to myself, in 20 years, this will seem so stupid to me. Sort of a denial thing that helps me put bad things out of my mind and move ahead. That's all any of us can do in this old life. Move ahead. Can't go back, that's for sure.
from heavenlyging :
Oh wow. I hope things work out, despite the confusion right now. Good luck!
from pinky77 :
i love you diary temp. its you ! =)
from wrthlss :
Interesting dilemma with the shoplifting. I would be tempted to scare the kid to death by asking to see the lipstick she was just looking at or at least to make faces to her to let her know I saw what she did and bustle away as if to tell the store manager. I love to scare kids.
from wrthlss :
Wow! You are so right. In this country where we have so much food, how did we get to thinking that food is an enemy to be fought with every day. Something to think about, obsess over, plan for. Food is fuel and also a pleasure. A body is you, able to run and jump and sleep and have fun. Body and food: not your enemies.
from lolasavage :
Luv yer journal, it's ace. Glad to hear u like Morrissey and Kate Bush too! Leave me a note, I'm new here.
from pinky77 :
from wrthlss :
I admire you for sharing your knowledge with others. I'm sure you're a help. I just think that we all should consider our bodies as strong and capable of getting us through a long life. That's what a body is really for, not just for other people to look at . Look at a painting if you want to see perfection or your idea of perfection, and then look at me. Real me.
from wrthlss :
I love Care Bears. Remind me of my childhood. Care Bear stuffed animals, Care Bear movies. "Care Bear stare." "We care." I think I have my old Care Bears up in the attic. Great that you are lecturing on body image. I have become so aware of this problem from reading on Diaryland.
from wrthlss :
I loved your tale of boots. I had black Doc Martens shoes and sort of brown-tan boots. More of an outdoorsy look. I love the clompy quality of them.
from wrthlss :
Hey, thanks for the advice and the encouragement. But don't worry about me. I'm tough and I always come out on top. A survivor.
from onthetown :
I completely agree with your ideas on death. I have often thought I would rather die than have all my loved ones go first, because when you're dead, you're not the sad one. I would like to add - when a loved one dies, we're not only sad for ourselves, we're bewildered because really, we have no idea where that person has gone. That's a very hard-to-grasp thought for the human brain - that something is just "gone". Where does it go? And this not knowing is the worst part, I think, because we don't know where we're headed, or where our friend is.
from wrthlss :
So strange about the "seal" on the recommendation envelope. I never knew that. But then I've never applied to a PhD program. I saw Chicago and liked it. However, I'm a huge fan of the Broadway show (3 times) so I missed some of the songs that were cut out. Also the movie had a taste of the Moulin Rouge camera technique of quick cuts and I prefer my dance numbers straight so you can actually see the dancing.
from wrthlss :
Your clothes are the best. I love the skirts, especially the one made from an old skirt. Creative recycling. The best.
from wrthlss :
I totally agree with your opinions on eating and weight. It is really a personal thing and nobody's business. Live and let live, that is my only motto. I love that you are writing down what you wear each day. What a good idea. I seem to wear the same thing all the time and sometimes I look in my closet and am so surprised to see something there that I forgot I had. Or I say, why on earth did I buy that? Who did I think I was on that particular day?
from wrthlss :
Your Christmas sounded great, as far as presents go. I agree that New Year's is a non-holiday. All it means is that I have to remember to write 03 instead of 02, hard for someone with a feeble brain. Also that the Christmas decorations will have to be put away sometime soon which I find unbelievably sad.
from wrthlss :
I love reading your diary. A person who seems to like herself. Something different. I also sew, I like to make things for myself and others. I've done a lot of costuming also, amateur, but I'm quite good if I do say so myself.

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