Wind, water, sail and lots of other shite

My greatest passion in life besides my family and friends is sailing. Racing sailboats runs a close first along with reading and writing vying for 2nd place. Since starting this journal here in December of 2001, I've been on a roller-coaster of highs and lows. I prefer the even keeled course my life generally takes. I've re-learned that life's what you make it. And always, warm weather, good breeze, deck under my bare feet and the sun on my face is all I need to make a bad day turn to glory...

My favorite diaries:

sixweasels profile - diary
comments: First a friend online, now a good friend in real life. She rocks. One of the best people I've ever met.
zencelt profile - diary
comments: One of the gals. She just doesn't visit often enough
bastion profile - diary
comments: I will miss him for the rest of my life
Roadiepig profile - diary
comments: I like him. He loves his wife, his kid and his furry critters. And he writes well. What's not to like?
Marn profile - diary
comments: How could I have been missing reading her journal all these months...
nixtress profile - diary
comments: An amazing woman
smartypants profile - diary
comments: Hee! Fun.
rachelliz profile - diary
comments: She's smart, fun and a great gal to hang out with
grouse profile - diary
comments: Denver Doug recommended him. Doug was right.
eastportgrrl profile - diary
comments: One of the truest people in the world. My best friend in RL.
la-the-sage profile - diary
comments: strong woman. great heart. nuff said
bunny828 profile - diary
comments: Likes Zen-girl... good by me
hissandtell profile - diary
comments: Hella woman
dryheat profile - diary
comments: poetess
poolagirl profile - diary
comments: Pirate!
red-wine profile - diary
comments: there was some linky squee and now I'm reading.
wifemotherme profile - diary
comments: A great heart
peggeylc92 profile - diary
comments: My bestest friend from college. One of the greatest redheads since Grania...
bathtubmary profile - diary
comments: Friend of Red-wine. Good enough rec for me...
nicim profile - diary
comments: hoping she's back for good this time
emeraldtiger profile - diary
comments: Reads me and leaves nice notes... I'm going to return the favor...
casa-rosie profile - diary
comments: Yay! She's baaaack....

My favorite music:

comments: I'm a total 80's kind of girl.
comments: Dad loved opera and the Beatles. At 6, I could sing the B-sides.
Little River Band
comments: It took only one song. Cool Change. I'm a sailor. 'Nuff said.
comments: see comments for Journey
Vertical Horizon
comments: I'm also a bit of a pop music trash top 40 kind o' gal....

My favorite movies:

Cyrano de Bergerac
comments: The original 1950's version with Jose Ferrer. It's a beautiful story that revolves around honor and love. And Jose's voice makes me happy... I learned French so I could read the original story.
Real Genius
comments: Back when Val Kilmer was gorgeous and before he became a pompous ass.
comments: CS Lewis' real life story of meeting, marrying and losing his wife
comments: Racing on the big boats with Matt Modine and Jen nifer Grey... the soundtrack by Basil Poldouris rocks my little world too
Better off Dead
comments: Anything with John Cusak makes me very very happy...

My favorite authors:

CS Lewis
comments: Not just for the Narnia books, kids...
comments: Decameron Tales... better than Chaucer
Jean Le Carre
comments: Genius
Nora Roberts
comments: Because sometimes only a really good well written trash novel will do...

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last updated: 2019-04-01 22:08:18
this user's total entries: 2158
user since: 2001-12-13

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