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My favorite diaries:

Ms-M profile - diary
comments: The "M" is for Mmmmm Mmmmmmm
Beight profile - diary
comments: CT in the howse!!!!
Frank profile - diary
comments: Her diary is a secret, but I have the key!! Boy are you guys missing some good shit!
Kaffeine profile - diary
comments: She's cooler then Soul Train
Pischina profile - diary
comments: She RULES!
Rocker-Snarl profile - diary
comments: Someone come quick!! This girl needs help!!!
CuppaJoe profile - diary
comments: Yes that's right, CuppaJoe. What's your problem?
FadeIn profile - diary
comments: I hope he comes and lives with me next.
Jenistar profile - diary
comments: "What a nice boy, that Jon" - Jen's gonna' ruin my image.......
TVzero profile - diary
comments: My absolute favorite diary.
Nictate profile - diary
comments: I dictate Nictate!
Johnpowers profile - diary
comments: He's got a name like a superhero! Wow, look at Mr. Superhero!
Guildenstern profile - diary
comments: "I would like Other People more if I didn't like myself so much." Thomas rules! I strongly recommend
Troubledteen profile - diary
comments: Funny as hell
Twiggle profile - diary
comments: Made me layout
MrCadbury profile - diary
comments: I'd be a pile of luke warm shit without my Cadbury.
Rubyfuss profile - diary
comments: Read this now, you fucking hear me????
Ladeeleroy profile - diary
comments: You already read her, I'm sure. If not, you're an asshole.
DiscoTheKid profile - diary
comments: He's the rock star around these here parts.
PublicDomain profile - diary
comments: Disco's band! A cross between The Monkees and Melrose Place.
Accordingly profile - diary
comments: That's "Marked Accordingly" to you, bitch!
Wicked-sezzy profile - diary
comments: Net Nanny would probably prohibit you from entering this site.
Chauffi profile - diary
comments: The next big thing here at Diaryland. Mark my words, dickface.
Joyfulthing profile - diary
comments: You don't deserve Kristin, she's 10 billion times better then you'll ever be!
Jenne1017 profile - diary
comments: Libras kick ass!
Hapithoughts profile - diary
comments: Hapithoughts loves Scanzilla
Scanzilla profile - diary
comments: Scanzilla loves Hapithoughts
GJDebates profile - diary
comments: Political debates a way only Genghis Jon could bring you.
Porktornado profile - diary
comments: I don't think this guy likes me. What's HIS problem?
Saxyjackclar profile - diary
comments: Diaryland Survivor 5
UncleBob profile - diary
comments: My homie
Meeshapeesha profile - diary
comments: Hey look, someone that doesn't suck!
Rickscafe profile - diary
comments: Bill Cosby offered him the chocolate Pudding Pop...long story.
Misskubelik profile - diary
comments: Surly, but in New Yowk this time
jenistar2 profile - diary
comments: Jen 2.0

My favorite music:

Jonathan Richman
comments: Just the coolest songwriter ever. This guy just doesn't give a fuck. ...Not like you!
comments: Did I ever tell you about the time I met Kim Deal??
Leonard Cohen
Stone Roses
comments: I've been listening to their first album for like 10 years and I'm still not sick of it.
Daniel Johnston
comments: One of the greatest song writers ever!

My favorite movies:

My favorite authors:

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last updated: 2010-12-03 19:58:27
this user's total entries: 619
user since: 2000-02-10

AOL IM name: legitamo
ICQ number: 113426401
Yahoo Messenger name: genghis_jon
MSN Messenger name: [email protected]

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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